We asked you guys to send us your tea and drama and we gotta say… there’s some crazy things you all are going through!!
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Is some crazy drama. Right here. Oh oh. I got oh oh.

Here's some some petty tea. I love petty drama. Oh. That's not good this person is about the merrell twins about us hey guys.

I'm veronica. I'm vanessa and today. We're going to be reacting to your guys's drama. Or your tea and we'll be giving you guys advice we asked you guys on instagram to spill.

The tea and let us know about the drama happening in your lives. So we can react to it for a video. So here we are make sure to subscribe to our channel. If you're new and hit the bell button to get notified when we post a new video ronnie loves tea that is not hers so she is super.

Excited for this video um. I think we can't continue this video. Without some tea here. We are oh wow these are our new mugs from our latest.

We wish collection wish you were here here love vanessa and veronica we got room temperature water. If the tea is so good it deserves a sip the tea is me and my boyfriend been dating for a year and a half now my parents are really strict they have no idea how can you date someone for over a year and your parents not know a year and a half oh my gosh that deserves a sip. I guess so oh my gosh piping hot okay okay. I don't even know how to advise you on this because it's like eventually you're gonna have to tell the truth you definitely are gonna have to tell your parents that you've been dating this person.

Because if this is someone you see yourself with for a long time don't you think they would want your parents to know about them eventually you know it also depends on the age. What if they're pretty young they're in elementary school. It's making me die. Three boys have a crush on me.

And i don't like any of them this be great to be you i think that's some good tea. Because that puts you in a very awkward situation. If you don't like any of them you don't like any of them don't let it get to your head. Because having three guys crushing on you all at the same time that can be a pretty good feeling humble yourself stay humble i literally spilled my tea this morning.

Truly tragic that was very the tea was spilled tragically and literally oh my goodness here's some petty tea. I love petty drama. So two of my close friends ended their friendship because one of them touched the other person's phone screen to see the time which is quite normal. But the other one got so mad so now they're not friends also my best friend got cheated on by a guy who ghosted her and then blamed it on her by the way love y'all.

What some people are very particular about their phones. Sounds. Like it's very young drama. Yeah.

It does sound very young definitely will have to say that getting mad over someone touching your phone is pretty you've gotten max extravaganza. Okay you know what this says to me let's dive into this situation a little deeper. Why would they be mad that that person is touching their phone to look at the time. When i can touch my phone and a message could be on the phone that that person isn't supposed to see that's the only explanation for that person to get mad.
They're hiding something on their i have another reason. Why that person would get mad. So. The person who has the phone and the person that touched it to look at the time.

The person who looked at the time is stinky and dirty and so when the person touched their phone. They were so mad and they were so like over that this person had bad hygiene that they were like we're no longer friends and that was their excuse to not be friends with that person anymore highly unlikely. But you never know you never know some people come up with crazy things just to get away from other people. This is some crazy drama right.

Here. My mom ordered juice for graduation and the neighbors. Drank it and lied about it petty. I love petty teeth.

That's a that's worth a sip for me the neighbors drank the juice and lied wait. But how did you know the neighbors drank it and lied about it how would you know how would you know okay. Let's see. I haven't read.

This drama. Oh. Oh. I got.

Oh oh. This guy. I liked kissed me. Heart.

And like you smiley face. And then kissed another girl. An hour later at the club heartbreak. Oh.

My gosh why would someone do that that is awful. I am. So sorry that happened that is horrible move on you have to find someone else time to move on move on i'm so sorry that the guy you liked kissed you and then uh that's a terrible feeling. I was in a band oh it was so one sided.

I left and the girl got so mad. She hit me with her base. Oh. That's horrible because bases hurt bases are heavy.

Have you guys ever held a bass guitar. Those things are heavy you could knock yourself you could alive someone okay. But what if it was more so like uh get out of here like that instead of like what we're imagining well still it hurts. I guess you can't base anything on that friendship.

Oh that was a good one. It was good that was good that was good okay okay here we go here we go. I told my friends about my crush a long time ago and recently. I got to know one of my so called friends told my crush that i had feelings for him and told him the exact dialogue.

I said about him and he was laughing that's awful you get feelings for someone. And you can fight in your friend and then that friend goes and tells the crush that's a terrible friend right there that's a horrible friend if i were you i would not be friends with that person anymore and then i would forever avoid the crush. No that crush is gonna realize someday that they missed out because they decided to laugh at you instead of actually think about what the situation was that was happening. This is true someone put your mom here.

Mom your mom. Oh. My gosh. I got a girlfriend and my best.
Friend. Said that he got a girlfriend as well and it ended up being the same girl. Oh. That's awful did the girl not know they were friends.

She must have not known how would they have not known that they were talking to the same girl. I mean like you don't have to tell people who you're talking to all the time. I need more that is crazy do that no don't don't fall for two people you can't have two and you only have one person in this life. And if you are liking someone.

And you have a best friend and you decide not to tell your best friend you probably should talk about it or you know at least let people know so that you don't end up dating. The same girl that's the team my crush told me he likes me. But my very close friend likes him too. But i really like him help.

She likes this guy who likes her but her best friend likes the guy here's the plan sabotage make the friend look bad in front of the crowd. So that you can look good in front of the guy. No. But the crush already likes her like who the person who is sending this oh so there is a triangle going on where the crush likes this the girl likes him back.

But the best friend of the girl likes him. But he does not like her yes sabotage no no sabotage. What i think you should do is if you really really like this guy. You really just need to be honest and truthful and you're gonna say hey i really need to talk to you about a situation going on.

I know you've always liked so and so i have always liked him as well. I've just never said anything to you because it made me like i felt awkward he just told me he likes me back and if you want to like show some proof or something i don't know. But say like he likes me back and like i would just like you to know that i really want to pursue a relationship or whatever with him and then there is the risk of losing your friendship with that person will you let a boy get in between you and your best. Friend.

That is also a question. Most people will say yes so it's up to you you have to just know what the consequences are for each option or you can always just sabotage no no sabotage that's really really bad i helped my friend to stalk her crush. And i unintentionally start to like him too. I've done this to two of my friends.

Oh that's so bad. Why would you do that why would you start liking. The guys that your friends are liking no no more stalking for you no more stalking for you find someone else to like good. Enough your friends are not going to trust you or want to be friends with you yeah.

They're not gonna want to confide in you sorry. This is the hard truth no what what's the drama. This guy. I had been talking to for like six to seven months confessed his feelings to a friend of mine.

No that's awful that's so heartbreaking. Why would someone do that that's leading you on no i'm so sorry here's some real tea hate. My bestie's other bestie lol. What this person hates their best friend's best friend.
Oh. I was really confused for a second. I could not process. What you just said that's all it says well it could be lots of reasons.

But there could be lots of reasons if you love your best friend. Maybe you don't like this person for a specific reason. Maybe they're toxic and if they are toxic to your best friend. Maybe you should say something.

But if your best friend really enjoys this person's friendship and there's no bad beef between both of them you should just be supportive and maybe try to see the best in other people. I feel like as we grow older. You learn that people make new friends. But they still stay friends with the same people just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you have to hang out with them.

Because your best friend is hanging out with them. Maybe you can hang out with them every once in a while but for the most part just keep your distance. When you're. When your best friend hangs out with their best friend.

But it shouldn't affect your relationship and your friendship with your best. Friend. Yeah. My bff.

Telling our classmates. She is saying bad. Things about you i was not about me. What i said she is saying bad things about you telling our classmates.

She's saying bad things about you this person is talking to her about the merrell twins about. Oh. My gosh. Oh my gosh this guy went on a date.

With five years ago. Is still obsessed with me help oh cause clearly you don't like this guy. But they they like you still you just either really need to be straight up and say hey you gotta go or just ghost them well they may that guy may have not like seen the signs or understood the ghosting if if this person's already ghosted them you could block them. But that might make causes issues.

Just talk say i'm sorry i we went on date five years ago. I am not interested and be polite be polite about it my boyfriend is cheating on me with my sister and now they are having a baby. I'm also carrying oh oh that's not good oh. My gosh.

I got it i got it i got so fast. Oh my gosh. I am so sorry my best friend kissed the guy. I've liked for seven years and all my friends hid it from me oh that's very tragic that is really bad.

I'm trying to think about like what to even say to that because then that means like all your friends were in on this secret and for some reason it felt in their hearts. That it was wrong to let you know they didn't want to hurt your feelings. But when in reality. They should have just told you from the start that's terrible.

I feel like at that point maybe you should get new friends you definitely should find some new friends. My friend saw another friend kissing a guy in her bedroom on her birthday. That's the t. That's the d oh man.
I love my boyfriend. But my boyfriend doesn't like me and likes my bff and is using me for money. But i am not rich i'm sorry. It's not something to laugh at.

But the way it was typed out kind of makes me laugh you need to you need to break up with a boyfriend. They like your best. Friend. Yeah.

Your best friend can give him the money. Now. Yeah. Yeah.

Your friend can take over find. A new best. Friend. In a new appointment.

Exactly i don't know if i actually love my boyfriend. He says he loves me. But i haven't been able to say it back. He's a very great guy.

I absolutely adore his family and we've been together for five months. Oh hey i don't think there's any wrong with wanting to wait to say to like figure out if you do love this person or not you know. Five months is still pretty early to really decide to truly love someone because that's a very big commitment. It is a big commitment and i feel like that's okay that would be my advice is to just see kind of like a future with this person.

You have a desire to want to keep dating them. And see where it goes and all of that then yeah continue to date. This person and see like you know you end up developing more than just liking him i got a good one ready for this you're gonna want to take a sip of your tea. My best friend is on her fourth boyfriend in two months and her boyfriend has been flirting with me.

And i don't know how to tell her oh. My gosh fourth boyfriend in two months uh that is a lot of dating. That is a i would recommend whoever that person is to slow down and chill out for sure personally if that was me it is major tea um. I would stop messaging.

The boyfriend of your friend and get out of that situation. Because you're gonna get caught up in all this unnecessary drama. Because you decided to continue to talk to the boyfriend. No they're saying that boyfriend has been flirting with me.

And i don't know how to tell her i think you just need a dollar hey like send send some receipts you're on your friend's team you're not on this guy's side unless she likes the guy unless you like the guy then i don't know that's a sticky see it's just it's kind of complicated. But i agree with ronnie. I think you should just be honest with your friend and just kind of like show proof that this is actually happening so that your friend doesn't think you're making stuff up do it in person not over be like don't ever taste hey let's hang out today and then once you're hanging out and whenever you find the right time. Hey.

I have something i need to talk to you about i love you i care for you i care about you so and so has been sending me your texts. But what if she tells this girl about this guy. Who's flirting with her the girlfriend who's had four boyfriends in two months breaks up with the guy then dates. Another person that'll be five boyfriends in two months.
We don't know that that's gonna happen well it might but just be honest with your friend if you really care about your friend. Just be honest. My ex best friend was talking crap about me to my best friend in the bathroom. While i was in one of the stalls.

Oh that is tea. Oh my gosh i wonder what they said that's really awkward very awkward for everyone in that situation. Yeah. One thing.

We've learned about this generation is you guys need to communicate with each other in person in person and you all need better grammar. You need to communicate truthfully to people in person yes not over text yes. This is very very honest about your feelings. And sometimes you just gotta let people go and move on with your life.

What is the t in your life right now me mm hmm. I don't have any i'll tell you my tea. What i forgot my ring. There's no problems happening with me and aaron i just simply forgot just how to throw it out there in case someone would make a comment about it thank you so much to everyone who has shared their tea and drama.

I know it can be really hard to go through life right now there's lots of teeth lots of problems going on there is a lot of cheating kissing backstabbing backstabbing. You guys are going through a lot and i just want to let you guys know that you are not alone and the best thing to do is just talk about your problems and the drama in your life. With other people that you care and can trust. Yeah.

That is the best way to help you get through things is by communicating even if it's just like an internet friend pray about it and talk about it to someone you trust who is smarter and wiser than you if you have someone like that in your life get their wisdom and knowledge from them proceed with caution and if you don't have anyone to talk to you can always google no no you can google what do i do no there's a lot a lot of reddit james okay. So now we know how ronnie deals with her. No. I don't do that so how would i know that that's not i don't know thank you so much for submitting questions.

Maybe we'll do another video like this in the future make sure to follow our instagram. So you can be a part of future videos like this and thanks for watching. If you like this video. Give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right over here.

We also live stream every single week and check out some of the other videos. We've done and we'll see you guys next time bye.

15 thoughts on “Reacting to your drama! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve and Wendy Palmer says:

    There's this cute guy in my class so I told my bestie and….. She told the whole class 😡

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaquelyn Brewer says:

    One time my “friend” hung out with me just so she could get close to my other bestie, and then ditched me for others. I confronted her then her twin (also my bestie) used my words about them against me and called me BAD names. Then the “friend” said we should keep being friends then all the sudden ditched me. Then all of this was blamed on me and my “bestie “ tried to get me back. The drama between us led us to not talking all summer

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paula Gaile says:

    Every Tuesday i get notifications it just makes me smile,love your video’s 🔥💗

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rachael D. says:

    Roni's ring is probably stuck on Carol's finger again. If you know you know…haha!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Krazy World says:

    I got some tea……. This was a great video

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fabiola orozco says:

    This should be a segment called “shut up and listen “ like lily‘s show in princess diaries

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HoneyBear says:

    I told my friends about my crush and one of they would shout it aloud at school even when he was right behind me😭😩

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Morris says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melanie Wong says:

    Who dares to talk bad abt the Merrel Twins. they r the best love y’all🥰🥰

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chante-Leigh Muller says:

    This video was way too hilarious 😂😂 their reaction and the way they read the tea😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pratyusha Mishra says:

    For the first one, in a lot of countries – parents are strict – there are relationships going on for years and parents are not aware lol 😁

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonia Salas says:

    Lol these two are shadow an light. Roni: Sabotage!
    Vanessa: No nooo just talk
    😂 so adorable

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Channing Morrison says:

    Part 2 please this is so funny
    I love you guys <3

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ScoopsPatartes says:

    Man I am so happy I avoided all of this school-tier relationship drama

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ayushma Gurung says:

    "You can make someone unalive with that"
    Nessa 2022

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