Which couple made the best Star Wars pancake art? Comment who you think won!
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It looks ugly from this side but trust us when we flip it from the process. It wasn't cooked all the way. Erin i have a feeling this is going to be really good. Oh, that is impressive.

That's ronnie! What is that? What do you mean? What is that? Hey guys, i'm veronica, i'm vanessa, and today we are going to do the pancake art challenge. This is a last minute challenge. We decided we want to try. We've got erin and john here john's, never made pancake art ever pancakes.

Actually, i'm excited to try this erin. Have you done pancake art? No, you haven't couple times we're going to do couple versus couple ronron versus jodessa team, america, john team. Where did that come from? I don't know it's random. So since the obi-wan kenobi series comes out this week, we decided in honor of the new show we're going to be drawing star wars, pancake art, so we've got a helmet, a mandalorian helmet right here, full of some star wars, themed things.

Each couple has to draw the same thing: whoever draws the pancake better is the winner of that round. Are you guys ready? Yes, yes, if you are not subscribed to our channel, i don't know why. You're not because our analytics say 60 of you are not subscribed, but you still watch so make it make sense. Hit the button analytics, don't lie, you don't want to upset ronnie guys.

You can better subscribe, bro johnny's coming after you, i'm gon na get checked. Okay. Let's start this challenge all right, so the first thing we're going to be drawing is the death star? Why? Oh that's gummy, i'm here for it i'm here for it! This is a good interest, not a lot of colors with the death star, so we've decided that we don't have to do accurate colors. You can choose your color, you can choose whatever colors you want as long as it looks like the death star.

Okay, are you guys ready, yeah we're ready we're going to go for it? Okay, so your mark get set, go, go, i'm sure, do a bunch of squares inside boom. You do you. Do the outline and i'll tell you over here. Perfect! Okay, would you want a bigger that looks good, okay, great great, more done, okay, aaron and i is looking great, oh yeah, it's cooking fast, go for it go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Go! Just! Do that! Oh yeah! The scribble technique.

I like it professionally, we just got ta wait for it to cook. Oh my gosh, aaron and ice looks amazing. Oh they're thinking outside the box sort of a uh christmas thing like a happy death star. We need to hurry before it.

Okay, oh, wait. The red! The red we forgot, i need to let the red cook a little bit. Oh snap, i think we're going to come back. I think artist is going to look yeah as long as it doesn't burn.

Cooking team ron is in the lead team america's fallen behind. What this is good to flip, you think that's good. I feel, like i think, you're just learning. I think he said he said i should flip it yeah no he's trying to sabotage us.

You should flip it with your hand. Actually, oh you're right, it's good! You didn't spray the pan, oh neither of us did actually we did. Did you no patience? It looks ugly from this side, but trust us when we flip it from the process. Ours is looking pretty good.
Yours looks like a cookie yeah. Yours looks like a cartoon. Really delicious cookie like an easter cookie or like a cartoon, um cafeteria slime. You know when, like oh, i got like a really gross cafeteria food item.

Yeah. Why would you call it food gross ronnie? That's what it looks like! That's it. I think we should erin. You just ripped it out boom, can't even tell you can't even tell your team yeah fixed it wow.

Look at that teamwork! Okay, oh my goodness, why'd! You turn it off. Oh, i forgot. The circle thing has those things on it? You fool! Oh no, it looks like a natural death star. I honestly feel like theirs is going to turn out really well.

Let's see, let's go go here. Go go, looks like an evil dodge ball. It's stuck. I fixed it.

No, it's fine! It's pretty good! It's because it wasn't, it wasn't cooked all the way, aaron. Okay, what matters is the other side. No, this is fine. It doesn't like the other side.

What about judge yeah? I agree make sure you write a list of like all the rounds, so this is round one. Ours is like planet earth, death, star, different interpretation. Ours is the barney death star. Okay, there you go, let's do the next round.

This also looks like the rugrats ball. I feel, like your guys, looks a little more like the actual yeah. I feel like that. You guys did a good job with the lines mandalorian.

Oh, it's like this. Okay! Here we go, i'm going to wait for the black. Let's do a different color. Let's go! They went colorful last time.

Let's go colorful this time. What's your favorite color purple right, i do purple. I want it to look good, i'm trying to win this challenge and if we have to be patient we can you could do different colors. Why don't we do the brown wow? What is happening? I need a color for the inside.

Should i do white? What color should we do? Oh, this is not phil. This is black black hey. This is intense. Ours is ugly whoa.

Oh, what is happening over here. They're going artsy: what's that outside line supposed to be? Oh, don't worry about it. Dude they messed up. That's what happened messed up! This is part.

Oh they went, they did the little jaw cut thing. Oh no! I was just gon na look like a weirdo, john and his knowledge of star wars. Ours looks like a weird pop tart. You have to do it fast, because it's gon na make lines yeah we're just trying something guys.

Can i flip it? You got it. I trust you the first time you flipped it. It all went wrong. Nice, nice dude.

This is this is real. Whoa looks very cool surprisingly well. We could make a second mandalorian. Okay, don't get too confident, you won't do it.
You won't. I have a feeling. This is going to be really good. There you go confidence.

Confidence is key, that is pretty cool yeah and it does look pretty good. Ronnie said it looks like a storm trooper um storm trooper, i've ever seen, yeah, which movie i don't know the movie where the storm troopers look like the mandalorian. No, you got some batter a little bit of excellence, all right, so there's theirs and there's ours. So guys you can comment below.

Yours is not done. Cooking, it'll cook! It's like a steak, it'll cook a little bit when you take it off yeah there is. I have a soft spot for those because it looks like the og boba fett cartoon. I think ours is a little more screen accurate in terms of a pancake i'm trying to get up all right.

What would it be? A lightsaber you wan na do green yeah we'll do greenspring, please ketchup. I guess we'll have to catch up. Oh dang! It today whoa what are they doing very thin lightsaber? But, okay, oh, what's up, do you like? I guess we didn't matter what lightsaber mattered. Perfect ours looks more like a light.

Dagger. Ours is looking really cool here. Just saying here's, our lightsaber, that is theirs. You guys are s such dark side.

Do you love me? Yes, do you trust me? Yes, okay, if you mess up, though erin no aaron? No, can i do it? No aaron! It's going to rip i'm interested to see how they flip this one use your hands. So yeah, let me use it you just just do it wow, that's really cool! That's very symmetrical! Ours is crooked. Look at the! So what i was whispering to her is that what a lot of people don't notice in the movies the lightsabers are actually white in the middle and the light around them is the color. It's not just the straight colors.

You didn't tell me. It looks like a little snake. Theirs gives me yoda lightsaber, vibes, yeah, yoda, alright, so look at all of our pancake art, i would say we won the first round, i think with the second round, and then you guys won you guys. There's one! You didn't win the second round.

Are you kidding me? Look at this look at that, though clean and big. It looks like a soccer ball. Oh i didn't say it. Maybe we did you and then ronnie is drawing boba fett darth maul.

That's gon na be hard. How many horns does he have again aaron come on one big head in the middle right? It's a chad, it's a unicorn he's got a unicorn, i'm just gon na. Let ronnie take this one ronnie. Are you being serious yeah? I am being serious.

What do you mean? Am i serious ronnie? What is that? What do you mean? What is that, okay to the red pattern? Okay, kitties? We were doing so good. We were. What do you mean? We were trust: the process, aaron, okay, here's. What john is doing? Oh, you need to wait for the no.

No it's okay great, he looks wonderful. Our darth maul is great um he's like i guess we shouldn't have done brown. That's what i was trying to say. I tried to tell you this well, this is supposed to be tina work.
You gave me the lead on this one. I did you just kind of took it. You know what i love your dark mom. It looks very cute he's not cute, though he's ugly oh hold on.

Let's keep. Let me see what's so good, i feel like he's drawn darth maul before oh they're, adding body you added a neck idious meal. I can see john start doing pancake art every morning. He looks pretty ready to flip ready, give him the music.

What's his thing. Oh we're good, okay, ready one more time. It wasn't loud enough and look at that nostril that that's that's it's a nostril that looks pretty good. I want to see you guys flip this.

That's going to be very hard to flip aaron is praying that our diet gets cut in half like darth maul, ours looks like a chubby darth maul his brother. That did not make the audition garth mall. He looks like he's got an alley you want to do it he's having an allergic reaction. That is impressive.

That's our boy that looks like the clown or is darth vader yeah. It looks like conor's animation, hey guys, um who's, that supposed to be my ugly twin wow way to take up the whole pan. Let's go find obi-wan kenobi together. No, that's great! I was thinking some cheetos r2d2 or did the middle one.

I don't remember what he looks like exactly. I know his face structure's a little bit. Oh, i got it, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! We saw what happened last time happened last night come on. Let me think it go.

He goes like this stop. I, oh think, that's that's a skull. Um, you forgot to let the black set. Oh, it looks like stop.

Give me the yellow, i'm upset by this. Well, you know what garth maul has a brother. Now this is a skull. This is what c-3po skull looks like.

They have um the tin man over there hey. I think ours is better. Really you thought garth maul was better he's that or wait wait pirates of the caribbean over there. Okay, you got it ryan.

No, you do it. Aaron you're you're doing one ronnie's disassociating herself with it now i think she's. Second guessing oh wow all right. Well, i think we'll let the people in the comments decide.

Can i just be honest. I don't think anyone wants that. I don't. I agree.

I don't think anyone won that for the last round. All of us are going to choose a character to draw on our own and we will see how it goes. Okay, we're going to go first i'll, go and then all right, ready, ready, set, go bb-8 tie fighter. Oh that's! So weird what it looks like what is a tie fighter? Oh, do you want to get something? I mean a baby? Okay, how about this is from memory? I just realized it's gon na be hard to flick.

He has really big black eyes. Groggy has only black eyes. The woman speaks truth. Mine sucks yours looks so cute baby, everyone's, so concentrated.
Okay, i'm letting mine cook. This is hard, it's actually a really good level of difficulty. We got a little gremlin over there and shazam. Ah, that's pretty cute mommy.

Here you go it's my bb-8! I like. Are you guys doing a second one, i'm doing r2 real, quick, oh wow, three yeah cute, okay! Well, my ewok is done. That's so good! I want to do princess leia, so we got boba fett, an ewok bb8 and a baby yoda yeah guys. What do you think that bubba that's really good and here's r2d2 right here then we've got jango, fett cooking.

We got princess leia, cooking too, and a random. She looks like she's. Seen a ghost. Stop don't look at her anymore, all right guys that was the pancake art challenge that basically turned into a free-for-all.

Those are so much fun. Thank you guys for joining comment in the comments below who did your favorite pancakes and what's your favorite star wars movie, if you like star wars, if you don't i'm glad you watched the video anyway, all right, thanks for watching guys subscribe to our channel subscribe to Erin check out john's stuff check out jon's stuff and see you guys next time, bye.

18 thoughts on “Couples pancake art challenge! who will win?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ivana says:

    i love how chaotic roni and aaron are 😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars trinity iman says:

    i love how your channel has basically turned into a couple’s acc! you guys are the cutest! so happy you guys are happy 💓

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ANGIELICA TONGOL says:



  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicole Lyeypi says:

    Don’t we all love how you guys are so bright and happy all the time!!! 🌞🌼

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniella says:

    Can you guys do a video where you show us your wardrobe?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kirsty Rose says:

    POV: your dogs chewing over the sound of the video

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brooklyn Paige says:

    I’ve been waiting for their video! So excited, love you guys so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars luvlykiwii! ☻ says:

    This video is gonna be so funny! I can already tell!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anyah newman says:

    Love ur videos this was so funny to watch❤️❤️❤️

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ☻︎Pᴏsɪᴛɪᴠᴇ. Bᴇʟʟᴀ☻︎ says:

    Early! I love you guys so much!! Have a great day!! 💜💖💚🐊(alligator for John) 😂😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Candice Chu says:

    already know john will win since he's a great artist

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashritha Alle says:

    The best couple award goes to these cuties 😍 💗

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dxrssii says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonia’s Way says:

    You all are so adorable. You guys know how to make our day better and brighter
    Love from a fellow creator <3

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexis Elkins says:

    Second! Love it! Both of y’all are such cute couples! ❤️ ☺️

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jado 0724 says:

    Yay another competitive couples challenge!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marikaylaedits says:

    First I love your videos u always make my day when I watch ur vids TYSM❤️

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isabella Mendoza says:

    Tomorrow is my birthday can y’all say happy birthday it will mean the world to me

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