Can identical twins tell other identical twins apart? Who will win?
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We’re identical twin sisters who have been consistently making videos since 2013. We post videos showcasing our range in both comedy and music such as original comedy sketches, original scripted series, original songs, original music videos, gaming videos, weekly live streams, weekly gaming livestreams, twin swaps, twin sister vs twin sister, popular song parodies, popular song covers, original funny songs, 24 hour challenges, popular challenges, popular trends, lifestyle, fashion, and much more!

This now I Feel like what if I'm wrong. It's the same baby twice. Oh this is I think this is pretty obvious Brooklyn on the left Bailey you're wrong. This is embarrassing for you.

Oh my gosh. I Can't tell you deceived me What? Okay hey guys I'm Veronica I'm Vanessa Today we are going to be doing a super fun twin challenge. As you guys know, we have many twin friends and today we're going to be reacting to Brooklyn and Bailey's baby photos and we're going to see if we can actually guess who is who. they're doing the same on their Channel They're going to be reacting to our baby photos so make sure to watch their video to see if they know who is who, who is who from me and Ronnie make sure to subscribe to our Channel if you are new and give this video a like if you guys can guess who is who.

let us know in the comments below being a twin I Think we have a special gift of being able to tell other twins apart I've seen some of their baby photos on their Instagram story and it is so hard so this will definitely be a challenge. We're going to make it a competition. Let's see who can get the most right? All right, let's go hey guys, it's Brooklyn and Bailey and we sent y'all a bunch of different childhood photos of Brooklyn and I. We're gonna have y'all guess who is who in the photos and then we'll tell you the right answer after the fact.

Good luck! Honestly, we don't even know the answer system. No, we do know we had to ask our parents. So I wish you all the best of luck. Oh wow.

Okay, that gives me a lot of Hope Okay here we go. Time for the first phone photo. Okay, okay. I think I got it.

Bailey on the left on the right I Feel like I can see Brooklyn's face in the right baby so well look at them. Look how cute they are. They're little oh my Gosh! Bailey on the left Brooklyn on the right. Here we go.

Okay, the first picture is us as little teeny tiny tiny babies and this one would be nearly this one. Doesn't tell. I Will be impressed if you got this. Bailey is on the left on the right.

Yep. guys are good if you got that one we are good. We got it. We did it, We got it.

Oh my Gosh! I Can't believe we guessed it. All right. Let's go. let's go to my next one.

Okay, number two. Oh my gosh, they are adorable all right. Oh I think Bailey's on the right and Brooklyn's on the left. I was gonna say Brooklyn's on the right and Bailey's on the left.

No way. Oh my gosh, What? if you're right, you stick to your answer and I'll stick to my answer because we can disagree. Okay I think Brooklyn's on the left and Bailey is on the right I'm nervous now I Feel like what if I'm wrong photo number two I Feel like is such a 2000 like Mom Vibe like with the white backdrop and us is like pose with random flowers I Don't know I Loved it. but if you guys got this one again I Feel like you'd be really good because we were like tiny babies little babies.

Yes! So the correct answer is again. Bailey was on the left and I was on the road. Can you see there's a trend happening? Yeah oh my. God Oh my gosh.
I'm gonna do so bad at this I was so confident that that was I know I'm not just second guessing myself, but that just goes to show that trust your gut instinct people. Oh my goodness. Oh yeah! I've got this two out of two. Oh why do they look like little bunnies? Look at them I Feel like we had that same type of headband? Okay, wait.

I'm actually going to say again. Bailey on the left Brooklyn on the right I think you're right too Brooklyn Brooklyn's on the right Bailey's on the left I Feel like this should be in Bambi or something like they're like the little sisters of Thumper Okay, okay, but what did we say? Bailey Brooklyn Yes Bailey on the left Brooklyn on the right. let's go. Part of me doesn't think that's right.

We look so identical in this photo. Uh, this is what we had asked our parents On We had to text my dad to find out. Yes! and this time Brooklyn me I'm on the left and Bailey Seriously guys. Seriously, if you got that right, I will be buying myself matching overalls like we have in this picture.

I know Iconic. Okay, so the next photo. the reason I'm laughing is just. it's so cute.

They're just little. they're so adorable. Oh My Gosh! I Cannot tell who is who, but my instinct wants to go with Brooklyn baby. No! I actually think Bailey's on the right and Brooklyn that's what I was saying I Think right.

Bailey's let's do it. unlocking the answer in Brooklyn left Bailey right I think that's Bailey on the right. Oh My Gosh. Wait.

I think that might be Brooklyn Bailey Right now has her whole house decked out in pink. Wait, why did I think she was wearing a pink hoodie that's clearly white? Yeah, what do you mean? Oh my gosh, let's just go with our first answer. Wait wait. Brooklyn Bailey I Really think that way he looks more like Brooklyn on the right.

that one's Brooklyn that's Brooklyn that's Bailey. Let's go with the first one. The first answer I was gonna stick with my gut instead. Brooklyn's on the left Bailey's on the right.

Here we go. Ah, now we're a little older. Hopefully it's a little easier to tell. This is photo number four and the correct answer is Brooklyn on the left Bailey on the right and can we just appreciate the buck teeth I have I'm cracking up.

It's a very funny photos your snotty nose and my butt cheek. Not the best photo in the world. Oh my Gosh! I got it. Okay, we got it got.

Instinct Yes, our mind was playing tricks on us. it was. but it was starting to look like Brooklyn on the right and Bailey on the left. Oh my God Oh my gosh, look at you guys! Thank you! Wait I don't know I don't know.

this is neither of you. Yeah, this is not anyone we know. Look how cute how cute dresses are. This is so hard.

Bailey on the left Brooklyn on the right I think Brooklyn might be on the left. no I see Brooklyn I can't tell I think I'm sticking with Bailey on the left and Brooklyn on the right. You know what? I'll just go with that Bailey on the left Brooklyn on the right I think that our parents just really liked the white I Know they're very like professional but like they were obsessed with taking these professions. All these photos of us as kids wanna reveal who is who? Yeah so Bailey's on the left and I'm on the right.
Oh okay yeah I totally got them down. Oh my God You do. You know what? it's me? I'm the problem I can't figure out who is who? you know it's weird because for a while when we first met Brooklyn and Bailey I actually couldn't really tell them apart. but every time I would talk to them I would accidentally guess the right twin in my head.

but I feel like I get I I know them now I feel like I really truly see the differences. Oh I can totally see the difference. Yeah, they are very identical though. even still, I'm doing so good.

you are okay. that was good. Let's go I didn't lose a point there because I I went with you. He went with the safety.

Okay, next look at how Rosy their cheeks are is a hot day outside. This is a May 18th in 2002. Whoa! Some of you guys watching weren't even born then. which is really weird to say it's the same baby twice.

Is it different angle I Want to I I Really want to say that Brooklyn on the left? No, you're gonna say Bailey on the right. No oh wait, you're gonna say Bailey on the left I'm gonna say Bailey on the left and Brooklyn on the right. You know what? you're right. Yes, that is Brooklyn and that is Bailey I know I keep doing it I think I'm getting them mixed up I can tell the difference but I'm putting the wrong name to the wrong face clearly Number six I think this might be the most obvious one so far.

Yeah, you agree. I'm very different in this photo. Yes, we normally look identical because we are cute. Not in this one.

so so Bailey's on the left and I'm on the right. yes and we're in matching outfits which I feel like it's just a twin thing and I'm imagining when you send us your photos. you're also going to be a magic I Hope so. I think it's gonna be so cute we got it.

Easiest obvious that was not obvious, not obvious. Well I know I think they Roar right. You can see the clear difference between them in those. Yeah, that's why I said Bailey on the left Brooklyn on the right.

Oh my gosh. I'm doing good this challenge next photo Oh so cute. Oh this is I think this is pretty obvious Brooklyn Bailey's on the right Brooklyn's on the left. Is that why you said I am saying Brooklyn on the left Bailey's on the right.

that's am I meant to say I'm kidding you said this is so obvious. Yeah yeah okay. Brooklyn is on the left yes Bailey is on the right I love the hug like around the neck. it looks like she's she's going crazy I know that just shows like how much they love each other.
All right. And let's find out the answer. number seven obviously I feel like we were playing outside. our hair was very messy.

Yeah, we obviously were like geez, we were like tumbling outside or something. Obviously if you can't tell by the hair I was on the left and Bailey is on the right. The crazy hair is not. Nothing's changed.

it's the same as it is today. Okay, okay it's not as obvious to us. I think I think it's to you guys starting to get one obvious. okay yeah, next one not the old time photo I this is precious by the way.

I'm sure like during this photo shoot your mom was like is my babies look how cute you guys are okay I think I left Brooklyn on the left. yes I got I gotta tell the difference I think Brooklyn's on the Lefty's on the right I'm starting to see a clear difference. This is a classic in our family. We have these sort of like vintage inspired photos.

Black and white might make it a little more difficult on y'all's end but I love this photo of the two of us. However, this is another one that I couldn't really tell who is to. Yeah, it's tough I was wow I can't believe we did. We guessed it.

Okay now I'm so curious as to what photos they're gonna guess that are easy where we're like. that was hard for us. Yeah what? no oh nothing. I'm just really thinking about it.

oh you like stopped you got like really concerned. that's why I said what? Okay, let's go to the next photo. oh my God Wow I Feel so hard. This one's a little bit hard I think I'm at a loss with this one.

I'm going to guess that Brooklyn's on the left Bailey's on the right. yes, those are Brooklyn's eyes on the left and her nose that is Bailey on the right. For some reason I wanted to say the opposite oh that face. Oh no that Bailey's on the left and Brooklyn's on the right.

One of them has a wider face and the one with the wider face has been Bailey so far. no yes, that's wrong. it's not wrong. I'm going with Brooklyn on the left bathing on the right.

Oh my gosh, wait, but that looks like Bailey I think I didn't even looked away. Yeah, let's let's do a spin. let's do some spins. Oh oh, all right, back at it.

Brooklyn on the left Bailey on the right I don't know it's broken I think it's Bailey in Brooklyn Okay, then you're going okay baby. I Feel like I'm gonna be wrong. but I'm saying wait I'm saying Bailey's on the left in Brooklyn I'm saying Brooklyn Bailey All right time to reveal who's who in this photo already I Bailey am on the left and Brooklyn is on the right in this photo again I Feel like that's just a trend of our whole life? Yeah, Identical twins? you know? No. but Bailey you've been on the right in so many photos, you've been on the right.

Oh my gosh. I'm so good at this game. Are you? I Can't believe this. You were convincing me hardcore that it was the opposite.
Back again, went with my gut instinct: I've missed three? Whatever. it's fine I don't know if you would be cutting twins? What? what? Vanessa you would mix them up No I wouldn't I wouldn't know my own twin I know I know it's different. no idea you I have no idea why. Are they adorable though? Okay, you know what? those like twins that are like the most beautiful twins in the world I think Brooklyn and Bailey's on the right I agree Bait: no Brooklyn on the left Bailey on the right I Just need to say something about this photo really quick.

that double-chaired giraffe print I mean it was hold up thing iconic. If I cats that I was an adult I would we were obsessed with those things Ever? Literally every single photo. but in this particular photo Brooklyn is on the left and Bailey's on the right aka me. Yeah, we did it, We did it.

Oh my okay. if if I don't know what does look how cute look how cute they are okay I think I've got this. I'm going to guess. let's say at the same, get ready.

Oh who's on the left? Uh, on the left, Three, two one, Bailey and Brooklyn on the right? Yes. Okay, Bailey's on the left Brooklyn's on the right. Wow for the first time. I think we're not matching I know and if you don't, if you know us and you know, like our wedding vibes, picture fits our wedding.

Vibe if that gives you any clue. yeah Bailey's obviously in the purple and I'm in the green. Yes that is honestly have been the rest of my life. So oh my gosh Oh I thought you were wearing no No.

I was about to be like close green. Her wedding was purple so it's like it fits. Yeah, you guys like manifested that in that photo. You guys were adorable.

Okay, we're talking to them as if they're like here right? I Know we'll give them a call after this. All right, we're doing pretty good. Pretty good. how are you guys doing? Let us know in the comments below.

Okay, okay, wait, what's this. Go next. Oh look there's the giraffe chair again. Wow! They did love these chairs.

Look at them eating corn dogs. This is hard because they're making faces faces. Yep This one is hard. She like with the corn.

that's a meme. that is a meme. They look like they're like camping but in their lives throwing hot dogs out. So I can't just imagine they're like if they were obsessed with these chairs.

I can literally imagine them like the mom their mom is like all right. here's your guys's corner dogs. Go sit in your chairs and they're like yeah, all right Brooklyn on the left Bailey on the right. Really? yeah? okay I Can't tell this is such a funny photo.

Okay Brooklyn on the left Bailey on the right okay Brooklyn left, Bailey right. This one is funny. Again, we're back to the draft chair. We also telling you like food, Corn dogs, messy hair.

yeah um. but as for which one is which? Brooklyn is on the left? Yes, Yes! I feel like we don't have a pattern I thought we did and we don't But you guys don't laugh a lot. There's no pattern when you're ready. no pattern.
Wow. I'm doing so good I guessed it too. I've got two. Here's this one's this one's easy.

No. Okay, let me guess. Let me get it. Okay, we're gonna guess where Brooklyn is ready.

Three, three, two, one left. see I did this the other time and I was wrong. Okay yeah, no that is Brooklyn on the left. that's Bailey no no Brooklyn Bailey Brooklyn Bailey I'm using Brooklyn's on the left and Bailey's on the right I Know you guys have gotten this comment like your whole life.

but you guys have such beautiful eyes. You know they say green eyes. which I think that's they're blue. They're not blue.

They've got blue eyes. Blue Runny, they're green. They have blue eyes. This is my Rockies they have blue eyes.

What color of eyes do Brooklyn and Bailey have blue? You're wrong. This is embarrassing for you. Remember if they're praying, they have brown eyes. Okay oh I just got fooled by them that is clearly blue.

That's green. That's blue. I'm texting them. Do you think they maybe have more blue green eyes? Yeah maybe it's a more like a blue green but more on the blue side.

Brooklyn's on the left Bailey's on the right. Let's go green. Oh let's see green technically I'm joking I'm like part of the family at this point. Brooklyn left Bailey's on the right.

This photo was taken back before like it became like the dynamic with yellow rain jackets. So like we love those. Yeah, but I'm on the left in this photo and Bailey's on the right in this photo. Oh yeah.

so at this point you could guess Brooklyn's on the left and you probably get it right. 75 of the bottles right? Yeah, that's right through. Wow! I didn't even think of it. Wow.

like it the movie I Just thought how cute yellow raincoat. Oh my gosh I Can't tell I can't no look how cute they are Brooklyn left Bailey Wright They also said just guess Brooklyn on the left and I'll probably be right. Do you think Bailey's on the left and that's Brooklyn on the right? Is that what you're going with? Yeah I Don't know why because I feel like the one on the left looks like Brooklyn But right, it doesn't even look like them. All right? it looks like the most beautiful baby in the world.

So I think Brooklyn is on the left and Bailey's on that. That's what I've been saying. Okay, because I feel like that's Brooklyn's smile I think Bailey it. Her smile is throwing me off completely.

That's why this one's hard for me. All I'm saying is that I could have been Hermione Granger with the curly locks like a brunette Chloe locks like come on, you should have cast it the way that you're standing like this. no, the way that you're like yeah, we gave it away. but I'm on the left again and Bailey's on the right.
Oh my gosh, I did it next. photo. This is adorable I don't know. So cute.

Look at them I have no idea. Brooklyn you think that's Bailey I think that's Bailey on the left in Brooklyn wait no, you're right. it's Bailey and then Brooklyn no yes, they have name tags. We can't use the name tag the more I look at it I think Brooklyn's on the left.

that's her smile I think Bailey's on the left I think Brooklyn's on the left. Bailey's on the right. Look, they won. Whatever they were doing, they won their game.

They got first I think a little metal yeah Metals I'm saying it's Brooklyn on the left Bailey on the right. Can I go back for reference? No, we'll go with Brooklyn on the left Bailey on the right Brooklyn on the left Bailey on the right. If you don't think you're right, I'm going to Brooklyn North Bailey on the right. Okay, well.

I'm gonna be ashamed of y'all if you didn't get this. We have name tags on and there's our labels. Yes, I'm on the left once again and I'm on the right softball. This should have been a point for sure.

I'm literally gonna just laugh out loud if you did not notice those name tags, but we couldn't read them because the screen we have is pretty far so. I almost dipped out of here. Why? Because I thought I'm about to get it wrong Chair: Oh how cute. Okay I got it.

Bailey Left Brooklyn Right This one's hard. That's that's Bailey on the left. This one is hard. No, that's Brooklyn on the left and that's Bailey on the right I can't tell that's Brooklyn on the left Bailey on the right I think you're right Brooklyn on the left, baby, right, right this one.

This one's hard because that could be Bailey Yeah Well, yeah, obviously it could. Locking it in Brooklyn's on the left Bailey's on the right, all right. number 16. Bailey is on the left side.

We like changed up our pattern in this photo and she's on the left this time and I'm on the right. Wait wait wait wait we got it wrong. We got it wrong. Video: No I did not.

Nessa Nessa We got it wrong. I You know what my first instinct said Bailey and then the next one was Brooklyn I should go I Just need to go with my first instinct. uh UTC believed me? What? Okay, it looks like they sent in a bonus one. This is really cute.

This is so funny. I Feel like this is very much their personalities right now I think Brooklyn Brooklyn's on the left and Bailey's on the right. Yeah, Brooklyn's on the left Bailey's on the right. Yeah I think yeah, it's Brooklyn and Brooklyn on the left.

Bailey on the right. they look like they had a fun night out. Okay, here's the answer: Okay, if y'all didn't get this, I'm gonna be a little bit sad because it's so clear it's very personality. very personality based.

Who's Who and I know we were supposed to send 16 photos, but we said 17 because you never know there might be a tie. If there's a tie or something going on, we can use this. It's a bonus round. Oh I Lost of the two of us, but you can probably assume yeah.
I'm the one in the pink fairy bows, the one in the like. very green Sparkles Oh my gosh, it is the final round. Yes. All right.

So I won I Didn't know it was a competition Okay, wrong. I got four wrong and I got two wrong. Can we tell our friends apart? Yeah, kind of Yes. I can.

kind of I for sure can I literally got two wrongs. You did good. The only reason why you got the one wrong is because you listened to run. Yeah, that truly is what happened because my gut instinct was to go against what Ronnie was saying.

But then I decided to trust you because I thought you were finally on a good path to like guessing right Brooklyn Bailey Can I still be in the Twin group? Wow! I'm so curious to see if they got our baby photos correct or no. You guys click the link in the description below if you guys want to check out the video where they guess our baby photos and see if they got it right or wrong. All right. Anyway, and thanks for watching.

If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our Channel by clicking this button right over here. Also, we live stream every single Thursday and you can subscribe to that channel by clicking this button right here. Check out the collab we did with Brooklyn and Bailey and some other videos we've done and we'll see you guys next time. Bye.

15 thoughts on “Can twins tell other twins apart? ft brooklyn and bailey”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karen Sheehan says:

    I have been surrounded by identical twins all my life. One set I could never tell apart until they opened their mouth. One had a lot of attitude. Mostly personality really and a wild game of spot the difference. Older twins often taller and slightly bigger, stronger builds and an attitude of thinking they are superior that carries over into their personality making them unpleasant. The way each carry themselves and mannerisms are give aways too. The younger twin is usually more tolerant, kind, thoughtful, generous. The older twin thinks they are perfect. No offence.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ines🪻 says:

    Vanessa was too good at this haha

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jodie Wampler says:

    I love your videos ❤😂😊

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vicky Castillo says:

    Do this with John and Aaron!!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E says:

    Once you realize Brooklyn’s head is wider at the top and Bailey’s head is more oval it’s pretty easy to tell them apart!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars asia zaxo99 says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vanshi L says:

    i got one wrong!!!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CarlyNicoleMusic says:

    I got more than half right in the end, and I’m proud because I’ve only ever seen a couple of their videos!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CarlyNicoleMusic says:

    At 16 minutes in I’ve only gotten about 1/3 right 😂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CarlyNicoleMusic says:

    Such a fun video idea! I can’t wait to watch the vid of them guessing yours. You’re both so pretty in this video too❤

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cass says:

    I either knew immediately or I had literally no clue. Some of these were so hard

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars deigismon says:

    We want Rybka Twins edition. 😃👯

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars madi grace says:

    what’d u do to ur hair nessa?? it looks so GORGEOUS!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victoria Garcia says:

    They gave a hint in their video too lol sneaky @brooklynandbailey

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlene Chua says:

    Love the baby pic challenge

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