Alex and Aaron gave us makeovers... who do you think did the best?
Make Over Challenge
Merrell Twins Exposed ep1
2 Sets of Twins Drive Thru Prank
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#makeover #tattoo #twins
twin my heart comedy merrell twins live sibling challenge

Hey guys, i'm veronica, i'm vanessa and we're here with erin and alex, and today alex and aaron are going to give us makeovers. I don't know if you all remember, but we gave them makeovers. I think like last year, like a while back. So this is their version.

This time we're gon na pay, you guys back yeah. Also, don't forget, we did videos on aaron's channel and alex's channel so check out all the other videos. We've done. It's a fun collab, we'll put all the links in the description below make sure to subscribe to each of their channels as well.

Can i go first? Oh oh, is it game time right now i was going to do it. Are we jumping into it? I'm excited about mine. Do you want okay, okay, i'm nervous? Okay, don't follow me, okay, okay, what kind of look were you going for? Do you want to just tell me the overall look like uh? I was going for like a grunge kind of look and there's. There's another part of this that i'll show you after but you'll, come back.

I know what it is. I like it. Okay, then you'll see so these fit you. Those are cute.

Okay, we're off to a good start. I got you ray-bans, oh no. Why did you give me these because they're really nice grunge? Oh wait, look at look at that. Don't you don't peak, i think grunge is not accurate.

That's not right! Oh my gosh! Thank you and then you saw this part. Is this a gardening hat? Why is that the same hat guppy wore the other night? This is not gross you'll, see you'll, see, you'll, see it'll make sense. It looks nice on you, though, i'm so happy. I wasn't sure if it was going to fit your head, but it fits your head good.

I mean it looks cute white jeans and then a black top okay. This is definitely not a grunge. We got fake nose rings, fake nose rings, bracelets cute. All right.

I need a lot more material than i have. Okay, i tried to get your size, okay and then that's did i give you two rings. You gave me a lot. Okay, but yeah.

That's it. Are you ready to go change? Trust me, the the vision you go. Okay, all right, why did you bring me in here? What is it's a sleeping sleep at it's a fake sleeve tattoo. I wanted to do two two, no one eye.

That's a lot to take off. It will come off. Yes, it will. What, if i have to? Okay, okay, okay, yeah arm straight up.

How long is this going to stay on my arm as long as you wanted to you, took it off right away? What do you think ness is gon na say i don't know what do you think? I don't think you put this on correctly. Can you please trust me please if you like this or you're gon na get a real tattoo? I don't know why i'm joking, i don't think you need a real tattoo. I feel it it's still not attached. It's not gon na look good! Oh okay! I hear all the complaints about me.

We didn't do it right. Oh, no! No! No, see! Look! Oh! Okay! Okay! It's not! We need to get you food if you ever hang out with ronnie if she gets upset and just angry. It's probably because she's angry i'm trying to fix the character. You just see all people who are grunger like that.
Oh my gosh, this one is so much better. We've guys. We've waited for. Like 30 minutes yeah we've been waiting forever, all right, okay, forever, eight she's ready, i'm ready, i'm nervous! Why are you acting so weird? Okay, ready that long how's? This isn't that bad right? It's not bad.

Look at the nose ring. Look at this look like a complete different person. I don't even know what this is called. This style really is.

I don't know, but is this that it's like? No, it looks good, it's like um for sure. What do you think i i like it, you like you're gon na get tattoos. I don't know, i feel like that'd, be very painful. I like the vibe.

I like the look. I i'm glad i can pull it off. How do you do it? So what do you want to keep you want to keep all of it? Yeah sure. Do you like the sunglasses, yeah they're, very nice? Those are very cute aaron.

You did good, you did so good, i'm impressed. What do you guys think comment down below i'll? Give you a hint on mine, it's more colorful. Is there there's no tattoos right? There are tattoos so for alex's outfit, i was told to bring some white shoes, but these aren't the only ones i have and they're very dirty. I need to get new ones anyways.

All right, i'm excited to see what alex is for you. Okay, here we go. Okay, okay, so we got the white shoes uh-huh, this necklace cute. I like it, it's like a cute little green, choker, okay, and then i got you these socks with tie-dye socks, cute color, color color, this top okay! Oh i like this size.

Yes, i like that. You like it yeah, okay, and then i got you this hat, you don't like it, it's fine, the other ones. I like it. I like it.

This is fine. Why are you crying you don't like that hat, and this is the last thing pants. Okay, i see what the vibe is. We're gon na tat you up a little bit too me too, with this outfit yeah.

Okay, come on. I've got your stinky shoes, yeah stinky. I just feel like i look so much older. It's a good look! Look at! You feel she's starting to feel it she's starting to get the feels.

Okay. How is it it's good? You like the socks, it's so colorful there you go and then don't forget your favorite hat. Oh yeah! Oh, you don't know, you didn't have to take off the tag why you don't want to keep it? What are you saying i got this for you inside you got ta wear it all the time. I think it looks good yeah.

This is cute. Okay now pick your tattoos and what do you want? You want one arm or two arms. Let's just do one one arm: okay, this one i'll do this on the left: arm: yeah, okay, let's go to the bathroom, come on girl, we're gon na put it high. Okay, there yeah, okay, just hold it right there i got ta, get this wet and then we're gon na get it super wet.

Oh gosh, i'm scared. Why do i have to get tattoos too? I actually looked up. We looked up your thumbnails and saw that you never had a thumbnail with tattoos, so we're like. Oh, this would be good for her thumbnail.
Okay, i think it's good you're ready, uh-huh, okay, don't move! I still got ta push it down. Okay. What do you think? Let's see, oh whoa see it's not that hard to put on it's good, it's pink! It's colorful! It matches your outfit. What you think whoa it looks so weird yeah.

But what do you think about the tattoo though? Oh, the tattoo is cool yeah, but you do look weird. Okay, let's go. Why did theirs take so long? I don't know they're, probably flirting or something. Let's go.

You got ta you got ta come in. You got ta bust, a move! Okay, you're, like that. I don't know whatever you got. Okay, you see how fast that took.

Okay, i'm excited for yours, um ready, yes, okay, introducing the new and massively improved. We talked about your entrance. Oh, i can't move this army. You look so cute.

I feel like this is something you would wear. I like the pants. She do you like the hat um, the hat. What is i told her? She needs to bust a move when she comes in, but it says she came in like a robot like ronnie.

Did. Oh, my god, yeah the tattoos are no. You can move it. Okay, that one's pretty.

What do you think vanessa? How do you feel it's very interesting? What is your outfit? Oh, yes, i like the outfit. I was going for hip hop dancer, but then it kind of came out like 90s breakdancer, and i like it. That is a very good description comment down below. If you like these outfits and comment, how well you think aaron and alex did, i think they did really great with our looks, definitely a makeover for sure i'm a new person.

One question, though silky right, so you guys did our outfits and we did yours. Okay, who do you think, had the bigger transition or transformation transformation between theirs and ours yeah. I think we did way. Well, i had the biggest transformation, i think yeah, you had the biggest transformation mm-hmm, but i think we she i mean got you like.

Oh yeah, will i wear this again? Yes, maybe well there, you guys have it makeover challenge, completed yeah. Let us know who you guys think did better on the transformation, but we both look very different, guppy, the better between me and aaron yeah. Oh, who did the best between us. You both did really good, i think come on they.

They know you did the best make sure to check out the videos that we did on aaron and alex's channels. We did a collab where we did a video on yours and on yours, so make sure to check those out. The links will be in the description below and thank you thanks for watching. If you like this video, give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right over here, subscribe to aaron and alex by clicking the link in description below check out.
Some of the other videos we've done and we'll see you guys next time, bye.

15 thoughts on “Guys buy our outfits! makeover challenge! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gab rivera says:

    i Just realized Aaron's hoodies desings is the philippine falg lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unknown name says:



  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sherrie Jacobs says:

    They did okay, but I feel like the girls did better. I suggest a part 2.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sabrina xiao says:

    Roniโ€™s look is like one of those fashionable mom outfits while Nessa is like the fun aunt ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carmela Gonzales says:

    Aaron looks like he looked at a pic of harry styles and made roni wear it. Its cute i like it and i love harry styles too HAHAH

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lex says:

    Aaron and roni: weโ€™re not dating
    Aaron-buys her ray bans which probably cost 200 dollars

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vennice Chua says:

    I just realized that aaron was wearing a hoodie with a philippine flag on it <3 <3 <3

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars { Mylaiii } says:

    I just turned 15 and Iโ€™ve had the biggest crush on Alex since him and Roi were making skits w/ Rolanda and Richard๐Ÿฅฒ

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars evelyn says:

    Everyone: focused on Aaron and Roni
    Me: I missed Nessa and Alex
    Also me: Alex has a girlfriend, I forgot..

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flame Jey says:

    alex [ i told her that she needs to bust the move when she comes in but instead she came in like a robot.
    OMG i cant JWJSWKSW

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kyle king Lyons says:

    nice love it ilke it alex wassabi aaron burris buy outfits so cuite watch it

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mayo Pacheco says:

    i love both the fits but for the biggest transformation is deff roni. but i love them both.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ajogoz says:

    Roniโ€™s actually was quite nice except for the tattoos. I liked Nessaโ€™s pants but that was about it.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars love family with me says:

    Alex did awsome I don't know why nessa was weird about the hat I looks good and… Aron u did awsome too I love the tats and hat I love both they are awsome

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tiarie Mendez says:

    Okay but they both pulled those outfits offf. ๐Ÿ”ฅ also roni's look suited her so well. She lookedd grown ๐Ÿคฃ

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