It's Veronica's first time spending the night at Vanessa's new home!
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We’re identical twin sisters who have been consistently making videos since 2013. We post videos showcasing our range in both comedy and music such as original comedy sketches, original scripted series, original songs, original music videos, gaming videos, weekly live streams, weekly gaming livestreams, twin swaps, twin sister vs twin sister, popular song parodies, popular song covers, original funny songs, 24 hour challenges, popular challenges, popular trends, lifestyle, fashion, and much more!
#newhouse #twins #sleepover

We've got a night full of adventure. A Pull up couch. That's it. It's pizza making time is a sleepover.

We're supposed to stay up late. We're oh the camera. Hey Guys, I'm Vanessa, and today we are here at my place and guess who is also here? Spending The night. Ready? Yay.

I'm here. I'm spending the night. I'm so excited. This is my first time ever spending the night in NE's new place.

Yes. Um, we'll see what happens. I Know a lot of you guys have been requesting this video, so make sure to subscribe and like this video. Yes.

Subscribe and like she's got her bag. She's ready. I'm ready. I packed.

Stuff. I'm ready to spend the night and we've got a night full of adventures. Yay. Sleep over.

Sleep over. Sleep over. All right. Where Will I be sleeping in there? What is that? Well, it's, the bed's not made yet, so it's a pullout couch.

You knew that? I didn't know that. I'm trying to act for dramatic fact. A Pull up couch. I gave you a whole bed.

You get a whole bed too. It's a queen size with a foam topper. Wow. Okay, so welcome.

Thank you. We've just been chatting about our day so far, and Ronnie says she woke up. Woke up and then, and that's it. That's all she's done is she just woke up pretty much.

I was just waiting to come here all day. Oh, well she's finally, I'm here. I Got some fun things lined up for us. Okay.

Uh, like doing my laundry. Haha. Just kidding. So something that John and I do a lot is we make pizzas.

Really? Yeah. We Either do frozen pizza or we try to make our own pizzas. Oh, okay. So I've decided tonight that we're going to have pizza.

All right. It is a pizza time. It's pizza. Pizza.

What? Uh, pizza. It's pizza making time. Okay. Let's see.

What has Nessa provided for us? The First ingredient Nessa has for us is mini pizza dough, frozen. We Got the pizza tray here. We. Mozzarella cheese.

When did you just get like the shredded candy? Really? Dunno Why you're really making it difficult for us. I couldn't, I couldn't find the, the cheese section I, that was in the cheese section. I couldn't find shredded cheese and pepperoni. Okay.

Pepperoni pizza. Sauce. Sauce. Oh yeah.

Is this pizza? Pizza, pizza one. Pizza sauce. Pizza sauce. Ok.

Mustard, tomato, basil. These literally look like tortillas. Okay. This is nice.

Okay, let me try and figure out how to cut this. Do you have like a grater? No, we could cut the cheese. For Some reason I feel like something is going to go wrong here. It's not, and then we just go like this.

Okay. Yeah, we can. We can work with that. Okay.

Let's put the sauce on. I Like a lot of sauce. My Gosh. This little tiny spoon.

Look How little should we use the tiny spoon? Yes. Why would we not use this tiny spoon? Oh My goodness. That is amazing. For Little pizzas.

Okay, we gotta use this, the tiny spoon for this. Ow. Ow. How Do we get this open? Okay.
How You hold? Hold the top and you spin the bottom. Yes. Yes. Wait, hold the top with the right righty.

Tiny lefty, Lucy. So, so tight. Wait, have you been turning it right? I've been turning it right. Wait, let's see.

We cannot get this. We Literally can't open this. Open. No.

1, 2, 2, 3. Oh My goodness. Okay. Okay.

We can't do this for every piece of pizza. esa. What? You Never know. Okay.

Do We like saucy pizza? Common in the comments below. Do You like your pizza saucy? Yeah. Okay. Okay.

That looks good to me. Perfect. All right. Back to this cheese like that.

Okay. So we kind of have like thick. Shredded pieces of mozzarella. Mozzarella.

Oh, this is working out perfect. I knew in my head this would look work out good. That is looking very nice. Now It's time for the pepperoni.

I Don't know about you guys, but I love a ton of pepperoni. Top it off with some truffle oil. Ooh, do you have like basil? Yeah. Okay.

Red truffle oil. Whoa, whoa. That was an accident. Now It's time to bake.

10 to 20 minutes. Okay, So while the pizza is baking, we are going to be playing a game that we've been obsessed with recently and it's called Match Masters. It is such a fun game. Ronnie and I are going to challenge each other right now.

In Match Masters Players from all over the world compete head to head to match pieces on a board to get the highest score. There are powerful boosters, exciting game modes, and different ways to strategize and win this. Summer Match Masters is collaborating with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to create some awesome, fun inspired TM N T Game features. The Features include: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, emo to Avatar outfits, a limited edition seasonal album with.

40 Teenage Mu Ninja Turtle stickers to collect and special game modes featuring pizza, which is why we're baking pizza. Is it baking or making? Ah, we're making or baking? Same thing. Same thing. I have a challenge for you in real life, whoever wins this match.

Gets the other person's last slice of pizza. I Don't wanna get my last slice of pizza, but it's okay because that's not gonna happen to me cuz I'm really good at this game. No. Oh My gosh, here we go.

You Shoot. Oh My gosh. The Blue stars give you more. Uh, power up.

I got move. You have another move. Beautiful. Gorgeous.

This is amazing. Listen, you're doing good, but. The extra move. Oh, I don't know what to do.

Good Job. Nice. Nice. I'm so sorry, Vanessa, but looks like I'm getting your last slice.

Dang it. No, come on. We can go again. Just Saying.

No, it's okay. Oh, and I got your booster. Why? Because When you lose, you lose your booster. What the heck? You took? Myer checked your booster.

What in the world? All right. Well Ronnie, you won Fair and square. Oof. Match Masters at the game.
You just can't put down. It's so much fun. We Love foam games and this game is definitely top tier. Yes, chefs Kiss and speaking of Chef's Kiss, let's go get our pizza.

Cowon, dude, thank you. Match Master for sponsor for sponsoring this, this video. All right. The Cheese has exploded everywhere.

And the cheese and then the Where even is the crust anymore? The crust is gone. It's just like hidden by the cheese. It looks really good. It smells so good.

It looks so good you guys. This is amazing. It's time to taste. Test your pizzas.

All right. Here we go. Here Go. So there's so, it's so little.

I love how they're Cheers. Mm. Ooh. I, how bad.

Mm. This is good. The Toppings have a lot of flavor. 10 out of 10.

Really good flavor. Okay. This is my last piece of pizza. Mm.

You won fair and square. Fair and square. I did. And I Feeling really bad at taking your pizza off.

No, no, it's okay. I'm actually pretty full so you can have the last piece. I Hope you enjoy that piece. So As you guys could probably tell John and I like many things and I wanna show Brown and open.

It's a mini desk thing. What is that? A mini stapler? Lemme see. It's a mini desk thing. Very cute.

Now I have some other things. Oh, ready? Okay. Close your eyes. Okay.

Hold out your hand. Oh no. I'm sharing the camera first. What am I holding? Oh, that's my sleeve.

Oh, what is this? Oh, the little mini. It's so little clothes pin. It's a clothes pin. It's so tiny.

Hold that again. Again. It's a little jar. We have like 10 of these.

10 Uhhuh. What should we do next? Okay. I Have some activities for us now. Oh, you do? She has something planned.

Yes. We are now going to color. Oh, very nice. Very nice.

Ok. I don't, I'm not really good at coloring. Well, it's okay. It's okay.

Whoa, what's in here? Oh, it's just storage and some shoes. That's where those shoes went. You gave them back to me. I didn't give them back to you.

They've always been my shoes. The silver ones? Mm-hmm. We've always shared them. It is now time to color.

Look at all these markers. So Many markers, and you get your own coloring book. Thank you. Okay.

Can get my own. It hasn't been colored in. Yeah, it's the community coloring book. The Community, what does that mean? Theu? You Get to pick whatever page you want.

Oh, and I get to color it. Okay. Can I have guests over? They can color a page. This book belongs to me now.

These are so cute. There's this page of little bumblebees having a picnic. All right. Well, I think I'm gonna choose this bee, this B page.

Oh, that is so cute. The Bumblebees having a picnic. Ah, I should have looked up like a cartoon. Bumblebee First.

You're finally had one chance at this. It's amazing. Look at this little turtle. Oh, look at Ronnie's little bee.
All right, Ronnie. Oh, so John made some popcorn the other day. Okay. How, what do you mean by made? He Made it from scratch.

So You take popcorn kernels and you put 'em in like a big steel vat thing. You put a few in there with some oil, and then you turn it on high. And then once they pop, that's a sign that the oil's hot enough, do like half a cup and then just let it cook. And Then I seasoned it with truffle black pepper, salt, garlic.

Well, garlic salt. Oh, that's pretty good. It's a little style. Yeah, but the idea is there.

That's very good. You and Erin should do that. I like it. 10 outta 10.

There you go. Homemade popcorn. Ronnie's saying she's warm. So 97 9, you're not feeling well, Ronnie.

You need to take a wellness shot. What? Go, go, go. If you're not feeling well, this will help. All of a sudden, I'm feeling so much better.

Take it. You'll get rewarded with cookies. Drink Woman. This is called beer pressure.

Yeah. Yep. You gotta drink the rest of it. Give it to me.

Go, go. Go. You Guys like, like the same face taste something. I just like feel like I should be breathing out fire right now.

I just had a turmeric shot and you want me to eat cookies? It'll help you. Time to make your bed. Wow. Thank you.

All right. Here you go. What? That's it. So hospitable.

Got what? In the mattress. I thought you were gonna do this. I was supposed, yeah, we were supposed to, but now he's here. But he's here.

He, I mean, he volunteered. I brought the stuff out earlier before I left and I was like, oh, that'll be a nice. Way to help them and it'll be done. When I come back, I Came here and I was like, wow, why isn't the bed made? She said she wanted to make it later.

I don't know if you guys were gonna like hang out and have some fun. I was going to make it with you. Yeah, I'm here. I do like to sleep with my arm on something.

I sleep like this fall, so I need something here to rest my hand. Otherwise, otherwise, that's good for your. Hi. Hi.

Well thank you there. It's, this looks really nice. Your bed. This Bed has gotten great reviews.

Who's all slept in it? My sister. Wow. So it sister now. So It's just one review.

It's the sister bed. Yeah. Five stars. Yeah.

Take A Take a seat. Yeah. This is nice. Yeah.

You know that's comfortable. Yeah, it's comfortable. We'll see. How I actually sleep.

They're done. Cookies are done. I'm excited to try these cookies. It is hot in here.

Yeah it is. Okay guys. Cookies are done. An Exquisite dessert.

A delicacy, if I must say. Oh, too hot. Too hot. That worked.

I Can't believe that. I Don't know why you wouldn't think it wouldn't work. I know there's a knife on a fork's. Just a, it's a completely normal fork and knife.
Nothing weird about him. Mm. The a little coppery. I can feel like the copper making contact with my tongue.

You should try it. No, I am now getting ready for bed. And Next says guest bathroom. Yes.

All right. Well, I'll let you get ready for bed. I, I'm at my PJ's. Okay.

That's great. Okay, Ronnie, it's bedtime. Goodnight. Goodnight.

I'll tuck you in. I'm being forced to go to bed. Yes. Go.

No longer. Wanna be hung out. Hung out with, well, it's uh, it's 1122. It's a sleepover.

We're supposed to stay up late and talk about boys and our love lives. We're married and we're married to men. That's all we need to talk about. Wait, what time should I wake up? Good.

Hey, I don't know. Eight 30. Eight 30 or eight? Eight. Is that too early? No.

Yes, yes. It's very early. Okay. Goodnight, Ronnie.

Okay. Goodnight. Okay. Sweet dreams.

Sweet dreams. Okay. Bye Bye-bye. Your bed.

Look, that bed looks so cozy. It is pretty cozy in here. Okay. Good night.

Okay Everyone, it is morning time and I'm going to wake up Ronnie and see how she slept. Good morning. Good morning. How did you sleep? Good.

Really? Yeah. It slept fun. Did we just have an earthquake? No, it's, are you leaning against the bed? Yeah. Oh yeah.

My leg was leaning against. The bed. Okay, well I think it's time for you to get up. Ah, your hand is so cold.

What are you making? Breakfast salad. Martha, breakfast salad. A little side salad for breakfast. I Just took a shower and I liked it.

It's a nice shower. I'm clean. I'm ready for the day. Chef Nessa.

Wow. Have you this from me too. Uh, well, half and half. I like my eggs over hard.

You don't like them running? No. This is not traditional latte art. This is like drawing with milk. There you go.

It's a spiderweb spider. I like it. Thank you. What is your favorite part about marriage so far? Me? Yeah.

Both of you. Yeah. Well, mornings when we, we actually have time to like wake up and like make breakfast together and just like chill for a little bit. Those are like really great mornings.

Is that your coffee? You good? Very good. Those are, those are the beans that. You gifted us. Those are beads you got from New York.

Here is your breakfast. What does that mean? Wow. Two over hard eggs. Thank you.

With topped with little tomatoes. Beautiful avocado, grapes. And some salad with coffee. Wow.

Look how aesthetically move everything out. What is this? Just kidding. Look at how aesthetically pleasing that breakfast looks. Thank you.

You're welcome. Wow. Hope you enjoy. Yes.

You what? So the kind of design you would get. You used raw milk. What? Not a cat. It's a tiger.

It's my kitty. Look how cute that is. That's one of your best ones, John. We're finished with breakfast.
Nest is cleaning the dishes I've offered many times. Should keep saying no. Well, you're the cat. That's okay, but I can help.

Anyway, breakfast was so good. Now We're kind of just getting after this. We're just gonna get ready to go and. Head over to our parents' house so we can start working.

All right, so we are ready. We've got our makeup on. We're Ooh, ooh, the camera. The camera's falling.

We're ready to go. Nessa. Thank you so much for having me. You're welcome.

So Fun. It was fun having you and cooking for you and. Letting you sleep in my guest bedroom. It Felt like, honestly, I was like a little mini vacation.

It was really nice be. You're welcome to be welcome here. Thank you. I'm glad it was an oasis for you.

Guys Make sure to go download Match Masters. They Sponsored this video, so thank you to them. Check Out the link in the description below so you can download the game. It's so fun.

Yes, we were playing even more last night off camera. I know. We Just love the game so much. But, um, yes, thank you to Match Masters for sponsoring this video.

Thank You guys so much for watching. Comment down below. Some Other vlogs you'd like to see. Thanks for watching.

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11 thoughts on “Spending the night at my twin sisters new house! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kierstyn Bradford says:

    for my pizza is saucy I do love pineapple on pizza

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ana azuara says:

    Omg what coloring book is that I would love to buy one

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the unknown gabby says:

    Wait this was 3 months ago already

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maria Maureen Lalli says:

    ooohhh can someone ID nessa’s burnt orange top? so cute!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shoppingaddixx says:

    I don’t even order pizza anymore I’ve mastered the perfect homemade pizza. I don’t like as much sauce on mine though! Looked super yummy though!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helena Urbanová says:

    That seems sooo fun i love sleepovers 😁

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fiona Molloy says:

    Love your videos❤

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arn says:

    You guys were so excited to use the tiny spoon. Then it took a while to open the pizza sauce bottle, so you guys weren't having the energy to use the tiny spoon anymore. love it AHAHAH ><

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arshika rani says:

    More videos like this please 😊

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cassidy Malott says:

    Is it a apartment or a house it looks like a apartment

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Collie says:

    Ronnie you have nice dimples too.

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