We decided to eat one color of food for the day! We chose our favorite colors purple and pink! How did we do? SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL ▶ http://bit.ly/2dSP9Fg MERRELL TWINS LIVE ▶ https://www.youtube.com/merrelltwinslive OUR MERCH ▶ https://fanjoy.co/collections/merrell-twins FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA MERRELL TWINS TIKTOK:▶ @merrelltwins INSTAGRAM:▶ http://instagram.com/MerrellTwins TWITTER: ▶https://twitter.com/MerrellTwins FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/MerrellTwins WEBSITE: www.merrelltwins.com VANESSA MERRELL INSTAGRAM: ▶http://instagram.com/vanessamerrell TWITTER: ▶https://twitter.com/VanessaMerrell TIKTOK: @vanessamerrell VERONICA MERRELL INSTAGRAM:▶http://instagram.com/veronicamerrell TWITTER: ▶https://twitter.com/veronicamerrell TIKTOK: @veronicamerrell AARON BURRISS YOUTUBE ▶ @Aaron Burriss INSTAGRAM:▶http://www.twitter.com/aaronburriss TWITTER: ▶http://www.instagram.com/aaronburriss JOHN VAUGHN YOUTUBE ▶ @PUBLICTHEBAND INSTAGRAM:▶https://www.instagram.com/john_vaughn TWITTER: ▶https://twitter.com/johnvaughnn MORE VIDEOS BIRTHDAY VLOG https://youtu.be/zLrPcYSPTas OUR ROOM TOUR https://youtu.be/ihMYnsipT5E GUACAMOLE SONG https://youtu.be/y8tAO3Ov8gs NORMAL PEOPLE vs INFLUENCERS https://youtu.be/CCi_H6s5ZKE THE THIRD WHEEL https://youtu.be/uHYI42E8TKY THAT ONE FRIEND https://youtu.be/aeOpNraDKy8 Merrell Twins Exposed ep1 https://youtu.be/mWXurqWRA74 2 Sets of Twins Drive Thru Prank https://youtu.be/p15SVRulr58 Fans Write our Video https://youtu.be/WI0LYRZErjU The Break Up https://youtu.be/MyS8AjVj9FQ IF FOOD BABIES WERE REAL https://youtu.be/joMRNv0SlYE THIS COULD BE YOU https://youtu.be/U9v_bUMqFHg We’re identical twin sisters who have been consistently making videos since 2013. We post videos showcasing our range in both comedy and music such as original comedy sketches, original scripted series, original songs, original music videos, gaming videos, weekly live streams, weekly gaming livestreams, twin swaps, twin sister vs twin sister, popular song parodies, popular song covers, original funny songs, 24 hour challenges, popular challenges, popular trends, lifestyle, fashion, and much more!

What what happened? Oh it's! It's orange! I can't have this, i'm not strong enough for this. Here i go at the end of this. I think i might be pooping purple ew that was tmi, hey guys, i'm veronica, i'm vanessa and today we're eating one color for a day. Okay, so we've got part of our breakfast here.

We've got like our captain crunch, berries, purple and pink, and then we've got some yogurt. I have a raspberry one. I've got a purple blueberry one. This one is good and then i have like my pink pop tart sour i've got my grapes, oops a runaway grape, new purple applesauce, and i got some grape juice.

I have not had grape juice in the longest time. Oh, it's not really purple we'll count it as purple. Oh my gosh smell it. Oh that smells really good.

I've not had that before i have water, but like water's, not pink, does it count if i drink water out of a purple water bottle, i don't think so, which is why i got some of this stuff. This is like things you can add to your water. Oh, oh, my gosh, look at this: does it make it pink, uh yeah, let's see kind of yeah, it makes it very like like. Does it taste good, it tastes kind of like i just put like candy syrup in my water, but it's okay? Oh, you can't tell anything.

Oh i think it. Oh yeah. It definitely turned my water purple. You can't really tell, though oh it's like a light purple.

What happened? I don't really like that. You know what it'll just have to do. This is a terrible breakfast. Yours looks pretty good, you have like fruit and, oh maybe i could eat some fruit.

Okay, i'll grab some after this, but i'm gon na eat this pop-tart, but i'm not like the biggest fan of pop-tarts. Here we go. What flavor is that strawberries? No, it's cherry! I think oh it is the slowest chew. I guess it's good.

What is this applesauce mixed berry applesauce cheers what happened? Oh, that is tart. I love cinnamon applesauce. So, whenever i eat, like anything texturized like this, i always think it's going to be sweet, but this this was tart nasa, i'm not the biggest fan of this breakfast, all right, so ronnie has oh. I forgot that i forgot that was not normal water, so ronnie has plans today, i'm going to do stuff too, so we're going to go our separate ways for right now, but maybe we'll meet up in a little bit to eat some more foods.

But i'm going to stick with my pink food today, she's going to stick with her purple food. So, let's see if we can do this challenge well, i've realized with the food that i have. I am going completely veggie diet today. No meat, no dairy! Well vegetarian! That's coconut milk, that's coconut milk! No, i think a complete veggie diet today keep watching this video because later we're going to try, i found pink ginger i've on a can of beets, so we'll definitely have to try that later.

I do not want to start. My morning off that way, so for dessert later i'm going to have some jello. I should have made this last night, but you know it's never too late, hello, oh my gosh that smells so good in the hot water and then you have to add cold water, which never really makes sense to me. But you know what we're getting there.
I feel like this is so boring. Here's me making my jello. You want some gel out sweetie comment down in the comments below what color you would eat for one day i think, yellow or green would be really easy. Green would be easy.

Yellow, though corn corn, bananas and then a bunch of yellow candy, all right, two cups of cold water for a second there, i think it may not fit. I want to take steak. No just stand to the fridge, bring my jello all right. You guys i'm in the mood for some fruit, and so i've got grapefruit and dragon fruit right here.

So uh, let's go ahead and cut these up. I know grapefruit is pink in the middle. It's it's orange! I can't have this. Should i cut up the other ones, it's a little more pink, there's, some pink in there.

It's orange, it's not pink! Okay! Let's, let's cut up this dragon fruit! Oh my gosh! I thought it was gon na be white. Apparently, when you scoop it out like oops wow, then i saw someone do this cut it up into little cubes and put it back in here like little cubes all right. So i got my dragon fruit and, according to google dragon, fruit like this, is more tasty than when it's white, so bon appetit whoa, that's actually really good comment down below if you've tried dragon fruit before this is the first time i'm trying dragon fruit, i've actually Tried the starbucks dragon fruit drink, but this is the first time i'm actually trying dragon fruit like by itself. It's really good sad about this one though i'll give it to someone else there you go what the heck, what you just ate, the skin, no yeah.

He did i'm going to make a salad with my purple cabbage another side with the salad i'm going to have eggplant. How do you cook eggplant and then am i allowed to use seasonings, because if i'm not, this is the only thing i could find. That was purple raspberry, pecan dressing. How do i cut this? It's not like that right down the middle, i'm not strong enough for this.

I worked so hard. I don't even want to eat it now, okay, time to eat cabbage, here's my salad yum! This is crazy. Actually, how purple this is how to cut eggplant? Oh you can do it multiple ways, yeah. What are you doing? I was what i was gon na pick that up i'm excited my meal just got 10 times better, because i have purple potatoes.

Excuse me, i feel very, like rushed right now. I feel like a lot of people who cook are like cringing at me. Doing this don't judge my cooking. We are hardcore.

Judging you, someone out there is gon na, be like ronnie's, not cutting it right. Can't do anything right on the internet anymore. I feel like at the end of the day i'm going to hate the color purple, i'm not going to want anything to do with purple. I don't know what i'm doing.
Okay. So now i'm going to make some purple potatoes with purple carrots. This is the backup plan. If that fails.

Okay, so i will at least have something good to eat. Whoa. That is so purple wait. Now it's orange decide choose who you want to be.

You can't be both, it can't be a purple and an orange carrot. Dude. You know what, if you want to be both you can. Who am i to tell you? You can't be both.

I'm sorry, purple carrot, that's purple purple! You know it's the little things in life. Isn't it look, how crazy purple that is? Okay, so i'm gon na finish making my meal, i haven't even started yet, but i'm gon na finish. It don't need to film it, but you guys will see the final product and then we'll do the taste test all right. So here's my purple meal for my lunch.

I don't know how it's going to taste. It smells really good. It's ready to try oops. That is kind of pretty looking.

Okay, so we've got just a reminder. I think i burnt the carrots. We got purple carrots purple, potatoes got eggplant and purple cabbage and i just fried it all. So, let's see how it tastes.

Cabbage smells good, but i've been told that cabbage makes you gassy. Hmm. Okay, the cabbage is good. Let's try an eggplant, i guess the eggplant's okay, i don't really eat eggplant.

So that was a very weird texture to me. Here's a burnt carrot, tastes like a carrot and when you eat it all together, it's really good. When you eat it all together, how did it turn out? It smells pretty good. It tastes really good, oh all right! So, while ronnie's eating her lunch, i'm going to make my lunch first things.

First, we're going to do some gatorade, that's the only reason i got a boyfriend. Oh, that is so good. Okay. So what i'm actually going to be eating today is i bought some italian ham.

I love prosciutto and then this is just like smoked ham. I don't know i've got crackers to eat it with. Please be pink, please be pink! Oh, my gosh they're, pink, hello, john well. I just ripped this apart, so we're gon na use a bag to close this up later.

Thank you. You're welcome! That's my food. He took my prosciutto. You took two pieces all right.

Bon appetit kind of rough tastes. Good, though that's a boring lunch, i know i'm done. I couldn't finish all the eggplant, because the texture started getting really weird to me, but that was delicious. I ate most of the eggplant i'm gon na get going because i've got some.

I got some errands to run, but i think i'm gon na bring some snacks with me in case i get hungry. I'm gon na bring my beet chips along with my power aid guys. This is not good. I'm not gon na get full on this.

You should drink this that'll help it's like a smoothie veggie if uh fruit, more fruit, yes, just drink that it's a banana smoothie type thing. I love bananas. I love strawberries, but i don't ever like them mixed together, ew strawberry banana, maybe i'll save it. For later.
I'm going to try this cheese, it does not look the best. Let's just be honest, you want to try it with the purple chip. I thought this would be more creamy. Maybe i wasn't supposed to leave it in the fridge that long? Hmm, i don't know what to think about that.

I'm craving something sweet and we have some purple meringue. I'm gon na eat it. Oh, do you want your pink ring? I don't like meringue. Oh, i thought it was called merengue.

Oh, it's not. Merengue is a type of dance. I pronounced it. Moraine game, mommy didn't correct me at the store.

Okay. Here i go. You know for as much as i love sugar. I do not like this all right.

It is time for me to make some dinner. We've got some radishes pinkish potatoes and we've got hardcore pink garlic. Look at that, that's pink and then i've got my salmon and shrimp defrosting over there. First things: first, i'm going to cut up the garlic.

Oh, oh, oh, look! We also got pink himalayan salt, okay, so the most difficult task is done turns out. Only the outside of the garlic was pink, but it's okay, we're still going to use it like that, and then you chop it like mince it. Okay, so i'm almost done cutting the potatoes and i kept the skin on. I washed them, but i kept the skin on, because i want to show like the pink pink of the potatoes and then i need to cut up the radishes and what i'm going to do actually i'll show you guys after i cut everything up, you did a Great job on the garlic, thank you look how pink this radishes so i'm putting some oil in our potatoes and radishes how we're going to season it is the surprise, wait! Look it's so pretty with all the pink! This is how we're going to season the potatoes.

This is one of my favorite vinaigrettes for salad into raspberry vinaigrette, and obviously it's pink is that too much salt. How does that smell good? Put it in there now, let's prepare the salmon and shrimp, so i'm going to put the garlic on it just all over it. We're cheating just a little but there's like some pink in there. The beans are i'm doing the beans now and the salmon is pretty much done.

I put it under our heat lamp. These are going to be done pretty soon. The potatoes and stuff need a little bit more. I think i think this is going to be such a nice dinner like the salmon and shrimp smells so good, so we'll see how it turns out.

You look pretty. Thank you about my beans. Do they look pretty all right and dinner is served. Wow we've got the salmon and the shrimp, the potatoes and the radish and the beans.

What's this pink lemonade all right? Should we eat yes, okay, let's eat. Are you ready for our meal? Yep? Isn't this so romantic yeah cheers to pink food cheers to food coloring. Nothing is food colored. I know it's all pink, dear pink god.
Please bless this food and have it make our bodies so pink, so pink. What that stuff is so good. Oh, i love pink lemonade. What did you try? First, i'm going to try shrimp i'll try salmon, no try, let's, oh here, let's try it all together, all together, so beet potatoes, no i'll try salmon too ready wow, it's really good! What does it taste weird? No that tastes good, i don't know - is that just that bite.

Okay, salmon's good, really garlicky, but it's good. We like garlic. We like garlic, okay, shrimp, look, it's pink! Now, cheese! I love shrimp! Shrimp is good. This is like the first meal.

That's actually good that i've had today. These are pinto beans, yeah sure sure sure it's a good side, yeah. Okay, the thing that i'm scared most of just a reminder. She put raspberry vinaigrette dressing on the potatoes and radishes, which is kind of a weird thing to put on potatoes and radishes that you're gon na bake so we'll see: okay, shrimp's really good.

It's not bad. It's sweet, i'm a savory type of person. It is sweet. It's a weird sweetness to have on like potatoes, sam's, good shrimp's, good beans, taste like beans, potatoes, they're, fine, okay.

I think this is a good meal. This is great now that we're done with dinner. I have surprised dessert for us. Oh, i actually really like these.

Okay, wait, no, don't eat these. I don't know what are those even called wafers? Wafer cookies, i love those. Also. The circus animals are a classic cookie, or what are you going to use? I'm going for the wafer thing.

First, i'm gon na try it too ready cheers the wafer has pink stuff in the middle that tastes good. My dad used to like inhale bags of these. He loved them loves my dad's alive animal cookies yay. Should we try cookie yeah? I love these cookies.

I got cookie in my beans makes me feel like i'm at a birthday party, happy birthday. Thank you. Well. That was really delicious.

Thank you for making all of that you're welcome. I hope this was the best dinner date. Ever it was the pinkest date we've ever had. You know what they say if it's pink, it's like red, but a little bit lighter.

Okay, guys so said i would try something new. This is sushi ginger. I actually don't ever eat the ginger. When i go to sushi places, this video is making me seem like i'm a super picky eater, i'm not a picky eater, but i just i don't like ginger by itself we're going to open the ginger.

Oh that's intense! Okay! Here i go. I got my purple. Cauliflower, i got some rice, some shallots and black beans, so i think i'm gon na roast the cauliflower with the shallots and i'm going to make like a rice bean bowl, but these are black beans, though a rice bean bowl. No, but i mean like these.

This is not perfect; no, they are purple, no stop. They are purple. Okay, okay, okay! I need protein. Well, beans are good for the heart.
The more you eat, mm-hmm, the more you don't finish. It fart, no joke's funny. It smells good wan na smell. These look like bugs.

I hate this wait. Are they crawling stop? I'm choking. You know when i was younger, when we would, my mom would make like wild rice. I would avoid the dark colored ones, because they all look like bugs that rice in there still all right, poor aaron, i'm just trying to help it's okay, she's hangry.

Are you hanging around a little yeah hey? I know when you're hangry. This is crazy. It's literally purple, is it good yeah tastes like broccoli? Did you wash this already? I've never cut a shallot before in my life. How do i? How do i cut a shallot? I did research and it said that shallots are not as strong as onions, but this is making me want to cry.

Oh now that i cut the root from no. What are you doing blowing it out of your eyes? That's not working! I just want food. I got it, no, i don't got it. What is wrong with me? Oh you, okay yeah, that gave me the heebie-jeebies.

I was a little worried. Oh, it hurts my eyes, get it away from my face. It makes me happy yeah. Oh, i'm crying stop blowing in my face.

It helped last time didn't it. I guess so. Don't burn yourself. Okay, dinner's almost ready at the end of this.

I think i might be pooping purple ew that was tmi. Okay, so here's my purple rice, my purple beans and my definitely purple cauliflower, here's my my finished meal, there's extra! If you want to make yourself a bowl, oh pretty good. I can't wait till this challenge is over i'm tired of purple. Is it still your favorite color? I don't know now so i just finished my dinner.

I'm going to now try sliced beets in a can. Is that even purple? Yes, don't try and get out of it. What can we go? First, no we're together one two: three: the challenge is eating your favorite color, not nibbling on your favorite color you're, not going to hate it you're not going to hate it. You know how what we need to end this thing on you didn't eat it.

You didn't even you're, hold your nose and go for it. It's okay! There you go see, it's not bad. Okay, not bad. No, i'm not eating.

The full thing. Here comes the choo choo train. I guess i just spit this one out. I say a great way to end this challenge, for me, is with purple animal crackers.

What are these cookies animal cookies? Oh you guys. I almost forgot about my jello, it's so jiggly! I love it! This mothers are it's fun to slurp the jello uh. Why am i struggling to eat this, though i think it's because i'm tired of eating the color purple. I almost forgot my yellow.

Oh, is it good it's delicious? What flavor is it grape? Well, when can i eat normal or other flavors tomorrow? How was your dinner? It was okay, what about you? How was your dinner mine was good what'd you eat salmon and shrimp, that's it and potatoes and beets and beans wow. I had rice beans and cauliflower. I even had dessert what what you have for dessert cookies, cookies lots of cookies. These cookies, those and different cookies, oh the wafer, cookies, those and other more cookies lots of cookie cookies.
I ate them all they're gone wow like sugar, cookies with pink eyes. Oh okay! Well, we did the challenge. We ate one color for a day. I don't feel well you don't.

I am so tired. I don't think the food i ate gave me a lot of energy. Maybe that's why i'm tired, but i think we did really good at this challenge. I think so too, like i only ate pink food today, i feel very proud of myself for accomplishing that me too good job.

Would you do this challenge again with a different color? No no comment in the comments below what color you would try for this challenge and give this video a thumbs up, and please subscribe and thanks for watching, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right Here, subscribe to our live channel by clicking this button right here check out some of the other videos. We've done and we'll see you guys next time bye, you.

14 thoughts on “Eating only one color of food for 24 hours! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THE RED APPLE SASSY PRODUCTIONS says:

    i would eat BLUE foods for the whole day …btw love you videos you guys are really funny

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Baby KG says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars liz says:

    the contrast between roni and nessa when it came to lunch and dinner was so funny to me, it was like they switched

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lauran Elder says:

    I love how you seen John personality in this video more ☺️ we all know and love Aaron but it’s really nice to see John more ☺️👏🏽

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars teatimes says:

    I would of picked the colour yellow. I could eat: Chips, Mangos, Bananas, Mac n cheese, and so much more

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alyanna M says:

    id go with black foods. it’s easy cos i burn all food i cook so everything turns into black

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joanne says:

    Why didn't they film themself getting the food. Isn't that the point?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrita Biswas says:

    Nessa asking John to help in opening every small thing was the cutest thing ever. I lovedd it 😍😍😍

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brooklyn says:

    John: you know what they say..it’s like red but lighter!

    Me: dying of laughter 😭😂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karol Shrestha says:

    Love you guys! Y'all are the best! Hope you have a nice day. Keep it up! I always watch your videos to cheer me up and it always works!! Love you ❣️❣️

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joanne says:

    If you wouldve made it last night, than what would you have filmed for this video?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cazia Lalhrietfel says:

    Roni: I don't think I am gonna eat the cabage

    Cabage: but you kiil me you kill for what

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jenny says:

    When roni said she had some errands to run i heard…
    she had some Aaron to run 😂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Desirae Vang says:

    Try a yellow dragonfruit, they are even sweeter. But only eat half because they help with the digestive system and if you eat a full one you’ll definitely end up on the toilet lol.

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