We decided to try a REAL twin telepathy test and this time we are in separate rooms! Will being in separate rooms prove that we have telepathy or not...? NEW VIDEOS EVERY TUESDAY!
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We’re identical twin sisters who have been consistently making videos since 2013. We post videos showcasing our range in both comedy and music such as original comedy sketches, original scripted series, original songs, original music videos, gaming videos, weekly live streams, weekly gaming livestreams, twin swaps, twin sister vs twin sister, popular song parodies, popular song covers, original funny songs, 24 hour challenges, popular challenges, popular trends, lifestyle, fashion, and much more!
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Oh, my gosh stop doing that. I did i'm going to get it wrong. You guys no way i channeled my telepathy time yeah. Oh my gosh, we did it hey guys, i'm veronica, i'm vanessa, and today we are testing our twin telepathy in different rooms.

As you can see, we are not together, i'm in my room and i'm in my room, we're going to be testing out to see how strong our twin telepathy connection is. Even when we're in different rooms, we have a camera in this room. There's a camera in ronnie's room and our dad has connected everything together, so we can see and hear each other. It's quite cool to be to be honest because we're not even on zoom or a phone call or anything so yeah see we have our headphones and stuff, and i can see ronnie on like a little monitor right.

There say hi renny hi, but do not worry when we are actually doing the twin telepathy test. Our monitors are going to be completely off and then they're going to turn back on to reveal if we got the challenge or test right yeah. So we won't be seeing each other at all. We won't even be able to give each other like clues, or you know we won't even have to.

We won't even be able to like look at each other and be like. Okay, like you know what i mean, this is like a true twin telepathy test, make sure to subscribe to our channel. If you are new hit the bell button to get notified, when we post a new video, we have merch and we post every single tuesday, i'm wearing some merch right now she is, she is wearing merch, okay and let's get on with this twin telepathy test. I think we're gon na do great okay, so for this round we have to pick an item.

We have to pick a piece of fruit um. I have no idea which fruit she's going to pick, and i don't know so - i'm gon na go with i'm gon na. Go with this one, this one, three, two one! No, no. Why did you pick up an apple why'd? You pick the banana it's gross looking because i don't know it just stuck out to me.

I was trying okay, you know what what we didn't do was we didn't channel our twin telepathy energy? Why would? But you don't like bananas? No, but it just out of the out of the two. I thought that you would pick the banana. Well, you can't okay. Well, that round was a fail.

I'm disappointed! Oh okay! Oh this is cards. We've got some cards our star wars cards. Okay, so we've got. Oh gosh, so this is very interesting because these cards, if you guys, can see them.

Oh my gosh, these are star doors. Oh my gosh. This makes it even greater. So it's like it's like what we're going to choose which card okay based off the suit.

Oh my gosh, or are we picking based off the characters? I don't know um honestly, i always go for queen of hearts. Okay, so i'm choosing this one nessa, you ready. Okay, yes, ready, okay, ready, three, two one: what is it queen of hearts? Yeah, queen of hearts yeah, oh my gosh, we did it, we did it well. I guess we did good on that round.

Okay, next round! Oh, are we just choosing color? Do i just choose a color? Oh no! Oh gosh! I don't know, oh because it's like, if we're choosing which one we like best, i feel like ryan, is going to choose the blue, but i don't know if she's going to choose the pink, because she doesn't like pink. Okay, that i wonder if she would choose yellow because it's the middle, but i have a strong feeling of i'm gon na - go taking the blue for some reason. I'm gon na go with red. So thank god! I don't think she can hear me at all.
Okay, oh my gosh! Well now, i'm now, i'm just saying my shoulders are so far. I can't even kiss her which one i'm sticking with this is really hard, because i can't even see her or anything come on channel the twin telepathy, i'm gon na go with blue i'm gon na go with my gut instinct. Are you ready lisa? Yes, i'm nervous. Oh, my gosh did you channel twin telepathy? I tried to okay, oh god, okay! Okay, are you ready, okay, ready? Here we go three, two one.

Why would you choose blue? Because i don't like this color pink? Oh, no, what i i chose it first i was trying to channel my energy to you. I was like problem. Was you weren't trying to focus on what i chose? You were trying to send out the energy to me ronnie so for the next one? Who are we? Do you want me to channel it to you? I will channel my what my decision to you. Okay, i will.

I will try and receive your answer. We'll go back and forth from now on. Okay, so i will try and get that i will try and use that. Okay, yes, okay, i need to keep these yes, oh, so you have to write a number between one and ten on all three of them, one color and see.

If you can pick the same color and the same number, okay, okay write a number between one two one and ten right in any of those cards, and if you get the same color, it's bonus points: okay, okay, all right! Ronnie, i'm just going around! We have to better pick the freaking number between and you better see this. You have to write down a number between one and ten and you have to write it on the same color card, i'm supposed to be channeling, ness's energy. You know i don't know if this is cheating or not seven, but i think i'm gon na go with the blue one um, i'm going to seven thinking of a number blue seven or i'm trying to receive a number two. Seven blue, seven blue.

This is so hard what, if it's, not what if she didn't choose blue okay, i i got my number okay. I've chosen blue and i've written seven. Okay! Nessa! Yes, are you ready? Yes, i tried my best to channel it to you. Oh gosh, okay, you! So you wrote down a number on one of the cards.

Okay, i did two and i channeled it to you. I tried to receive it. Okay, i swear. If you done messed up, your telepathy doesn't work: okay, okay, let's go ready three, two one! We did it! No way i channeled my telepathy time, i just randomly wrote seven.

I was trying to channel it, but i was like you know what the number seven was coming to me. That's great because i channeled it to you and we did. It literally was like blue seven. Seven, how did we get okay, i'm ready for the next round, bring it on bring it on for this round you're going to shut the blinds and you're going to change the background.
Color of your lights and veronica is going to try and guess what color your lights are. So the background of your screen, yeah, you got to check okay, one color, the obvious answer is pink, but what if she isn't choosing pink what, if she's choosing something else? She could be choosing purple. Oh my gosh there's so many colors. This is so hard.

Oh, my gosh, okay ronnie! I got ta. Think i've decided to do red. All pink is way too obvious, but i feel like she might get confused, because my favorite setting is like blue purple and pink, but i want to really test the twin telepathy, so i've made it all red. I don't know if you can tell in the camera, but okay, everything is red.

I feel like pink and purple are way too obvious. Why would she choose pink and purple? It happens to be something red red red, red, red, red, red red red. Why am i doing this? I look like, for some reason: pilots getting like directing planes or the people. Oh, my gosh.

Okay. I've done a bunch of um deductive reasoning here: okay, okay, so i don't think it's pink or purple, okay, because that's way too obvious. Okay and i'm going to assume it's one of the colors that we had from earlier on the three papers: okay, and so i'm gon na go with red. It looks a little pink on your camera on my screen, it's red red, it's red! I picked red.

Why? I don't know i just picked red. I literally was like i'm feeling red. I even changed my nano leaf lights to red, like i had to make a new scene and paint it red. I chose red, so i've got three different bowls.

I've got freaking tomato juice in here gross i've got some syrup or is it honey? No, it's just syrup. Okay and then i have some water, and so this telepathy test is going to see if nessa can feel which one i've dipped my finger in. So this is like a mental but like fuel test. Hmm, i know which one i'm gon na pick.

Okay, now i'm going to okay, i'm gon na have to go with sarah. I just feel like she stuck her hands but like just her fingertips and syrup. Okay, oh okay! Ah maybe not! I don't know why i keep thinking syrup. I don't think.

That's right, though syrup are you ready, yeah? I feel like i picked the wrong one. Oh no yeah! I don't know, i don't think you did a good job with telepathy. This time i was trying to, i was saying things and stuff i yeah, i don't know i mean i can't hear you, but i had this feeling. I i just had this feeling that you may have stuck your hand in syrup.

I did i did. Are you stuck no way so for this test? Isaac is going to help with this test. Okay, this is about what you experience in the room and ronnie trying to figure out what's going on in the room when you want to fart he's not going to fart he's going to simply spin you around in your chair. This is a really hard one.
Okay, so you don't get you don't get any clue. Other than isaac is in the room with nessa, okay she's experiencing a feeling this doesn't i can't even think of anything? Okay, that's it! I'm ready! You ready! Yes, okay! Here we go spinning, keep spinning spinning. I feel like because isaac's in there she's too distracted to remember to channel my gaming channel energy to me, isaac is spinning me in the game. I don't know.

Isaac is spinning me in the game. She might look like she's doing it, but she might not actually be doing that. Maybe i need to channel disneyness to her. I'm dizzy i'll, slow down, dizzy dizzy.

No, you can keep going dude. I have no idea like i don't i don't sense anything i mean i sense laughter. Does that count laughing? Yes does laughing count? I have no idea, i don't even know what i'm asking. So what i was saying was, i was feeling like laughter.

Okay, is it, is it laughter that i'm feeling or is it like a sick feeling in your stomach that i'm feeling like i can't tell if it's like, if she's laughing right now or if like something, is upset with her stomach because, like i just feel like This weird like running over on this side, spinning: okay, wait! You got to stop spinning dizziness, no spinning. She could be getting sick from something but like. Why would she be loki's sick? Because i know that she gets like carsick? Is he like rocking the chair back and forth, or something like just just a little bit more okay? What would isaac what we should be doing? I think she might be like they must be doing something in the chair, but i have no idea what it would be that so he's either like moving it like this or like pushing her across the floor, something with the chair hi. Yes, do you feel? Okay, no, okay, so okay! So what i was feeling was like.

I was feeling something in my abs uh-huh. So i thought i was like: okay, she's, definitely laughing uh and then, but then i was like well hold on. I was like is this? Is it what i'm feeling in, like my stomach actual like laughter or is it like an upset like feeling upset like because it's only coming from like, i feel this weird like pull from my stomach inside, so i was like the only reason like she would be, Like upset like her stomach would be upset right now is, if, like you, you really like, are like you get nauseous in the car uh-huh or like motion sickness. Yes, so then i was like isaac must be doing something to you in the chair either.

That's like rolling you cross rolling you across the room or like like moving you back and forth, but i literally this is so hard. I can't even pinpoint like uh like what you guys would actually be doing. I just know that you're, probably like just doing something in the chair - that's my that's my final guess: okay, uh, okay, okay, show the screen we're not doing it anymore, but he was spinning me around in the chair and i was getting dizzy and i was like Getting motion sickness. I still feel it.
Oh, so it's like you were right, but it's just like what was he doing like i don't know. If i get the point because, like i was supposed to guess exactly what you guys were doing, but all i could feel was like, oh maybe my stomach's upset. No, i my stomach's upset too, like i was i'm starting to get like motion sickness. How long were you spinning for a long time so i mean i don't know if that counts.

What do we think? I feel like you get the point, because you felt her emotions, you didn't. You know you felt what she was feeling. Maybe you didn't feel the spinning so much because that's kind of hard to put your finger on because that yeah you know it's like that movement is there, but you didn't get hurt, yeah well, good job. I mean you pretty much got it.

It's just you didn't get the spinning part. Ah, i wish you got everything i was feeling yeah, which is that i think that's real and the chair was moving well. Okay, i mean i'll. Take the point.

What do you guys think should? Does that one count? I think so yeah, let us know if we should also try another twin telepathy, but maybe in like different buildings, different buildings yeah to test how far we can do telepathy. Yes, wouldn't that be crazy. I think that that's something i would want to see. Let us know in the comments below, if you want to see that - and i hope you guys enjoyed this video and thanks for watching if you like this video, give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right over here, subscribe to our Live channel where we live stream every week by clicking this button right here check out some of the other twin telepathy tests.

We've done, but to be honest, this one's the most legit one we've done. I think so too. I think so as well, so so yeah. Thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you guys next time.


14 thoughts on “Twin telepathy test in different rooms! *kinda creepy* – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scarlett & Fluffy says:

    Roni and Nessa: talking about the same thing at the same time
    Me: confused which one to listen to

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lynn Davis says:

    i love this vid im on my grandmas old computer and cant sign out so thats why it says lynn i want yall to do another one

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Crazy Cousins says:

    Roni: deeply explaining how their gonna channel telepathy
    No one
    Literally no one:
    Not even tiger
    Nessa: BLUE 7 BLUE 7 BLUE 7 BLUE 7 BLUE 7….

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rachel Lizzie says:

    Wow. Their twin telepathy is crazy, but Roni did so good it also makes me wonder if she's psychic. JK

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anna Richardson says:

    Ok, guys, Nessa has powers! She was like, “ red, red, red, “ and Roni was like “ for some reason I’m getting red. “ my mind be like:🤯

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ABEERA'S CRAFT WORLD says:

    Nessa : Spinning
    Me : Yes! Roni isn't gonna get it
    Roni : I feel kinda sick in stomach
    Le me : 😅

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Playlist Music Channel says:

    but actually the first one, even though both didnt pick the same fruit.. but they did picked the fruits on their furthest left

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moosa mohamed says:

    The funny thing is roni is wearing blue but she picked pink and nessa was wearing pink but she picked her sisters outfit color

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miriam Town says:

    When they both did "Blue 7" I was like:
    Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! wow. amazing.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 3lc0rr3A says:

    Thank you Sharon for Sharing this video. This was amazing! how did I not see this in my feed!?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars just janet says:

    But she was wearing a ear so she can hear her right .. and i think she has her tv on.. cheating

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ela Enchanted says:

    I definitely think that the last round counts! Watching from the Philippines <3

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rafa The Creature says:

    The fact that ronni was moving around in her chair aswell while nessa was being spun

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars merrelltwins says:

    You guys! After watching the fully edited video we were so shocked at the results. We just wanted to let you know that this test was very very real and authentic and to be honest we are kinda creeped out with some of our answers… is anyone else creeped out or just us? 👀

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