Veronica merrell is suing her husband Aaron Burriss for…. What? Is this serious?
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#drama #suing #funny

You are about to enter the courtroom. The cases are real. The people are real. The rulings are more like suggestions.

This is: Judge Vanessa otherwise known as: Vanessa judgments. This is the plaintiff. Veronica Merrell Burris She says the dependent Aaron Merrill Burris leaves the toilet seat up too regularly. She's seeking damages and emotional distress for falling in the toilet in the middle of the night.

She says she's afraid of the toilet and is fearful to sit on it. and this is the defendant. Aaron Merrill Burris He has no idea why he is here. When asked about the complaint, he claimed it was not a big deal and the plaintiff is overreacting.

She's here to prove him wrong. All rise for the Honorable Judge Nessa AKA Vanessa Judgens. Oh sorry, there's ants everywhere I Had a cookie earlier. The court is now in session Mr and Mrs Merrill Burris It says here: you've been married for a year and six months and five days, right? It says here that you are looking for Resolutions To a couple of complaints you have about the defendant in regards to your marriage, tell me about this toilet situation.

Yes, your honor, by the way, may I add it, you look amazing. Thank you your honor. She's obviously trying to butter you up so you side with her and it's working. Proceed Okay, so it was three o'clock in the morning I woke up to go to the bathroom.

Keep in mind I wear contacts so they were out and I couldn't see well I had to walk over all of these piles of dirty laundry just to get to the bathroom. All the lights were off because I didn't want to disturb my partner's Slumber very considerate. Proceed: they're her piles of dirty laundry dressed as you're honor to put up with this. I only like him because he's tall and he helps me reach the top shelf.

Wait, that's it. Oh um and uh, you're strong I am strong. uh I Lost my train of thought after I was so rudely interrupted by Frankenstein Proceed: it's actually Frankenstein's monster Frankenstein's the doctor potato potato. Go yes, let's see without turning on the lights I stumble into the bathroom and I go to sit down on the toilet and then all of a sudden Splash I'm in the toilet Aaron left the toilet seat up and I practically fell in.

What a monster your honor! How long is this gonna take? I mean it's lunch time and I'm getting kind of hungry. order Order in the Court a food order time to order some chicken nuggies? Um, let's see here. Oh and this a discount everyone I Need an order minimum of forty dollars to hit the discount. Bailiff please hand this to everyone so they can order.

Oh hey Ronnie Do you want anything? No thank you I'm not hungry. Aha your honor I Have a counter complaint I Would like to call a witness to the stand: a waiter from our favorite restaurant Mario Bailiff Swearerman. but I don't have a Bible Well I don't either. Oh I have a Bible app that will work.

Tell the truth. Don't Not tell the truth I do um, who are you eat to me Mario Okay, please share hello Mario Do you recognize this youngish lady over here? I do itarani and uh Mario do you recall what Miss Ronnie said on a date night about two weeks ago. Yes I Read the daily special Mr Aaron asked Ronnie are you hungry and she said no I'm not I will just have a drink and then and then when Mr Aaron's food shows up, she proceeded to eat all of Mr erinful even after I read the daily special it's okay I Know it's tough to watch a man go hungry, especially after he trusted his wife when she said she wasn't hungry even she's a little bit hungry I know Mario I Know your honor. no further questions, thank you Mario Mr Aaron that was such an emotional testimony that I'm I'm inclined to side with you because I I know what it feels like to still be hungry after ordering just the right amount of food.
It's not a nice feeling, your honor. and I know this because just a moment ago I was really hungry and I wanted to order some chicken nuggies and so I passed the phone around for you to place your order. but what did you do? Instead you told us a story about how you don't like sharing your food and you wasted all of our time. Fine.

I'll go ahead and order okay here. um there. I Also want chicken nuggets Ronnie Are you sure you're not hungry? Not for a full meal? I'll just have a couple of yours. See, that's my point I'm not wasting my time.

If anyone loves wasting my time, it's my lovely wife. I Literally have to tell her that we need to get to places 50 minutes early just so that we have a chance of getting there on time. I knew it. That's why I take so long I Don't like that you're being dishonest about the time it takes us to be somewhere.

well I don't like being late. Well, I would have more time if you didn't spring up plans last minute last minute I Can literally tell you plans weeks ahead and we'd still be late. Oh yeah, name a single time that you did that I could name every time because it's every time order, finish placing the order. Can you get the phone please? ow Thank you Place, order, meet at door Miss Veronica Is this true? Yes, it's true.

We would have been late to this if I hadn't told you it started earlier than it did I don't know how long it takes me to get ready. Always late. Is there every day, every single day. nothing works, sometimes nothing works.

Oh it's nice. was I talking to you Mr Aaron no and did Miss Veronica interrupt your testimony? No. So I I just don't like being late. Besides I'm well aware of how late she tends to be.

We relate to school every single day. I'm sorry your honor at breakfast in the cafeteria, they would serve these little fruit cups. and I loved those fruit cups. But guess who rarely got her fruit cups because we were always late.

Sometimes it was dad's fault. don't interrupt me. and yes, sometimes it was his fault. Hey regardless, I didn't get my fruit cup Aaron snores when he sleeps he what aaronors and I can't sleep.
But objection: How am I supposed to know if I snore at night I have proof I Call to the stand my witness Guppy the pug puppy. the Betrayal Guppy tell the truth. Nothing but the truth. Okay Guppy, what noise does that make at night when he sleeps? I'm still so confused I think I need more evidence.

Hey, what's in that evidence docket thing? It's the same evidence that you have up there. Okay, can you present the evidence? please? It's okay, we don't. We don't have to. It's to see.

Here you go. Okay treat. Hey, that's witness tampering. No, it's not.

He's right. The Ogre is right. This means that I need to bring in a witness. Please come forth.

Andrew Burris hello this Bible app Okay Andrew Burris Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth? Yeah, okay. Andrew Um, it says in these documents that you have temporarily lived with Veronica and Aaron at their house. Can you please share your testimony and your experience living there with them? My experience: I'll buy you Mike I mean you're living with us. We welcome you into our home and I'll buy you a computer I'd make you bet I wash it I will give you a car I I Volunteered to do your lunch I'll bring Bogey out here I'll pay for your college I'll get two pokies I think I think um Ronnie he's my brother.

We can watch anything. You're my brother. Don't listen to her brother's friends brothers first. I will get you a girlfriend and Ries he's my brother.

He's my brother. He looks like me. How are my chicken nuggies in there? Yes, it's chicken nuggets. Tastes really, really weird.

Oh what a weird dream. Where am I You're awake Andrew The doctor will be with you shortly. Mario You are in my dream I Was in the courtroom hi Veronica Your vitals are looking good. You were knocked out unconscious.

What? How Why did what happened to me? Why am I here? Uh, looks like you fell into the toilet. Someone left the seat up. So what's the verdict? Always put the toilet seat down because you never know what's going to happen. Huge shout out to Aaron Andrew and Pablo for being in our video.

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12 thoughts on “Wife sues husband over this!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sara AlFadil says:

    Itsa Me, Mario!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Roberts says:

    Outstanding YouTube channel ever.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aizaerina says:

    Kaybe they mwke up

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aizaerina says:

    Mayeb both guilty

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aizaerina says:

    Kaybe yhe evjdenve is roni guiltg

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shalini Adithya says:

    andrew hitting aaron wasn't scripted right lol

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Serah Benita says:

    Is this the dhar Mann set up looks like one

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bassy456 says:

    Justice for Vanessa jujdgens for noting getting the order paid

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bassy456 says:

    It was such an emotional testimony I agree I think we should have a vote Mario for president

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brooque613 says:

    lol This is the kind of absurdist humor I can get behind. 😄

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greta R says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars merrelltwins says:

    Can’t believe it’s come to this 🥺 close your toilets please

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