We took a quiz to see what famous Disney movie food we should try to make!
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Have you ever been watching a Disney movie and they're eating food on the TV and you're like wow, that food looks so good I wish I could eat it in real life. We're going to see which Disney dish we should make throwing the rice and then we gotta do like 20 minutes Perot in the rice. This smells really good. It smells pretty nice every time we cook rice.

It's always a disaster. Yeah oh my gosh, what if we did this wrong? Hey guys! I'm Veronica I'm Vanessa Make sure to subscribe to our Channel and hit the Bell button to get notified when we post a new video. So we have a quiz on BuzzFeed saying time for dinner which Disney dish should you dig into. So we're going to take this quiz and whatever the result is, whatever dizzy dish pops up, we're gonna make that.

Let's let's take this. Okay so first we need to pick a place you'd happily take a trip to. Peru Paris Italy Canada Denmark New York Columbia Japan Germany Wow, there's a lot of places I would like to go I Feel like Italy is calling my name? Let's do Italy Let's just go to Italy Okay, now we must Pig in an appetizer: Egg rolls Hush Puppies Shrimp ceviche, sausage and potato salad mini cheese souffle, chicken wings, gazpacho, tomato, onion galante I Love gazpacho. It's such what's gazpacho.

It's cold soup. Cold soup. It's so good. I Don't want cold soup.

None of these are really falling out to me. So I feel like Street Corn Street Corner Good appetizer it is I Love it. Okay, we're doing street corn. make a dessert Choice Creme brulee, cinnamon bun, churros flan Mochi apple pie mochi mochi.

Love post meal activity. Are you doing post meal? So you're gonna do this after you eat? I'm not trying to do any of these after all, right. Jog or ride or swim or fence. Okay, what is the least active thing here? Maybe the window shopping? Oh, a window window shopping? Which dining experience would you most want to try? Just dinner with my family at home Robot Cafe a dinner cruise, dinner and Jazz Club snacking at an amusement park? No.

I take a robot Cafe would be so cool. That would be very interesting I've never been I say we do robot Cafe I picking after dinner movie Into the Woods Blended oh uh. Return of the oh, do we even want to look at the other options? Okay uh no. return of the Return of the Jedi How could you put a Star Wars movie and not pick it? Pick a night cap night cap.

What does nightcap mean? Like just a night to drink chocolate, milkshake, sake, soda, water, iced coffee, white wine, apple cider Slurpee with water I'm just gonna have to go in the water, pick a way to relax, playing video games, baking, gardening, taking a pump. that's nice, playing music, making drone videos I'm gonna have to go with video games because that's how I decompress already I Relax by playing videos. Yeah! Aaron and I have been playing a lot of video games lately. Grab a stuffed animal to cuddle with him in bed.

Kitty Catfish dog, rat, horse, deer, capybara T-Rex Crocodile llama. Why not? the Llama no kitty kitties are okay, fine and pick a fruit to blend in your morning smoothie. Bananas, cherries, apples, peaches or strawberries. grapes.
Honestly, my favorite out of all of these on here is probably strawberries. What about you? Yeah? I Think strawberries. I Think this was the last question. Let's see what dish we got.

Breakfast porridge from turning red Breakfast Porridge Fish porridge. You will be able to choose your toppings when you try a bowl of this. Comfort Wow. Okay, I've never had breakfast.

pour it. I've never had breakfast porridge either. Eggs with a little mushroom for the nose and then some type of sauce for the mouth and green onion, green onion or something for the eyebrows. What's the actual porridge consistency? Like do we? What is porridge? Should we like? look up a video.

Okay so this video is from the Pixar YouTube channel and they give like a list of ingredients so we should definitely watch this video. It looks like it's called kanji. I've never had this before in my life. comment down in the comments below.

If you've ever had breakfast porridge otherwise known as kanji, the word porridge scares me all right guys. So we've got the recipe right here. We're gonna go to the store, get the ingredients, and we'll be right back. We found this recipe through Pixar We've got all of our ingredients.

We've got oil, water, chicken bouillon, oyster sauce, corn starch, chopped up chicken breasts, clean rice, green onion Ginger and mushrooms. Seems easy enough. Somehow we always manage to mess things up so we are so sorry if we messed this up. Hopefully we don't.

We research a little bit more about what kanji is. Wikipedia says kanji is a type of mostly Savory rice porridge. It can be eaten plain where it is typically served with side dishes, or it can be served with ingredients such as meat, fish, seasonings, and flavorings most often Savory but sometimes sweet. It kind of reminds me of a dish that Aaron's grandma and his family has made before that I've tried which is uh, called arrozcaldo and that's like a very same rice soup, rice porridge type thing where you top it with a bunch of seasonings.

It's just so good. Okay, so we should probably start start with marinating the chicken or the oyster sauce in that video. the Pixar video: whoever is cooking pours the water into the cornstarch, pours the bouillon Cube seasoning. Then they stir it like this.

Oh, and then you pour that over the chicken, the chicken and make sure it marinades. Wow, it smells really good. It smells pretty nice. Oh, that smells really good.

Vegetable oil is being added. There we go. When is the ginger added? Oh, should we watch the video again? Let's just we keep re-watching this video. Oh, so they just top it.

I Was watching other videos where people put the ginger in the mixture. So all right, we should probably cut some of this Ginger up. and the green onions. When you're making ginger I Think you have two? Do one of these things.
Peel it, peel it. It's so far so good. Oh, look at all of that green onion that looks like it's being professionally cut. I should do it more on all right I did as best as I could.

That's that's it'll do. And then we gotta cut the ginger. Mmm that ginger smells good I Know it smells so good. Do we need to get the rice cooking? Is the water boiling yet? Yes.

okay yeah. throw in the rice and then we gotta do like 20 minutes. throw in the rice. I'm just kidding.

All right. So we never really grew up eating stuff with ginger. it's just not. It was not part of our Cuisine So it's always really fun to try and experiment with new things.

Simmer for about 20 minutes. Oh shoot. oh, we need a lid. okay oh.

covering and simmer? Okay, oh gosh, oh wait. so we were doing it wrong. It's at a steady oil. I Feel like this has been one of the easier recipes we've tried making so far.

I Feel like this is going to smells really good. All of this smells really good so far. I'll finish chopping This Ginger and then we'll see how the rice turns out after 20 minutes. I'm really nervous every time we cook rice.

it's always a disaster. Yeah oh my. God Oh my gosh, that's why I had it on a simmer. Oh my gosh.

Okay, back to simmer. I Saved two mushrooms that I think look like noses. So next we check on the rice. Okay, how it's going.

it is definitely looking fluffy for sure. Wow, that is some fluffy looking rice. So now we have to add the chicken in but one piece at a time or little by little I think that's what it said I would just kind of do Scoops No, not one at a time. Well that person did one at a time.

maybe just gently because that's gonna take forever. You just need to scoop it in there. Yeah, there we go. take way too long I Feel like this is going good.

It feels like it's a success. So far this is almost done putting the chicken. The chicken's already cooking. yeah even they were supposed to mix it with the rice I Don't know what did the video say I Didn't really say it, just said add the chicken and then bring back to a boil right? Watch it real quick.

Is she stirring it? She started. they are stirring it sister. I Guess so. Are you sure? one more time.

Oh my goodness. I Don't want to mess this up I don't think we stir it I think he let it bring it back to a boil so should I put it up a little more. Okay, now we wait for it to come back to a pool. This is kind of like one of those easy recipes that just takes time.

It takes time. But like also, if you've never made it before and you don't have someone like I'm telling you exactly how to make it, you're kind of like winging it the whole time. Well the cook, the chicken's cooking. so I'm scared.
What if we did this wrong, why would we do that? Following me instructions I Like how we just keep going back and forth and switch switch I Check now still the same what? Disney meal Have you seen before in like movies or shows or whatever it is and you've always wanted to try it because I Remember when I saw this in the movie I was like that looks good I Also, don't know what the heck that is? Yeah I think it looks good too, but it's like a breakfast. Yeah, this is gonna actually kind of be our lunch. Yeah, it's actually lunch time for us right now so this is like perfect. We get to try something new and hopefully we make it correctly.

Oh, there is a bubble if kanji is something you have on the regular and you have like the perfect recipe. feel free to comment down some pointers and tips below because you can always learn how to make a dish even better. What happened? is it boiling though? It was one bubble? I'm gonna Stir It It needs to boil. It's boiling it barely.

Okay We wait. The outside is blue. Okay. I'm gonna start it.

Oh wait. whoa. It's a lot thicker now. It looks like it could be some type of porridge.

We're getting somewhere. we're getting somewhere. Yeah for sure. Uh, let's add the ginger.

Then she said until it's very porridgey. Oh okay. okay. it's looking like it's getting thicker.

This is a nose and then this one's a nose. it's getting thicker. It just needs to keep boiling a little bit more. I think oh Boston Mushroom there pan fry this.

Let it cook a little bit. It's looking like porridge. Yeah, it definitely needs to keep boiling more. I Think you can go ahead yes and salt.

salt to taste. adding the ginger I Hope this is enough Ginger how much it called for I don't know. Oh and then some salt to taste nice. That's good.

yeah. I Think you can make the eggs now it's so close here we go doing an egg hello. Oh my gosh oh my gosh. why was that awful? Okay I think he was like way too hot I did not mean for it to be this hot I think a little bit more and then we're done.

All right. So the kanji is coming together. Breakfast Porridge. It's almost done.

I am so excited for this. I'm like a starving Nana I'm really excited to try this. These eyes are a little questionable, but it's okay. that is some thick looking porridge.

kanjis. There you go. Wow! Beautiful eyes. We're so close to being finished.

I mean it looks like it's it's super thick now. Oh wow, that is like really thick. Okay, eggs are almost done. Should we plate them then I think it's ready to serve.

Definitely ready. Look at that. look at my eggs. my egg eyes I got the nose I got the eyebrows soy sauce for the mouth.

Okay, almost forgot that part. Wow. I Do think our eyes are too big? No? I don't think so. You don't think this one is mine.
That one just gently put it. Oh okay. okay. okay okay okay.

wait. hold on. wait wait wait what? Boom. All right.

So we got our eyes. Now let's uh, grab some for the eyebrows. Oh my gosh wait how cute it is and then some little hair to top it with little hair. My nose and you do the smaller one.

you got this nose here I go with my smiley oh my God Well okay okay. my smiley face kind of uh flopped Johnny's didn't wow There we go there. We have it There we go. The breakfast porridge made in turning red.

this looks so good. I'm pretty proud of myself I Kind of want to take a picture of them. yours looks mad. Yeah, it's kind of funnier if it's mad.

I think now I'm ready to eat it I'm ready to eat this should we get some like Chopsticks I Think we should not not. And she's spoons. Now that we have completed our smiley face breakfast porridge bowls, it's time to try them. I'm not gonna lie, it smells so good.

I Also think it probably will taste better if we mix it up I think so too. I think it definitely needs to be mixed. oh I don't want to mess it all up. Oh let's see ya mixing it, mixing it.

Wow! let me add my mushrooms. this smells so good. oh I Don't want to flip the eggs I got the egg. a piece of chicken.

All right onion. Oh that is hot I know look how hot that is. Okay okay I'm actually really excited it smells so good I hope it has a lot of flavor. Okay ready, it's still so hot.

It's so hot. okay I think it's good now mine's I'm Cheers to Breakfast Porridge! also known as Kanji. Oh my gosh that is so good. That is good I Need some more soy sauce in there that is so good? Yeah! I'm gonna mix that egg around in there too.

That is so yummy. That flavor is not what I expected it to taste like. It's not too much. It's like the best comfort food This is so good! My favorite part of the movie is just the mother and daughter relationship.

Obviously no relationship is perfect, but it's just a sweet family connection that they have that. I Really enjoy watching in the movie I Really liked May's character and I love the whole Red Panda aspect I Thought it was just a cute movie. Overall Red Panda is so cute! Really enjoyed it. It was really dark that is so good I never even thought that I would like something like this but I love it! Let us know how we did in the comments below.

Also let us know what other Foods we should try from different movies and thanks for watching. If you like this video, give it a thumbs up. My mouth is like salivating because of how good that is I know I'm like waiting. my mouth is like so I'm waiting for this video to be over so we can eat it.

Subscribe to our Channel by clicking this button right over here. Also, we live stream every single week. You can subscribe to that channel by clicking this button right over here. Check out some of the other videos we've done and we'll see you guys next time.

17 thoughts on “Making disney food in real life! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lydia says:

    I love Santa porridge for Christmas

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jodie Wampler says:

    Amazing 😊mmm❤

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jodie Wampler says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jodie Wampler says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sofia Racalbuto says:

    You should make it a series! I loved it😍 it also looked so good, good job

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kelly Nelson says:

    If you don’t use a rice cooker you are doing it right if it bubbles. Just make sure to check it often.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars asia zaxo99 says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Candy!!! says:

    Omg best idea ever!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meerab Irfan says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fiefa AARahman says:

    I called it rice porridge and usually i will eat it with fried anchovies + chili peppers + ground nuts mix with soy sauce. So delicious! You guys make me want to cook one now ❤

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brenna Rose says:

    Make studio ghibli movie food!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rachel Silver says:

    Tiana’s powdered beignets! I would love to try that!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janice says:

    i LOVE this. Congee is such a comfort food like you said, and it's the best, especially during the winter or when you're feeling under the weather. Please please continue this series

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Katie Teifke says:

    I’m surprised that Roni didn’t bring her rice cooker if they were afraid.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sana Shaik says:

    Binge with babish makes stuff like (like food from movies and shows) this all the time.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caza Hada says:

    Basically porridge is oatmeal but in the uk we call it porridge

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiara Kelton says:

    These girls are my favourite❤️.

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