We tried these viral Tik Tok Food hacks so you don’t have to! Lettuce know in the comments below what you think 😉
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I hope this turns out good. Is it going to catch on fire? I don't know about this nessa. That is not good. You didn't like it you're about to throw up what in the world.

I don't even know if this is like affecting us. In the same way, it is as a as do i look crazy, hey guys, i'm veronica, i'm vanessa, and today we are trying out tick-tock food hacks, make sure to subscribe to our channel. We post new videos every single tuesday. So let's try these tick.

Tock food hacks and see, if they're, actually good we're going to test it out, so you don't have to a food hack. I found on tick tock that is super popular right. Now is basically drinking warm lettuce. Water, apparently it makes you like super sleepy, makes you feel a certain way makes you feel good.

It makes you feel good, so we're not gon na do that right now, because it's in the middle of the day but stay tuned to the end of the video, because we're gon na try it out at night tonight so make sure to stay and watch till The end, what are these pizza rolls? It's a it's. A fancy pizza rolls basically we're gon na, add parmesan, add garlic butter dip. The pizza rolls of marinara sauce. I've always been used to just putting pizza rolls in the oven and eating them that way, but today we're going to fry them.

Oh, and then you make garlic butter, oh okay, they have like leaves in there in their garlic butter. I don't know what they put leaves so the luscious parsley. Is this cilantro or parsley now cilantro? I love cilantro. Isn't this little apparatus cool apparatus? We have like a little stove top.

I know you're wondering why aren't we doing this on our actual stove? It's because we have our bags facing to you the whole time. It's just better. This way is this healthy. This is definitely not healthy.

No, this is not healthy whatsoever, but it's probably gon na be good. I'm excited for this one, because if this actually tastes good, then i'm gon na start making. My pizza rolls this way frying some pizza fruits frying. Some pizza rolls.

Oh honestly, these smell really good lots of garlic lots of garlic. It's supposed to be garlic butter. I hope this turns out good. It looks delicious i'm a little skeptical.

The comments said that it looked pretty good. I put some garlic powder, even though it's gon na make it really garlicky. Are you okay, yeah, i'm fine? Okay! So now we're going to put the garlic butter mixture on okay, oh gosh. I don't know how to feel about that.

Now. We need to do some parmesan, which i'm not the biggest fan of cheese, but let's go just put some parmesan parmesan cheese whoa. I think it's really garlicky ronnie. You told me to put a lot of garlic, okay and it was fine, and then you added garlic because you told me to smells really good all right.

The marinara sauce is warming up in the microwave. Let's take it out, so it doesn't soak in butter. I know it's so gross. I don't know about this nessa.

I think we might have put too much butter. There was no instructions, we just eyeballed it. Okay, so we've plated our pizza rolls they don't smell horrible. I don't know how to feel about this all right.
Now we got to dip it in marinara sauce and try it. These don't look healthy. It looked really good on tik tok and now i don't know about it in person. Okay, i'm just gon na dip it in the sauce.

You ready. Oh okay, yeah um, i'm so sorry, but it tastes no different. It just all has like the same flavor. I think it tastes like a better pizza roll.

I think it's a more flavorful pizza roll. I honestly these look amazing. Oh my gosh, that is a game changer! It's okay! You know what it's not bad, but i think i agree with ronnie. It doesn't really taste any different.

Oh it tastes. Different paul gives you a thumbs up. I personally think it does taste a little bit different. Obviously it's pizza rolls sorry.

Well, i think we did the tick tock time. I think, unless it's good, i think we need to put a little less garlic butter next time. No, it's perfect. I love those.

So first tiktok food hack. We, like i'm gon na, say it's an eight out of ten. I i would agree it doesn't get rid of the flavor of pizza rolls which i love. It just adds to it.

It heightens it and the marinara sauce. To be honest, i've never thought about dipping pizza rolls in marinara sauce and that's actually brilliant, because it gives it a lot more saucy flavor on to the next one is what she said on to the next one. So the next tick, tock food hack, we're going to be doing, is making chocolate popcorn out of m m's. They do it fancy, but let's just put oil and put the m ms on put the popcorn kernels and you let it pop.

I guess yeah with the chocolate and it turns out to be chocolate. Popcorn. I'm really excited to do this one. I found this tig talk and i'm excited to try it because i love chocolate and i love popcorn.

I guess we're just gon na do oil and popcorn right hold on you got ta put yeah. You got ta put m m's in okay, i'm gon na turn this on. Okay, i think you're supposed to put the oil first. No, it all goes in together.

All right, i think i need a little bit more m, m's put the whole bag, and then now you put your popcorn kernels put the popcorn kernels put a little more. No, i think. That's fine! I'm scared! I'm scared! I'm scared too. Okay, just i think it's good, i think it's good.

Why are you yelling, because i i just want to put the lid on it and then now we just no wait. Do you think this is a real hack? Do you think people are faking it somehow or do you think this is actual real hack? I thought this was a real hack. Well, i don't know hard to see. People are faking it.

They could be well we're trying it out for you guys. So you don't have to okay, it's just like colorful yeah, it's so pretty, but brownie don't do that. But hey i'mma be honest. I think this stuff's gon na taste nasty what i think it's gon na taste nasty.
Have you ever had chocolate popcorn, it's delicious. I just don't, i cannot believe you just said that, is it gon na be colorful with chocolatey popcorn? I don't know guys, i'm so nervous, we'll do the cheez-it one. I think one pop we got a popper. Did you guys see that it exploded? Oh, you want to see because of the oh, my gosh, that's freaking me out.

We put a lot of popcorn kernels in there. It's gon na it's gon na be fine. It's gon na be! Is it oh gosh, that's freaky. Is it gon na catch on fire? Why would it catch on fire? I don't know, i used no fire.

I usually burn popcorn in the microwave there's smoke, we'll just open a window, it's not going to catch on fire. When will this be done? When will it end? I think the lid is lifting the lid is lifting. I think it's burning, i smell burnt. I think i think we i think it's done well.

I can't see i can't see. I want to see honestly that looks really pretty. In my opinion. Put it put it put it in the water it burnt.

I always burn popcorn the ones on top to look like good. Are you okay? What happened? What happened? I didn't cut the pig it tickled, my nose, let's just you know what yeah forget it. We don't need a pretty presentation, let's just try it from the top. Okay ready cheers ha mine's hot, that's not good! That is not good.

I have a thumbs up stood down. That is not good. Is our popcorn huh it'll taste like a burnt marshmallow? I wouldn't. I wouldn't eat it.

I would not eat that. That's not good! I don't like that. Is that burnt or is that is it burnt or is it give it to? I think ronnie and i may have done it wrong. We followed the instructions on the tick tock.

There was no specific. Like you, this amount of kernels this amount of oil either we didn't put enough oil or we put too many popcorn kernels point. Is it flopped? This is like a a one out of ten to me. Let's uh toss it out next one next, one, let's go to the next one, so this next tick, tock food hack, hopefully goes better than the last.

It is a pizza quesadilla, but the difference with this food tick-tock food hack is, as you can see, from the video you have to cut it a certain way in order to fold it a certain way yeah. So you just cut one little line. Yeah like half like this, you don't go. That's not what the video said.

No ronnie! You do one line. You do not do one like it happens like here. Oh i'm, sorry, okay, she used a pizza cutter. Should we use it now, we're not fancy whoa watch it there with the knife: okay, okay, okay! So now you put like each thing on each the sauce.

First, yes, okay, put some marinara sauce and she does cheese in both corners like okay, okay and then the pepperoni or your vegetable. All right so now can i do it the technique? Oh you want to do it. You do it rock paper scissors on who gets to fold rock paper scissors shoot. You can fold.
Okay, then you fold it that way: oh okay, okay and then now one more fold: okay, okay and there it is there. It is all right now we need to beautiful heat it up. Okay, you don't have to oh, don't move it why'd, you yell at me, ronnie you're, the one who went. I said ronnie yeah, but you didn't have to yell.

What are you trying to do? I'm trying to cook it on its side. You don't need to cook it on itself. Well, maybe i want to cook it on its side. I don't nessa okay.

Well, you did you think that wasn't going to happen either because you weren't being careful when i was flipping, i was being careful. I think it's ready, you think it's ready. No, it's not! The pepperoni still needs to cook. What is your problem? It's that it's! It's only that side when it comes out.

Well, let me do it see you have to be aggressive, should we like cut it down the middle and then split it in half, okay, you're ruining it. How am i ruining it? I'm checking to see if the cheese is melted, clearly mountain. Well, i think it's done all right. You guys we're gon na cut this down the middle.

I swear if there's something we did wrong in this. Video and people start having debates over it. You might have to make another song okay, so uh. This is what it looks like cheers: whoa whoa, that's good! Oh my gosh! That's delicious 10 out of 10 best thing so far.

I love the folding hack too 10 out of 10 yay, this one's my favorite. So far, let's move on to the next food hack for this tick, tock food hack, we're making little chocolate sandwiches in a toaster and apparently it's a really easy way. As you see in the video, they just use a little cup to shape a little circular piece of bread, and then they put chocolate makes like a little uncrustable thing. Yes, so that is what we're going to make, but we're going to actually put nutella in ours and put a banana, because that sounds really good.

I think they use nutella, but i think we're going to add some bananas to it and we'll just see so we grab our two slices of bread. I think bananas and nutella would be really yummy, so a little bit of banana place, our bread on top, and then we take our cup. What in the world? Let's move out the wing? Oh wait! Well, ryan! Did it it's like a little mini uncrustable? Oh, my gosh mine is like a perfect circle. I want mine to be perfect well too bad, but i'm sticking mine in here.

Okay and now we wait again. I was trying to dance with you. Did you ever think about like people back in the day like if i were to go back into the past and start dancing like this, where they'd be like what in the world is that and i'm like the milly rock, would they think that's cool, or would They think that's lame. It depends on.

If you make the move, look good right. I think i probably think it's lame yeah, okay whoa. How did you grab yours? Okay, whoa mine is very toasty, so is mine? Might a little too it's an h. Mine says h.
H for hello or h for hannah anyone named hannah - this is from you. Mine is two eyes. Hi cheers cheers: cheers cheers he's just gon na whoa whoa big bite of bread; whoa, it's really sweet, it's so good, it's so sweet mmm. Somebody looks like it's like a little kid snack, a little disarming.

Oh when i have a child, i'm gon na make these and make the eat them and make the pizza quesadilla. No i'm going to make these for me it's just like when i have a child. I'm still going to eat these, but i also think it depends on what you put in there. Actually, i give it an 8 out of 10..

We like it it's good 8 out of 10 for me, 10 out of 10 for nessa. Let's move on to the next one so, as you can see with this next tick tock, apparently, if you put lime juice on green grapes, it's going to taste like sour patch, kids candy, you have to put sugar on it too. You have to put sugar on it too, so that is what we are going to do for this one, i'm excited so let's go ahead, squeeze the lime juice on there. I've been wanting to do this one for a very, very long time.

I love grapes, love lime, love, sour patch, kids. Oh, my mouth is watering tastes like it smells really good. I've always wanted to try this. How much sugar do you know? I don't know she looked like she put quite a bit.

Okay, i think that's enough. Okay, now try mixing it mix it. Well, i don't think it's enough. Those are coated grapes, okay, ready! Oh my gosh, it's like! Are you ready, they're supposed to taste like sour patch kids they're supposed to taste like sour patch kids ready cheers, cheers it tastes like a green grape with sugar on it? I think it needs more lime and more sugar yeah.

I think we need a lot of sugar. It goes, it needs to be from the bottom. It don't taste like anything to me guys that we just got grapes swimming in the bottom of the lime sugar. This is a delicious snack, but it tastes nowhere near shot shot shower sour patch, sour patch kids.

I will say i really like how this tastes me, too tastes almost kind of like lemonade. Are you okay? Oh, i hit my pinky toe. I'm disappointed in this, but i'm not should we have our judges, try it dip it in the lamb. Try that it's not bad.

Can i try something? No don't do it, it's not it. I promise you it's not going to taste anything like sugar. What do you think it tastes like a grape? Yes, tastes like a grape sour patch. Kids, have citric acid in them as well, and that's what gives it the sourness flavor to it, you're just making it more sweeter.

Yeah grapes don't need to be more. We need the sourness, we need more sour, you need, listen, hold on out, okay or just put the grape in the lime. Perfect idea, you let the juices flow, what a fail it tastes great, but what a fail? Maybe ow, i hit my hand really hard. This was a flop, but not a fail.
This is actually a very delicious snack lime, sugar and grapes. I think we got a couple more food hacks that we want to try. Let's move on so now we are going to be doing this tik tok hack, where basically, you put marshmallow fluff over an apple and drizzle it with honey, cut it with an apple thing and then eat it. I guess it tastes really good.

I guess it's just like a little snack, i don't know if it's a hat. We are marshmallow flour. I love marshmallow fluff me too. So now we just need to cover that apple with marshmallow fluff you're, not gon na lie.

It looks pretty nasty, i mean. I think this is what they do right. Why was there like so smooth? This is not good. This looks disgusting.

That is not pretty i'm just gon na drizzle some honey on it. What does the honey? Even? Do? I don't know? Ronnie we're just trying this cheers: what no? No, no, it tastes fine, but it's like why look for what i'm not bad but like? Why yeah that's how i'm seeing this it's just kind of like what what it doesn't taste bad, i'm just gon na say like this is never anything i will ever crave again in my entire life. So i'm just gon na say it's a zero. It's not a z, taste and flavor wise.

I would say it's a like eight though, but i will never ever crave that okay, but maybe some of you guys may like this, i don't even know, don't even bother you guys, i mean, and if you're going to just slice them up and dip it in The marshmallow fluff you'll get more flavor that way, yeah, but okay, not boo, but yeah. It's okay! Let's go on to the next one. So now it is night time it is late. It is time to do the lettuce water been wanting to do this all day.

I've been wanting to do this for last week. To be honest, if you have watched through the entire video and made it to the end, congratulations, it is time for the lettuce water, which is supposed to make us tired or feel good. I don't know i haven't personally seen this trend on tick tock. Apparently it just makes you tired, sleepy helps you sleep right.

I guess so. I'm just gon na put some lettuce in water. So what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to boil the lettuce and then drink the water, okay, i'm gon na put one more in there. Okay smelling a bit.

Well, i hope it helps us sleep because right now, i'm actually not really tired. You said you are kind of tired. I could probably fall asleep. Oh gosh, what's weird is that wow? Are you okay here, don't hold it? Let me hold it.

It's water's coming out, it's boiling! Oh, my goodness. Oh my god. This is boiling. What do we do? Oh gosh, oh my gosh, our mother is telling us to turn the heat down the thing about these tik tok hacks is none of them had instructions.

People are like full instructions in the link in my bio and then i go to the link in the bio and it's completely changed because the tick tock i find was like from a month ago or, let's be honest, we're all too lazy to even click. The link in the bio, we want the the instructions then and there so so. Basically, i don't know how long don't know how many pieces - okay, but i just know you just drank the lettuce, water, okay. Well, we have to drink the full cup of water, a full cup of water, yeah or else you're not going to experience this magical lettuce, water, the the effects of the magical, lettuce, magical lettuce, water.
I think we're going to just do this. I don't know how to feel about this. It is green. This is green.

Okay, you can see it's green. It is green here, okay, this one's mine. This is lettuce, water or lettuce, tea, all right. It's still really hot.

I feel like i'm gon na burn my tongue. Okay, did you just try it yeah why'd, you try it without me. Okay, here we go ready. I do not like that.

It tastes like vegetables. This is not good, i don't. We need to drink it in order to feel the effects of the lettuce runny. Oh wait is this spicy? Why would it be spicy? Is it spicy wait? Wait? Which pot did we use that one? My grandma uses a certain pot to make salsa and i think we accidentally used that certain pot to boil the lettuce i'm going to try it really chug it ready one.

Two three. Oh it's still hot ugh. I don't know if this is making me feel good. Making me feel kind of nauseous.

It is spicy, it's really spicy. It's so spicy that excuse me, i don't know what happened. Isaac there's yours! Oh you want to try it yeah, okay, it just tastes like water to me. Do you taste like the spiciness? I see you guys are almost done.

I literally have a full thing. Okay, i finished mine. Oh my, you didn't like it you're about to throw up here's the thing about the lettuce water you it has to hit you or something it has to affect you. So it's not going to happen right now.

I think it's already affecting me, so i feel like in the next 30 minutes to an hour. We have to wait so we're going to document it on our phones. Did i say that right? Yes, i think it's making. You look me too, so i'm just chilling in my room and i'm like kind of tired, but i'm not gon na lie.

I don't think the lettuce is like affecting me. It kind of like made me tired, and then i came to my room - and i just like was not like tired, there's a lot of this water. There's no joke what in the world. I am so sleepy right now.

What am i doing? Why am i so tired? I don't know i'm gon na say it was not worth it don't even bother. Maybe it works for other people, but it doesn't work for me what in the world? I don't even know if this is like affecting us in the same way, it is as as i am not acting right now. I just took off my eye makeup, but i am oh, my goodness. I am really really sleepy right now.
I could just literally pass out - i don't know if it's, because i'm just really really tired from the day or if the lettuce water is working, it might just be a combination of both that i could literally just pass out right now, like my eyes, are so Heavy, do i look crazy, goodnight everyone, and that was tick. Tock food hacks hope this video helped you guys out by us testing the food hacks for you: okay, let's try it again, and that was lettuce, food, hacks, okay, okay, okay, i got this. Let me do the outro and that was tick, tock food hacks. Let us know in the comments below you say it then, and that was tick and that was tick.

Tock food hacks hope you guys enjoyed this video. We did the food hacks, so you guys didn't. Have to we're saving you guys all the work and all the disappointment, i'm tired, and thanks for watching, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel by clicking subscribe to our live channel by clicking this button right here subscribe to our Channel and check out some of the other videos we have done and get our merch it's in the link in the description below and we'll see you guys next time, bye.

15 thoughts on “Trying tiktok food hacks! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sara.loves.desserts says:

    an alternative to the grape thing:
    after you squeeze out a lemon (for whatever reason) sprinkle sugar on it and eat the leftover fruit part. tastes just like sour patch!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lexi G says:

    God loves us so much that He sent His one and only son to die on the cross for our sins…so please Repent from your sins and ask for forgiveness the punishment of sin is death…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lexi G says:

    Whatever you are going through right now God can help you through it if your struggling with money food or even work or school He can help you.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lexi G says:

    Whatever you are going through right now God can help you through it if your struggling with money food or even work or school He can help you.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lexi G says:

    God loves us so much that He sent His one and only son to die on the cross for our sins…so please Repent from your sins and ask for forgiveness the punishment of sin is death…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bronwyn_ D says:

    The lettuce one:
    Put lettuce in mug
    Kettle water
    Put tea bag in
    Finally take the lettuce out then drink

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tarirai Moyo says:

    That nutella and banana song was awesome. The middle part, everything was legit in sync. 😁

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ✨PT VLOGS✨ says:

    Hi Merrell twin I know I'm late and I don't want to be mean, but you guys did that wrong the end part because, the person put "tea" and "lettuce" together to the water so ya that it have a nice day! ✨☺️

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruna Santos says:

    For the popcorn one I think the way to not burn is just keep mixing, like using an actually popcorn pan

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kalida Abdulmajid says:

    Hey Mel twins I what’s your videos since I was 8 now 11 and I still watch your videos and your dad are very funny and very funny jokes and I hope you have a good day i love you 😍

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donuts Lover says:

    Roni: it taste great
    Me: it taste grape

    Sorry I thought this was a funny pun


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Whiteway says:

    lol of course the pop corn will be burnt …. i would have put it in a bowl on the pan lol

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harriet says:

    omg, i love how when the nutella bread popped up they both went "ooh!" at the exact same time! bahaha

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leila Tilus says:

    Roni: is is chocolate or is it burnt
    Roni tastes it
    Roni: IT IS BURNT

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars babieangel jeno says:

    My mom boils plants and flowers or herbal stuff a lot to make us drink it, it helps, it's cleansing our body and makes us feel relaxed

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