These are things to NEVER do on a date… 🤦🏻‍♀️
TIKTOK:▶ @merrelltwins

TIKTOK: @vanessamerrell

TIKTOK: @veronicamerrell

You got ribs red flag? you have pretty eyes. You're my purse. Hey good to see you. Oh too slow gotcha.

Oh I hope you don't mind but I brought my dad with me. Oh no Oh James hey oh James I'm right here. Hey what's up good to see you I got to talk to you too. um I got your text saying that you were running behind and it's totally fine I already went and ordered some appetizers and yeah yeah that's great.

hey um you okay? no hey? uh James um I'm right here. hello Oh this has been such a fun day. Um I do have to get going though I'm so sorry to cut it short okay but um I've really enjoyed my time talking to you and just getting to know you. Yeah and um I will just text you later and maybe we can hang out sometime next week.

Yeah it sounds good. I've never been here before. Is it good? It's all right. My ex hated this place.

Oh yeah. um so I I went to the gym today for the first time in a really long time. My ex will go to the gym too. She loves the gym.

oh always there. um yeah. well and then after I got like a salad for lunch and so I'm like really hungry right now. My ex loves solids too.

She really liked the one from here. actually the oh there's no salad here. that's what must have been a different ax. Well uh after lunch I ended up going to the mall and and then you texted me and now we're here.

My ex would text me too. So annoying. um oh I hope you don't mind but I brought my dad with me. oh oh hey hi Honey hi who's this this is Aaron the guy I've been talking to.

this is our first date. Okay first date? All right. What's your social security number man? I need to run a background check. Is that all right? This is our first date.

Yeah! I I Just really don't like dating that much. I just really want to cut to the Chase and let and have them meet my uh, my dad. This is important to me I see a future together after this. You're gonna meet her mom and her grandparents today.

No we're just kidding people. Such a good dinner. Thank you so much for bringing me so crazy. Oh she got it.

Oh uh deep. do you want to split it what? you don't No no we don't split things. she she'll pay in full for it. Oh um I thought this was a date, you know I thought you were picking like splits.

You know times are different. We could both play for it. like when I should split it? Yeah, different. The woman pays right? Yeah, wow.

she sounds really toxic. Like if I could just give me a little bit of advice I Really think you should stay away from her? Like you should cut her out of your life completely. And you know what? next time you see her, you really just need to stand up for yourself. because like what? I've learned from this whole conversation? Is that like you just really don't stand up for yourself in front of her? and I think you just really need to put her in her place and then once you do that, you just say bye and then you just leave and you just never see her again.
She's my mom. Yeah, but like moms can be toxic too. I Didn't say anything. All right.

James uh are are you okay? Yeah? I'm okay. Why are you staring at me? You're making me a little uncomfortable. You have pretty eyes. Oh thank you Oh my Gosh! I Saw the funniest video I Want you to watch it? Look.

watch? This could be you. Oh, who's that? Like it's a joke. It's these. YouTubers they're called the Merrell twins.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. um so relatable right? You know? um I there is another video that I could show you up there is it's like um it's like the gummy versus Real Food Challenge Like it kind of makes me want to try it. It's the male twins again. Oh like they like do this challenge where like when someone gets like the gummy gummy food, someone gets like the the actual real food version.

they're like my favorite. YouTubers um we should go bowling tonight. Um are you good at golf? Um wait I didn't finish watching this video. um I Feel like you should watch this? Oh yeah, show me another I was just trying to show it's okay.

Show me another video you know I don't have to show you I know it's okay I'm sorry. show me one more I can show you one more. Okay, okay okay I'll show you one more after this video. You're Gonna like wanna like watch this and subscribe.

So like you should do anyway because who are you looking at? Okay, what are you wearing my work uniform? sorry I work at Chipotle Free guac I mean extra guaca? Get yourself for free. Oh do you want to go change? No I don't have extra clothes I'm fine I'm fine. You look really uncomfortable. No.

I'm chilling big chilling. I've had so much fun with you tonight. Two, you're like my person. You're my person too.

What are you doing? September 23rd September 23rd. Let me check. Um September 23rd I am free I Already booked the venue and everything and I invited all of my family. but we'll get to inviting your family too.

Oh I'm so excited that you feel the same. It's gonna be so amazing. Uh, maybe we shouldn't rush into things I mean you're You have a bouquet and a veil? Where did it come from? I You're my person. You're my person man.

I Don't know if I should be here? What? what do you mean might get recognized? I'm like really famous you are yeah I've got 280 followers on The Tick Tock 280 000 followers? Nah man. 280. there's a ton of people Oh I Don't want them following me here? Oh yeah I I like doing a feature with Justin Bieber um my friend Helen told me that you work for a pool company that you're a pool cleaner. No man I don't clean pools I'm a rapper I Drop about everything I Rip about life and my feelings a rap about girls like you So I just got back from India yeah I saw on your Instagram I was stalking your page.

You know because you just want to make sure you weren't like creepy and stuff. You have the cutest dog look I found this old one all the way down at the beginning of your photos but he's like kind of ugly now. He was so cute back then back then. see like older now.
but anyways yeah um I was just wondering like um, who is this uh who is this girl in this photo like um, is she your girlfriend or like because I see her all over your page and like you know because you're you're on a date with me and um in like see like look there she is again with you and um I just like I don't know how to feel about that because you know I'm like trying to find a committed relationship and I'm like uh, who do you think you are like are you, who are you posing for like there was like all these comments like this person like who is Sapphire underscore knee she put Hearts like a face. it's a fan yeah um all these like girls. Oh my gosh Wait. this is actually going to make me mad.

Why are all these girls commenting on this? Seriously? are you ready to order yet? Oh no. I'm I'm still waiting for him I'm sure he will be here soon. Sure, he's coming. Oh oh man.

I'm here here. sorry I'm late. Holy traffic. You know it's just wow.

You're two and a half hours late. What? No, I'm not. Yeah, we're supposed to meet at 2 30. 2 30.

it's well. I'm here now. time for dinner Let's uh, let's order some food I think I'm gonna go. no you don't need to go.

Let me let me take you home. The traffic's pretty heavy though. so I went and got my nails done all right and they're like this really cool purple I got so many compliments on them. Oh yeah and then um, my cat today had a hairball and it was so gross and I had to clean it up all by myself because my roommates didn't want to even like help me at all.

like can you believe that? like I can't believe my friends would do that to me. How rude Yeah Roommates? yeah they've been like my best friends with my BFFs and just like I just you know I kind of get annoyed of Sally she's a little rude sometimes especially because she like doesn't like my cat I think she's kind of allergic sometimes but you know I'm not allergic and that's how I have a cat. So it's like why would she like want to be my roommate if she knows that I have a cat and so oh did I tell you that my cat is named Pablo yeah I Only had like one lesson on my stream today. oh I'm so sorry.

hey at least times are rough you know here's your bread. What's that bread? Well we didn't order that comes with the service. well we didn't ask for it. so just I don't know.

take it back. Maybe we should just try it. you know? um okay. this is a cold.

but whatever. Oh awful. it's not even garlic bread. Take it back.

Oh um oh man man. I Can't believe the surface here. They suck I thought I thought they were doing a really good job. Come on, bring us the garlic bread now.

sorry sorry wait, you can't eat it yet I haven't taken a photo for Instagram Can't you just take a photo of your salad? No no I have to get you in it. Oh it's actually going to my close friends story. say hello hi on a date with this really cute guy we're eating salad salad Cheers Cheers Cheers Oh My Gosh Jessica Just responded she said it's so cute Oh my gosh, so many of my friends are replying they're saying that you're really good looking that I did good. Wait, hold on.
Hold on. um oh my goodness. wow. I'm popular.

Maybe I should take more photos of you. Okay, hold on. why'd you take a bite? I'm hungry you said you would wait. Okay, one more yeah.

so like my ex just really messed me up like I don't trust anyone not my best friend, my mom, or my dog. Wow, it sounds like you have a lot of unresolved issues. Yeah, it really sucks to have problems and she was a narcissist. mixed with like gaslighting.

So like I I don't I don't understand like most things people are saying because of it. I'm sorry yeah it's fine. I'm I'm fine though I'm just I don't know, are you Are you actually sorry though? So um, like do you know what your Rising Sun is in like Rising Moon um Aquarius no Leo and Sagittarius oh oh you know that. Go Oh my Gosh! Okay and where were you born? uh Philippines and what time? 12 13.

Okay, let's see why are you asking me so many questions? You and Aaron have one of the strongest bonds possible between friends. That is not a good sign. Well, you don't believe that stuff though, right? What do you mean you didn't do it? I have a whole app to it. Look, we're 65 compatible and we have a 19 months left to be friends.

65 is a lot. 19 months in Wesley was someone else I'm so sorry, but the app is accurate. Oh yeah, I'm just having a bad day. Oh I'm so sorry.

No, it's not okay, just really sad. Well maybe some food will cheer you up. No. I can't I don't like this food here.

It's too spicy. Oh why did we pick this place and we can go somewhere else? No, it's fine. Um, did anything positive happen today? Uh, no. not even one little thing.

What about like being here with me? Well there's one positive thing. this date is almost over. So I've been like watching you and it's really super interesting. like you.

you eat like the chicken and you eat it with the piece of leaf every time. So and you only like use your right hand and you only chew on the left side of your mouth. so I feel like you have these very like habits that you do all the time. They're very particular.

like I don't know it you I feel like you are kind of giving Like A vibe where you are a clean person and like you're very organized and your life has to be a certain way. Like is that true? You are correct. Okay so enough about me, let's talk about you. Oh my gosh, he's kind.

Oh my gosh, that is such a huge thing. Like you know I've been on so many dates really just always want to talk about themselves and like here you are giving me the opportunity to talk about me. It's so sweet and kind of you. You are a gentleman.
So what's your favorite color? My favorite color? Oh my gosh. You're like young at heart. Aren't you like you have like an inner child in you. You don't just ask that if you don't have like a youthful Spirit Yeah so wait.

what is your favorite color? purple? What's yours? Great! You love nature. Do you want to go camping? Don't you? I do like camping. We could do that as a date for sure. So you want to go camping with me? Um, so you're spontaneous I prefer to plan things but you just said that.

you go camping with me. Oh now you're putting words into my mouth but okay. Red flag? Yeah, such a funny thing that happened. Oh I'm getting a call.

Hey what's up man. Oh so good to hear from you. Yeah I can play fortnite tonight. Yeah, what time is it? Oh yeah yeah I'll be home in like 20 minutes yo.

this day's almost over. Yeah yeah man. okay well I'll see you then. bye that was my friend Nico wanting to play fortnite so I have to go soon.

Oh but this day has been great man. Okay, such a fun time. Okay huh? what'd you say I I said okay, you need to speak a little louder and you talk too quiet I said okay, you don't have to like scream Jeez this Bread's really good. Yeah I know I really really like the bread.

You want some oh my gosh um and I'll have something a little bit but thank you. um so how are you doing good? How are you hold on? Is everything okay? yeah everything. everything's great. mm-hmm who are you texting? I'm texting my best friend which I was thinking tonight we can either go bowling or we could go through axes I hate taxes.

Yeah, it's the tax season right now and it's like hitting me really hard. it's so bad I said axes like you know the sharp stuff that you throw at a wall? um or arcade downtown. It's like the little Speakeasy um or we could just go catch a movie. you're moving.

No, we can go catch a movie like Guardians of the Galaxy or any other movie you want to watch from Kansas City from California either I'm from uh I hope oh okay yeah I moved um to California I moved like wouldn't want to. It was really, really fun. Oh also kind of hard. Yeah, moving is hard I Just recently moved into a whole new house out of them.

Oh I moved into a house too. Owning a house is so fun. like buying furniture. Uh I have a dog.

So too my parents have two dogs and I uh actually actually I don't have no I don't own any pets but uh, my parents have two dogs. They have a doberman and uh a little little tiny. uh Chihuahua oh yeah I have a pug. So now I have a house and it passed away because yeah, so anytime we talk about bugs Really? really? yeah? oh I'm so sorry.

but yeah, my pug is yeah. very fun. I like very loyal and just super fun to be around I really miss my pug. his name was palm tree.
Oh oh and Mike can you not interrupt me I'm talking about my pug. Hey good to see you gotcha! Oh it's too slow. Oh it's always a good one. Oh man, what is she doing over there? huh? Hilarious! Hey uh do you have a henway? What's a henway? uh it weighs about five pounds.

Oh man, this is a good joke. Oh do you know what else is such a good joke? What? your mom? hmm so how's your salad? It is so good. It's so good that I think I'm gonna just like improv a song about it right now I'm really good at um, improvising on the spot season. this is that we're all on this date and he was kind of late.

Hey shut up! Ah I Love this! Cafe and he makes me laughing. Somebody shut her off. Oh thank you so much! I'm really thinking about auditioning for America's Got Talent America's not Talent more like it I'm really having a good time. Yeah me too Yeah! I Have my ribs.

Oh thanks Oh you got ribs. Freaking love ribs. What do you order? I I think I ordered uh the chicken. but um oh oh okay.

thank you so much I'm okay. thank you. They're like delicious. You enjoy them.

Oh I Just kind of date right now. um what do you mean you've got sauce all over your lips, in your mouth and oh, did I get it? Uh yeah you did. You got most of it. Yeah, all right.

cool. Okay yeah. oh oh oh no. and that is things not to do on a date.

Hopefully you learned something from this video and you don't do it. Yeah, you go on a date, don't do these things. just be yourself. Thanks for watching! Make sure to subscribe to our Channel by clicking this button right over here.

We also live stream every Thursday at three o'clock Pacific Standard time you can subscribe to our live Channel by clicking this button right here. Check out some of the other videos we've done and we'll see you guys next time. Bye.

15 thoughts on “Things not to do on a date! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paige Madueke says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darryl Tibbs says:

    Ok I this video was one of my all time favorites 😂😂😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suwela Paim Vassoa says:

    Nessa turning around in her blonde wig when Roni starts singing was iconic 😂😂😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tegan Mattingley says:

    James eating the ribs was just to good 😂😂😂😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Būnnÿ_Płåyz says:

    Andrew wearing a wig was so funny 😂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Norah Perez-Pacheco says:

    I like how James is an avocado.😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meidiana Almira says:

    I think whoever Roni was, Aaron would still love her eventually haha

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F - NOBLEFRANCA, RHYZAN DEAN Q. says:

    ok but like this is so funny 😭😂😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JustPennie says:

    Nessa as James is the funniest thing 😂😂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fiza Ch says:

    Cute 😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Vega says:

    This was so funny. Now I am curious how you look with other wigs.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jonahhh says:

    Andrew…blink twice.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars whatinDworld says:

    okay so when are you girls coming to India?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Black says:

    Omg I’m so late but September 23 is my birthday 🎉 u guys make me laugh so hard love u guys ❤❤

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kerry's Life says:

    Loved this, this is like OG Merrell twins level content. 😅… I have seen where 2 negative people got along on a date though

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