We had a twin talk with @Brooklyn and Bailey We discuss the similarities and differences of being twins! Can you relate?
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We’re identical twin sisters who have been consistently making videos since 2013. We post videos showcasing our range in both comedy and music such as original comedy sketches, original scripted series, original songs, original music videos, gaming videos, weekly live streams, weekly gaming livestreams, twin swaps, twin sister vs twin sister, popular song parodies, popular song covers, original funny songs, 24 hour challenges, popular challenges, popular trends, lifestyle, fashion, and much more!

You ever get offended. When the other twin calls themselves ugly never get sad at at the thought of like someday. One of them is gonna have to live without other and do you have like a prediction of who it's gonna be yeah hey guys. I'm veronica.

I'm vanessa and we're here with brooklyn and bailey hello you guys we're doing a fun twin collab. We did a collab on their channel. So make sure to go check it out as well yes. We did never have i ever yeah on there yeah crazy wow.

The tea is spilled. We were thinking that it would be really fun to have a twin conversation. We've always wanted to sit down and just talk with another pair of twins about being twins and we know that you guys would enjoy this type of video. Because it's so interesting being a twin that's true.

And there's so many similarities between us twins. And like our lives aren't mirroring each other at the moment. We're almost married and so there's just like a lot to talk about and we asked you guys to ask us some questions. So let's get into it i wrote down a couple of questions that i have that i want to know.

Ronnie's got some questions already go for it can you feel each other's pain or like emotion. Like do you have like a heightened sense of empathy. I definitely think i do the pain thing. It's not the way people think.

It is like yeah you can't pinch her and i'm like ow in the same arm right you know you just know and i really think it has to do with just spending a whole lot of time together. And so you just get really in tune with their emotions. And like their body language and whatnot. But emotionally 100 like you could look me in the eye and i would know exactly what you're thinking in that very moment i actually feel like she feels my emotions way more than i do that's how i feel like i am with you but not the other way because remember we filmed that video with me dressed up in the room.

And she didn't recognize me. But she dressed up and i recognized her like i feel like i'm way more in tune with. But maybe. That's because you were the original original one i wear the split off yeah.

So that's why i seriously you guys are just maybe you guys are just secondary us. You know like you're just like a piece of me. But that's why i think sometimes you have a lot more anxiety about situations than i do because you are like feeling that for both of us. Yeah okay.

This is something that is interesting and that a lot of people don't really realize did they keep you guys in the same class in school or did they separate you we were separated our whole lives because i it was a little combination of like my parents wanting us to be separated because they wanted us to make our own friends. It was like their big thing was like they wanted us to be able to like develop individual personalities and so they split us our whole lives here. Yeah. So we had different like friend groups and different teachers really understand my whole life until we hit high school.
When we started like being able to cater our own classes and stuff and then we started being in class. But i feel like also we did that because my dad was a twin he kind of knew what it was he was a fraternal twin. Not exactly the same. But he kind of knew like what it was and what it felt like to share everything.

And so he was really intentional to make sure both of us felt like we didn't have to share things. We'd have to share friends. The only thing. We always shared was a room they separated us for the exact same reason they wanted us our parents didn't want to separate them.

Because my mom knew that we loved each other and we always wanted to be with each other and she just felt really bad at this. But it was like very like similar yeah. Until high school that's when we were able to like really really yeah. We always like did the same things even though.

We were separate like we always took the same classes like got like similar grades. Without something similar yeah like even though like we never had classes together. I think. It was intentional for like us and also just for the poor teachers.

So that they didn't have to deal with being like yeah. Which one are you yeah do you find it annoying. When people mix you up it depends i feel like really not really for the most part. You're kind of numb to it so you're just very used to it and like it irks.

Me when it's someone that should know who i am yeah. And i'm like or there are people who like think. It's like funny to constantly like call you the wrong name oh. And you're like there are you know what i'm talking about yeah.

It's like oh bailey. Oh. Sorry. I meant brooklyn you're like unamused you're like not funny something original.

Yeah. I know but they're like most people they don't know you know they don't mean it yeah. But if it was like asa and he like got us confused bruh really absolutely he was so camera shy he literally didn't even look at us. He was just looking at the camera freaking he did not notice that was not bailey.

No yeah. I think for us. It's kind of very similar like the literally the same answer. Yeah.

That one like that transitions into the next question. We have this issue where we can't remember like who experienced a situation. Because we both have that same moment about it like that was definitely that day yes. We do that too it's crazy we have this one controversy about someone bringing in bananas from like a grocery shopping got mad because we didn't know what happened to bananas and i was like oh i put them here and i was like no i i put them there and i was like no i did and to this day.

We i wonder if maybe like this is so spiraling down. But do you wonder like maybe sometimes memories like are shared because they're twins maybe you both have that memory because like because there are times like it's usually like when we were in the past like it's been a minute and so like the clarity clarity's not there you know or sometimes. I'll tell a story. Where she wasn't even there.
And i'm like no and then i did this and this and this and she's like i did that and i'm like no i did that and like we weren't even talking about remember yeah like one of us. We worked together yeah. I think it's us yeah. She's like no i did that i'm like what i seriously wonder.

If there's some kind of telepathy happening where your memories are like ingrained in my brain and vice versa. There it has to be because we have the same situation. Where she'll do something. And i can tell the story like like it was me yeah like i almost see it like through her eyes.

It's like literally like seeing her memories. I don't know i don't know. Some scientists somewhere you need to study this yeah can't explain in the comments not on us. Though any signs someone else yes.

We don't we don't have time we're busy do you guys want to ask me a question i have one but it's sad so i don't want to ask it wait i want to know well i talked about it on my tick tock. But like do you ever get sad at the thought of like some okay. This is really sad like something's happening someday. One of you is gonna have to live.

Without the other yeah. Like sad like do you ever experience. And do you have like a prediction of who it's gonna be oh my gosh and then i like have to quickly like think of something else. It's the saddest thing.

I'm gonna think about but it has so many comments underneath it of like twins being like this is a big fear like mine. Yeah. It's a big fear of mine. Too and now that she's moved out and stuff.

There's a lot of times. Where i'm like wow. Maybe i should have hugged her yeah and i said goodbye because like what if she gets in a row or something and then i get like really sad in utah. There were a couple of times where i like would call her in the middle of the night and be like i'm having like anxiety like i feel like something's wrong or like you okay like you ever get that like i get that all like every once in a while i'll be like something's wrong.

And i'll just like call her and be like are you okay. And not like percent of the time. No. She's not yeah.

Oh. My gosh you can tell yeah you can't feel each other's emotions. I think you're gonna outlive. I do too unfortunately really yeah why but like i don't know she's always been a little bit more frail than i have it's a tiny more time am i wrong.

It's weird like i i have said it many times on my channel and people always get offended for me even though. I'm the one saying it i never i've never said. No she was like the original egg and i was the split off and i think she's gonna outlive me and that's like so was that the original. I've i've never had anything like a clarify.
It is not a competition. It does not offend us at all it had to have been originally identical. I was one and like is something inside of me where i'm just but which like i know it was you and i was the blessing okay that was the miracle when bailey and i were born. I was fine and she wasn't breathing yeah very same and so they always nothing worked.

But when they put her in the incubator right next to me. She was fine wait. I was in cuba. I was a little nicky baby.

She was born natural mm hmm and then i was born c. Section. Emergency. Yeah.

I can't believe he didn't have trouble with holy cow. Never mind my mom she's a trooper. She did everything like the cord was like pushing on my neck or something. And that was like losing oxygen.

So they just put her to sleep. And then took me out. But i was in like because my lungs were like not developed all the way. I was just having some issues.

I'm fine now but it explains a lot did you guys have a twin language. I never did like when you were babies like did your mom like ever like what did you say like you gotta have like but we have videos of us talking to each other when we were like yeah we couldn't talk like that and we would just literally be sitting there gabbing away at each. Other yeah. That's kind of like what i guess we did is what my parents said we were like yeah.

It's not like a twin language. But we know sign language like little parts of like we know the full alphabet sign language. So like we'll like sign stuff to each other sometimes or you know when you just like no no he's like no you just know you can like look. At your sister.

And you're like okay. Like yeah. Yeah. Let's leave yeah or like this person's weird.

It could even just be like it would literally be like a glance. It's not even like um. Okay. I'm gonna give you a look because we're not twins.

But like we have to win. So yeah would it work so are you gonna give us a look of within feeling emotion. Behind. Yeah.

I'm gonna okay. Okay. Oh. Oh.

Oh okay um. Maybe. Like you're uncomfortable. I feel.

Like. That.'s not good. Okay. Okay.

Okay. Okay. You're like this person is weird anyone on the planet earth could have told that from you know expression was so big. I think anyone would have like overdid it i mean mine is more like yeah you know like that type of that's really good that was good mine was over the top.

More it's more that for me. It's kind of like something in particular happens and i've acknowledged it and i look to see if my sister has noticed the same thing. And she has and has also chosen to look at me to see if i've acknowledged that we did it all the time. My parents get mad like they'll be having a conversation with us and we'll like look at each other like what are you what are you saying.
We're like nothing here's a good question even though we're all identical twins. What are like slight differences like for example. I have like a half inch bigger foot than she does what yeah she has a more circular face like we have different eye and eye eyebrows. Let me.

See yeah okay i get told that i have the rounder face. Yeah. And that she has like the slimmer face okay. But my boyfriend says i have the rounder so that shouldn't you know i don't know no you definitely do yeah.

But i wonder what though i always notice the freckles you have more prominent fronts. Yeah. She's outside a lot more i've always kind of had more not as sharp eyebrows and then she had obviously has a deeper dimple mm hmm. I don't so that's something i think personality wise though we're very very different.

Oh yeah. I think how would you describe. Each. Other yeah.

Yeah. You describe the differences between oh. Man. Like in personality.

Brooklyn. Is more like determined. I'm loyal. But like she's like loyal loyal can i ask a question.

Yeah are you like a perfectionist or like do you like do things need to be a certain way yeah kind of a little yeah. Because i'm that way a little bit. Yeah. And you're anxious.

Yes. I'm anxious. Yeah. I'm.

Awake are you out. You're. Outgoing. Yeah.

She's out going. Yeah. Oh. That's so weird and we're the first ones born yeah.

Yeah. She's more stubborn for sure. But she's more like determined and like loyal person. She's also a little more introverted than i am and she's always had more of an attitude of like she doesn't care what other people think whereas.

I have always been like a little bit more of a people pleaser very socially very social. I think for you it's very like similar to you where she's a bit more introverted and she definitely has anxiety about different situations. And she's also like a hardcore perfectionist about stuff. And is really hard on herself.

Too when you know she can't get something like to like a tea or something like that yeah. But but that's it's okay. There's like pros and cons to like everything you know being perfectionist also comes out as being bossy. Yeah.

No no oh my gosh. It's so weird how it just like correlates yeah. It is weird. It's like a weird thing you're very outgoing she's like tell me more i would say i mean i don't know you're creative.

You're funny um now i'm just like trying to like think of content go with the flow. I don't really stress and like i can't relate about anxiety. I know and it's hard to because you see them struggling. So much and you're just like i want to help so bad and just i remember there was one time in college.

When i was like it was just one of those nights. Where i like woke up at 11 couldn't sleep. I was getting anxiety and i don't know if you ever think that he's different. But like sometimes i get like jittery like i just get like i can't like my heart rates up like i can't calm myself down.
And i just i texted her and i was like oh i'm going on a drive like i'm having anxiety. And she's like well how are you feeling and i'm like well i'm just like jittery like i just need to like go out and get like calm myself down and chill out. She's like we'll just try to eat some nuts. It's probably your blood sugar.

No okay. She had not said. It was her anxiety. Yet she just said.

I was feeling jittery and i was like okay. I was like eat something first and then. She said. I was like ah okay.

Never mind i take it back. I take it back that's when i was like you don't quite understand what i'm going through don't make me look like that i know it wasn't unsympathetic. It was just because you had never experienced it and she didn't say it was yeah. It was not i never thought of it as unsympathetic or i just thought i just thought.

It was funny yeah. No like similar stuff where she's been like really harsh on herself. And i'm like what don't i can't i can't we're going to be fine you're like it's going to be a if i panic i'll feel better if i cry about it and then i'm okay yeah. My anxiety is more like my thoughts like my thoughts just run.

So crazy and i just like can't control them sometimes and just like sometimes they're just so intrusive to the point. Where i think like people like are judging me when they they're clearly not it's a social anxiety. So i hate people. I do have a question do you all have the same allergies or different allergies.

If you have allergies at all. Yeah. I think so i think we're both heavily allergic to feathers. Yes because when we sleep on feathered like pillows or like down stuff.

We get like right like rations and stuff. Interesting yeah. And we found that out when we were like in like eight eight or nine. That and i think we both have like the same type of sinuses.

Yeah and allergies and stuff. So. We have different very very different. No way.

Yeah. Oh my gosh so she's like super alerted to a lot of fun. Yeah. I'm allergic to like everything you breathe.

I'm allergic to the ocean. No yeah. Like some kind of seeds algae or something so i get hives. When i get in the water or like i'm allergic to amoxicillin sofa.

Like a lot of medications. The only thing. I'm not allergic to is food the only food. I stay away from is seafood.

Because i don't know the ocean. If it'll be a problem that's a good idea. But i'm allergic to lavender. So i can't use lavender soaps or anything or i'll get hives and i'm not allergic to all of those things exceptionally there's no pollen allergies.

I have a question is your guys's skin. The same no ours is not i can i break out so bad if i eat certain foods or if i'm like stressed out and she never breaks out she hardly has pimples that's how brooklyn and i are she hardly ever has pimples and i'm one that's always had like my skin is hormonal. So if i am like pmsing or even like ovulating or things like that i will break out bad. It doesn't matter what i do and so i take super good care of my skin.
And it's still just super hormonal. So i've had to figure it out the regimen over the years and what works but i'm like she's fine she just she does her skincare routine. But and everyone saw like i like will break out a little baby like baby breakouts like just for like hormones. But i've never had like a full blown like nothing.

But that is why skincare is important because it is because everybody's skin is different okay so we can all share clothes. But you guys can't share makeup like if she has like a certain product you can't wear because it doesn't work you never know you never share makeup differently. Yeah. Yeah.

That's good mascara slash next door check it out her foundation looks super. So bad bad on my skin again. It's crazy there's literally been times. Where i fall asleep with makeup on and my acne clears up and i don't even know how oh don't i don't even know how that works that is like blasphemy.

There are times. Where i like this is so bad the esthetician in me is dying. There are times like before i was an esthetician where i would literally like not wash my face for like three days. And it would like clear my skin up like 12 years old on how to fix like my acne problems.

And that is why i am so i know everything you could think of but not that i'm try to deal with it wash your face. Yes. Wash your hands use your serums. What a dream world you live.

I was going to the dermatologist at age 12. I was like please help me here's a question or not a question. But just like people compare us to our parents. All the time.

Like some people will be like vanessa looks more like you your dad and i look more like our mom do you guys get that i guess i look a lot like my mom. But i really think it's just because my long hair. Oh. My mom has long hair like but their sip personalities are like identical like they're very.

I don't know if i agree with that because i'm not see i'm like i don't think i'm like i think i'm similar to my mom. But no more similar than like she probably like i think we're both like a good mix. But yeah she definitely gets my mom i don't really get anyone in particular. But we get mostly compared between our siblings like oh camry is just like your dad and brooklyn is just like your mom and then me and rylan fall somewhere in the mix.

Interesting have you looked at a picture of your twin and thought. It was you or a picture of you and thought. It was your twin. Yeah.

Hundred percent baby. We actually have this thing where every time. We're showing a baby photo. We always think we are the other one really so if i think it's me it's definitely brooklyn and if she thinks it's her it's definitely me i think it's because we've only ever looked at each.
Other yeah. So that's the one we recognize in the photo isn't that oh yeah. There's no i see what you mean yeah. So rarely.

There will be a time like in a video. Where she like turns or something i'm like and then we would rewind. It and you're like that looks like ronnie for a second then we all rewind and we're like no you know what was crazy is when we posted a photo with you because you went there. But um.

Some of the comments were like bailey looks like but they all look related. Yeah. We do and i was like do you guys probably all look really i think we do just similar like we could be cousins. I think so like we could be cousins.

You look more like us than some of our cousins. Do yeah literally yeah. Totally they're like one i'm just so honored. I just want the blue eyes.

I'll take the eyebrows. Thank you very much do you guys feel like your spouse is slash partners are like a reflection of your twin like who you like picked mary is like a real question of your twin. Because asa is definitely the opposite of brooklyn. Aaron is nothing like that yeah ace is not anything like focusing no.

I'm not tall. At all like personality. Wise is there like do you feel like you gravitated towards someone who was like dakota's not like me i don't think you know you you and erin do have some there are some similarities actually you and asa literally are so different. John is kind of he's introvert and you're enjoying.

It sometimes you can be a little aloof not as much as we're older. She would say the same thing about me. I'm surprised she hasn't said it aaron can be aloof as well okay. Yeah.

Some twins grow up hating each. Other yeah. I just can't imagine that like you guys you guys clearly love each. Other you guys are best friends right i couldn't ima like i don't know how about you even get to that point wow.

Because being a twin is like such a special connection with someone and you know it's all people are always like when was the moment you realized you were twin. I was like never we've i've just always been yeah. I've always been a twin and so i don't know i just think. It's it's nice to meet twins.

Who like have good connection and like love each other it's always so good to see that and there you have it twin talk. A conversation with some twins twins and twins and you guys don't forget we did a video on their channel. We did never make sure to subscribe to their channel subscribe to our channel as well and we will see you guys next time thanks for being on our channel.

12 thoughts on “Do different twins think the same?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ju Ju says:

    omg there is so many relatable things with me and my older sister, and we're not even twins. My sister has many breakouts and has so much skin routine but for me it's the complete opposite. There were times when I didn't wash my face for days or just use water to rinse it but my face would clear up and barely any breakouts. Also my sister is more extroverted and doesn't care about what others think, where I'm the opposite and super introverted, a BIG people-pleaser. Crazy how sisters are super similar but super different at the same time. My sister is 14 months older than me.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miranda Ace says:

    This video was amazing
    Either this needs a pt2 with them or with another twin set like the Rybka twins

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clarissa Egrubay says:

    My 2 most favorite twin duos together!!! Ahhhh!! I love this!! This is one of my most favorite videos for sure!! Love lots to y'all!! ❤💘

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phoebe Yeung says:

    All for now so I never knew that about you I always see you guys like talking about like one twin is normally when till I came out like can I pray for whatever but like you guys have the best mom ever dated everything to give you guys a live and hear you guys are today and didn’t get very much I’m your mother doing that because like if you’re not here right now I don’t know who I will be watching

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nissi Vlogs says:

    A reminder that God loves you and Jesus Died for your sins💗💗

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bridget Valdez says:

    I missed you guys making videos together☺️

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddie Heato says:

    Yay! I love seeing these twins together! I hope to see more like This!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krystal Huntley says:

    I felt like I was at a sleepover, I was actually laughing the entire time. Best video I've seen in a long time, it was so much fun to watch 💕

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tania! says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars You’re Beautiful says:

    Subhan Allah Glorified is God the Almighty in His creation❤️the existence of twins seriously fascinated me it’s so cool Mashaallah❤️

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sara Fatima says:

    Today theme ting tops honestly I can relate with the do I look same with ur parents I have had that suitution with my twin a lot of times I love you guys 💕 ❤️

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars merrelltwins says:

    Who can relate even if you’re not a twin?🤔 the video we did on their channel will be up tomorrow!

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