Roni is back home!!

TIKTOK: @vanessamerrell

TIKTOK: @veronicamerrell
#house #twins #vlog
real estate homes n

Welcome back, we got ronnie ready, it's good to have you here what this is not the welcome. I thought i would get. I think i've been replaced it's time for me to get rid of john right out there hey guys. So, as you can see from the title of this, video ronnie is moving back.

I'm just kidding she's, not actually moving back, but she is coming back home for a week because erin is out of town and she doesn't want to be home alone. I mean i don't want to be home alone, so i don't blame her she's coming back today and she's going to be here all week. It's going to be just like old times, yeah she's going to be here for a week, she's bringing guppy we're going to show you guys our week together, because i have not spent a week with her since she's left. It's going to be a fun time subscribe to our channel.

We post every single tuesday. Let's go greet her when she gets here tiger. Guess who's coming over guppy's coming over she's here, hello, hello, hi, guppy, hello, welcome back! Well, you're warm! I know it's hot outside! Come on puppy, hello: where is everyone i don't know they were like ronnie's coming back, we got ta leave tiger come back, he just ran away from you. Did you say hi to you didn't say how to go? Oh sorry, hey hi, guppy, hi how's.

It going we're going to be roomies for a week, my suitcase, what do you mean this one's mine yeah? I took it. How is this one yours i bought it and you bought it stole it still. It says merrell on it. It's mine, mommy said i could have it.

I've had this since the wedding, that's where it went. I've had this for two months. I thought i lost it. How could you use this? I didn't know where it went, but that's mine.

Why did you ask wow what a great welcome she stole? My suitcase it is so nice to be back in my room. It's clean as you can see. I cleaned it. So i could have a nice clean place to sleep in for the week.

See look pat pat on my back yeah. I missed my bed, but i've also gotten very used to just sleeping at other places. Huh just does feel weird to be here. I think one of my favorite things about this room is the view.

The view is just so pretty don't judge the chairs out here uh, i miss this view and the sound just listen to the sound. That is the one thing i missed about living here is just the beautifulness of the entire home being able to walk outside with not having to worry about anything, and you know i can like guppy roam around speaking of which i don't know where, where guppy is, I need to go find him. Oh there, you are, are you guys getting along? Okay, oh good boys, so i obviously don't live here anymore and i live somewhere else and i've you know started my own new daily routines and i do things a certain way. Now is there anything new that you do now that's different than when i used to live here? Yes, that's it like what like what um, i can show you, one of them come here, sit sit watch it.

I spend a lot of time here at this bar bartending wow, so i make espresso now and i drink you drink coffee. Now i drink coffee now, nessa you guys. Nessa has never been a huge coffee drinker, but now that i have this really nice, coffee or espresso maker, so i had literally an espresso shot today, which is like cream and milk, but not only have i been drinking coffee every day, i've also been making teas What would you like to drink what tea? What's the tea, the tea the fans want to know? No, do you want tea? I can make you some tea. Like a hibiscus tea, i will take a hibiscus tea.
Okay, i'm making biscuits tea. Look at this whoa. We got hibiscus leaves what's that. What is that? It's a cat so, while you're making me tea, what do you miss most about me living here, your jokes and you laughing at my jokes.

Does no one laugh at your jokes? No people do well, and you know john comes over a lot and he laughs at my jokes where'd. You can't go hey kitty, it's a tea thing! Barista vanessa! I just i don't know where to follow you. Why are you moving everywhere? Hibiscus tea, it's good yeah! It's fine what's wrong with it. It's um a little watery watery, not too sweet for me compared to other hibiscus teas that are not watery at all wow.

I had a higher expectation. You want watery, i can make you watery, that's not watery! I don't want watery. Why would you make me water? I said this is too watery, but i put a bunch of syrup in it. How is it watery? It's so sugary.

You drink this all the time every once in a while. What soup did you put in it raspberry and two pumps of pomegranate? Okay? Well, that's why it doesn't taste like hibiscus tea. It's raspberry, hibiscus tea. Well, thank you! Thank you for my tea i'll! Take it! If you don't want it and that's the tea yeah, you can have it.

I want to show you something. Can you come upstairs? Okay, so i have something i want to show you ready. It's your room, clean! It's clean! What the heck you're! Even your bathroom is clean, yeah everything's clean in your closet kind of what this is the first time, i'm seeing your room so clean. I don't know what to film.

I feel very awkward being here. Wait, that's my bed. What are you doing get off my bed? I love her lift, oh whoa. No, you don't have to be so mean you come here criticize my teeth.

Puncture my shoulder puncture, that's not what come on guppy guppy come on. Guppy come on we're, leaving fine, you can stay and you can get your shoulder punctured too. Yes, this is another thing. I've started to do a lot more since you've been gone.

I've been painting a lot more, so i've got some pieces of paper for you to draw and color and paint we can paint together. I'm not a good painter. It's okay, wow yeah! That's a really nice, the star wars, one! Oh cute! That's not finished yet baby! Yoda, it's not finished, though kind of. Oh it's a little.

Oh that's cute! I don't know if you can see it very nice yeah. I work i actually can draw pretty fast and i, like can really turn around a painting super quickly. I was thinking of maybe doing like nfts like selling some as nfts, maybe um, because you know that's really popular right now. Uh-Huh and i feel like i don't know.
Maybe we can make some good money from it, but yeah it's just a really fun hobby. I've been picking up. Do you like what i think? Oh yes, great, that's a good one that was like one of my best flowers, i've ever done. I've never been able to do flowers pretty well, but since because i've been painting a lot more, i can like do things.

Oh, it's a sip frog. No, it's darth frog, uh! Yes, i don't think you can sell these as nfts yeah. I can anyone can make these. No.

Those are all one of the kinds a mad face. Yeah i can say happy face. You know how much that probably would sell for like a lot. No, yes, no! Yes i'll show you a work of art.

Wait you doing like what i was doing, what that's my that's my paintings. I've been practicing. I even have more right here. Look i have a tree, oh, but that's that's really good! Oh! This is john's kind of scary.

It's all right! That is scary, but then i also have this one. I have a little mushroom adventure. I have a green cow and another little frog. What is that? What do you mean? What is that? What is that? What do you mean? What is that? Oh, it's a dog.

I thought it was a walrus. Maybe you should try drawing better. Oh my gosh. What do you mean? I'm just kidding, that's a cute little dog.

It needs ears, though oh it's a guppy yay, and then he has all these lines that go up here. Nine just looks mad. This is a terrible painting. This is awful.

I hate this. What are do you? Are you wanting to make dinner? What do you guys usually eat, because i make a really nice salad? You should cook for all of us since you've been gone like have you learned any new recipes, i mean aaron eat this really yummy salad. All the time. Can i make that, for you guys well yeah.

You should i'll make that for dinner. Oh yummy! This is terrifying, i think it's cute guppy. What do you want to smell essential oils? What essential oils? What do you mean essential oils? I got into essential oils. You got into essential oils, yeah i like essential oils and to reveal.

I don't think it really looks. Like him, pat pat, all right so ronnie is making some dinner. Apparently this is something her and erin make a lot. What is it chicken? This is the second time i've only made this chicken, oh, but the salad.

I eat a lot we're having chicken and salad courtesy to ronnie the chef back to her cooking game. Oh yeah, we also got john here he's cutting up oranges, which are from our tree by the way. It's true. We like to uh juice things here, john and i have been juicing a lot of stuff like the lemons, the grapefruit, the oranges, we kind of juice, strawberries, sponge, stuff grapefruit.
We add it to some drinks that we do, which we would like to show you some drinks we like to make that are fun. You can do it after you're done cooking sounds like you've been doing a lot with john. It sounds like you've replaced me. What no it's funny, they call me ronnie sometimes, and i just giggle - and i don't even correct them - i'm like how dare you looking good all right.

So this is the meal. We've got avocado and ronnie's chicken she made and some salad daddy's got it and we got ronnie ready. It's good to have you here. What? Oh, oh sorry, uh.

We have been doing this ever since you got married. We've been putting you here at the table, so it's like you're, always here with us. We miss you ronnie, oh guys, no careful with she likes my hibiscus tea. Oh my gosh! Here we go pretty good.

Your turn, oh my gosh. It's really good! Well looking here! This is not the welcome. I thought i would get coming back here for a week. It's running.

How does it feel to be back home? Well, you know it feels nice, i'm able to relax a bit. I still have chores, i haven't seen nessa all day and i guess john's here, because this car is here so i'm gon na go, try and find them and see what they're up to nasa. What are you guys doing? Collection, yeah yeah we haven't, showed you. We've been collecting stuff here, take a seat, we've been collecting glasses, and so this is.

This was the first one. Okay, this was the second one, okay and then we've accumulated antique glassware. Look at this one like a martini. This is antique, oh wow.

If you are not in the mood for a big one, would you like a mini martini wow? Look at this one, wow! No, don't use that one use this one just to sip on something wait. It's too short! You need a stem for it. It's too big. You need a little one.

That's cool yeah! You guys are like a old couple. Yeah you just like my antiques, my glassware, but how cool is this one? It's so little, it is cool, and why are you collecting these because it's cool, because it's fine, isn't it fart? What's fun about this? What would you you don't think this is fun? I think they're cute, you hate our glasses, get out of the bar no get out. No. This is our area which glass would you use this one? It is really clean, it's dirty! No, it's a sticker.

We will make you something right now. Oh, we will. Yes, with this, i'm okay, i'm okay, what put them in in order favorite, two least favorite, i'm most amazing to the most underwhelming whoa. This one just looks like a normal martini glass, the artwork on it.

It's beautiful this one, it's cool, i like the design, but compared to this one. Why am i even analyzing these? No because this is what we do. We love these and this one's cool because of the handle this one's cool, because it's tiny, this one's nice, this one's okay and then here, let me let it here all right, so we've made you a special drink. Take a sip, it's really special.
What is it? I don't know just take a sip, it doesn't smell like anything, it's just water, good yay. Do you want to try and drink it out of all the other ones too? Yeah it's! Okay, i'm okay, okay! So something i've realized while staying here is that i think i've been replaced. John, is here all the time and he's always with nessa they're, always doing something together. Let me see, let me just show you, i think it's time for me to get rid of john executing order.

77 get rid of john hey, john there's, a really big scary bug outside. I think you would like it can you can you come, kill it or just like come see what it right out. Is you see it you are out of here, get out get out, hey nessa. Do you have any uh fun tick? Tocks.

You want to show me: oh hey, hey, hey, do you want to show me the tick tock likes? What is he? No? No! No! No! No! No hanker! What is that? No! No! Hey nice vanessa um! Here i want to show you this tic toc. That's not here, no stop. What is he doing out there? No, not. What do you mean? That's the pool guy! Isn't it wednesday? That's not the pool guy yeah, it is the pool.

Guy yeah. Look! Look! Look at this uh. All my tick tock likes. Wait see this, is you know this is our bonding time how we always used to share our tick tock likes.

You can show me now, instead of playing or doing whatever you're doing with john. What's he doing over there, the heck was that, and there was no bug by the way, trying to get rid of me. Meryl rooney. She loved me so fun for you, i pranked you.

I pranked you, john and john, is a great guy. Oh it's on me. Yeah john is a good guy. Yeah he's great.

Yes, he's great thanks thanks for filling in for me, while i'm not here, yeah, sorry nasa, i'm not what you're not sorry. I said. I'm sorry and i said that i'm not here and then you said i'm not. What's that supposed to mean, do you honestly, do you miss me yeah, i miss you.

I miss you too. It's it's different without you here, but i'm also getting used to you not being here guppy. Do you hear this nonsense good morning? Everyone i for some reason, can't find anyone. I think my parents went somewhere and then i can't find nessa, so i feel like she might be on the garage, because i've looked everywhere, she's, not in her room, she's, not she's, literally nowhere.

So what what is going on since, when do we have a treadmill since you've been gone, what we decided we all wanted to get into shape again, i'm i'm a workout lover now. Are you really yeah? What's your split time, do you even know what that means? Do you even know what that means yeah? What does it mean mine's, five minutes. I can run my own five minutes. Really, what stretches do you do? I would say i don't know if i would consider that running.
Are you sure you're is this too fast for you? No, this is power, walking power walking what to say. I never thought i would see the day nessa working out yeah right well. Can i try yeah here's wait. It's 12 inch line, speed 3 for 30 minutes.

How do i stop this press? The big stop button. Yeah you've been doing this every day, yeah yeah every day, i've been doing it every day. How long have you been doing it every day? Has everyone been doing the treadmill yeah? I feel very left out right now, mommy dad sometimes john and me every day. What is this attitude? My workout attitude? I'm getting fit, no trying to feel your abs.

I want to feel your abs. Let me feel your abs, no don't punch hard wow and that was squished all right, so ronnie's getting ready to go back home. It's my last day here, i'm not getting ready to go back right now, she'll go home in a little bit. But what was your favorite part about being here? Well, it's spending a quality time with everyone.

I liked that we played some video games, some nights. We watched a couple movies here and there that wasn't filmed, but that it was just nice whoa whoa. What is happening here? The puppies are cuddling yeah cuddle, forcing them to cuddle. Oh well, i enjoyed having you here and playing those video games and stuff was really fun.

It's different, though there's a different vibe. You know what kind of different vibe. Yes, you know, i feel, like everyone's kind of doing their own thing now, whereas, like back in the day, we all were, like you know, kind of on the same schedule same schedule same page. This is really cute, so cute, oh, my gosh, my heart, so cute, of course you guys get along the last day.

The last day guppy's here they are getting along tiger's, been putting up a fight. Well, what did did you have fun yeah? I thought it was fun to have you here at dinner and um. Just hang out. We don't have to use the cardboard cutout.

Stop, that's not you guys. Don't actually do that. We do we do that every dinner, because we miss you. No you! Oh, you, you don't do the cardboard cutout, okay, it's a joke.

We don't, but thank you guys for watching and i got ta go, take all my stuff back because aaron gets back tonight so well. That was fun kind of a chat, video chew video kind of like old days how it used to be, and thanks for watching, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right over here we also live Stream every week check out our live stream channel by clicking this button right here check out some of the other videos. We've done and we'll see you guys next time, bye.

17 thoughts on “Veronica moved back home – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samantha Snortheim says:

    My brother just moved out and I’ve been missing him a lot lately. So I know how Nessa feels. But, I’m also super happy for Roni!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tvishaaa says:

    At first when I saw this i was like wait WHAT- but then I realised she must be staying for a while 😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amna Ashraf says:

    Lol good to see the sister back together!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kymberli Cleal says:

    The relationship between these two are fantastic!! I literally am obsessed!!! 💕💕

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Kalel _brown says:

    Hi you girls are like my best friends but it’s one sided lol ❤️love you guys

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yohanne Celestine Sarmiento says:

    Hiiiiiii you guys make my day 1000000 better luv u guyssss ❤️

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deanette Athena Holgado says:

    Love u guys .bless u and stay healthy 💖💖💖

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raianne Grace Tejada says:

    i love merrell twins. so happyyy that you two are together again 🫶🏼💖

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sara says:

    Their house looks so aesthetic and calming

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vaibhawi Roll-57 says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aylin Piruznan says:

    Earlyy ily guys you guys make my day each time I see you guys

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iris Ladbrook says:

    Watching your videos is the best part of my day 🥰

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ur loving gurl says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dalia Hamze says:

    Hiiiii I hope you respond plz say love you anyway love you

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dalal elzarif says:

    Earlyyy i love u guysss🥰🥰 been a fan of yours since the start😍♥️

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ⬥ Lachimolala ⬥ says:

    The fact that I've grown up seeing them and that I miss awesomeness TV 🥲🥲

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Humayra Raisa Alam says:

    Omggg sooo earlyyy!!! POsted17 secs agooo

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