Here’s a glimpse into our morning routines being married! Things are different now but they’re still the same in many ways! What’s your morning routine like?
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#morning #twins #vlog

Oh, it's gonna be hard. They look like little pancakes. That's what they are. No yeah, a little striped Kitty I suppose Veronica Camaro eats dog food Ronnie and I are showing you guys our morning routines.

This is my morning routine. Good morning. This is a morning routine. It's gonna be hard.

It'll sleep for a little bit more. Okay so one of the first things I do in the morning: I come to the bathroom I put my contacts in so I can see it's not I have my contacts into this thing or before anything else I scrape my tongue. it's kind of gross I'll just do it off camera. The reason is all this bacteria and stuff forms on your tongue overnight.

One of the first things you should do in the morning is scrape your tongue so that when you drink any liquids or do anything, you're not like swallowing all that gross bacteria. And so now what I do is I take my vitamins or my supplements, try to drink this entire thing of water. Okay I am up. Okay, goodbye, good morning.

We have a special guest staying with us Andrew's been staying with us for a while but that's not the special guest, it's coda. good morning. Coda Let's go potty. Come be free! It's such a gorgeous morning outside I just need to brush my teeth but it's already right now is taking taking the little ones out to go potty first and then I'll go back and wash my face put in my contact because I can't see anything right now usually John or me we like switch and who makes the bed and stuff but this morning it was me.

The next thing I do is I fill up our diffuser John What scent do you want this morning? Use this one this scent today. put the little lid on it. it has a remote power on it, has this like Spa type music. the spa music comes I promise I'm just kidding.

Okay what are you wanting for breakfast? An omelette with spinach and tomatoes, a little bit of feta bacon, maybe some pancakes and grapes and maybe a couple hard-boiled eggs too in a latte? That's a lot. Well this is the video where you you do your morning routine right. your morning routine. this is what I do you in the mornings we we try and have breakfast your Hail is crazy stop I haven't been able to fix it art CC hey wait did you say you were sweaty a It makes me a latte every morning and the beans we use are called Ruby beans they're from Wisconsin um this is the blend we typically have on hand.

it's called Creamery but they have many other Blends that we use. but these are some of the best beans. We are big on raw milk. It's not asterized or homogenized the processing.

it's just a lot lighter than like what you could typically buy at the grocery store and it just doesn't hurt our stomachs. We've been of going on this journey of trying to eat pretty like or on Tick Tock and stuff I Don't know if any of you guys are on that side of tick tock just like eating additive free stuff. we're just slowly like learning and trying to get into all of that. Here are some of the other Ruby beans.
We've got some different blends and then this one is coffee beans from John's um, hometown. Can't wait to try those. Yeah, we are big coffee people here I'm almost done drinking my water I try to make sure I drink a full glass of water before I have my coffee John goes up above and beyond and makes me latte. Oh oh he makes me latte art.

What? it's a little striped Kitty my kitty latte I just draw off with these little bamboo cocktail pics. you're wondering how I do it I just steam the milk and then put a glob in like the basic shape of what I'm trying to do and then I just because I I drop a lot. So I just do a little bit of agave or usually actually a little bit of maple syrup, but we're out of that at the bottom of the cup. Not too much though.

that Creamery blend is really, really good if you're into coffee. If you're into espresso, I Highly recommend Ruby it's just a lot of flavor. Okay, so I put in my contact, brush my teeth now I'm ready for breakfast. Guppy Actually run dummy.

Come on, come on. what is happening here I Think it's a camera. The camera shy. Oh exposed.

Veronica Merrell Eats dog food. It tastes weird because I just brushed my teeth. Well that's what happens when you eat dog food. She ate your food.

Leave it coda coda. Come here. Okay. everybody.

Eat. Go. Go! Oh my goodness. For the menu for breakfast today.

we're gonna have turkey, bacon and guppy. No and not Guppy and eggs. Does anyone else ever have like the worst luck opening things because I literally can't open this right now. It's not too hot I hope it's not too hot.

Oh yeah, how many eggs do you think you're gonna eat? Okay, excuse me excuse me Aaron no no no no no no no don't I can't see the foe I can't see what I'm doing Oh yeah. good breakfast to me. Cheers It's good. It's good.

Use a little salt. Do you want salt man I'd be very quiet when I leave the bed or else Ronnie gets kind of upset. sleepy Ronnie gets upset. it's a different personality.

there's angry Ronnie sleepy Ronnie happy Ronnie regular Ronnie what's regular Ronnie I married multiple Ronnies Basically my favorite is she thinks she's funny Ronnie she'll make a joke and she'll start laughing and she starts snorting. That's the funny thing. but usually I don't hear the joke because she laughs right away. So she's the only one who actually hears it.

So because I have time this morning and usually mornings when I have extra time I try to just do a devotional and spend some time with God This is the devotional I've been doing and it is absolutely amazing called Beauty not be held I'm gonna read that for a bit and John's gonna do his quiet time and then I'm gonna get ready to go work out. I'm going to go work out with my personal trainer which is John um he got me these cool workout shoes from Noble I'm putting my shoes on and then we're gonna go work out. I've been trying to like work out at least two times a week. I'm trying to get in shape I'm trying to eat protein and do the whole thing.
so just trying to get strong. So we were a little delayed in going to work out because someone was, uh, getting this guy ready to oh no. I've never seen these movies and we were just talking about how I'm we're gonna watch these. This is what they sound like.

they go We? yeah, that's what they do. Wait, do that because you watch the one with me. The new one was just okay. but the OG Predator with Arnold Schwarzenegger that's like get to the chopper where that came from.

Oh see, are you making me a coffee? Yes, it's not like I was making myself a coffee? but I will make you a coffee. Thank you. So I'm gonna get a start on the dishes. Oh sorry.

Do it again. look I peed myself. wait one more time. look I Feed myself.

Hold on Gosh Okay, one more time. look I Feed myself Aaron Hey Ryan I Can only say this so many times before. I Feel stupid over and over again. What happened to you? Repeat myself: Welcome to the Merrell twins.

Channel Today you're gonna live in the life of our days. So boring. literally put on the wrong hand. Hey, you should just go get ready.

I'll do the dishes okay. Are you sure? Yeah. Put it on my coffee I'll get your car I'll bring it to you. Okay, you don't know where most of this stuff goes I did addition all the time and I find things in the wrong spot I think this is the most thank you I actually hate doing the dishes.

Yeah. I'm the cleaning machine instead of drying. That's what I'm good at drying and putting away the dishes. trying to encourage Ronnie to start someone else's work aka the Merrell household I Do show up on time I'm just saying.

it's all great. It's okay. okay, not that late though. Explain that work might not have been frothy enough.

That's okay. Cheers with our coffee. Cheers to waking up together every morning. Love you! Okay, so we're at the gym, but I get really insecure about working out in front of people and stuff, so probably just show you like a few things here and there.

but don't expect too much from me. All right. I'm doing some hammer curls. look at that pump perform.

See? we're not using the momentum of our body to do curls. this is the wrong way. Vanessa has got great form going. Oh yeah, so John is my personal trainer.

He's just got me doing some like full body stuff like legs, arms, abs just to get like some strength going. You know? Yeah! I know. All right. So we're back from the gym and now I'm going to show you guys a really easy breakfast recipe that we do called banana pancake.

but these are not just like your normal pancakes these have. You'll see Uh, it's a very easy recipe all right. So John's not eating banana pancakes today because he's making a smoothie. but this is all you need for the Banana Pancakes is you need one banana and one egg per banana.
Take the banana and swish it. I Like to kind of smush up the banana and now we're gonna crack the egg. So now that we got the egg and the banana in here, we're going to, uh, basically blend it up like okay, so um, so okay. okay.

I'm gonna add in some vanilla but this is actually a vanilla paste that we got from Tahiti this is Tahitian vanilla. I'm just gonna put like a little bit. We got this from our honeymoon. It's ready to go.

Your banana mix is ready to go. These ain't your grandma's pancakes she could never spoon and you feel like this. My sister showed us these. Yeah I was just about to yeah, this is a recipe that John's sister showed us.

And then here's my smoothie. Uh, this is not a normal part of the routine. the Smoothie This is the first movie I have made since I moved out to California because I'm not really a smoothie guy but we had these Frozen nanners I Promise you they taste really good I know the idea of like an egg and a banana. just those two things are a little like that.

sounds weird but I promise it's so good. they need a little more. They look like little pancakes that that's that's what they are. No yeah, really good though.

Been a bit of a struggle trying to find stuff that you like to eat after a workout to get your protein, but these were a winner right away. Shout out to Anna my sister from the back is this Lord Farquaad or is this Darth Vader Let's see you all want to say Vader but it's actually it's Vader This morning routine I'm showing you guys is like my dream morning routine. If I could do this every day it would be perfect and awesome. Life would be so good.

But I don't do this every day. Um, it's only on days when I have time like mornings when we're not filming for Merrell twins. or if there's something butterfly tiger doesn't have like. If I have kind of just like a free morning, you'll see me doing all this stuff.

but a more realistic morning routine would probably just be me doing some quiet time and then just kind of getting ready and then having breakfast. If I have time for breakfast and then I head out the door and go to my house. All right. Oh okay, it's not a surprise, my room is a mess but that's okay.

that's real life right? Not everything has to be perfect. Like the bed isn't made, those bashes are dirty hamper and those are clean clothes that Aaron hasn't put away yet. But so there's my coffee. Was that the cutest sneeze ever? She sounded like a little squeaky toy? Okay, well now I really have to get ready.

Comment in the comments below: If you enjoy these types of videos. if this is something that you find interesting, or if you have any videos that you would like to see me, it has to do. We've been talking about going back to doing a lot more sketches now that life has calmed down a bit because we were in a phase of transition for a long time. But the other day we filmed a sketch and it was so fun and so we want to get back to making those because we feel like that's like really our strong suit and just like what we're really good at.
And let us know in the comments below if you think that's a good idea if you guys don't know who Andrew is Andrew is Aaron's youngest brother. He's been staying and living with us for a while just trying to figure out what to do with his uh, career path and just like kind of figure out what he wants to do in life and he got accepted into a college back in North Carolina so he's gonna go there which is really exciting and I if you do want a new channel to watch I actually recommend his channel. He has a really great sense of humor. Good morning, good morning, how are you feeling? Are you okay? yeah, what's wrong with your eye? um all right.

so I just body showered and I washed my face, put on my serums now I'm just gonna put some makeup on and get ready I'm wearing a new tank top I got from Classy network if you follow Merrell twins on Instagram you'll see us posting about them on our stories. like all the time we love their clothes. Um yeah, I'm gonna start getting ready now. Okay, so I'm officially done with my makeup now.

So now I just need to fix my hair. but I don't know what to do. we'll put it half up, half down with like a little clip. So I think I'm just going to do that today.

Okay so now I'm gonna just put any little Hoops I Almost forgot. So I've been trying rare Beauty lip soft pinch tinted lip oils yesterday I did oh and today I'm gonna try happy because today is a happy day right? John No okay all right here we go. I don't know. kind of pink.

it's fine, it's a pretty color. Does this ever happen to anyone in the mornings? like your nose is just so runny until you have to like plug your nose because it's like draining I think I have allergies I also did something very different with my nails I got those like oh my gosh I did not know she was here. this door has been closed the whole time and she just dropped that and that terrified me Coda you're crazy I got these nails which are like cat eye magnet nails or something and I don't know I wanted to try something different watch watch what it looks like with the flash. that's crazy thoughts.

do we like after I do my makeup then I always do this Hey Google what is the weather like today? 62 degrees and sunny? Okay 62 degrees here in California is like a little chilly but because of the sun it's still like for me that's like pants weather. but I think I'm gonna wear a long sleeve. still. okay so the rest of my room might be a mess, but at least my closet.

Look at this you guys! Yeah, at least gotta be proud of me for this. The only thing I have here is a bunch of clean clothes that's like a mixture of me and Aaron And and don't look at that. Oh and don't look at that. I think I'm just gonna go with this blue I have the perfect pants to wear with this I'm just gonna go with this blue.
Okay so I put lotion on my hands and I take my wedding band put on first in my engagement. we put on a second and then boom I'm ready I don't think I'm gonna put earrings on today I'm just not really in the mood. then I'm going to grab my purse and then I'm ready to go. Okay and last but not least, we're gonna throw on this button up just to throw it over my outfit because I get really cold and then I'm gonna throw these on with it too.

All right guys, that pretty much concludes my morning routine. Like I said, this isn't really what I do every day, but when I have time in the mornings I try to have a morning like this and I'm gonna go to the house and see Ronnie and my parents and do some work for Merrell twins come up with some video ideas and I guess I'll see Ronnie at the house. This is my outfit for the day. Not too special.

hey are you sure my outfit though? Okay, nothing too special. That's it. Oh girl, you're fine. You are so pretty! Thank you So lucky thank you I Like your shoes I Love you I love you too Veronica Joe Marrow Burris okay okay give me like yeah uncomfortable.

Hey bye everyone! My mom got me this really cool thing called birdie and it's for anyone who's like feeling in trouble. they can I might pull it out and it'll be really loud. You pull it and it makes like this loud alarm sound should I do it I don't know if I want to do it I don't want to do it. It's actually really loud and so it kind of like scares people off.

So I really like this I Think it's a small business. My mom found it online somewhere and so highly recommend. I mean obviously it's not like a weapon or anything, but it'll definitely scare someone off for sure. Do I regret wearing the long sleeve? I'm not sure, but we'll find out later because sometimes inside is way colder than it is outside.

Hello anyone? I Think my dad just got back. Yeah, no one's here except for my mom. Hi hello Tiger! Oh yeah oh my goodness. Okay, Run me free.

Well good morning, good morning. How are you doing good How are you I'm good. You look fantastic. Hello someday I should do.

my morning routine. would would take like two minutes. No Aaron's said oh no no, it's your whole morning, oh my home. your whole morning.

It's not just your makeup, not just your hair. Oh well. it takes me a while to put my makeup on. You dot every single I Do it.

I put on every single beard little dot. Yeah! I take a little pin and just go. and then I purposely make my skin look completely blemished and freckled. It's amazing.

And Then I shave off all my hair. You don't have blemishes. There's blemishes right there. Whoop! That was my nose.
Okay so we are finally finally. you gather the morning routine routine are done. It's very chill because I had a lot of time to get ready and stuff so it was a good morning. Nothing too crazy, but that's just kind of like what we do during our morning and we're here now at the house together so we're gonna get on with our days.

Yes! but thank you guys so much for watching I'm running routines. If you want to see other things comment down below what else you would like to see like what other types of Vlogs you would like to see? Yeah, this was really fun and we enjoyed filming it. Um yeah, we could do a night routine. We could I don't think a lunch routine.

is a thing? I don't think so. But anyways, thanks for watching! If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our Channel by clicking that button right over there. We also live stream every single week. You can subscribe by clicking that button over there.

Check out some of the other videos we've done and we'll see you guys next time. Bye.

14 thoughts on “Our married morning routines! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cacerz says:

    It’s so funny how roni and aaron has the same hair in the morning HAHHAHAHHA

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars love horses says:

    I love these types of videos

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Isa Rownie says:

    Who blends their eggs lol I just use a fork jaja. And who hasn't seen the Alien vs Predator movies. Bruh yall are funny. Nessa I love your Jesus and coffee time ❤️

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wrx248 says:

    I'm just noticing a huge swing in the twins. I've been binging past episodes and feel the really cute funny ones are when they were single. Now they are adult married women trying to be the younger twins. The dynamics have changed as each has a new love instead of each other. I wish you well and happiness. It's just more boring now.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosalia R says:

    You guys made my Friday night!❤️❤️ and I loveee both of the outfits😍😍

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No Vegans Or Vegetarians Allowed says:

    I Don't Believe In Dog Kennel Crates. My Yorkies Have Always Slept With Me… Since They Where Puppies.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sophie Farrell says:

    i love these videos even once i’m having the worst day ever they still make me so happy so thank you

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BH Sprinkle says:

    Oh goodness. You two are so great.
    I love the chaos & serene contrasts.
    Roni has the realistic/relatable routine & Nessa has the routine that we all want. At least this is true for me.
    Ps. I think they interpreted this differently. Roni took a very real approach and Nessa took the ideal approach.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paula says:

    Loved the video!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sluter Jekins says:

    John should keep the beard lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TM says:

    would like to see eat in a day!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sophia Grobbel says:

    I really enjoy the more mature content!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paige Anstey says:

    Night routinessss!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Zee says:

    i love seeing the day to day stuff, seeing the girls with their respective husbands. just feeling their love

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