We try to bake and decorate our own birthday cakes! How did we do?
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We’re identical twin sisters who have been consistently making videos since 2013. We post videos showcasing our range in both comedy and music such as original comedy sketches, original scripted series, original songs, original music videos, gaming videos, weekly live streams, weekly gaming livestreams, twin swaps, twin sister vs twin sister, popular song parodies, popular song covers, original funny songs, 24 hour challenges, popular challenges, popular trends, lifestyle, fashion, and much more!

I think this is gonna turn out so good? We're cake decorating I'm not a professional. this looks awful are mine's looking good in my opinion. Mine socks. Hey guys I'm Veronica I'm Vanessa Today we're going to be baking our own birthday cakes and decorating them too.

subscribe and give this video a thumbs up for cake. So our birthdays are coming soon! We're about to turn a 27 which is crazy we've been doing YouTube videos for a really long time. We're turning 27 and we thought we would bake and decorate some cakes. so let's get started.

So I found some recipes. We're like going professional professional. We're not doing just a dinky little cake so wish us luck and at the end of the video we're gonna see who has the better birthday cake for themselves. that looks like a ton of sugar.

Put the oil in tablespoon. this looks amazing. Oh gosh dang it. Oh man.

1 4 cup of flour looking good. Um this is really the first time we're ever trying like to bake cakes like from scratch and make them look. we're doing two layer cakes. comment in the comments below if you love watching cake content, so I think we're ready for you.

If you want to go ahead and pour them into your cake pans, oh, you're gonna do, you're gonna get the top oven. You're I'm gonna get the box sorry I didn't mean to do that. sorry I didn't mean to do that Okay, your elbow would look like you needed some moisturizing instead I just rub that in I'm sorry it's half in here I Guess so okay. Looks good to me.

looks even should we try it. Whoa, it tastes really good. Okay now it is. Ronnie's turn to make her cake.

Three eggs all right with them. Look how sad. Wait so how are you decorating your cake? I think I'm gonna do like purple. let me look up some cake ideas.

So I think what? I'm trying to do as you see this cake right here. how pretty it is with the little pearls I think I'd like to do that but a light pink with like the white flowers like that my batter is ready. oh did you do the vanilla? oh I didn't shoot it's a tablespoon. oh no, is this gonna ruin it? I Guess we'll just find out.

Just find out if it's gonna taste okay now now I'm gonna pour my batter into mine. one two three one two three four five. I Think this is gonna turn out so good I sure hope it does once the the oven preheats we will put these in the oven for 22 minutes wait Nessa did you just send me a invite to play match masters with you? Yeah you want to do another Matchmasters challenge against me Happened last time I lost. so I need to like redeem myself.

That's why I've you're you've challenged she's doing too so we can wait while it heats up I Don't know Nessa this might be embarrassing for you. Just like how this challenge might turn out. What the heck? Wait. I'm gonna win this Challenge and I'm gonna win match Masters You need to accept my invite.

Let's do it! Also, this video is sponsored by Matchmasters so thank you so much! Thank you Match! Masters We love this game and if you guys haven't played Matchmasters yet, you guys should definitely go download it. It's so fun! Matchmasters is very different to the other matching games that I've played before because you're on a timer, you're against someone and it's so intense. but it's so fun too! I Am ready for my match against Ronnie in this match Masters I'm a Matchmaster. Wow! I Just understood the whole the whole concept of the game.
Yes, you become nice. There's that matching. Yes. I am a master of matching and I'm gonna win this challenge.

we'll see. I've got I've got some boosters up my sleeve that you don't even know about. I have Diamond boosters too. So when did you get the diamond boosters? I'm sorry, but you're going to lose.

No. I'm gonna do the little worm booster. Are you ready? Yeah, Are you ready? Are you sure? Okay? I'm ready I Don't know because I'm a I'm a master at this booster. Okay, let's go.

Okay, all right here we go playing. here. we go. Whose turn is it? No, No.

All right, let's see. And then we have these like special gems too. Defense? Wait what? Only two turns? Yes, only two turns? What? You got this? No. I don't got this.

Nessa Okay, okay. oh oh oh what? oh what did you do? I was mastering your match mask during Lobster I mean so sorry about it. but I just ate up the entire screen. literally.

Why would you do that? Because it's a game I'm trying to win here Nessa Okay, um, let's do that. Okay, okay here we go now. So you're doing pretty good here. We go.

Whoa. Uh-huh You got an extra turn. Yeah, I did yeah, uh-huh and I just got another one. No way.

and oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Sorry.

Okay, the final round. Um wait. oh, this is nerve-wracking This is nerve-wracking Okay, wait. what do you have down there? Wait, why are you doing that? Don't do that.

No, you can't do that. I can do that. Activate Booster Munch Munch. Okay, and then let's see.

Um then we're going to do this one more booster. I'm so sorry Nessa um she. oh I got another one. Oh no.

Wait, what do those diamonds do they match to other ones? Okay, you got this. Nessa Smart. Think. Think about it.

It's a puzzle. Okay, that booster is a good one. Don't forget you have a hammer. Whoa you shh oh what.

You could catch up. Oh wait, yeah, you should have done that. What? Oh NASA it's okay. Hey hello.

like oh maybe I won't win the match Masters Challenge against Ronnie Quite yet because she really is a master. But go download Matchmasters! We love this game so much and we are so thankful to Match! Masters for sponsoring this video. You can click the link in the description below if you want to download Matchmasters or you can screenshot the screen and click on the QR code and it'll take you to there. Should we put our should, We put our cakes in.
All right? Okay, here they go. So let's get on to making the icing. We're gonna make a buttercream icing so hopefully this goes well. I Found another recipe on Tick Tock Yay! So whoa that smells so good? Yes! I put like what? why don't let it the air out? What kind of doesn't need to still cooked? it's cooking? So we got four sticks of butter and we're gonna whip it.

Okay here we go. Let's see what happens with this butter. It butter be great. sorry I don't know why I screamed here we go.

Those look so good it's really even look how great that looks. Yeah look at that. that's beautiful. but this butter is kind of not vibing with us.

There you go. Ah whoa. I mean that's looking very whipped. Oh wait, maybe next time.

don't hold on there it is. Let's try our whipped icing. Let's try it! I Wrap too much. Here's our buttercream icing.

it! tastes very good. sugary and buttery for sure. Now what we're going to do is in order to achieve this picture for me: I Definitely need so I'm instead of blue I'm gonna do pink. So I need to make pink icing for the actual Cake part and then we're going to leave some of the white icing for the flower petals.

But we need to make a little bit of yellow icing and a little bit of green icing. Yeah, Yes! I'm going to I need some white icing and I'm going to use some purple icing. You have a bunch of food coloring like kind of absurd how much we have. this is what's going to be yellow.

Oh I'm scared. Okay, nice. okay that is. that's a nice pretty yellow.

Oh pretty yellow. Oh that's perfect for the middle of the flowers, right? Oh my. God what just happened? it like leaked I think I'm gonna go ahead and try and make this purple. I'm gonna go one, two, one two.

All right, let's go here. we go: Pink. Look how pretty that is. Beginning it all mixed.

Um, this is kind of matching my shirt. All right guys. So now we have our pink and pissing. Um I feel like this is a little bit too pink than what I was thinking? but it's fine I think it'll be perfect I think it'll be good and Ronnie got hers finally.

So it was so hard and we're actually gonna grab these things. Oh look at that. why isn't this one coming out? Oh whoa, mine's like stuck I thought you greased My Pan I did I gripped it like a lot? Boom Okay, okay and you're supposed to cut it to where it's like even. but that's all we're cutting off a lot of my cake.

I'm not gonna cut mine okay I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go with it here. We go go like this. you go spread it around. This turntable thing is cool I really don't know what I'm doing Okay now it's time to put this other thing on top.

Very nice look at that. This is where this challenge becomes a disaster. Look, oh could I use some of that? Yeah. Wow.

look at me. Okay, let's just try this purple icing. see what happens? Okay, we're getting somewhere. No no no no no.
How how do they make these look so pretty? Is it looking nice? Yeah, that looks really nice look that's looking really good. Ronnie All right. See, we're working somewhere working somewhere. Wow.

this is like super satisfying. It really is. Whoa. Whoa wow Wow.

Wow. This is amazing. Why is this so satisfying? Wow. Okay, look at me.

Nessa look at you. We're cake decorating I Feel like all the cake decorators who are watching are going. Oh I'm not a professional. Okay I don't know what's happening I wish I could do this way better I don't really know what's going on to be honest I can't imagine the pressure that real cake people have.

Bakers yes our aunt is a baker eat its DIY You guys should check her out if you are into like baking and stuff. She does really fun content and makes like fun cakes and cupcakes and cookies, cookies and just really fun things. Why is this so hard? okay that is as flat as I'm gonna get it that is that is great I am very much enjoying making this cake. You know what? this is the first like.

really like trying like trying really hard to make it look good cake or try in here. here we go. Wish me luck everyone Okay, good luck I'm gonna actually start decorating I don't know what I'm doing oh my gosh I don't know what I'm doing guys I just don't know how to do these sides like these edges I might give up in a second. That's that's good enough for me.

Who would buy a cake from me? And Nessa let us know in the comments below we can make your cake for your birthday. Okay I'm gonna write happy Birthday Ronnie Here we go. How do you spell half? Okay, hold on I'm gonna try cursive here we go. Wish me luck I'm getting scared I'm getting scared.

Why is this so nerve-wracking Oh this looks awful. How the heck am I gonna write birthday Okay I started way too high. Okay, all right, you know what. I give up I'm moving on.

You know what? I think I could do it I did cook a right birthday just trying to make this as like smooth as possible but it's kind of hard. but I think I did it. It's all slanted though. you know what? it's the thought that counts.

Oh wait I read it for myself I keep feel like I've been working on this for too long I need to just decorate it okay I'm done I'm just gonna leave it if I touch it I think I think it'll be yeah. too much. Okay, cool, that's great it looks I think I know oh I could fix my cake. edible glitter, pink sprinkles Nessa look okay.

this is what I'm going to do to redeem my cake. I'm just going to add glitter and I think I'm gonna be done. This looks nothing close to my inspiration I was definitely going to try and do the petals but at this point no thank you should I just sprinkle it. that looks awful.

How do I do this now? It's just all over my fingers. What is the technique here? Wish me luck everyone! I'm gonna try and make it cuter I'm adding Hearts I'm literally holding my breath I'm not breathing right now if I got this at the store like if this was my like custom cake for my birthday I would be so sad. um I don't think I would be too sad. mine's not looking or mine's looking good in my opinion.
Wow this is great. okay now I kind of got the hang of the heart. he's looking cuter. What is up with my spinner I think got like icing in it.

hey watch where your hand is. This is not how I wanted my cake to look gonna be good. This is gonna turn out good here. We go there we go.

I think it's actually really cute. It's so pretty Mine socks. So we've finished decorating our birthday cakes. Here is how they turned out: um I'm not too happy with mine but it's it's better than what I've done in the past.

So I'll give myself that and I'll Pat myself on the back I think this is the best cake I've ever done. It's beautiful NASA I Like yours, yours was like flat. You were able to make it flat I didn't even bother cutting my cake I just went for it but it looks so pretty I don't think it matters but um I would say mine was the flatter one I Yeah I think you did a really good job at making sure it was like flat and stuff. Let us know in the comments below which cake you would buy at the store.

what did you know you're covered in? Sparkles Yes So here's what I was thinking. So flowers in pink is like springy summery. but I really like the little gold accents with the pearls I Think it just really makes the cake pop out even more and it classifies it up. It's like not only are there cute flowers on it, now there's like little pearls and dainty Decor on it.

And now it's time to try our birthday cakes. Okay, I'm nervous Cuts Like A cake. Wow. Wow.

Cute look okay. hi icing in the cake looks great. Nice. Wow.

Yours looks cute too. Looks like it looks okay. Here's our cake. Here's our cake.

I'm curious to see how it tastes. So all right? here we go. Cheers! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Hey that tastes like vanilla cake that tastes really good. I'm very happy we did.

Good that was a good recipe. They eat runnies or Nessa's Thanks for watching! If you guys like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our Channel by clicking this button right over here. Also subscribe to our Live Channel where we live stream every single week on Thursdays and check out some of the other videos we've done and we'll see you guys next time! Bye.

11 thoughts on “Baking and decorating our birthday cakes! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Airsword vlogs says:

    How many WOWs can roni say?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Airsword vlogs says:

    Anyone else see that they had a nerdie numies spoon

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jade Warrington says:

    Like roni said it’s her best one yet 😊I love nessa to the pink and the flower with the little balls there so cute ❤ I don’t like who’s I would eat 😭they both look good I wish I could of tasted them with you guys lol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miracle Gideon says:

    Both are amazing I love you guys please read my comment on a video I'm a subscriber 😊❤

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jane Toler says:

    I like both cakes! You guys did great!!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jodie Wampler says:

    ❤😊Yay Yummy ❤❤❤❤100

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars delight commercial says:

    You guys did good but you mixed up the whisk attachments.for icing it's supposed to be the baloon whisk which u used for the cake batter instead but in general you guys did Soo good

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Guardado says:

    Both cakes I would eat Just to try 😅

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maple says:

    Happy Birthday

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeri ROSE says:

    I love your videos 🎉

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexis Chapa says:

    I have a sister who is amazing at decorating cakes. Lol I feel you Roni.

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