We each vlogged our days now that we don’t live together!
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This is the first time i'm going to help him pay for it all, i'm just going to be honest living with my parents. I never really had to worry about this all right. Let's go! What are you doing in this apartment? Veronica, i'm in this forever yeah? I'm hey guys, i'm veronica, i'm vanessa, and today we are showing you guys, a glimpse of our life living separated. Now that ronnie is a married woman, she's kind of living, a new life and i'm kind of living, a newish life too.

So we wanted to take you guys on our daily journey, so we are going to film our days separately and show you guys show you guys the difference of what it's like to be twins but separated make sure to subscribe to our what oh make sure to Subscribe to our channel, if you are new and hit the bell button to get notified, when we post a new video, we post every single tuesday all right - and this is our separated app good morning - everyone. It is 8 30. In the morning, you're probably wondering where ronnie is, let me show you, i'm gon na surprise her with breakfast in bed and wake her up, i'm making her favorite crepes. This is my first time making crepes though so, hopefully they don't end up being bad good morning.

Guys i just woke up, i put my glasses on and um i'm up good morning. Just had a good night's sleep, but uh i'm gon na get up and uh make some breakfast today, i'm vlogging my day. So i don't know, i'm gon na see what the day has to offer. I'm not really sure what i'm supposed to do today, i'm gon na go make some breakfast good morning what i made you crepes and strawberries and pineapple wicked.

Thank you guppy! That's not for you, that's for the wifey. Thank you. I love you. I love you too.

Okay, guys, i've got some eggs cooking for breakfast. Everyone else has eaten breakfast, so i guess it's just it's just me. It's it's just me this time. Okay, so here is my breakfast and i've got some apple juice and now it's time to eat good morning, everyone, it's so cold and keeps it cold all the time in this apartment.

I have to put on something warm heater set to 65 turn it up. Hello, did you hear that i'm hearing things i'm hearing things in the apartment so exciting, all right, so i'm going to be making myself some coffee and for christmas, john aka, my boyfriend got me in. I guess my family too, a really nice espresso machine, and so i'm going to be making some bougie coffee. So here we go.

Uh usually john makes me my coffee. I don't have coffee a lot, but this is pretty much my third time using this machine. Look at my aesthetically pleasing glass, okay, so the coffee beans were smushed, see they were, they were smushed. Coffee was smushed in there.

Now. I'm gon na put in this thing like that and press one shot of espresso. Okay, all right. So now i'm going to steam.

The milk - i think i did it so now that i have my stained milk, i'm going to pour it in. Look at that brilliant! Wonderful! Now i can enjoy my coffee here. We go really good. Some things we got ta do today is i got ta clean gon na do some laundry now i put on some decent clothes, we're gon na go, walk, guppy and then we'll see what else happens.
Thank you for making me breakfast. Did you eat it uh? It's still over there you're welcome you ready for our morning run. Are you whoa run yeah we jog every morning. We do not jog every day.

Yeah, we talking well every morning, ronnie. No, we do not until we get our mornings started. Conquer the morning conquer your day, guppy come here. Okay, erin, are you ready to go? Yes, i'm ready to go.

Guppy guppy's ready to go. Guppy is not ready to go. Why is kevin ready to go? He needs to change too. You don't have to dress him up every day.

Yes, we do. We got ta pick a bandana for guppy. What kind of vibe are we feeling today? Actually, let's do these two see which one he likes, whichever one he comes to? First, okay: this is the one. This is the one: oh okay, oh it's so cute, oh guppy, you're, gon na look so handsome.

Okay time to take this one off: okay, yeah, oh you're! Looking so handsome wait, stay stay yay! Now we're all ready to go on a walk. You want to go on your walk. Are you ready, yeah, it's too early for this? Okay? So now i'm going to wash the dishes, because this is what every youtuber does in their vlogs. They wash dishes done.

Okay, we're ready. Are you ready, you're, not ready? What do you mean where's? Your ring? Oh okay, better! You just said: i'm gon na wear the plastic one. I got you this, which i have no problem with you wearing it, but you said i'm gon na wear the plastic one because i'm going to be running yeah. So what am i going to be doing, or was it's our morning run ronnie erin we're.

I am not running you're in your running outfit. This is not my running outfit. I wouldn't even consider this a proper outfit for the day. If we're gon na go do things.

This is my comfy attire, we'll we'll see i'll inspire you to run it'll, be great i'll, never run background. They'll run back from there, i'm back from there. Are you sure, that's a good? Okay, all right bye, this guy walking guppy aaron's running i'm struttin! It's a beautiful morning today, nice weather out, oh, i got ta pick up his poo just in time. Just in time.

Take the poo. Are you okay, yeah? Look, how cute he's the cutest one? I don't mean you no you're cuter thanks what my grandma she's look at this you guys my grandma did my laundry for me. Thank you nana. I love you nana.

She did all my laundry for me now. I have to put it away, but that is so sweet honestly anytime, my grandma stays with us. She does our laundry, which is something that is so kind of her to do, but nicely folded and everything. I guess i got ta put it away now.

I was about to like grab the trash to take out the trash and she was like. Oh no, no i'll do it i'll do it. She like insisted on taking out the trash she took out the trash for me, which was also very, very sweet, my grandma. She just loves helping that's just how she um shows her kindness and love, and that is so nice guess we got ta put everything away.
Okay, so we are going to go to the grocery store, but first i'm going to get ready. I put a little bit of makeup on take a shower. Do all of that and then we'll go. Okay.

Are you going to eat your breakfast? I think it's going to show my tummy okay. I decided that i would eat the breakfast. What i don't sound so sad about it, it is rough morning. No, this is so nice, and it's just i don't know if you know this about me yet, but i'm not the biggest fan of super super sweet things in the morning like this is.

This is very, very sweet and, to me like, i need something: more nutrition. True, nutrition, no nutritious, nutritious, nutritious, it's okay! It's still the thought that counts. So thank you. Okay, i'm gon na try eating this.

You just say this is really yummy. Wait one more time in the camera in the mic, so they can hear you. This is really yummy all right. It is lunch and actually last night for dinner, i made all of us some chicken soup and so i'm going to eat the leftovers and there's like a bunch more in there, my dad, what are you eating i'm having a peanut butter and jelly? Well, that's good! We have lots of leftovers, there's like salmon, uh chili salad - i don't know, there's just a bunch of leftovers, so there's lots of options for lunch today, but i decided to go with soup so time to eat.

So i got ready, took a shower put a little bit of makeup on aaron brought some chick-fil-a, so thank you. Erin you're welcome babe. We still got ta finish, cleaning up all our clothes and taking it to the laundry and stuff we have to do shopping grocery shopping for one specific ingredient, i'm just i don't want oily fingers. Oh, what was wrong with this chicken.

These are our plants. They need some watering. I honestly think they need more water than this. Aaron says this is fine, don't kill my plants, i think they need more water than this.

You know you give them as much water as you want, because what's mine is yours? What's yours and mine, my pants are yours, so it's all fine! I feel tired today me too, push through it. Okay, so i need to answer some emails, but i decided i'm going to answer my emails outside because it's a nice day today, so let's go outside guys. Look how beautiful the view is today, so peaceful, i'm gon na enter my emails on my chair. I have this chair right here, so i'm gon na sit here and answer some emails.

Okay, so we're at target. I don't want to bring the camera in. I really don't like vlogging, oh no. The people next to me are pulling off.

I can't get out now. Yeah a little bit there's people ryan doesn't like filming around people. I always feel so awkward vlogging around people. Oh luckily, why can't? I just use my phone.
Luckily, your husband's made a living about it. Logging in person's pupils and stuff - i just don't - want to get - kicked out of this target, because this is a really nice target. How about this? If anything happens, just act like you don't know me. Oh my gosh it'll work out huh.

Do they have it? I don't see it, i don't see it either. We didn't find what we needed, but we did get some starbucks we're waiting for it right now, arty whatever. That's me, let's go what's wrong. I spilled your coffee.

Why did you have to spill mine? Why don't you spill your it's? Okay, i don't feel good today. I'm sorry cheers cheers tristan not finding what we need. We're looking for qp mayo and i read somewhere that target might carry it, but not this target, but i think we're gon na have to go deeper into the valley. Oh that's, coffee! All right, second grocery store attempt to find qp mayo and i don't think they'll have it.

We can do it all hands in team, burst yeah well we're finding stuff, but we didn't find what we really needed. Oh we got this. We got distracted. Oh, you got the filipino ketchup.

Yes, you do and we got the filipino mango snacks. Oh we're going to do a filipino food yeah. These are my favorite, oh, so good. Now we're at a filipino seafood mark see if we can find what we're looking for fingers crossed.

We found the cute mayonnaise perfect. Oh my gosh, i told you they have it filipino power: oh yeah! What what? Ah tamari your husband's got? Your back philippines, filipinos gon na be good, yeah, yeah yeah. I would say that that was a success. We could have gone there first now, it's time to go back home and start laundry.

Laundry is fun not to me, give your hand something to do. Without your mind, having to think okay, it's time for ronnie's favorite part of the day laundry, i thought we were gon na pay bills. Oh she right! Okay, so i answered the emails i needed to answer now. I'm gon na see, if my dad wants me to take tiger or a walk because i'd be like.

Maybe he needs help. I also am going to watch book of boba fett with john in a little bit so probably come and watch book of boba fett in a sec. So we're going to do that productive day. So far: hey daddy hi! What are you doing? Oh hi, i'm editing! Marilyn's exposed what are you doing? I was like why? Oh okay, anyway, what's up, do you want me to take tiger to the park? Um? No i'll do it.

I do that every day i like to do that because you know it's uh, i get it away from everybody, what the heck, so you don't want me to take tiger. No you don't. When do you take tiger? Very rarely so! Okay, are you sure i mean do you want me to go with you? No, unless you just really want to go, but no don't worry about it. Go! Do something else.

Just hang out besides, it's getting a little cold anyway, so bye, okay, bye! If you need me to i'll go, i don't need you to you're good okay, i guess i'll. Just i don't know. Maybe i'll straighten up my room, some more until it's time to watch book of boba fett, i don't know so it kind of got cloudy outside for some reason and it's starting to get like really dark soon. We are about to pay some bills for gas, electric and water.
This is the first time i'm going to help him pay for it all. You want to teach me how to do it. Yeah, i'm just going to be honest, living with my parents. I never really had to worry about this.

I'm learning today login how it's over right there. This is login log into my account. Well, it's my login. Our account now yeah and go to confirm, go down and then make payments.

That's it yeah! I have it all set up right. This is, but that's how much it is and yeah what that says. On february 1st, i like paying early okay, i'm supposed to build credit, but how am i supposed to build credit if you're, the one paying all the time? Well, these would be minor effects to your credit, but but i do pay rent so that does show on uh. It helps my credit score mm-hmm.

These are things you have to think about when you're an adult living on your own, you just get it you're an adult. Now you paid bills. Okay, now now what go to the next tab? I have it all set up for you thanks. Okay, boom successful all right, hey, good job.

I paid the bills good job now, i'm gon na take care of the rest, but good job, the evil, washer, hey, don't beat him up. She's been he's been great, too okay, so running so many buttons and knobs all right, you're gon na separate by colors. Do you not do that? You don't accept. I chose my colors, i don't you don't rate the white no, and you know what i know that i probably shouldn't be doing that, but i've never had anything bad happen, so knock on wood.

That's just me that actually smells clean here you smell just just so. You know guppy's hair is gon na get on everything clean dirty regardless. What i think the lid is the fabric softener lid is in there. Okay, wait erin.

What do i do right right now? It's it's locked. What do i do just leave it what's? The worst is gon na happen. Okay, so john is here and we're going to watch a boba fett. Oh a boba fett is actually here.

It's him himself. It's the one, the only boba fett. How does it look on me? You look really cool boba fett. What was it like filming the book about with fat? Oh, it was so much fun all right.

Let's go book of boba fett. We are watching in my movie theater, because there's surround sound and it's like quiet in here and there's a subwoofer and the sound system is pretty good in here. We watched attack on titan in here not long ago. That was fun.

It was really fun. This is episode three book, boba fett, guys comment below what you think about this show so far. Personally, i'm not really sure yet i like the show so far. This is episode three, so i feel like this is kind of the episode where you decide whether you're in or you're out, who do you want as like a special guest to appear in book of boba fett the show? Well, you said jar jar.
I said i did say jar jar. Well, i was kind of joking, but that would be kind of cool here's. The thing i never cared. I never hated jar jar like everybody else.

I think it would be kind of cool if we saw jar jar cad bane. Actually, that's that's my real answer, vanessa hates him, but i think he's one of the best clone wars. Villains like and subscribe for, cabin like for cabin retweet for but for boba. It would also be cool if aaron burroughs showed up and just got just got immediately executed or something by both john.

It was like hey guys. I just got married and boba fett was like no it'd, be funny. Okay, we're gon na watch anyway. The third episode of book of boba fett: here we go okay, so we just watched book of boba fett wow.

I feel like i smell something in the kitchen, but we were going to see what everybody wants to do for dinner, which is great because we're both starving. What are you doing daddy dinner? What did you make zucchini and carrots? I just finished making the rice so yeah thanks for making this yeah let's eat this. This is way better than all right cool ordering out so yeah yeah, let's eat. Let's get some food that looks so good, yummy, okay, so i just got this audition and i need to make a self tape for it.

So i think i'm going to head over to my parents house to film it over there because there's good lighting. They have a whole studio yeah, we have a studio when we get a house we'll get a studio, so i will head over there. Soon i've been practicing reading the sides ugh i get nervous for these. You did great you're gon na kill it we'll see.

So just got back home from filming my audition tape. It's easy killed it. I did so good, but we will never know if i get the part or not, and so now we're going to eat dinner because we just also got back from the store. You did a really really really really good job on this update.

Thank you. I'm not just saying that. Thank you, and so now i have to finish my laundry and then we're going to eat some dinner. Let's see the disaster, it feels like we're on.

Like a reality show hopefully we'd like hey okay here here, you take a break that looked like it, hurt i'll take care of it. His food, at least you have more food. You could eat all right. Well, dinner was delicious.

Thank you guys for making dinner you're. Welcome kind of ate dinner pretty late and we sat and talked now it's 9 30 and i think we might all watch something as a family and then probably call it a night. I don't know, i guess that's my day day in the life of vanessa, with out ronnie. I did my best to fill in for you.
You did great. What does she do? You'll, never replace ronnie, but it's okay, that's something she does. She makes goofy jokes and does goofy dances no come on yeah. You can do it john.

Let's have him do it? Oh yeah, okay, daddy! You can do the goofy joke and dance that ronnie does no. I would i never tell goofy jokes all right. Well, i guess no one will ever replace ronnie and she's a married woman. Now today was a chill day, i'm sure i'll, see ronnie tomorrow, because we're gon na film in live stream and do our typical stuff, but i definitely missed her.

It's definitely gon na take some time getting used to all of this, but it's all for good stuff change is good. All right! That's it. My day is over i'll, be going to bed soon folded, some laundry while we're watching some scrubs ate some dinner. I had a salad with leftover chicken.

I had rice and fish come here. Baby guppy come here. He never listens to me. This is one thing that i've learned is that guppy does not listen to me.

He doesn't even pay attention to me. Guppy. Oh, oh hi, aaron barnes, not sir aaron. What do you mean? What am i doing here? What are you doing in this house? This is an apartment.

What are you doing in this apartment? Veronica, i'm living here? What i live here, i'm scared veronica. Are you where's? The iron nut: what are you doing? What's that? I have a lot of rice today. What's what's that in your in your shirt and there's something i'm in this forever yeah, i was rapping, that's cruel! The end of the day i'm gon na get ready for bed. Honestly, it has been an adjustment moving from my family's home to living in this apartment, but it's been a good adjustment.

It's been very fun and um very new. What in the world are those jeans doing? Oh, my goodness, it's never gon na stop. Is it nasa? I miss you and there you have it our lives, separated yes, living separated. How was your day because i i don't know what you did well, i didn't really do much.

Besides do emails. Nana did my laundry for me. I was going to try to walk tiger, but daddy did that they made dinner. I just kind of chilled at home all day and just kind of took it easy.

It was really nice. That's nice good for you, erin made me breakfast in the morning. That's nice! I made myself breakfast, he made me breakfast in bed, but i didn't eat it in bed and it was too sweet. So sweet.

Yes, what did he make you? It was like these frozen crepes you just like reheat them. It was fine. It was good. It was fine, we did laundry bit of a disaster, but you know what it was fine, we walked, we got b and then we went to some asian grocery stores to find certain ingredients, and then we went to a filipino store and they had exactly what we Needed bills we paid some bills.

What the heck i didn't do that electrical gas and water. I did bills yesterday, i'm great adultingness that is great ronnie, okay, i'm adulting, but anyways. That is a little glimpse into our new daily lives. Although ronnie does come here a lot that day was just kind of a day where we decided to separate and do our own things and film our day separately, but for the most part ronnie's over here a lot anyway.
So it's not too much different, but it is different. It's okay, though we're figuring it out figuring it out. We hope you guys enjoyed this video and thanks for watching, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right over. Here we live stream every single week.

You can check out our live streams by clicking this button right here check out some of the other videos. We've done and we'll see you guys next time bye, you.

13 thoughts on “Living apart from each other – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Morejon says:

    I'm happy for both of you guys but I am a little upset that you two are not really living together though how you guys depicted in the video is absolutely hilarious 😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Albin Eriksson says:

    Hi love your channel hope you are doing well in this Times

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savina B says:

    I’m sad roni and nessa won’t be living together anymore, but at the same time I’m so happy for roni starting this new chapter in her life with Aaron🥰

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hessa Aljasser says:

    i hate having to wait every Tuesday for a new video but my Tuesday's always brighten up when you guys post 💜💗

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars v1m8_a1 says:

    Im so happy to see both on them still with a smile on their faces! It is very tough to not live with someone whose been there for ur whole life.😭

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vipan kumar says:

    So sad but thats how life works i love u guys so much pls like if u like merrell twins and reply why u like them

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shweta Kumar says:

    I don’t have a twin or a sister but I can imagine not living with someone u have lived with your entire life but happy to see this new chapter and love you guyssss❤️❤️

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jocelyn Stricklen says:

    Yes I am so happy for you guys but it is also kind of sad not seeing the twins together but at the same time I am happy

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rozexxxillo0 says:

    I'm also so sad that you guys live apart I love your videos so so much, you guys are the only youtubers I loved in like one day I feel this is giving me hints to watch your videos every day 💗if you know what I mean🥰

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kimaya Rajashree says:

    I'm so happy for you both! I'm sure it's hard for you both to stay separately but like nessa said it's a new chapter in you're guy's life! I love y'all so much! 💜💜🦋🦋

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hessa Aljasser says:

    thank you guys for showing us this part of your life love this video!! also can we appreciate how good veronica and vanessa look in the morning 😍

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muhammad Ali says:

    You guys have been together your whole life and it's a big change for everyone! And I'm always here to support and love you guys! 🤍✨

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leila Maria says:

    We will support you both what ever you go through if its a hard time you going through just know you are not alone💗

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