We got invited to the Mandalorian premiere and vlogged it! We take you along to see what a Hollywood premiere is like!
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Disney has invited us to go to the Mandalorian Season three premiere. Hello! Today we are going to the Mandalorian Season three Premiere! Disney has invited us to go! We are always so fortunate and blessed and thankful that we get to go to these really really cool premieres. And if you have never seen Mandalorian or just have never seen Star Wars in general I Highly recommend. It is probably some of the best storytelling out there right now.

So Ronnie and I are going to get ready and take you guys along with us. so let's go. This is what I'm working with: I think I'm already going to wear my hair up so I'm not too concerned about my hair I have literally 30 minutes to get ready I'm not sure why I do this to myself but here we are. This is literally what we're working with.

The dress I'm wearing is like red and black and it has like this really cool like a shiny a silver belt. When we go to these movie premieres they always send like a dress code and like sometimes it's all like especially for the Star Wars ones. it always says like Star Wars she I think our outfits are definitely Star Wars Chic for this I mix Excited for you guys to see the final looks I have a different note cards of what I'll say to each person if I meet them what will you say to grow goo? um I mean grogu I'll say hey All right So as you guys know, wait what does this look insane? It usually looks really cute but it's like making me look crazy anyways. as you guys know, I did indeed Fat! So I'm in my new bathroom.

It's pretty big and spacious. The pro about my old bathroom is that it had the best lighting ever. So I do miss that. but what this bathroom has that my other bathroom didn't have has a lot of space and just like a big sink.

so love that! Okay so our friend Jasmine she styled us for the premiere I'm gonna be wearing like this black look with like a silver like little corset thing under like they sell overall type things. You'll see what I mean when I show you later Jasmine was suggesting I do like a smoky eyeliner but like the eyeliner where it has like a lines in the middle. So I'm going to be doing that look today. This is like the best primer for my skin ever to exist.

I've used this for years. You guys have seen me talk about your videos. It's the Smashbox photo finish, smooth and blur primer. You know we're going to be taking photos on the red carpet.

you know, don't want to have weird looking makeup all right? So next one I'm going to do is I'm going to do some Foundation I'm actually going to combine these three foundations. These two are Dr Jart Beauty Balms They have SPF in them and they're two different colors so it kind of like matches my skin more. But I'm gonna mix it with this beauty blender. Bounce Liquid Lip long wear Foundation I Actually used this three combination for my wedding day.

So I'm gonna do it for the premiere because you know photos, we need full coverage and stuff. Wait you guys how cute these are. So basically they're like little hooks and when you put to put on it and I was like all his and hers but it's actually just me using them I hide them all so sorry. John but I'm using the cute hanger.
You can use the boring ones over there. I Don't know what else has this problem, but sometimes the mirrors in the bathroom are way too far for me to even see what I'm doing. No Erin do you have that problem? No. um can I wear this a stinky? We're gonna take the foundation and we're gonna mix it all together.

This is like the darker color so I'm gonna and then this is kind of like a color in between all of that. So okay. three different colors. It looks pretty gross.

like when you actually think about it. like how weird and gross is foundation but like we love it at the same time. It's looking kind of crazy at the moment. Kind of looks like I have a face mask on but once we blend it out and put concealer and bronzer on, we look normal or I not.

We actually you guys can't really Trail on the camera it's looking pretty good in person. I just realized something very sad I'm trying to do like a smoky eyeliner look and I just realized that I have like a bunch of stuff still at my house. so I guess I'll just have to use the eyeshadow palette here milky eyeliner look which I actually think I'll be able to do it. It might not be like how I imagined I'm using this tarte concealer, but what I've learned is if you actually use kind of part of like a dry part on like right there, it's kind of like dried out.

actually kind of like Blends a little better than when it's like wet. Okay, we're getting somewhere with my makeup. I I have barely any time now to get ready. so that's why I'm not filming as much of the makeup routine as I should be.

but I think I put on way too much blush. looks kind of nice on camera. So what happens is when we go to these events and stuff we get on the red carpet. Then all of a sudden there's like so many bright lights.

all the paparazzi or the photographers take your photo and then they're using those really big flashes and then it's just kind of like whatever blush, whatever like highlighter. I've done whatever. anything it just like immediately just disappears like it just necessarily just like pale. But it's fine because you know we're basically getting photographed just because you know we're there and the photos still turn out great.

It's just that sometimes I just want my blush to come through and I don't want people to think I'm that pale in real life. Yes the thing is what we're working with, it will settle into my skin. So now we need to work on like my eyelash liner and then you put some powder on because I'm a little too shiny. but yeah, we're almost there.

Cut it all over. Blend out this one first because I don't want it to dry like that. This is rare. Beauty I Hope Like this one, you know Star Wars is about hope so we're gonna represent Star Wars with a hope flash every time I do this I go like I smile and John will be like what? what are you laughing at and I'm like I'm not laughing at anything.
he's not gonna wear you smiling I'm like I'm putting on my blush so it's the trick to do blush anyways. So these are all my makeup palettes I have so I actually have quite a bit here. You can definitely do some smoking. Vibes Oh okay.

well uh I had this one but it just broke. Can I get it all over the eye? oh I have an idea I'm just gonna go. Yeah for Christmas Ronnie got me this palette for some reason Honey and I have never had any Mac products before I think that looks pretty cool and then like imagine like a winged eyeliner I want to like look futuristic and like Star Wars masks okay I promise it looks a lot better in person. kind of looks crazy here, but it's fine I think it's gonna look so much better once I get the eyeliner on.

So I'm doing my winged eyeliner first with just like this dark color and like some water on this angled brush I don't know I feel like it's easier to do wing eyeler and then I'm actually going to grab a black liquid eyeliner and go over it. Okay so this is what it looks like. kind of hard to do but I've had practice before so guys look how John looks excited to go with something a little different for me all black Darth Vader Vibes I'm gonna be like hey, do you want to be a Sith in the next season I'm gonna be like no too busy sorry I have to, uh, stay home and audition for voice acting roles that I don't get all right I'm done. You look very nice.

So here's how the final makeup looks. I think it looks good all right. So for my hair I'm going to do it like pin straight down a little because I don't have time to try to do anything else my hair completely straight but I was thinking of just doing this type of look. we'll see.

Time to change. All right I'm ready to go. Here's my makeup look. What if I wore those under carpet? That'd be so funny.

You're not good I Just don't know what you're used to wear. Final look: My final look sort of an armored princess politician thing. thank you. No, it's like this is like supposed to be best car, right? Kind of like the same thing.

best car here like Amanda Walking bags all right Aaron Are you ready? This is the way I was rushing I had no time to film myself getting ready whatsoever, but this is pretty. This is pretty final look: These are the earrings I chose I just picked out some simple ones and my dress and I got this cute bag. but I'm excited. it's gonna be fun! What do you think? I have a black T-shirt He has a red coat so he can kind of match me.

we're almost there I Don't miss Hollywood Traffic Hollywood Traffic is the worst. Wow guys, look at this. They've highlighted John Favreau's star on the Walk of Fame We're actually here I Forgot to say but we're here at the premiere. Here we are, we're here.
Star Wars the Mandalorian Are you excited? Yeah, there he is and there's groceries. Okay, yeah, I can grab one first this one. We're gonna have to take this guy's head out and post it's just too big subscribe. say John say John I played young Boba Fett that's cool.

Got him once and he responded right about some details for Star Wars and he got back to me. Maybe he'll remember. You should go up to him and ask him some questions like hey, remember when I wanted to know if that scene was New or Old and you were like it's new and I was like cool is that did you write that down on your phone? yeah what else did you write down for uh Pedro Pascal Pisces uh what's up So are we allowed to wait here I Don't know. yes we are okay.

So we just walked the park. It was so so cool. We watched so many amazing people talking about literally like because the celebrities walked right Fine because what happens is when the talent of the actual show or like behind us they're like sorry you gotta let them walk first That is understandably so because like we compared to everyone in the cats are like we're the least important so take our pictures. What is the Roku stuffed animals? Yes, that's what we need to be saying to people David Rachel Oh my gosh, these people are blocking.

Are you kidding me? because you're tall? Okay you guys the composer for the Mandalorian iconic iconic Dave Filoni is right there. Wow, it looks like he's looking right at me, but he's not big fans right? So Olivia born saying Mandalorian But he also produced Redbone by Childish Gambino He's doing a lot. Yeah guys, it's Bo Boca Ten! Katan However, I forgot I'm panicking because I forgot look iconic beautiful gown, even beautiful hair guy. Oh my gosh, how cool! All right Ladies and gentlemen, there it is.

Pedro Pascal It's a good thing Aaron didn't wear that Aaron you almost were gonna wear that. That would have been so awkward. Pedro no he didn't there. he is Okay screenshots, it's fine.

Wow. so cool. Whoa. Look at all the cosplays that is so awesome.

Oh wow, that is so cool. Now we're going to go watch the show. We'll let you guys know how it is and we have to put our cameras and phones way like they lock them up. so I lie, they don't take our phones away or they haven't yet.

but uh, look what is on this? like we're in the theater. Look what is on the stage? What the heck? the Mandalorian How How is that even there? You're seeing this before anybody else has seen it. The forest is going to be strong for so long because we've got such great things. It definitely was not in this well you can barely see me I Took my hair down because it was hurting my head Mandalorian Was amazing! We got to see two episodes.

I'm not gonna give any spoilers though because you got to watch it for yourself. There's nothing like watching the show with the cast and all the people who made it. and like when they cheer like they see certain things on screen and then they start cheering and you're like oh like the first time like Grogu showed up on screen. everyone went and it was just like really epic.
It was so good! Super fun, action-packed Everything looks amazing. It's like a movie. It was super fun I Just feel super blessed to like be able to even be invited to these premieres and to take John who also loves Star Wars like that is just so cool and so fun Aaron Had to say excuse me to John Favreau because we were on our way to the restroom and he was kind of in the way Aaron said excuse me please excuse us and if you don't know who John Favreau is he is producer, executive producer like literally like director director everything in like the Disney Universe like he's like Marvel everything so that was really cool to be like super close to them. but yeah overall a really great night.

Nessa and I looked great Aaron and John looked great too. We didn't get any photos with any cool people because we we got nervous. We took pictures of them from far away. Who was the coolest person you saw tonight besides your wife.

That's weird to say besides your wife it is weird to say because it's not true. Yeah, we we did it for the views. I'm just kidding. What did what got married? What the heck? I don't even have a channel.

not forever though. in Dave Filoni you just stand up dudes. They seem, they seem very, they just seem very down to earth level-headed Yeah, and they just seem super like super nice guys. So I don't know being in the same room with them and being so close to them like that's cool because I think those guys are doing a great job with.

Star Wars All right, that's our night and hope you guys enjoyed this. Vlog Do you have any last words Aaron This is the way this is the way. No. I mean really? because this is the way we go out.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, you're right. You're right. Okay, this is yeah. I can take a right.

Okay, goodbye.

10 thoughts on “What it s like to go to a hollywood premiere! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yendarra school kids says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars penkbanana14 says:

    Y’all look so beautiful and I love Roni’s makeup so much!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yessica A says:

    I loved Roni’s dress!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars her swiftie says:

    that last part with roni and aaron🤣🤣 i snorted

    "this is the way"~ Aaron Burriss 2023

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eliana FX says:

    Omg the merrell twins I just saw your guys dad, grandma, and mom at the airport in Las Vegas, wanted to say hi but they looked like they were busy, sry if this sounds very weird😂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sole Survivor says:

    Am I the only one who's wondering if they are still the Merrell Twins because they both got married

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emley Osdale says:

    I'm no longer dating Veronica or Vanessa anymore because they're both married to somebody. Is that right?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J says:

    Do they ever get their period ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J says:

    Is that a tattoo ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Zee says:

    everyone should just take a minute to appreciate how good the girls look before they start putting on their makeup

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