Nessa is getting ready to move out soon and we thought it would be fun to bring you guys with us while we start packing up her room!
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Is already stressing me out just being honest. You don't need it, You don't need it, You don't need the Gucci All Star Wars things are going Oh I'm taking over this Okay I don't know what to pack Yes, you read the title right I am moving out anyways I'm moving out I'm in my room and I had this idea and actually had it at this idea when I was cleaning out Ronnie's room for her that she didn't clean. Well, you're making it sound like you cleaned out my entire room I left a bunch of old makeup and stuff in the bathroom. That's what she meant by cleaning out my room.

The point is, I had this idea while I was cleaning out Ronnie's bathroom. what if I filmed things in my sister's bathroom that don't make sense and then I was like that would be hilarious and then I was like that's so embarrassing but then But then it was to the point where I was halfway done I already like looked at the stuff or like grabbed things that was like why is there a plastic forks and knives and plates in here in your bathroom and there was like just too late. It was too late so maybe someday I'll do it a different way. So here we are in my room and I thought I would do something similar where things in your room that don't make sense.

No, it's more just like I have to start packing I'm moving out you know I'm obviously getting married I need to start doing that and there is a ton of random stuff in my room and I just thought it would be fun to have Ronnie help me move out. help me clear out some things but like take a trip down memory lane. There is a lot of stuff in here that we could talk about. This is already stressing me out just being honest.

Where do you want to start? Well I guess I need to just start start packing things I need to take. So like, what do you want to take because there's like that whole chair full of stuffed animals. Okay, hold on, hold on. We don't have boxes at the moment.

but I think we can start with this massive suitcase and just start putting some. Essentials Here's one thing I've learned so far. it is very important for everyone to hear this. My one piece of advice to you who is watching this video right now is you don't need that thing.

Yeah. I Do I need it. You don't need it. Look at all this stuff.

You don't need it. Yes you do. You don't need it. You don't need the Gucci Gucci the Gucci bear.

It just is not needed. This is a second. These are definitely going. My designer teddy bears.

Like your room is like a symbol of like how your brain is at the moment. At least that's what my mom has always told me. I think this is a representation of my brain I'm trying to zoom in on Anakin in the background. Oh yeah, he's going for sure.

What is all this I can't reach it. Oh no, this is bad idea. bad idea. Okay oh this is a poster of Anakin Skywalker I Got at a comic book store I thought it was so cool because someone a hand like it's a charcoal pink like a charcoal pan picture.

I Definitely think he should go. Okay, what about your Swarovski Crystal Yoda All Star Wars Things are going. They have to go. You have so much oh too many things.
You don't even wear these anymore. Yes I do I do too. You're just not here anymore to see me wear them. Did you know you're supposed to light these? No way.

I Saw Franny do it the other day. No she lit them. She's pretending. where is that gonna go? You worked so hard on it.

For those wondering, this is a Vanessa Maryland iconic piece. This one is Sad Kitty. This one is Happy Kitty. This one is sneezing Kitty and this one is I Actually don't know which one this one.

This one's kind of terrifying I Know poor thing came with that one. Okay I I was copying an art style. It was based off this meme right here on the screen. This is the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and then the person under it said 10 out of 10 would have this as a big centerpiece framed up in my living room if I had my own place I saw that and I was like I need that painting in my room Is that kitty right there? this is said Kitty it was pretty good.

That one's pretty good. Then we got this Kitty right here. he's not the best and we got my favorite. This is the one I changed because I thought I need to change that one I bet you if I repainted this now, it would look a lot better because this was one of my first paintings.

Many people over the years have told me I could sell it for a fortune, but I just think it's way too special to keep or to to take away. Vanessa Merrell August 2nd 2019. What's in here? We have a swimsuit, swimsuits. What's in here? Yeah, tops.

tops that. I actually do need wait. Wait, you don't want to like? Maybe leave some clothes here that you want to wear for like videos and just like every day and then take like I don't know this is stressing me out Nessa I'm so smart I was about to reorder these because I ran out of my body wash. Look at me already thinking ahead.

I have extras I Keep a store like a store in my room I call it my store I like stock up on the things I use every day. Can I take this? I'm out Yeah I can really take this Yes, this is how much. All right you could just buy me food or something. Okay I stock up on all my products that I use every day.

not only do I use Tim I've gotten John onto my products too Should I keep it here right now? Yeah okay see I Went through this phase where I thought I was going to be a hair stylist what so I was I was buying No nasty goes through these phases where she like gets into different Hobbies that's for a little while she was into painting, then a hair stylist. now she's like into Nails that's my issue, it's part of my personality I like have these ideas and then I like try like I go full 110 on them and then like Drop it no this is stressing me out I think we should focus never mind. Well if you if I put the camera down and you just do it Tom Nook wait I forgot no sir, no no don't just I think it would just be funnier. this is.
this is how we do a bit. I think it'd be funnier if you just stare at him in silence and then turn it off. Oh Dave now edit it into like you know when like the black screen like goes like it looks like cinematic. edit it like that.

okay please dang it over the shoulder shot I think he won. he like poked my eye he won what the heck. Tom Nook Always wins. Keep waiting I'm taking over.

Oh wow. Okay, okay. we cleared out my sofa. Can't believe it.

Well if there's one thing I'm really good at, it's not cleaning. it's moving things around to make it look like it was clean and we all know that about. Ronnie Do you want to tell them where you're moving to? It's a secret? I'm moving to the Shire I Want to live in a mountain? I'm living a simple life I Think we need to do what's important I think we need to throw everything back onto the cab. is not going I Have an idea but back onto the couch.

Organized. Wow It is so clean now everything's back on the chair but more organized. You still have this shirt I Got rid of all mine. yeah that's a shirt from like Middle School This is when we used to shop at Justice and it's a size medium 12.

too many shoes I don't need Ronnie didn't want the shoes I bought her I just don't know what to wear them with. Okay I need these for sure John made me these for my birthday because Kennedy showed the picture on the door John Drew those for you guys first. Well he drew this because he keep. He kept drawing me these little kitties and each thing had like a little note on the back and he just like would draw me little cats.

These little cats. became kind of like hey, it's that guy that's my my boy and they're supposed to represent us like that going to me and that one's John So then he made it into more like a little robot form. But this is like a foreshadow to Butterfly tiger just because like the tiger is him and the Butterfly is me. but technically that's me as a kitty so that's what's on the shoes.

Foreshadows: butterfly Tiger Music: There's even a little music. Note: isn't that cute Isn't that cool. Very cute. Oh I don't know what to pack if you would let me help you I Could get all of this like we could start with all those up there boxes moving out.

Not as sad as the first time, right? Yeah, he is so happy that I'm moving out. He was like so devastated when you moved out, cried for hours. How do you feel about us leaving? It's bittersweet obviously. but it's also like normal.

You know it's like this is, it's just a part of life and when it's right, it makes it a lot easier. I Feel like a lot of people you know expect parents to be sad and we are. but it's also really joyous too. It's like a really incredible time.

Nessa Were you sad? When I moved out, it was very very sad. Ask me if I'm oh, you don't even live here anymore. so I'm back for you. This isn't This is an exciting time.
if you don't need the thing you think you need. yes you do. Why do I have this? I bought that for you? Yeah, but what am I gonna do? It's my video. What do I do with it? You hold it in.

If you ever critical of my filming skills, you're like this here. Nessa's talking and you're cutting your head off I was looking at that I am not I am not a filmographer. You need a cinematographer. you are too.

Ronnie does she need s We could keep it here. that is just piling junk on stuff. That's what we did earlier. What? That's what we did earlier.

you piled junk. We piled the junk into here and then we put it back but in a more organized okay. it's called moving out not gonna move around. Look what? I found Whoa NASCAR Heat Five, that's yours.

Where you going Ronnie come back. What is that? Ronnie's on a mission. Uh, we would do a video where I just look at funny random things in my room and talk about it. but Ronnie's actually like hacking up for me.

It's so surprising because she just I've just never seen her do this before. Oh my goodness little baby! Yoda Please Wax candle! Why use 100 beeswax candles? Beeswax Is pure and perfect. It has subtle, clean honey. Aroma Unlike paraffin, beeswax has a suitless burn and produces negative ions that help clean the air each time you burn the candle.

Beeswax candles. it's the bee's knees. Ronnie's just back there just killing it. This it says: sorry my room is a mess I Have so many glasses some in here.

What are these ones? Oh Nessa's try on haul oh my Harry Potter glasses expecto Patrona Focus Nessa I Need you to focus from the White House from the White House I stole paper towels from the White House we we stole him. it says seal of the present of the United States this was under Obama Yeah when we went to Michelle Obama's theme I'm sure that's what they called it. a theme. You know what? I Don't think it's fair that you get to keep the presidential napkins in your drawer.

It was my idea that we take them. Yeah, but you grabbed two. One for me and one for you. So why can't I have one? Oh where have these been in your drawer the whole time? Don't open those.

they're gonna get everywhere. They're powders Ronnie Don't you never already covered? What are you wearing? This is my moving out outfit. Another pair. Oh sunglasses.

wait I've already tried these on Oh no I didn't Okay new new sunglasses How Many pairs of sunglasses have you found so far the stuff that I was taking I had a oh Ronnie I feel like Nessa's just standing around a lot What? and Ronnie's doing all the work well I just don't know where to start. but she does because it's like she doesn't care about anything in here. but I do John Gave me this for my birthday. It's a little hummingbird nest that was outside.
Obviously, the birds had abandoned it so it was there like for months and months. But he took it and disinfected it and put it in a pretty frame for my birthday with a Bible verse. I Still smell of course. Okay, what about this piano? You want to leave this here I think I want to take it.

but this piano is very important to me. Nessa This is the piano we practiced on when we were five years old and it still works. Yeah, over 10 years old. Yes, 20 years old.

It's 21 years old. It's 21 years. It is looking a little better here. behind the computer.

that's all the Amiibo cards. Okay, so I can feel this way. Yeah, Ronnie is the queen of trash and things. So there's a nail right there.

Yeah, we gotta show it, it's a Memory What? What was the memory? What happened to your nail? It's gel polish that came off one of my nails is John seen this Yeah. I'm sure he'd be actually really good at it I'm better at it than him. Okay, oh foreign. We did classical voice training and we were like trying to compete in state and stuff.

Why is John Cusack framed in this photo and why do you have it I don't know it was for a video kid. does anybody remember what this was for What video Now it looks like I'm like this massive fan of John Cusack when I'm not really that big of a fan I Just want to know like where am I Jane The Virgin stuff is it's here. Here it is I'm like here's like a little coffee before that day. Jane Hey great news, your website's really taken off.

Oh I Remember that scene I said hey Jane great news. your website's really taking off because we were bullies and made fun of her. How did you get those? Stop crying I told you to stop crying oh yeah, this is the scene where you can like cry. Yeah and I couldn't actually cry and I put what was it Menthol Menthol in my eyes to try and make me cry I couldn't get the scene oh my God this is so awkward.

We thought this was a Catholic school. We were so mean in that show. It was great! Ah a nice trip down memory lane I know, right? Wait, it's not quite funny. What? Why is this Awakening A memory in my head Precious Moments Coloring book.

but Ronnie and I would trace the pictures like we would trace the photos. Oh wait, why why would we do that? Because it was fun. We just liked tracing it and then coloring it ourselves. Oh back then when you didn't have either satisfied me.

Oh very nice. It was kind of like a representation of me and Ronnie that's me and Ronnie when we were babies, that's me and Ryan when we're older but we're clearly like don't even look like twins and then this one's also by me. Little boy in a laundry basket is by me as well. What about all mine I'm getting there I think this is me too.

Wait where am I Oh this one's that's me and you. This is supposed to be me and Ronnie you saved all of yours I saved all of he's like how how cute you didn't bother to save Ronnie's way to go I would take the paper and trace it and then like make my own little scene with it. Maybe you did the stuff in the book and then I traced them I love the Pinoy I love the Pinoy I love the Pinoy Oh my gosh, why is this so funny? I Just wanted to go down memory lane with you and thank you for helping me out. You're welcome.
Yeah, you still got a lot to do. so when you get when you move the piano out, can I put my racing simulator right there? I Don't see why not No. Did I put my race in the simulation? Uh, you gotta ask a mother I've already asked her. She said yeah.

Really? She? really? yeah she did. She's live here. Well I Hope you guys enjoyed watching us help us up. I Feel like we did nothing? Yeah, maybe we'll do a part two? maybe not.

You just gotta take everything. You take it to where you're going and if it fits, it fits. If it doesn't then you get rid of it there. That's the solution.

I Feel like bring trash bags up here. we start taking your clothes. Maybe a different day. You're never gonna move out all right and thanks for watching.

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12 thoughts on “Vanessa is moving out! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melanie says:

    I am so happy for u nessa and roni we have the same shirttt and the same color❤️❤️

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! AnimeEditz says:

    You guys r the best!!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Zee says:

    our girls are all grown up now, such a mix of emotions both sad and happy. But they have both found partners worthy of their love, who absolutely adore them so what more can we want.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mickey Ackah says:

    The presidential napkin scene 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam says:

    Vanessa is literally me when I clean or move. I get distracted and end up in a costume and my dog ends up in a costume

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dina says:

    Haha love Nessas moving out outfit😂😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars haruki says:

    the fact that nessa and john are both talented in drawing makes their relationship even cuter😭🥰

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars its_chloe says:

    This video make me emotional, it just really shows how time flies by fast in a blink 😭 I'm so happy for you guys ❤️‍🩹🤍

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars haruki says:

    all these years of being a fan, i never knew that both of them actually…

    …love the panoi👁👄👁

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karlien Lourens says:

    This is the most chaotic Merrel Twins video ever! 😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amber Taylor says:

    I think I sold you this red satin high og shoes!! I got a strong feeling.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laprico28vlog91 says:

    I'm watching from Philippines ❤️😊🥰

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