Vanessa spent the night at Veronica and Aaron’s new apartment! Watch to see how it went…
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Is the best sleepover? This gets crazy. I would like my fortune told, will my marriage last, i haven't even slept. Hey guys, i'm veronica and i bet you're wondering where nessa is and i but you're also wondering where i am at. I am at me and aaron's apartment nessa is spending the night here, so we're having a sleeper and she's going to be here any minute now, so we cleaned up for her and it's going to be great.

We cleaned up for her hi partially. I cleaned up a little bit make sure to subscribe and hit the bell button to get notified when we post a new video and should be here any minute. So let's wait for her. Okay ness is here: i'm nervous, okay, ready, hello! All right shall we show you to your room sure you want me to take your coat or anything.

You take off your shoes here. Hang your coat there! Here's your room! Oh my gosh! I didn't even need to bring a stuffed animal hold on. His name is booger. No, i don't want him.

I named him. I still don't want him yeah. Well, she brought the tiger. I got her, be careful, they can be friends, doubt it tiger and a dinosaur wow.

This bedding looks so familiar. This was the nest's old comforter. She gave it to us. I did i really it's really nice, it's dirty in the closet.

Are there puppets in there yeah gummy worms? This is the best sleepover i cleaned the bathroom, for you, too ronnie hasn't seen it either. When did that happen, i can't believe you did that yeah come see your bathroom. Well, they can see you can shower and then this is your towels. Oh i want this.

You can take that home. It's for you, it's your favorite candlestick! Thank you! Oh yes, can we burn that too? When you go here, we're all adults here, adults, don't say that working here? No, no! It's stinky! In there more puppets. Guppy days left zero. That was andrew.

It was a vlogmas. What does that mean? You can stay in here? Yeah and there's weights over there too. I can work out and go right to sleep before all this we went out to eat dinner. We did, we went and had cream barbecue.

Oh, can we give john his gift yeah all right, ready! Welcome to california come to california housewarming gift. Here you go whoa whoa, that's really cool. It says star wars in japanese. Thank you guys.

That's really! Nice you're! Welcome! Awesome! You want to see our plans. Sure here come here, see our plans. Does this one look familiar? Hey you took that from our house. I did mommy said i could have it if you uh it's for me nice.

Thank you, yay, hey. We got you doritos and ornos. Thank you. I went to four different places and i couldn't find it and this guy guaranteed me like it's.

The exact thing bug juice, oh, but it's not bug juice and then well. It's apple juice, oh yay, for breakfast super sugary drink. Is that how you open it? Let's see hmm yeah, it works, it works, put that down no aaron and i have been playing breath of wild legend of zelda and we're showing nessa and john for the first time. Don't treat our guests like that jump to that rock? No, no! No! Don't land over there? So what do you have for us? What's uber it's like a yam sweet yeah.
I got one for john too. I like it purple. Oh yeah! I love this guppy. Do you want some ube? You want some ube, it's like mochi, but a different kind of different food.

Would you like a tour of the apartment? Yes, yes, we are in the living room. I'm living this is game. Corner table, slash my workstation. This is where i like kind of do.

My work chess board, aaron's photography, nessa. That's me, that's you! Isn't this a nice mirror here's the kitchen! We saw this earlier, hello, hello, hey, baby, here's, the dining area where we eat nasa. This is my a wedding bouquet. Oh yeah, it's a little succulent from that nana made that inanna made it for me.

If you look behind you, there are some photos: there's quirky and catalina island. Here's guppy's corner where he eats he's got nothing in there. You want to feed him nessa sure he wants food from you dip the bowl in there. You don't have like a scooper.

I know right, that's a lot! That's too much! That's great and then put it down. Wait! Oh okay, you can go hold done. What? Oh all done good job. Okay, you want to make hello hollow.

Yes, we got our ice, we got our ice shaver. We've got the hedgehogs. We've got basically the innards of coconut, the innards, the guts. Why would you say it like that? That's what it is sleep overnight: more beans, there's coconut cubes up there, too coconut jelly cubes.

So honestly, it's whatever you want and then you cover it with shaved ice. Is that the thing, then, you put ube ice cream on top and you put some almond milk in there too. I want the beans, you do all right. I shall commence the shaving a paper towel.

Oh, it was open. Sorry, it's okay! What are you doing? More? That's good, that's good! So living here you might hear rats. We have a rodent problem here. Oh it was aaron holding it.

What there you go, john, what's up everybody, i will be now playing the duck. This gets crazy. Have you guys ever had ice cream with beans? It's so good. I agree, i mean hello, hello.

Are we weird hello, hello, the duck's name? It's john. Does this shirt make me look fat? No, your fat makes you look fat. I would like my fortune told what would you like to know? Will my marriage last. Let me see whoa, okay, hey whoa, and the answer is yes, that's so funny will i ever get married.

Let me see - and the answer is again later, what whoa guys that was crazy. That was crazy, like and subscribe for part two. What ran tomorrow. It is whoa whoa donkey.

Kong was ripped off after me, okay, who else? What's their fortune told, i would like my fortune red please what's your question? Oh, am i on tv, yeah, hello, hi mom. I would like to know if my accent is british or something else: no, no! No! No! No! No will i be fired from my job out. Look good. What does that mean? Should we start playing? Should we stop? So if it's say zelda yeah reply is no okay, so we just played super mario bros and it's four players.
So we all four of us played and we were a good team now it's like 11 36 p.m, and it is time to go to bed. I'm going to feed tucker be safe, bye. All right, good night, see you in the morning see ya in the morning. It's cold yeah, it's freezing nessa! Do you want to put him to bed? Okay, i put him to bed.

Oh my goodness, it's time for bed easy and then we just say good night, good night. Okay, do you need anything? I feel like we've kind of like have like a lame night. What do you think? No? I haven't had a fun night. Okay, good! I mean i don't know what other people there's like lots of snacks: lots of snacks, video games, puppets! That's like snow weather.

It didn't hit 66, it was going to, but now it's at 70.. Okay. So what do you think of my me and aaron's apartment so far? I think it's decorated very nicely. I think, there's like weird little nooks and stuff that kind of smell off.

What do you mean, but other than that, like it's, it's very nice and cozy? I hope you have a good night sweet. Okay. I love you good night, i'm glad you're. Here i was gon na say: there's a random noises in this apartment.

There will be like bangs and that's the neighbors. Is it cozy yeah? It is pretty cozy. You want to sleep with booger too, not really. Okay, good night good night, thanks for letting me stay, and thanks for my snacks you're welcome what do people like do at sleepovers nowadays i mean i feel like we had a really good sleepover.

We had a good sleepover. Isn't it like about to go to bed? The sleepover hasn't even happened like the legit sleep part hasn't even i feel bad. I kind of want it's like it's done. You can go home now.

I haven't even slept. Okay, never mind good night. Oh my gosh good morning just kidding this is this. Is nice? It's cozy hot, pat, pat, pat pat good night.

Good night love. You love you too, okay, so i just got up me and guppy are going to go greet nessa and see how she slept good morning. Baby erin left. He went to go.

Do some errands good morning look who says hello good morning: he wants you to wake up. Can you sleep? Okay is dinner, ready breakfast yeah, no yeah. Let me keep sleeping. No! Oh! It's stuck in my hair.

It's 64 degrees in here i just turned on the heater to make it warmer holy cow. I wonder why i'm freezing time to make breakfast not really sure what to do so i'll, probably do like an avocado toast with a fried egg and a side of bacon, making some bacon got. Some avocado make some avocado toast comment in the comments below what you like to eat for breakfast in the morning i know one of our favorite things to eat is avocado toast with some eggs all right, so i made the bed and, for the most part, i Think i would say the bed in my sleep was 10 out of 10.. It's a very comfy bed and it was really cozy so cozy to the point where i only stayed in one spot, the entire night.
You move around a lot and i move yeah. I move around a ton in my sleep, are you hungry for breakfast yeah, but can we acknowledge the fact that a little before this i went around the corner to go to the bathroom and aaron? Was there with that raccoon puppet and scared? Me i'm sorry. He scared me it wasn't caught on video, but he scared me. Oh my gosh rooney good morning, sorry about scaring you earlier vanessa.

Erin, oh show me wow, look at this. Breakfast is set fried egg over avocado toast with some bacon. Thank you for this food and bless the hands who made the food hey man hi. I want to give you the honors of picking out guppy's bandana for today, i'm gon na put it on here.

Look how cute he looks, though. Oh, would you consider spending the night again? Maybe i needed to yeah if we were a hotel, what yelp review would you give us i'd? Give you a five star rating? Oh, we can start hotel running. No, don't do that. Well, there you have.

It nessa slept over at me and aaron's apartment. What were your overall thoughts? I think. Overall, my sleep was 10 out of 10.. There are random, smells here and there overall i say: 10 out of 10..

This was a fun experience and i would do it again. Would you have me over? Was i a good guest? Yes you're, a great guest. I did nothing. Thank you for coming over thanks for having me.

Yes, i love you nesta. It was so much fun to have you here and thanks for watching, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right over here and subscribe to our live channel where we live stream every single week by Clicking this button right here check out some of the other videos we've done and we'll see you guys next time, bye.

10 thoughts on “Spending the night at my twin s new apartment – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ciara Maher says:

    I love you both so much!!🤍

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Candice Chu says:

    New video!! 🥳

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aarna Lad says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lolyourface says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Myranda Allison says:

    Lol 😂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eleni Klonaris says:

    Hiii ilygsm

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZZ Potgieter says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sa'kai-Adoniyss Foote says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars djmeduna2009 says:

    Wow yeah

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Northernmam1519 says:

    I have been subscribed to this channel for about 7 years. In that time i have had 2 children. Now my eldest is turning 7 in august every Tuesday we sit and watch your videos together. We love you both so much and you’s make us laugh uncontrollably without trying. Also my 2 year olds favorite song is runner runner. Keep up the amazing hard work.

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