Pro VS NOOB! Watch to see who has the better cookies! Us or Trevor the professional? NEW VIDEOS EVERY TUESDAY!!!
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Challenge begins in three. Literally jump again it's my fault or high altitude baking? Are we in high altitude? Yeah! so we I pulled this out. that's good. The other things that go into it yeah oh my gosh are burning. Hey guys I'm Veronica I'm Vanessa and we are here with Trevor Hi! Thank you for having me. Thanks for being here is so exciting! We're doing a really fun challenge today. We're going to be doing Pro versus beginners making chocolate chocolate chip cookies. Yes! I'm a pro Yes thank you. A lot of background and history in the baking world. I Did go to culinary school specifically for the baking world so we were on. Aunt We thought it'd be really fun if we did a baking Challenge on our Channel with Trevor see who can make the better cookies? Yes! I'm famous for my cookies not I'm not actually famous for my cookies, but it is one of my favorite things to make. It's so much so that I haven't I have a tattoo for it? What? Yeah, that's crazy. It's milk and cookies I Love cookies, big cookie add um is that intense in the play I came to play I don't know what to tell you before we start. make sure to subscribe to our Channel Also, go check out Trevor's Channel as well and check out the podcast we were on with him. It was so fun! We talked about so many things. Yes, we did. Arguably the best episode we've ever done for you to decide. I Guess the challenge begins in three Oh I Literally jumped the gun. It's my fault. Okay, ready, three, two, one start. All right. Oh my gosh. I Can't believe you have measuring cups. Imagine using because I measure everything in grams in weight by weight. Use your recipe. You can't steal my tactics now. Okay, so Trevor Has a scale scale in them. No mixer. but it's okay because we've got we've got. We've got our own pee in our heads. Yeah, we've used for years. Yes, our homemade recipe. We have to combine. How many cookies does this make? I don't know. Um, oh, there's tips right here for high altitude baking. Are we in high altitude? Is that affecting your recipe? Our altitude? No. Actually, it's funny because altitude can have a lot of effect, but on something like cookies, it shouldn't matter. Oh okay. but the wind. we used to have to change. Uh, back when I worked at a bakery we had to change the recipe based on what time of the year it was because of humidity. Yeah, so we would have to change. Like how much water we're putting into a dough. Okay, a lot of science. That's that's easy. I Don't even want to tell you where this cookie recipe is from because I Feel like you just might quit? Will you tell us after? Maybe wait where it's from? Well I like I Want to know? Is it famous? Yeah kind of what. Well, from the bakery that I used to work at, there's this really famous pastry chef his name is Dominique Ansel My cookie recipe is inspired by his. um, in the way that I took it and now use it as my own. I'm famous too. Yeah, yours is probably actually more famous salt. I'm getting a paper towel. We're gonna start putting all of our dry ingredients into a bowl. So flour, we need two, one, two, two, and one fourth cups. And then one fourth. Oh Nessa Look at this technique. Wow. That's really good. You're not doing the spoon and sweet method. No, because we we just two cups. That's a ton of cookies. Wait, what did you say? The spoon and what? The spoon and sweet method. Technically for all recipes written in the US you're supposed to use because that's packing. so you're actually going to get a lot more flour in the cup. What you're supposed to do is you're supposed to take a spoon, scoop it into the cup, and then sweep off the top into an even level. Okay, well excuse me, you don't have to I don't do that time, but that's what you're supposed to. Well, you know what we have all the time in the world today. Baking soda, one teaspoon 1, 4 teaspoon, one half teaspoon sorry, it's Gonna Get Loud wait why? oh is it plugged in? Is it on? No? The cord I Think we need to plug it in first? Oh oh silent. This is brand new brand brand new. Wow, look at that. This is a technique called creaming and creaming the butter and the sugar together. Um and what that does is it whips air into it and it makes your cookies fluffier and lighter. So I'm just gonna let this butter and sugar cream for a little bit. What the heck on Mythical Kitchen Another Channel that I am on. Sometimes we have a series called Myth Munchers where we take like foods and we find out like food myths about them. Like people say like oh you when you cook a pizza you have to use a pizza stone. you have to let the dough rest for 24 hours or something like that. So we test these myths to see if they're true and like what's the best way to actually cook something. And we did a cookie episode. So scientifically I do know the best way to make cookies. What the heck Wait! So if you know scientifically yeah, the correct way to make food and can you help us debunk the biggest controversy on our Channel What? I'm Ready The biggest controversy on this channel is how do you cook pasta? Do you use salt in the water? Do you use oil? So actually uh, you should salt your pasta water? Definitely Okay, okay, putting oil in the pasta water doesn't do anything. So like when you're boiling pasta, putting oil in the water, it's pretty much useless. So and like to boil the water first and then put stuff or pasta first and then let it boil. When we did that, we mostly found it was just a timing thing. It was like if you wait for the water to boil like your pasta is going to cook faster. but you can also just do it from non-boiling water and it's still fine. It's just going to take a little bit longer. There's a lot of mist that we find where it doesn't matter. There's a lot of myth where it's like there's not really a difference between one way and another way. So the conclusion is. salt your pasta Water? Yes. But it doesn't matter if you boil it before or after. And oil doesn't matter either. Oil does nothing does nothing. Yeah, so we don't need oil in our pasta. There you go. Thanks for watching guys. Well, we're not done. Wait, what are you doing? This says to mix it like what he was like that we can just do it with our our hands. It says until creamy it says beet butter. Okay, Whoa. Okay, we can't beat the butter that way. Wait, do you think of butter? Does it beat the butter with sugar? That's what I'm doing. Yeah, so we I pulled this out. That's good. A few other things that go into it. Um yes. Okay okay. let me let me do it. Let me do it. Wait I think these are the wrong ones? Oh darn two different sizes. that's not even one. Wait wait wait. I'm so confused. Are they not here? No, yes they are. Are there to go? There could be making song? How you doing? Um, struggling over here I did it good job I did it I didn't plug it in. It's a plug back here. We got it. Yeah, there we go watch. It's fine. No, no, we'll just do it here. Are you sure? Yeah, we can do it. but we need to add. we need to add the sugar. He's already on the eggs and he's measuring his eyes. You can't You can't focus on that and vanilla extract. We need the vanilla. A teaspoon. One teaspoon of vanilla. No No. I got it. I got it. What? That's crazy. Okay, focus. Okay guys. we're behind. We're back. Way too much Really sweet cookies. Oh yum Here we go. hold this. Nessa I Don't trust you. We have to go. We have to go. Nessa Wait, what is wrong with this butter? Let me do it. We need because we need to set it down. Vanessa Peanut Butter's gonna go everywhere. Why is it shaped so weird? It's because it's butter I Didn't think he was uh here. just set it down and then do that I'll prepare the next ingredient Ronnie This is not working because it's a vegan butter. I Don't know about this butter. It doesn't look creamy. it looks Sandy Hillary Looks like the sand on the beach and look at our thing. Nemo Bobbers crank the speed. Just do it faster. There's a solution. Whip it all out. That's what I would do personally. I Don't think I've ever made cookies like this. Me either. No, you're doing great. That's good. It's good. Yeah, because then now you add egg to that and it's gonna hydrate and look something like mine. Oh my. yours actually looks like dough. but I have added eggs to it. you haven't added it. Okay, let's see. we're gonna add eggs and it's gonna be good. So much fun just baking cookies with my friends. Yeah, a great way to spend a day. I Agree. Baking cookies, Weighing eggs. Hey, don't talk smack on the weighing eggs. Okay, wait. Ronnie Are you so sure we're supposed to do? This is exactly how it's supposed to look. Now what beat in the flour mixture? Be in the flour. Okay, do you want me to do it too much? We're supposed to do it slowly. Oh no. Now it looks like Tiger's chicken. It's fleeing everywhere. Stop. keep it down I am. but you have to Stir It Up somewhere. Why is there a hair right here? Whose hair is that? Where is that coming from? Is it in a mixture? Yeah, No. I Leave it in. It adds flavor. Hey, it might be mine. I Don't think your hair is this long anymore. It's not. Yeah I Don't know how that happened. because my hair is. oh my hair is up too. I Don't get it. Now we add in the cookies. the the chocolate. Done time. Wait whoa wait whoa. There's no reason for that because now we have to mix all the chocolate chips in the like. do it like this with the chocolate I'll just do it with this. No I can do it. No No. Ronnie I Don't think this is the right thing to me. Okay, give it to me. Do it you. I Do it. Let me do it. It's fine. The way. I Don't think that this is how you mix the chocolate chips. You're wasting the cookies. This one only has six. Are we making like giant cookies? I Think your cookies gonna be massive. My cookies are gonna be freaking perfectly sized. Thank you very much. That's okay. that's like perfect. They're gonna be 90 grams each. Why does that look like it's gonna be so big? Um, because I like bigger cookies. These aren't even as big as I sometimes. I go up to 110 grams on a cookie. Whoa. You're getting crazy over here. 110 for me. I Feel like cookies don't have to be perfect I Feel like yeah, well look at this perfect little ball. Do you want them like that? Okay, yeah, no. totally do that. Okay, that's not a good idea. Maybe we're supposed to do what he's doing and we can't copy him. Yes here. Watch technique Boop Oh yes sir, that was that was good. That is a little bit wet there. Hey James no I'm not I'm just making an observation but isn't yours technically wet? Mine's wet but it's not as wet like yours is sticking because yeah, is that bad. If it were me and personally I don't know about it. Okay, so that's bad. I think you just added a lot of butter. Two sticks of butter is a lot of butter. Wait I didn't want to use that butter I could let's use a different butter and then you told me no, these are two sticks already I thought that was a different type one because this has olive oil in it. Oh why? I don't know why would you use butter with olive oil I said Ronnie's dairy free. not all the time. let's use our other butter. look look at my hand. look how greasy it is. Yeah that that tracks. I mean mine's greasy but not just my look I'm like Edward Cullen over here left over for snacking. Whoa goodness I Think this is fine. We're just gonna have to be okay with all of this. You know what I would do if I were you what? I'd get a small cast iron skillet and I just pack all the cookie dough in there. Really make a pizzuki? Well, we're not trying to do that. No, we're not cookie No, I'm saying if I was at this point I was saying if I was at this point in the recipe making process and it was looking like this. that's probably what I would do. So he's basically saying I admire your commitment though I Just feel like we have to redo this. Ronnie We have to redo our cookies I Think that you should, Just you know, stick to your guns. Be confident. that's the most important thing in cooking Is that? um, you know you just have to be confident and you have to believe that what you're doing is right. And because conviction, do it. And that's a big cookie so that's huge. You can't put that on there. Well I Know that, All right. We're gonna throw these in the oven now and then we'll see how they turn out we're going to take out our cookies. Are they okay? Do they need more? what? No, they're okay. They're um, there's a couple that look done, but a couple that look a little bit blonde. You know what? It's okay. I'm taking them out. Are you really yeah? Okay, because these ones these ones. I like a gooier cookie the way you can actually tell. oh my. God stars are burning. Oh no wait, why didn't you tell me they were burning I would have taken them out earlier. Wait, why does all of them look burnt? but not that one I I messed up. You messed up. Well you see all the cracking? Yeah I Over creamed my butter and sugar I over creamed it. So that's why you have a cracker I know. but I'm still confident in how they're gonna taste I over creamed it I Whipped Well, we did better than you with our over creamy. We didn't over cream at all. Yeah, those ears look really good do they? Yeah, no they're gonna be great. It is. Officially it's test time. Yes! I am very nervous. Are we taste testing first? or is someone judging me? Oh because I feel like it's not fair if we just eat our own cookies? Well we could have someone come and judge the cookies and then we can taste them. Jamie Jamie Jamie Jamie Okay, wait maybe I should try ours first. You should try ours first. I'm gonna try. You want me to try yours first? All right. Delicious. Okay, okay. solid solid cookie there. Okay, it doesn't taste like olive oil. Oh that's good. That is very good. Okay, pretty good. I was born for this. Oh, she took a breath she went. no, it's really, really good. Okay here we go. Pretty good. Yeah, pretty good. Pretty good, right? You're taking too long to chew. you should have swallowed it across the palette. Yeah, that's good. Professional, very nice. Okay, Okay, okay, so who's who? What are the votes? Are you listening to them? I Was gonna plug my ears in a second. What? What? Well, did you say something I hear my fingers? Okay the results in our conference conference we uh we have some good Insight Your guys's cookies was a very good cookie. It was if I had had only this option I would love it and I would say wow. Great Great cookies. great. Add some milk to it. Yes, Amazing. Yeah, like I would have been like solid. Thank you for inviting me over for cookies. Okay, yeah, we'll come back. However, on the other hand, however, the transition word however Trevor's was like biting into a piece of awesome. Yeah, it was like happiness had entered my life for the first time. Yeah, from the time you smelled it, the time to touch your lips all the way down. Wait, No. I feel like we need to try our yeah? Just to be clear, Trevor is the clear winner. Thank you thank you thank you. Okay, she smells good. Cheers smells good I See what you're saying If this was the only cookie option, I'm fine with it. It's great. Salty. It's a good cookie salty. I Went on a salt-free diet for a bit. Let's take this one. I think this one's good. Wow, you can share that half. Whoa, What good? Thanks for watching I love cookies so much. these are so good. Yeah, they're these away for this being like beginners versus bro. I Think we did okay the Nestle Toll House recipe on the back of the bag. that's a good cookie I will say that I think it was I think there's too much butter. Our cookies were oddly shaped but now I see why you did your Technique yeah your cookies are just perfect. Thank you So good! I think this is like the best chocolate chip cookie I've ever had. Thank you I'm not saying a lot. that's really sweet I mean I did like go to school for this and I do it a lot so it'd be kind of sad if I made a cookie and it was just terrible. Well thank you challenge with us. thank you for having me. This is so much fun! thank you and then we get to keep these right! Yeah yes please. Do you should take no I want you to have something for the family family. Okay yeah you can make these all the time. We should have you on our cooking live stream I Love pasta making pasta like fresh pasta for the kitchen. Oh my Gosh Ravioli! Yeah well you don't need the KitchenAid for that that you just roll out by hand. but we could make ravioli. Oh my Gosh! comment in the comments below what we should try cooking or baking next with Trevor yeah especially now that we have Trevor in our lives. Yeah! I'll come back anytime. Perfect! Make sure to check out the podcast we did with Trevor on his podcast and make sure to subscribe. Follow him Joe Trevor Lots of love and thanks for watching! If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our Channel by clicking that button over there and you can subscribe to Trevor by clicking this button right here. Check out some of the other videos we've done and we'll see you guys next time. You didn't tell me you didn't team me up in that one since we did it all right. Bye.

17 thoughts on “Pro vs noob cookie baking challenge – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan Ichianus says:

    I want to try Trevor’s chocolate chip cookies so bad now based on how everyone reacted when they tried some

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars all things creative says:

    Nessa puts hair in bun while making cookies doesnt wash hands
    Also nessa I dont know how the cookies got hair in it lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ANiM3manGa.W3bt00N says:

    I feel like Nessa is nervous

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rman Nayr says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rman Nayr says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YungSavage says:

    You can tell nessa is still mad at everyone for that pasta controversy 😂😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suzanne Maria says:

    YOu guys should try the deaf, mute and blind challenge.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Namaefox says:

    Oil is insoluble to water so it makes no sense to even put oil in it. I love this video so much!😂 you should try gingerbread cookies for the holiday

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maloree Johnston says:

    Loved this challenge and Trevor is such an awesome guest!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alvina Syed says:

    The cookie recipe you guys used is the same one that Phoebe from the show "friends" grandmother had. It's the same exact packet, Nestle Tollhouse.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacqueline says:

    I learned stuff while watching! Yay

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liu Ho Yi (Damaips) says:

    Veronica and Vanessa's cookies looks nice!


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jenifer Castorena says:

    I had never heard of oil your pasta until today! Wild 😂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob619619 says:

    Imagine if Trevor collabed with Rosanna Pansino. That would be HUGE!!!! 🍪🍪🍪🍪

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kesh Manton says:

    The fact that they didn’t think to put the bowl on the bench behind sooner is so funny 😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anna Kulikowski says:

    OMG the pasta controversy 😂😂😂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asad soodagar says:

    What an amazing collab and very nicee video ❤

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