We tried going one day without our phones! Watch to see if we succeed or not! 👀
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I Don't really know how we're going to do this. We record it and photo booth I Think that is a terrible idea? No no. I'm so desperate to talk to Aaron I'm going to write a letter. the mama bird is there and it went I Don't want to get attacked phone Challenge and it starts the minute we wake up.

Make sure to subscribe if you're new and hit the Bell button to get notified when we post a video. So the No Phone challenge is exactly what it is. No phone for a day I haven't used my phone this morning. It was nice to just kind of wake up and just sit in bed rather than grab my phone immediately.

Listen I talked about it and if we end up using our phones, we get points that are bad points and whoever has the most phone points at the end of the day is the loser to the challenge. I need to get ready and go to parents house and be there by 10. So yeah. so I guess let's just uh, let's do this.

We use our phones so much I mean I'm about to break the rules right now, but I don't think this counts because I'm gonna show you guys my screen time. My daily average is 11 oh 10 down from last week. Three hours and 31 minutes. Now that that's done, the phone is going away.

I'm going to make some coffee right? Well I've run into my first problem I don't know where our like agave syrup is John's not here and I can't text him to ask him if he used up all the Agave oh I see it I see it I put my Agave Cup right there oh I need to Tamp that down just a little better. See, this is like the hardest part about vlogging on your own: I can't really like show? see hello Yes Harry I can't talk back to showing you guys my coffee. Kind of chaotic over here so you can't oh my gosh forget it I'll just tell you if my coffee turns out good or not. Oh but that's some good coffee I am ready I got dressed I was looking at my screen time a little earlier because I got confused.

It says that I've been on my phone for 55 minutes today I was like that's not possible and then I realized that it was calculating my time from Midnight last night now I have to get going I'm very worried about Aaron because he had to go to the airport this morning. The airport's kind of far away and especially in traffic, so there's really no way for me to like get updates about where he is without looking on my phone. Okay, so I'm on day three hair I'm trying to figure out how to style it at this point I would just Google something like dirty hair styles I'm just going to dry shampoo it I actually have this dry conditioner. It's for like day three hair and stuff you just put it on the ends.

Probably not good to bring it I am running late I was supposed to be at my parents house around 10 o'clock it's 9 57. I Have to feed the dogs but there's no way for me to let them know that I'm running late so wish me luck goodbye. Love you! Usually when I pick an outfit out I look up the weather because I have to know. Do I need a sweater that day? Do I need to wear layers? Do I need just a tank top? Am I going to be too hot? I can't look any of that up.
So today I'm just going to wear something versatile. Hey John good. Step out onto the balcony and see what it feels like outside. That's a great idea.

That is a great idea. Hmm definitely. Oh White Balance was off out there for some reason. but definitely a nice day today.

So I'm gonna wear something springy spring-like What? I learned this morning about not using my phone I had a little bit more time than normal because I didn't like take my phone when I went to the bathroom and watch Tick Tock and then you know I kind of just woke up like I just woke up and got my day started and then I found myself just kind of like cleaning occupying like the time that I normally would be spending on my phone. like maybe watching tick tocks that are very pointless I ended up like watering the plants, cleaning up the kitchen a little bit. uh, making the bed, making myself a coffee when John usually does that. It was kind of nice to just be a bit like more normal and not so phone dependent.

So I think so far it's been good. all right. So we are here. No phone for a day challenge.

Um I Checked my screen time though. so I was on my phone for a little bit. My screen time was saying that I've been on my phone for 55 minutes today but I was like I haven't been on my phone this morning but it started calculating screen time after midnight and I was awake after midnight. so I don't know if we want to count that as I know in my phone I don't think we should count that.

okay I was really tempted to call Aaron earlier I couldn't even look up the weather but then oh I asked Google for the weather using my resources. Well, since we're here now, we need to figure out the rest of our day. We have work to do still. So I don't really know how we're going to do this without our phone.

We have to make a thumbnail and I make thumbnails on my phone. Okay, let's go do this thumbnail. Are you still taking your phone with you? Uh, well, just in case I had it in my pocket. Okay, but I put it right there I leave my phone down too.

It is okay. we're making muffins today. I did use the bathroom upstairs I took a book with me to the bathroom. Okay, it was a poem book not Franny's poem book.

It was a different one and I started reading it and it made me really sad. Oh okay I thought we were like gonna use your or something. It was like the flower was watered and then the sun came and it died. What does that mean here? Show that it's a whisk.

Um and then we need to make a Instagram story. but should we record it on a camera and then I can upload it and edit it and try and post it from there. or can you film it? I Have no idea. No No no I have an idea.

So I have an idea. we are getting creative over here. What is this idea? Okay, the idea is this. You record it and photo booth and then upload Instagram stories from the computer I think that is a terrible idea I think it is a brilliant idea and then we go like this.
Foreign. hey guys hey guys! So we are live streaming today. We are going to be making muffins from scratch. watch the live stream to see if we do good or not usually.

I edit thumbnails on my iPhone but keynote it's like apples like app for making presentations and stuff I Know how to like Edit stuff on here like I can mask us out and stuff see look, watch ready, remove background wait oh see. um there we go. See why are you taking a sound? Because I'm gonna put us in a kitchen. Oops just just watch.

just watch what I can do without the phone I don't need a phone look it's a smiley face sticking its tongue out at you. Oh wow, Thank you. Take that. John Vaughn I'm a way better artist than John Coffee art.

What? What? What kitchen do we want to fool everyone with thinking into our own? Should you put us behind the counter? No, that's so bad. Just make us bigger than we move. all that white. Remove all this brown.

You are going to be amazed at what's about to happen here. Wow. Flower in the bowl. All right guys.

So now we are trying to figure out how to post this on our Instagram story from a computer. I Don't think it's possible. you can only go live or you can post there. Okay, but but it's not gonna post as a story.

No, it's gonna post as a real hold on. Let's Google it. There's no way to upload to Instagram stories unless it's from like a website. Yeah, you have to do it through HootSuite or I.

Also found a straight up website that teaches you how to code you don't mean Ronnie why not that we're look at that tech savvy. We're just gonna have our dad probably log into our Instagram that's the best way to do it and then we'll post it from there and we'll have him do it because there's no other way to share that we're going to be live with you guys. But everything else we did on the computer without our phones which technically I don't know if that's a break I don't know I Feel like if it was to it would have to be like one of those days where it'd be like a challenge with no technology whatsoever. This is just a phone challenge to make sure that we don't get on our phones today.

and whoever does being on their phone the most is the loser and has to buy something for the winner. Yeah, they have to get a gift for the winner. Okay I'm like literally so desperate to talk to Aaron I'm going to write a letter because that's the only thing I can think about I can't FaceTime him. That's pretty much cheating because I can do that on the phone.

Are we going to deliver him the letter expedited shipping. So what? John and I usually send each other throughout the day is memes. So I think I'm going to hand craft a meme to give him dear Aaron I have the worst and writing he spelled Aaron rone No I didn't Oh my gosh is that your phone is someone calling me John he texted me looks like you gotta send him a letter Whoa! she's got a lot of questions poor. Aaron I'm writing you this letter since I can't use my phone.
How I have some questions for you Did you take the dogs on a walk? Is Bill still coming over? Are you free the week of May 8th. Can you please let JP and Karina know what time we are? Hey I am available tomorrow Oh I think you're still tomorrow? wrong I don't think tomorrow has two M's I've written a letter for Aaron that I need you to go or we can go mail it. You realize that you could probably just email him from your computer. Is that cheating? I put so much work, my wrist hurts from writing.

How are you gonna give it to him Manuel expedite it. won't get there till tomorrow. No, that's not true. It will find a way somehow.

All right. here is my first meme: Me: when I What? I Don't get it, you don't have to. It's a meme Me: when I um coming up with meme ideas is hard Oh my gosh. I Just see my back pocket thinking my phone was in my back pocket out of habit Also I stink at making memes John likes when I draw this little mouse character so I think he'll find that one funny.

Okay, so Ronnie's heading out I'm going to deliver my mail. Okay, bye-bye See ya see ya I Just realized that I can't listen to music in the car because I always use my phone and to be honest I don't really know how to work the radio so we can try and figure out how to do the radio. Oh I did it I did the radio I've actually never used the radio in this car. I'm about to go deliver this two.

No, no, okay, well whatever. I'm about to take this letter I'm gonna fill it out there at the at the post office. so I can send a letter to Aaron because I am anxious I need to know the answers to my questions because we're supposed to have guest silver and all this stuff and I just I don't know what's happening and I can't check my phone I gotta do it the old-fashioned way. I drew a new meme.

there's like a funny Tick Tock that I always send John of this sound that goes like happy and it's like these cats that are like doing stuff all the time. So I drew the kitties. they're like an apple and a banana and I put the happy happy happy thing I Made it to the post office and so I'm gonna go figure out this letter. Here we go.

So I sent off the letter. It's been expedited fast so we'll see what happens. Hopefully it makes it on time. it's not a guarantee.

so I guess that's okay. but so now it's time to go back home and figure everything out and see what Nessa is up to and what she has planned. I have a new meme. Okay Yay! this is our entertainment for the day since we can't get on our phones I will gladly watch.

Oh you haven't been able to go in and out of our front door for at least a month now. Okay because because caution birds nest with baby eggs in the wreath. please open door slowly or use side pool door to enter. Thank you! Vanessa's literally right here.
My mom and dad covered it with like black paper so the birds wouldn't like freak out when they like see us in the reflection. I I Think we should go outside and try to film it I Just don't want to disturb their piece but you can see them right here and let me show you guys we're gonna do our best to not disturb them. I mean we have not been disturbing them Oh my God oh my God Oh my God What The mom? The moms oh my God What happened What happened speaking the mama bird is there and it went at me Okay ready you go. Okay well I don't want to get attacked you may you scared me mommy You go.

Oh you take the girl. take the camera. she's the first one debut vlogging teacher. Do you see it is her mama bird there.

She saw the mama bird. What? You made me scared. Oh it is the mama bird in there. She's covering her baby.

She's protecting them. We're ruining. We gotta go over them like this. Put her tail off her little Tails like towards the door.

Oh there is another bird's nest Actually where let's go. Yeah yeah, let's stay here. No no no, there's another bird's nest here. I'm not trying to disrupt the piece of another bird.

Well I Think this one is okay in this like little ladder thing. What just happened? A bug? Sorry. Oh so in this ladder there's a bird's nest but it's actually in that little tin I Can't you have to really get in there I Don't want to. You do it.

Ronnie You do it. Yeah. I Cannot believe you're making me do this. Um, it's like there's like a worm in there but it's the fake plant.

I Don't want to get attacked I'm a chicken. me too feels like we kind of have like a little mini Orchard back here doesn't it turn into a lemon? I Think so. it was an accident. it just came off I Don't think he was ready but it just came out.

Ooh should we make lemonade? Okay Ronnie's picking some lemons. we're gonna squeeze them and make some fresh lemonade. Do they feel ready? Camera: This is such a pretty shot. I Wish I had phone to take a picture of you.

Yeah, someone take a picture of Ronnie Wait, this should be should be the thumbnail. no phones for a day. Okay I'm over it. What? What? Yes, it's a courier came for you.

No I didn't or did you go pick it up? Why is it so beautiful My Dearest Veronica How art thou Guppy, Cora and I are doing fine. Bill is destined to arrive around 10 pm tonight the pops and I will be. We'll be watching the stream and we'll be waiting your safe return home. We love you you every we love you very much.

Oh I love your tall awkward husband Aaron P.S this made my hand hurt and I just found out they don't teach cursive anymore What? people don't know how to write cursive anymore and they put a flower but I only got a printed photo of his letter. That's nice I Guess him and my dad got creative and that's fine. Okay we got our lemon juicer I will juice these lemons. Mmm look at that.
look at this big Lemon Let's see if this one was ready and it was okay. Wow, that is so cool. We could sweeten it with like Agave Sarah and dilute it with some water. Yeah or sweeten it with two Agave because that's healthier comment in the comments below.

if you would buy Merrell lemonade. Okay, this is Merrell lemonade. from the Merrell Orchard We're gonna keep going and then we'll show you guys in a second our lemonade. Okay, okay and then well let me.

should we taste it real quick, it could be diluted a little more. Whoa. this will be it. Can I use a wooden spoon.

Yeah, look at us making it lemon juice without your phones. Without our phones, you sound like a little lamb right through my nose. It definitely is really sour. It tastes good though.

that's going to be delicious. Almost there. It's almost there. a little more.

This is the faces. All right. Hilarious. Good I think that's good? Wait are you sure? Yeah, that tastes like uh yeah, it tastes like a lemonade.

No no no oh that is delicious. It has come to a Full Circle Cheers! Um oh that's good. So let's do Cheers! So I can turn this into a boomerangulator. It was nothing.

Okay so how are you feeling right now I feel like kind of like weird. my phone's right there and I know it's been going off all day. so I kind of have this like anxious feeling of like wondering who is texting me what are people saying I feel disconnected from John because he's supposed to be here to come pick me up. but I don't know what time I don't know if he forgot to come pick me up and I have my memes for him.

Well I told Aaron in my letter I would be done with my stream by now so at least he knows that it's done and that I should be on my way soon. but still like the fact that I can't check my phone. it's making me a little crazy I keep reaching for my phone in my back pocket. So this has been kind of hard to be honest, but it's been really nice just like being present in the moment.

I mean looked at the birds the mama bird is there and it went I don't gonna get attacked. picked some lemon, made our own lemonade I wrote a letter to Aaron and then he responded back and I made John some memes. no I don't get them but it's okay so I'm gonna go home now I'm gonna go see Aaron We're going to continue this challenge no phone challenge until we get in bed tonight. Let's end at 10 o'clock at night.

okay on Aaron's phone so we can see if like we did any more screen time. Okay, stick around to the end to see who loses this Challenge and it wins and it's not gonna be me I'm not going to I'm not gonna lose so we're at our friend's house hi I'm Ryan Tosca hi testing you Why didn't you answer? You've been texting me yes I even know Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I mean I started doing a no phone challenge I Can tell instantly when you came in that he felt more present and with us. Really? okay. so I'm back home and I forgot my memes that I Drew for John at the house so I won't be able to show him but I'm sure this the thought counts or whatever the thing is I don't know I don't know what the evening has in store for me, but it should be an easy rest of the evening where I don't need to even look at my phone.
Alright so for dinner John post made it some food so I didn't have to cook anything and then now we're going to watch the last episode of season three finale of Mandalorian Okay so we are on our way to the movie we're gonna go see Super Mario we might be a little late or we might be early I don't know because Aaron for some reason doesn't want to check the times because if you're not using your phone I can't use my phone we're walking to the movies. We're going to be a camera in a movie theater. Oh yeah, I am I never do this. You feel me.

What you feel me. All you gotta do is this no no no, no, you're about to embarrass me I don't even bring video cameras into the movie theater. Really? All right. See ya, we're going in.

We just watched the Mandalorian and I'm really excited for the new shows and new movies that Disney announced for the future. I Can't wait to see all of those! We are just Star Wars Fans up in here! so I still haven't been on my phone I threw my phone on the bed. Something I've been trying to do to help me get off my phone in general is coloring I specifically color coloring books and sometimes I draw on stuff but this is a brand called Bobby good in the coloring pages are just so cute and adorable and I've been using the artist Loft markers from Michaels and I just got so so sick and tired. tired of using the same colors over and over and over again.

so I finally got a 200. how many is it 216 color Marker Set today not using my phone has confirmed my like thoughts that I think my phone causes me kind of like anxiety but specifically not being on my phone today I just have felt like less stressed out. my thoughts are not all over the place I just kind of have been more focused. So this has been really good.

So now what I'm going to do is each come with like color swatches and I've been meaning to do the rest of them and it's a lot. I'm trying to organize them so I'm going to do that to kill some time. Best movie ever! okay maybe not ever, but it's a really good movie. Super Mario Bros 10 out of 10.

loved it I was smiling the whole entire time I was like literally as soon as the movie was done I was so tempted to get on my phone Adam my phone during right before the movie because I didn't want to like. You know what if my phone like started vibrating and it wasn't going to make a disturbance? so I'm just gonna keep it on. um Do Not Disturb until 10 o'clock which is like in 10 minutes. So I think I did pretty good with the challenge but we'll see I think what's gonna cause me to lose is the phone call I had with you this morning because that really bumped up my screen time.
but I don't know if we're going to count that because that was before I started filming for the challenge anyway. so I'm kind of nervous because I don't want to lose this challenge but I also feel like I did a really good job. Do you think I did good with the challenge I mean it was kind of hard not being able to talk to you all day I I think you did really really well to be honest I'm curious to see how many text messages I have on my phone once this whole challenge is over. you know I was way more excited to see you which don't get me wrong, not that I'm not excited to see you when I come home every day, but because I hadn't talked to you at all and because I missed communicating with you I was extra extra excited to get home.

but then I didn't get to film my reaction when I get home because I was like Aaron I was all smiling but you weren't there because you were walking the dogs and then I realized I forgot the camera and so I had to like figure out how to film on my computer because I couldn't film on my phone. oh my gosh okay we're home from the movie I'm gonna call John's he's calling John's phone so he can we can get a hold of Nessa and then we can finally look at our phones. Okay so how do you feel not being on your phone like before we look at our phone before the challenge is over I want to know how you feel I feel like my brain was more focused today like I was more focused and less like distracted. Yeah, I was telling Aaron that I felt more appreciated appreciative of having a conversation with him because when I got home I hadn't talked to him all day and so I was just really looking forward to talking to him and just like he also said, I seemed happier.

Well good I had to touch my phone right before the movie because I put it on do not disturb so definitely lost some points there. So I'm gonna take it off. Do Not disturb here We go. Opening my phone for the first time today today I had a total of 57 minutes.

57 minutes. Oh I know it changed to one hour and three minutes. Hour and three minutes on your phone. Okay I'll do mine I have like a ton of notifications.

what are you at? wait are you today April 20th, April 20th I'm an hour and four minutes. That's like including getting messages I think what? are you 24 minutes? Okay, we got it. We gotta erase 25 minutes from mine because remember when I said I was on my phone at midnight. So I I was on my phone for a total of 40 minutes today.

So you get to buy me something that was last night. Man I Lost! Okay, what? what does your pickups say? How many times did you pick up your phone today I Picked up my phone 30 times I picked up my phone 41 times including just now and then. How many notifications did you get today? 44. I got 77.
Well anyways Nessa you won the No Phone challenge for a day. All right because I lost the no Cell phone for a day challenge Nessa Here you go: 100 bucks. Go enjoy like dinner or something. Thank you welcome I Will go enjoy some food.

Don't be on your phone or you'll owe someone money. Thanks for watching if you like this video. Give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our Channel by clicking this button right over here. Subscribe to our Live Channel where we live stream every single week by clicking this button right here.

Check out some of the other videos we've done and we'll see you guys next time. Bye.

13 thoughts on “No phone for a day challenge! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sydney Not Australia says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christine Chavez says:

    Didn’t ronni say she was on her phone for 55 mins after midnight? So doesn’t that mean ronni wins

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars melanie gallegos says:

    You should do a new who knows Vanessa better roni vs. John since they are now married

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melissa Alvarado says:

    Is it only me that remebers that vanessa played in the movie Switched

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Its Meow says:

    I can see that roni is pregnant 💞

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khatoon Sabahath says:

    It should be called merrellade😂😂😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZainabPlays says:

    Aww So sad that Roni lost😢 but Congrats Nessa ❤

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarin says:

    As it is finals session right now. This actually motivates me to not go on my phone 😂So thank you for this!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dlara says:

    Hey nessa is there a link to the pack of markers u have that you can send me? Please and thank you!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Time Bubble says:

    you know. other youtube channels would have two people do this and than have one in the end do a shocking twist where they suddenly have been on their phone way more just to make it dramatic.

    this is why i like the Merrelltwins. they are real, honest, and don't fake anything just for more views. i love that.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Junio says:

    how much is merrell lemonade? it depends on if there is no sugar in it.. I would buy it..

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Junio says:

    computers to look for recipes, weather channel or local news when it comes for the day's weather on tv.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars merrelltwins says:

    Be honest, do you think you could ACTUALLY survive without your phone for a day?🤔

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