Did we find Vanessa a boyfriend on Omegle? Comment below your favorite part of the video!
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#boyfriend #omegle #twins

finding a boyfriend on omegle twinner

So you'll be her boyfriend. Yeah are you? Can you be my boyfriend? Please he skipped you. Are you kidding me this? You are like the perfect boyfriend for me. Is this really y'all yeah? That's us huh, hey guys, i'm veronica, i'm vanessa and today we're going to find nestle boyfriend yep.

It's been a minute since i've had a boyfriend, and i thought what other perfect way to find a boyfriend, especially during coronavirus, would be to find one on omegle. If you guys have noticed, we've switched spots because we're actually in our live streaming setup. This is uh where we live stream. If you guys didn't know, we have a merrell twins live channel where we live stream every single week.

We play lots of video games uh. So go check that out if you're bored there's a bunch of videos, live streams on that channel. If you want more merrell twins, we're also posting on our ronnie and essa channel again so make sure to subscribe to that channel as well. Links will be in the description below and while i add it, subscribe to merrell twins, because why not why not or just come back every tuesday and follow us on uh instagram, i'm nervous, i'm not! This is gon na be funny.

Do you think i'll find my boyfriend? Oh yeah, i'm ready to find true love, i'm excited for you now. So this is a big deal. Hi hi! You like star wars, a little bit. What's your name aaron nice to meet you aaron! No, oh he's saying: are you gon na fight right now? Yes, we're about to have a duel a face.

Are you kidding me? He skipped you. Are you kidding me you're joking? He was like her. Lightsabers are cooler than mine, hello, hello. Would you be down to be my sister's boyfriend? I don't know.

Oh my god really explains your love life right now. Well, this is going real great. So far, nesta am i too old for this. Just not the way to find love anymore.

Remember what our mom says you have to have patience when it comes to love out of 46 000 people online. We can't find one person hi. What's up guys, how old are you um? What age of age will you be my boyfriend? What will you be? Will you be my boyfriend, we're looking for a boyfriend for her wait? How old is she, but i'm actually 24.? No way, i swear on my life. Yeah yeah same wait.

What's your answer, this is actually you yeah. That's me no way you're actually verified, so so you'll be her boyfriend. Yeah are you? Can you be my boyfriend? Please wait what no you know facebook. So are you going to be my boyfriend or not? No, that's the question.

What's your name, what what's my name? Oh, my name is my name's, a girl, oh nice, to meet you. That's that's so dope. I think i've seen you before, though, and that's crazy. How you're asking me to like your boyfriend so crazy like like what is it like being with face right? He just wanted you for face racking.

He wants me for face rods. He did he said he didn't even care about my dad. Okay, i did get a boyfriend, you did. I liked a mirror.
Um a mirror is a good option. Here's a great boyfriend. We, like a mirror hi. What are you guys's names? Well, i'm finney.

This is trevor. This is actually happening. Hi hi, kenny, hi trevor hi, guys. How old are you guys? I'm 18.

20.. Okay, wait. I have a question for for trevor. Okay, will you be my boyfriend uh? Well, you're poo, it's! So! Yes, really! Yeah! Sorry, penny! Sorry to throw this on you! I guess we're gon na become sister in-laws yay.

This is so good. So awesome, i'm like really wondering right now i got ta say something yeah. I know this is so exciting. They're dating that's funny.

I was looking. I came on to omegle to find you true love. Oh you found it. What's our ship's name, trev vanessa, this? No! This has got to be fake yeah.

You do this if you're, no, i'm just kidding we're already dating. What do you mean? Wait, wait do this if you're real? What are you doing? It was so nice talking to you guys, nice meeting you both. Yes, i'm glad we found true love me too, i'm so excited so happy for us. I'm excited for the wedding i said sister-in-law she was like she's like so trevor is a good option.

I like trevor. That was something he was like. What are you doing? I guess a lot of people do like fake things on here. So that's why we should have a sign.

Let me be my boyfriend, i'm sorry, i can't have a boyfriend doesn't talk to me physically. I think this sign helps, though, so then, when they see that i have this, will you be her boyfriend, hello, hello, that's the merlin twins. I met you guys at church. Once i don't know, are you real hold up three fingers? Oh my god, they're real.

You guys are the most conventionally attractive women. I've ever seen. Will you be her boyfriend? Oh wow? Well, how old are you guys we're 24.? Oh well, i'm too young for you. I am 19.! Oh yeah i'll, be your boyfriend, of course, really yeah! Well, where are you guys from from california i'm from georgia? We can make long distance work.

Okay, do you want to add me on instagram sure? What's your name? Oh i'm nick! Oh, i see you're uh. Well, that's why you're the most! That's why you're conventionally attracted? Okay, wow for a second, i was like. Oh that's, cool, like i'm gon na get a follow back. I go onto your instagram.

I am flabbergasted i'll follow both of you guys, thanks yeah. What are we gon na do for our first date? What are we gon na do as a 19 year old in college? The best i can do is like maybe take you out for like moe's or something yeah, that's perfect. If i, as long as i get to spend time with you, come on you're such a you're you're such a pleaser, listen i'm just trying to make this relationship work. I like you, you don't even know the first thing about me.

Your name is nick. That's the first thing: i guess what is my favorite color? It's navy, blue, it's actually it's shade of blues. I mean what do you like to do for fun? Well, i'm a physics major. So i do physics for fun and that's about it.
I'm also a gamer. I i love video games. I play minecraft, i love minecraft. I love minecraft, okay, okay yeah.

I know i play minecraft nice to meet you guys. Yeah, that's awesome! Bye, see you guys a minecraft date. He was kind of cute, i'm not gon na lie. He was so sweet, he was really georgia, tech, georgia, tech, smart, smart physics, loves video games.

What more could you ask nice? Engaging age is just a number. He wanted to get to know me yeah. He he went and creeped he he was doing his research doing his research as you should, as you should, when you're trying to find someone to date. Are you twins? Yes? No, i don't know.

Are you okay, good good? Ah, wait are y'all youtubers. We make you double just now, yeah sure too much hi are you of age? How old do you think i am, i hope, you're of age um, i'm i'm 17., almost there so close! So close. How old are you? 18? 15.. Oh.

No. 18. 18. 18.

Will you be my boyfriend? Yes wait, these are each of us. Yes, yes, what's your name, my name is colin nice to meet you we're dating now. I hope you know that. No, i already know.

Don't you worry, i got your record and our present you did yeah. Yes, i got your present. Don't you worry my love? Don't you worry? What is this? Is it it's floors? Oh that's right. Where are you from we're from california? Where are you from i'm from northern ireland that is so cool yep yeah? That's my chest: 5 million subscribers and now we're dating.

We are yeah right. Listen here! Look i just subscribed. Thank you you're, so supportive such a supportive boyfriend right. Listen here, my love! My love, my true love, look.

Look you better. Like my comment. If we're effortless or not yeah, i'm going to comment right now on your most recent video okay. What do they say? You said, let me look hello, wifey, correct wow, my wife you're, my husband.

I didn't think we would get this far so fast wow, you liked it. Yes, i liked it exactly now. Listen here, listen! Wait! You liked it! So, basically we're married yeah. This is really really going somewhere.

Hasn't it yeah, so veronica you're, my sister-in-law, you're, so sweet. Where have you been all this time? I've been hiding in ireland? I won your heart. Listen here. Your heart was the most beautiful thing ever so sweet went away with words wow.

So romantic, listen here. My loves, to be honest, i have never met a youtuber in my life, but well you have today, no, i have today, but if this is what youtubers are like they're amazing, not gon na lie. Thank you. Well, you have to say that, because we're married yeah, i no no, no, no matter what these are nice.

Okay right, i love you lost like jelly tots. I love you too love! You lots like jelly tots too. Thank you, bye-bye bye! Oh, my god he's the one he's the one. We could barely see what he looked like, but you know what he's the one callum he was calling me love and like so romantic he's gon na bring you chocolates and flowers he's the one.
How how old are you i'm 19.? Will you meet my boyfriend? Alright girlfriend you got a girlfriend. Yeah have a great night. How old are you 22.? I'm 22.. You are well i'm 24., 24.

Okay, and i was wondering if you would be my boyfriend yeah sure. Yeah, really yes for real for referral! Uh, i'm from arkansas, oh nice, we're from california yeah y'all can y'all can leave me now, but i'm about to check out joe's youtube. Oh, i can't leave you you're, my boyfriend. Ah, stop! No! Stop! You got ta.

Make me bliss: is this really y'all yeah? That's us huh! Well, y'all keep chasing y'all's dream and uh. I might see myself in one of those videos. I don't know yeah yeah cause you're my boyfriend. Yes, i'm your boyfriend.

How many other boyfriends you got now? Oh god, oh my god, you're the only one quickly yeah it was great to meet y'all. All right. Y'All have a great day stay blessed, bye, hi. How are you are y'all twins? Yes, you guys know.

Love live serve. Oh my god! No no is this. Real is this you yeah. This is real.

Why are we meeting so many famous people this weekend we met diplo yesterday we're meeting you today, wow wait. How old are you guys we're? 19.? Oh, my god are any of you single uh. All of us are single. Well he's talking to someone but bill, and i are saying well one of you be my boyfriend.

Definitely, okay, we'll go for it! These twins! Okay, if you don't know, i watch these guys called love. Lip serve, rob noah. I love brian they've, been in videos with football. Three of them they did the halloween video with them trick-or-treating.

That's where i know yes, hello, i'm vanessa, i'm veronica. They probably know that. I don't because i'm a weird redneck. I don't watch that much you now.

You know because you're you're, my boyfriend, yeah yeah yeah. Well, i hope you guys have a great rest of your evening. You too, how old are you? Why? Because i'm looking for a boyfriend - and he needs to be older than 18. unlucky, pal, ah hi? How old are you nineteen? Would you be my boyfriend? We just met, though i don't know your name, i'm vanessa, i'm kobe nice to meet you cubby.

Will you be my boyfriend hi yay? Okay, where are you from yeah south carolina? That's cool! We're from california. Oh you're from the west coast we can make it work, face time, text each other. You know, i guess you guess. Are you just not into it like you don't want to do this? I mean i don't know what i'm getting myself into if you're willing to put in the effort i'm willing to put in the effort.

Maybe maybe, if you are, i said you are, are you in school yeah, okay, cool cool? What are you studying computer science? That's fine! You must be smart, then, okay, so what are we going to do on our first date? I know i got to figure out what you like first before i plan anything, what what's your favorite color pink? What's your favorite color, i'm really outfit because, like i looking towards like red kind of that's cool, i love all kinds of food: i'm not picky all right! So what's your favorite flower, i, like calamities so like if you're not making youtube videos. What do you usually do in your free time, then i play video games, that's cool! What's your favorite game uh! I, like this game, called valorant. What what do you do in your free time usually play video games? Sleep eat, that's really it! That sounds like a perfect match for me. No, i don't! Yes, it does that's all i want someone who plays video games eats and sleeps.
What's your favorite movie um? Well, i'm kind of a big nerd. I really love star wars. That's fine! I like star wars too yeah, i'm like a huge nerd when it comes to star wars. So i, like all those movies.

What's some songs you like to watch, i watch a lot of anime. I was bad about that. Well, i'm just it's just i'm just nerdy! I don't know, but i like fairy tale too people could be sleeping on it. They do be sleeping on it.

I love fairy tale it's my favorite. It is yes bye for real for real for real. I think i've been doing youtube for for, like eight eight years, eight years now, yeah quite some time we started. We were like 16.

yeah, that's that's. Eight y'all 24 yeah see you are smart. You are smart, that's just that's his basic math. Is it, though, i couldn't think of that that fast wow this you are like the perfect boyfriend for me, you really are.

You can calculate math, so quick and he likes anime star wars marvel wow. Are you religious? I mean i do get this tattoo. What is it it's the prank hands? Oh so you're, religious, nice, smart funny, cute! You got it all wow! I am such a lucky girl. Oh, you look a girl on a lucky guy.

Oh, do you like? Do you? Uh love your family? Of course, family oriented too, i found the one. What is your snapchat, i i'll be safe. Youtube have a good night. You too, okay, bye, oh my god.

I think we found the one. I thought that was it. It was it's him. It's kobe.

It's kobe he's cute family oriented toby is the one kobe is the one wait, but you know what we had some top contenders yeah. I really okay, even though we couldn't really see his face, callum from northern ireland column was great. Well, anyways comment down below your favorite part of this video, also a huge shout out to everyone who is a part of this on omegle. Thank you for giving your consent also um.

Just so y'all know, omegle is not the way to actually find a boy. No sorry, you could do not recommend yeah. If you couldn't tell this is kind of low-key uh, joe quinn for fun, a joke thanks for watching, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right over. There subscribe to our live streaming channel where we live stream every single week subscribe to our ronnie and that's the channel, where we're uploading some vlogs makeup routines here and there and check out some of the other videos.
We've done and we'll see you guys next time. Bye.

14 thoughts on “Finding a boyfriend on omegle – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samantha Cantuba says:

    the guy with the white shirt and white headphones reminded me of someone from omegle too

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ananya Rayaprol says:

    John seeing these old videos and sees calum and so many other guys being so sweet and realising nessas bar is set too high: 👁 👄 👁

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabrielle Gatchalian says:

    Nick, Calum, and Kobe are real competition! Dude… they’re really just 🥺, I kept smiling and laughing on their parts. They were so nice, sweet, and kind to both Vanessa and Veronica! 🥰 I hope they really became friends with those 3! 😁😊

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ☆PØTATØ PANDA☆ says:

    The company of Omegle should be honest: People in here are very weird or very normal 🤠

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sunflower Crossing says:

    Vanessa is not afraid to ask for a boyfriend. I can’t even tell a boy I like, I LIKE HIM.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZIsabel aMoS_13 says:

    I quite don't like this video…ha..hah..ah, and it has a lot more views than my favorites vids of urs 🙁

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZIsabel aMoS_13 says:

    bro it would be funny and kinda sad that some of the guys/your "boyfriends" would not date for a long time because they thought or are still thinking they're dating you..LOL

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dainty Noodles says:

    “are u twins?”
    “yes! ❤️ “


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mariana jacobsss says:

    Nessa is such a pick me she be like “i am such a nerd 🥺” “i like valorant teehee” *laughs at everything cutely

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beyza K says:

    Watched this video SO many times and just realised their on screen names at the beginning were wrong 🙄

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ayesha Mubeen says:

    Nessa then : "We can make long distance work"
    John now : "Missing you today"

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ftrems says:

    I've been smiling and laughing throughout this whole video now my cheeks hurt so bad😂😂 It's so wholesome

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Addisyn Rinck says:

    Stranger: Are you guys twins?
    Roni & Neasa: Yea
    Roni & Nessa: confused Huh?
    😭😂 ily guys so much 😂😂🤍🤍🤍

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars merrelltwins says:

    Just so you know, do NOT go on Omegle to find a boyfriend! 😂 we just thought this would be a fun idea! Be safe everyone! 💜💖

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