Here is Veronica and Aaron’s official wedding video with vows and speeches!

TIKTOK: @vanessamerrell

TIKTOK: @veronicamerrell
YOUTUBE ▶ @Aaron Burriss
@Paul Merrell @Wassabi

Thank you! We're so glad you guys are here to celebrate with us the wedding of Aaron and Veronica and we've been blessed as parents to have wonderful kids and wonderful son-in-law an amazing family with Adam and Maribel We love you guys so much! We love all of you guys here, friends and families. So glad you're here! Sorry. First off, I'd like to thank everyone for making it out here on the special occasion before. I Get the whole speech you want to thank Paul and Wendy for raising a wonderful daughter. Okay, I'll take over I'll read I'm gonna read what he has to say. You stand next to your song. Let's talk about my firstborn son. Aaron When I found out that I was going to be a father, I was 27 years old living on Clark Air Force Base married to my beautiful wife Maribel One day she came to me with the news that she was pregnant I was going to finally be a dad something. I've been looking forward to my whole life. After nine months my wife went into labor. The labor was going on as scheduled and then it went on a little longer and then eventually the doctor had to pull me to the side and the doctor told me that the size of the baby was over 10 pounds because of the small statue of my wife. There was serious complications so I went out to my car alone and I started to talk to God I Told him that if he would allow me to have this son and it makes for my wife is okay I Promise I would be the best father and husband I could be for the rest of my days. and sure enough my son Aaron was born for the next 33 years of my life I strived to keep that promise that I made that day and now today seeing my son being deserving of someone as wonderful as Veronica I know that I fulfilled that promise on behalf of Aaron and Veronica and their families. I Want to thank you for being here today. They have invited you to share in this very special day. Today we celebrate their love and relationship with each other and the journey that has brought them to this time and place. We also celebrate the love of their parents, siblings, extended family and friends that shape them into the amazing people that they are. Finally we celebrate God's grace and blessing on them and thank them for the beauty and power and the privilege of marriage. Foreign who gives this woman to be married to this man? Go get her! You are surrounded by family and friends that love you, want the best for you, have invested in you and believe in you and your relationship. We have enjoyed watching your love story grow and develop and today we are celebrating with you as you launch into your life adventure together. Aaron And Veronica You stand before me with the purpose of establishing a new and beautiful relationship. As husband and wife. Your marriage and this wedding is your opportunity to make a public commitment of yourselves to each other into this honorable state of marriage. You two have come to be joined and we, your family and friends are here to wish you. Joy as you go forth into the establishment of your home Aaron Look into Veronica's eyes Veronica is giving to you her life love and devotion because you are the man that she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Do you promise to her your undivided love and devotion? If so, say I Do I do When we first met, I never would have imagined I'd be lucky enough to marry someone as caring, passionate or funny as you much less gets a chance to marry you twice in one year. This past five years with you have flown by and I've loved every second of it from the four or so many times you said no to me. when I first asked you out to our disagreements about whether Guppy should sleep with us having known he'll probably wake us up in the middle of the night with a snoring and I'll have to be the one to put him up two more recently deciding whether or not we should start a new house renovation even though we both know we have no idea what we're doing I Feel so lucky to be by your side and I've loved every moment of it, especially the past five months of being married to you waking up next to you every morning as felt like a dream and I wouldn't change it for anything. You and I both know that I've never been the best when it comes to expressing how I feel I struggle to say what's on my mind and I've been trying to communicate more often, but whenever I try I end up mumbling, sniffling, or just talking way too fast I want you to know that I'm working on that and although I may not be able to say everything on my mind I want you to know that I will always be there for you through thick and thin and that I'll never take our love for granted. You're my best friend and I'll always love you and have your back even when I annoy you I feel so lucky I get to be a part of your life and your amazing family. You've enhanced my life so much and words can't describe how appreciative I am of you and the effort you put into our relationship. I promise to always put you first to put all my energy into creating the life we want to live. I'm completely crazy about Irani head over heels and I can't wait to continue this crazy Journey we've been on I love you so much and I'm sorry my nose just won't stop running yeah Veronica Look into Aaron's eyes Aaron is giving to you his life love and devotion because you're the woman that he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Do you promise to him your undivided love and devotion? If so, say: I Do I do Aaron We first met in Washington DC during a Playlist Live event one of the days. We went for a walk and during our walk we both spotted a penny on the ground. I told you the penny was not as lucky because it was not facing heads up and we shouldn't take it. You bent down and flipped the penny over and said to me now someone else can have good luck as we continued our walk through the city I Kept thinking about that small gesture in that one moment I saw exactly who you are as a person. someone whose intentions are selfless and focused on the happiness of others and whose sweetness I didn't think existed in this world. Aaron You are the nicest person I Know you go out of your way to be kind and generous to your friends, family, strangers, and even people you may never meet. I Love that you're constantly learning and trying new things. You never lose hope in any situation. you're patient, loving, forgiving and funny. Even when you're trying not to be, you have the most gracious heart. Even when you're being crazy in public, you make life so much more fun. Also, Not to mention you're very handsome! Aaron I Love everything about you. You've helped me become a better person and I don't know who I would be without you in my life. You've given me confidence when I've had none. You lift me up when I'm sad. You feed me when I'm hangry. You love me for who I am and for all of my faults. I Feel safe when I'm with you I feel like I can be myself with you. You make me feel beautiful I'm so excited about our future and creating a family with you. You are going to be the most amazing father to our children! I Can't wait to continue to grow, laugh and learn things in our life. and I pray we have Many Adventures and grow old together. You are the man of my dreams and the man I've always prayed for. I Thank God for you every day I Appreciate how you want to honor God with your life and keep you first for our family I Promise to uplift you when you're down. be there for you, respect you, build a loving home with you, encourage you, trust you, be truthful, faithful care for you, be your friend and to give you the best of myself and above all I Promise to love you more most always and forever. As you slide the ring on her finger, say these words: Veronica I Give you this ring Veronica I Give you the string Aaron I Give you this ring as a symbol of my faithfulness and unshakable love. May this always be a reminder of the vows we have made and that you will always be my wife and that you will always be my husband with this ring everywhere. With this ring I be wed slide it on the rest away and now by the power vested in me I pronounce Aaron and Veronica husband and wife you may kiss your bride thank you When I found out Aaron Irani started dating I was like I saw that coming and then they got engaged and I was like I saw that coming eventually Aaron asked me to be his best man and I said saw that coming and then this week he asked me he said he said hey Alex how's the best man speech coming I didn't see that coming I I forgot that I was supposed to talk I was like oh no I'm the best man how could I forget about the best man speech Aaron and I have known each other for about 32 years now growing up. I would be getting us into trouble and he would be getting us out of trouble or joining me to make sure I was safe because that's the job of the big brother. Right? Protect, lead, teach, love, provide all the traits you would find and a good big brother. and now a good husband. Aaron is the best guy I know and he will without a doubt be the best husband in the world to you. Ronnie I actually met Ronnie before Aaron met her and I always thought you know what Aaron and Ronnie would be a good match but something that you might not have seen coming is Meek you see me and this guy or a package deal. If you want a full life of him then you're gonna get a full life of me too. It's my job as your brother-in-law to annoy, embarrass, fill your lives with laughter, and eventually be the fun. Uncle I Can't wait to corrupt I Can't wait to teach your kids I meant to cross that out I Forgot Okay I'm on this day we celebrate the beginning of your lives together. May it be filled with love, happiness, family and friends. So if you could all raise our glasses as we toast to this once in a lifetime love and I think I can speak for everyone when I say when it comes to YouTube becoming husband and wife we saw that coming. Cheers Thursday Before you guys got married I was I was a mess and I can't even explain the feeling of when you've been an identical twin your whole life and your sister is at your side and gets married and I was trying to explain my worries to John and just my sadness and one of his sisters joined in. Her name is Sarah and I was tearing up and I was just talking about how I felt and she said to me but Vanessa the Lord blesses marriage and he's going to bless Ronnie and Aaron so much in so many ways and is going to bring them closer to him and closer to each other and they will be okay. And guess what? She was right. marriage is a representation of our relationship with Jesus and Jesus calls us to be forgiving like when the kitchen is a mess from sawdust, to have grace and patience with one another, like when Ronnie's upset that the kitchen is a mess, and to be humble and ask for help and to love unconditionally when others mess up and that's what love is And that's the coolest part of Ronnie and Aaron's marriage is how close they've grown together and how close they've grown to the Lord God really has blessed Ronnie and Aaron's marriage. I Couldn't be more proud of you both and I have so much peace knowing that every day you are working to be better humans than you already are and I'm just so thankful to see how far you both have come and I can't wait to see how God will continue to bless you guys in your marriage and I'll always be here for you guys and I love you both so much So here's to Ronnie and Aaron Whoa! Thank you Foreign, Foreign foreign.

16 thoughts on “Veronica and aaron’s official wedding video emotional”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alyssa M says:

    I started believing in love again bc of y’all

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Syra Calilung says:

    I'm crying😭😭

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pretzel💖 says:

    John didn't attend the wedding?????

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ritartts :) says:

    This was absulutely beautiful, i never cry but this did, i loved everyones speech and this really hit me that you are now merrel burris.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laura Hübner says:

    Balling my eyes out over here, anyone else??
    Nothing but love for the two of you❤

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikita Kemp says:

    May god bless you and your marriage ❤️

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mxryxm x says:

    so aesthetic i love it you guys did the right thing doing another wedding. love aaron and veronica cant wait for john and nessa istg—. wish them all a long and happy life

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BTS WORLD says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Waseskwan Buffalo says:

    Why do I hear you two in my everyday life? Are we a team or something?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kasey Burton says:

    Okay. I'm crying 😭

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hataw Abdullah says:

    Roni\s speech was speechless!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roxy V says:

    Nessa’s speech, papa wasabis speech and omg Rink’s vows!! Are you joking?!?! The Lord has blessed you guys with such a gorgeous family, group of friends and a sweet marriage. I pray for you guys to continue in boldness and faith in the Lord! 💜💜

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I’m funny says:

    I’m bawling😭💕

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bubble Star says:

    Congrats u 2!!! u both deserve each other!!! And made 4 each other!!! wish u both happiness & success!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ilakkiya Kiritharan says:

    I literally cried so much, very emotional. Congratulations and happy life to both of you.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars merrelltwins says:

    This was the best day ever! I’m so happy we get to share these moments with all of you! Thank you for supporting me and Aaron through our journey! I’ve never been happier and I’m so grateful for my family, friends, new family, and all of you!💜☺️ love you guys! – Roni

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