Watch how our pets react to these viral amazon animal products.
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Oh gosh, it's flopping. It's flopping. It's a flopping. That's it ready.

Let's clean your teeth. Treat, treat, treat, treat. Turn it up. Turn it off.

Hey guys! We ordered 10 weird animal gadgets from the internet we searched high and low on. Tik Tok Instagram YouTube Google All of it for the weirdest animal products. We got stuff for cats and dogs and we're going to be testing out all of these products on all of our pets. Make sure to subscribe if you love animals and if you don't subscribe, you're an animal hater.

No, yes you are. We're just kidding. But please subscribe And now let's get into the video. This is something that I've seen that has gone viral with dogs, even cats.

And it's a little carrot snuff mat and it's so cute! I Can't wait to see what it looks like. It's a snuff. look at the little carrot. oh that's cute.

hello hello carrots are going everywhere. oh so wait you put the carrots in there but you also put like you hide treats and stuff and then oh so it just gives the dog or the kitty like an activity to do. Yeah it's supposed to like stimulate their mind and like make them pretty tired. but um it's like a fun way for them to find their little.

Treats But yes I've seen so many funny videos of cats and dogs taking these little carrots and just like playing with them, playing with them. Taking them out of here, putting them back I Can't wait to see what the dogs do with this. Will it work? I Don't know. Let's try it all right? So I've stuffed these with treats and hopefully they like it all right.

Look, it's carrots. Ellie there's carrots. everyone. Look, everyone.

Come here. Oh oh, she already got one out. Oh she's hogging it everybody. Tiger's not interested.

Tiger could care less about it. Look at Guppy. Does she have a carrot? Yeah, she has a carrot. Okay, she likes it.

yeah. I Put kibble in the carrots I Don't think Guppy can get? Maybe he doesn't realize. maybe you need to show him that he can take a carrot out. Hey I don't know.

Hey I think she's like eating eating it? No, no, there's kibble in it. Oh you like the carrot carrot for you? Do you want a carrot? There's Kimble in it? Take it. by this end. Oh nope.

Oh just could care less. Oh Guppy got it. Got his poor nose. His nose isn't long enough to get it.

Ellie there's more. Oh he's taking it away. This is kind of a disaster. It's he knows if he takes him out.

Guppy, his little butt is towards the camera. Well I mean it's definitely giving them like something to do. Sit Guppy watch. Look Guppy see it goes in Guppy no, you're no and then watch ready here H Have him sit, sit Guppy treat.

You have to move it. Okay, he can't get it cuz of his nose he doesn't have long enough nose and he's the only one who wants to use it. Why do I feel like this is a oh let's see if Tiger even likes it. He said no, he said he said no like he said maybe this is beneath me.

He's like I'm just a good boy and I get treats just cuz I exist so he's done. he's over it. All right. Well you guys let's move on to the next thing next.
we have a flopping fish toy. This is obviously for kitties and so I guess it's just a flopping fish toy. I've seen this all over the place I've seen it too Ronnie ordered it wo look at that. look at that.

it looks like a fish. It's a fish. Yeah, it looks like a fish. Let's see if it actually flops.

how do you turn it on? But do you think your cats will like this? Yeah Lego The white kitty I think he has partial like hearing. He can definitely hear us. but I think he's partially deaf. You know sometimes things that make noise don't really freak him out.

He's like the first one to go towards something while Arrow you know is a bit more skittish and he's like no. So I feel like Lego might go for it immediately and arrow might be scared of it. Okay, who knows. let's see.

let's see how it works. Okay, oh, it's flopping. It's flopping. It's a flopp.

Wait, that's it. Like it's turning you. They'll like it. Oh oh oh this is fancy.

What a fancy flopping fish. So my cats are here so we're going to go test out the flopping fish wo so we have to turn it on. Oh do they like Lego likes it I they like it Lego's like he loves it. oh he loves it.

Oh my gosh, he's like stop it. He's like I got to get this thing. he's hogging the fish. he he wants to play.

He wants to play with it too now I feel bad I should have gotten two. Okay well they love it Ronnie they can be entertained by that for hours. All right. So 10 out of 10 for the weird fish toy this is is another weird thing that I found.

it is a dog toothbrush. oh I'm not really sure about this. there's two. there's two I can use.

oh so what you do is you take them out and you got this little finger toothbrush and then you you stick it in their mouth but you like put the toothpaste on and then you clean their mouth like that. Oh yeah you clean their little teeth and they can. they can go like this was one of the weirder ones where I was like M I'm not sure about that but let me try it. maybe put may need to do with my thumb so they like so it actually scrubs yeah uh-oh okay I see I See I like that they come with little cases that is so cute I can label one as like and Guppy Oral health is really good.

The gel we got is peanut butter honey flavor I don't think Ellie has had peanut butter flavor yet. Do the toothbrushes work? Let's see who's ready for their toothbrushing. Everyone Sit. You guys are going to get your teeth brushed.

Oh okay so we' got the toothpaste on the finger. okay am I supposed to like hold her? Maybe maybe all right. Ready ready. let's clean your teeth.

Oh oh scrub scrub scrub. Oh I don't think she scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub. she looks get the get the get the uh oh she doesn't like it I don't think she likes oh hey got some dirt though. What? Really? yeah look oh I think Guppy wants to try Okay Guppy your turn.
do you want to do G no I do not want to do I'm sorry I'm getting to Maybe it was because we were holding her head. she didn't like it. Oh oh oh she's letting me do it. She let me do it.

Oh my gosh, it worked. You know she just has to get used to things. Good girl. All right, let's do Guppy now.

Okay Guppy, let those little twofers. let me clean those twofers. Oh I think he hated that it worked on Ellie but was kind of a fail on Guppy. Kind of makes me wonder if tiger would be okay with it.

No, that's a no. We got a little bit of a damaged box. It's okay, it's a pet brush. but it's not just any pet brush.

it is a spray massage brush. It's for anti flying and you can spray bath cleaning on it and it's washable and clean. Anti flying, Anti flying hair, anti flying hair. The cats are trying to go.

Definitely don't want them to do that. They're trying to fly away. Okay so what you do is you fill it up with like it's kind of rubbery. Oh so you.

you probably have to put you put the product in there. So I think what? what I saw is that you put the water in there and then you just brush them and that's like kind of like a way of giving them a bath. We we've heard and seen that if you kind of use like wet material to like brush cats it helps keep the fur not going everywhere and actually collects it more. So let's see if they if they like this.

Let's see if it works all right. So here is the next product. It's this steaming brush. Wow! so you got to brush it them and it kind of cleans them.

Oh it is like getting him soaking wet. Oh I got him in his eye. Oh no oops oops oops oops he doesn't like it. all right.

Try Lego Oh yeah Oh yeah, you're getting clean but it's like so making him soaking wet. I I think that's the point of the brush? No he's like he's like soaking wet porle. Oh I didn't know he would do that to them. He liked it though.

Do you like this baby? I Didn't know if this would like work or not. he's wet. Now he wet wet. He's wet wet.

Oh he's wet wet. but it's a great way to clean them how much fur is getting. Oh wow. so Arrow did not like this but Lego oh my gosh, you got so much fur.

Okay okay, all right, it doesn't like it can I hand this to you. oh that got a lot of fur from from Lego and I think it really helped keeping it like flying everywhere. although I still have quite a bit of fur on me. me too I still think it really helped so that was.

that's a good product. I'm probably going to be using that quite a bit. This is a talking pet starter kit. Your dogs can learn to press these buttons and kind of talk to you.

It's a form of communication for dogs and humans. I Feel like guppy and Ellie could do really well with these. Have you seen the one dog that has a identity crisis? Yes bunny I I've heard is having an identity crisis but maybe if you just stick to like four four words, maybe they won't have an identity crisis. Let's see, let's pull these out.
Oo Oh there's a little button to record. Treat: Let's see if it works. Treat Treat Treat Treat: Oh that got Guppy's attention and then this one. potty.

D that's going to get annoying I'm going to get really annoyed hearing my own voice. Yeah Outside outside I Don't like it either. Outside outside. Hold on.

Hold on sh sh outside. Okay, what? Hold it down. Okay I I am holding outside outside. We'll work on it.

Food food. Maybe you should do outside because they'll recognize your voice better than outside outside. That's fine. Oh okay.

treat Upside Party Food: Okay I feel like this is the the first. The treat. the treat one. This is what's going to get them.

Let's test it out. This is the magical treat button. Ooh maybe I can show them with you. First you say treat, press it and then I give you the treat.

Okay treat M thank you Wow! Can I have another one treat. Oh thank you. Okay Tiger and Guppy are catching on. Treat: Oh Tre Yay y Ellie Ellie Sit, sit, press the Buton Buton This is chaos.

Okay grab him gra here Guppy Guppy and then give it to him now. Oh yeah Guppy Good boy Tiger, Come here. Press the button. this is I'm sure there's is there instructions.

definitely a video and instructions all the treats. We got to have them like ready to go. Come on. Oh he's so close he's so he's so close Tiger's like I I'm just here.

he keep giving up tiger Come here. Shake Yes he did it. He did it got be got be smart. Did he do it? He did it.

He did it. He did it. Ellie press here you go. I think I could definitely work on it with them and I think they could do it for sure.

Poor tin can't even get to hang of it at all here and just take it. Oh P Next we have a self massage brush. Four Cats Yeah Four Cats I'm not sure if this is technically weird. it comes with two.

oh wow what is okay so what you do is you stick it on a corner. oh it has catnip. oh it has it. comes with catnip so so they'll like rub on it themselves.

Yeah oh gosh. okay oh it looks like trugs. I got the stuff for the candies. Let's see if it is catnip.

what is catnip? It's a type of plant. definitely catnip. it just smells like tea. you know? Yeah that smells like a a nice herbal tea that I could drink I think Arrow will use it correctly I think Lego will use it incorrectly so it looks like you can put them temporarily somewhere with this doublesided tape.

or it does come with like little nails so you can like per make them kind of permanent. see I hope they liked this I think they will I think they'll be surprised Let's test it out so clearly you have to stick this on something like the corner of the couch or like a corner of the wall. Let's just see if they even like the feel of it. will they rub against this? Look at this.
Ooh it's like a brush. Oh he just completely goes to bite it. See oh he's biting it too. Hey he's got.

He got the vibe. Arrows got the vibe. yes you rub, no not B bite you rub R Oh yeah there you go I think they like it. Let's put.

let's move over here and like pretend it's on this corner. Come here. Come here. What ow need? No okay, no you need you need to be calm I think they like them I think if I stick them in a corner I think they will.

oh what? what is your problem? Did that fish have catnip in it or something right? Oh yeah, there was catnip in the fish. How do you know it says right here on the box catnip Oh well, it's fine, he's crazy. This one is a Yes. I think we need to actually be able to use it correctly.

but they they liked it. So this is a auto pet toy ball so what does that even mean? I'm a little suspicious about this one. I Don't know how legit this is but apparently it's a ball that moves on its own. Press the power button.

3 seconds to turn on one two 3. Okay okay. remote control. Oh sorry, you do it.

You do it. I'm getting excited. Turn it off. Turn it off.

That was terrifying I Don't think they're going to like that. That's cool though. Oh my gosh, let's try it. Let's go try it.

Okay, oh yeah, it's a ball. It's a ball. Oh yeah, it's a ball. Oh oh oh so we removed the carpet so now we're going to try on the actual hardwood floor.

Okay puppies, Come here. Puppies. come here. They're all like afraid of it right now so let's just who wants a treat.

The other dogs are all hiding over there. it's on Okay oh o someone get it. Tiger's like intrigued but he's scared of it. Guppy just just unfaced tiger and Ellie are both like at the door.

This feels like a flop. Oh none of them like it. they hate it. you don't like it she said absolutely not.

What a fail. Okay so next thing is called, consider this a Whack Attack This is a scratch and tap toy so they like paw and then they like so they paw it themselves like I would teach them to do this and then they would like learn to do it and try to like get it themselves. That's funny so we'll we'll see it's a little look at the little cheese with little mice in it and there's like a little scratching box right here. They can you know scratch to scratch so we'll see we'll see if they they like it.

If it's a win or not they're going to love it. My cats are pretty smart. they'll get the hang of it. No I think they're a little freaked out over it.

No oh what a smart Kitty a good boy. What a I can't Can't believe that. What a good boy. The shock on all of our faces.

good boy, poor thing. I Don't think this is a fail I think it started out as a fail. It's definitely keeping them entertained. so this is this is a success.
All right guys, it's time to move on to the next product. All right. So this is a very, very viral cat product. It's Electric Pet massager.

um you know I think it's more normalized nowadays I think it used to be a definitely weird product, but I've never used these before and now that I have my own cats wo wo you probably just turn it on? no no way. look at that. it's massaging wo oh my gosh, that feels nice. Oh my gosh, do me? do me oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I I think I need that I think I need this all right? Well let's see if this works.

Oh oh oh do you like that? Does he like it? Do you like I Don't think he likes it? Oh yeah, there you go. He doesn't like it. Okay, he's not going to like it. Oh yeah.

Ooh what a fail. They hated that. they don't like it. Man, that's like the most viral cat thing on the internet and they don't like it.

But you know who is going to like it? Quirky. let's see if he likes it. Oh oh he likes that. Heing oh he likes it.

A Love he likes it. Do you like that? He's pulling his eyes like he pulling his eyes like this. Pory is 18. he's 18 and old but he liked it.

So loved that. You know it's just kind of like a hit or miss for your cats. You know what I was thinking is I think your kittens are in a playful stage right now. They don't know what's to come later in life and they don't know about the relaxation that can happen for them later on.

Last but not least a Nerf dog Blaster this is a A Nerf tennis ball Blaster so you can play fetch with your dogs. Apparently it goes 50 ft 50 ft. that's what it says I I don't know this one I Thought was kind of weird because you could also just throw the ball. but yeah but it dis launches 50 ft I don't think we can throw 50 ft I can't throw 50 ft this might this might work I think some people might give me a weird look if I show up to the park with this though, they'll be like what? What is she do? What? What does she have and going? The only dog who loves to play fetch is Ellie So let's see if Ellie likes this I think she might get really freaked out by it, but let's try it.

Okay I'm going to shoot this Yeah. I Would shoot back here. Oh really? yeah. Ready and oh there they're Go Go go go go come on.

let's Get It Go Get It She's doing it. She's doing it. Yeah, Come here, be back. She's doing it.

She's doing it Okay, so it works. She's it's a little scary at first, but maybe when she gets used to it Ellie ready. No no she doesn't like it R and go. She hates it.

Oh she hates it. It's okay. You know what? I'm going to get her used to it. okay and then she'll be okay.

That was so much fun testing out all of these animal products. Yeah, let us know if we should do another video where we buy more products to test out for you guys to see if they work or if they're just a flop. comment in the comments below which pet product was the funniest or the one that you would like the most for your pets. And thanks for watching If you like this video, please subscribe to our Channel by clicking this button over here.
We would really appreciate it and give the video a thumbs up please. We also live stream every single week and you can subscribe to our live Channel by clicking this button right here. Check out some of the other we've done and and we'll see you guys next time! Bye.

15 thoughts on “Trying viral amazon pet products! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-cp2kh6ds7f says:

    do "husbands do our make up" that would be great!! love you both so much <3

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @shinismiles says:

    one of my fave Merrell twin videos!!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @esims310 says:

    Tiger is such a cute old man 🥹

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @chrisgoodwin1993 says:

    Do the Merrell twins know what only fans is they would make money on that

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ashleygunn1036 says:

    This was so fun!!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @goojingxuan5326 says:

    the massager I saw a mom uses that for her self to sleep better cuz it relaxes

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dannimckie4678 says:

    Naw tiger is such a funny old man 😆❤️

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ajay_galsinh says:

    everybody knows when the merrell twins post we get a good laugh

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Melanin32 says:

    Yes do a part 2 of this

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @avajane2309 says:

    You guys should try the Furbo you can control it from your phone it’s a Camera that throws treats

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @yvonneedwards5789 says:

    I love the product links with the info!!! Well done 👍

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @elisabethheichel5310 says:

    The steamer brush is supposed to be turned off while brushing. You’re supposed to lightly steam the kitty, turn it off, then groom them. That way they are not soaked haha

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @justinfelt748 says:

    Veronica's laugh gives me tingles!😊😀😍😍😍😍😍😍😍👍

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @adrigomez1245ify says:

    Loved the fish one 😂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @chwethington says:

    My cat LOVES the corner brushes. Now she rubs against wall corners that don’t have the brushes

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