Sooo TikTok made us buy all the random things and we are showing you guys if these things work or not! What is something TikTok made you buy? 🤔

TIKTOK: @vanessamerrell

TIKTOK: @veronicamerrell
  @Aaron Burriss    @Paul Merrell 
tiktok amazon finds tiktok made me buy it

Oh, i think it's gon na chomp off the eyelashes jump motion, sickness, glasses, oh gosh, windy road. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh, this did not work for me. Oh hey guys! I'm veronica, i'm vanessa and tick tock made us buy it. That's what we're doing today, we bought items that we saw on tick, tock and so we're going to test them out and see if they actually work.

Some of these things we've actually had for a while and we're going to see if we like these products before we get on with the video make sure to subscribe to our channel, and we have new merch out check out the new merch. You can go to merrell fanjoy.comtwin to get the new male twins spring merch very cute, so the first thing we are going to do is the chom chom. So i've seen many people use a chom chom on tick tock. A chom chom is a pet removal.

Lint removal device, so it gets rid of like cat hair dog hair, just like a lint, but what's crazy about it, is it's no adhesive or sticky tape. It's 100 reusable no power needed, and it's eco-friendly, oh wow whoa should i go hold quirky. If i go hold quirky, he gets fur all over me and then we can use a charm sure. So this is, this is what it looks like and then i guess you just roll it on the thing and then you do this and somehow all the fur magically appears in here.

This is our cat, if you guys did not know he's 16 years old and he's pretty old all right, i see a lot of fur flying around here. I brought the bed. He was sleeping on okay, which also has quite a bit of fur on it all right time to chomp chomp chomp whoa, wait. It worked.

That was crazy. Yes, you're supposed to go back and forth yeah like this sorry, do we need to chomp chomp you no wow. Let's try. Let's try the bed now i say: let's try the bed too.

Let's put it up here, i'm gon na go right in the middle whoa. Oh, my gosh look at that yeah. I think it definitely works better on a flat surface from what it was originally looking like to now look at that. So this is the true test.

We will open it and see if there's fur inside, that's how you work. The chum chum, let's uh, let's clean it later - well, okay. Well, at least. We know that this 100 works for the win wow.

So next thing we have is called miss mouth's messy, eater stain treater. Basically, it is a stain remover and it's a parental essential and i saved the tik tok, because i was going to send it to a friend who has a baby and then i ended up ordering it myself, because i wanted to try it. So this is uh. Essentially made for babies, so it's supposed to clean up messes after babies, we've got a white shirt and a bottle of cranberry juice.

We're going to take the shirt. Do one of these? Oh okay, a little bit. Okay, all right! We got a cranberry stain okay. So now on, a poor white shirt apply esr formula to affected area rubbing if needed, no way.

No way, it's completely gone, even you're impressed yeah. Okay, oh you don't need more well now, i'm thinking about all the things that i have stained miss mouse messy eater. Coming so rude, it smells like a baby. It's like the people who made this were like okay.
We don't want it to smell too good. We want it to smell. Like nothing happened, baby scent, i'm very impressed. I think we should wait till it dries a little bit and then we'll see like the final final.

Should we try it again? No, oh, it works. Oh you mean yeah, i'm waiting for it to dry. This next thing that i saw on tick tock that tick tock made me buy, is this hair, curling and straightening two in one thing, i was looking for uh devices that could curl my hair but straighten it for my short hair. Now someone recommended this so it turns on and it gets hot really quick within seconds, so i will turn it on i'll turn it up to 400 degrees, and then we wait what's really cool about this.

Is it has these little rubber things you can straighten and then, when you're straining, you can also curl, because the outside gets hot? Isn't that cool? Are you ready? I don't it's like not really on it. Can i try? Can i try yeah, you should try it. That's so cute, yes, you can get different types of curls. The way you did it was a very tight curl and then the way i did it it's a very loose, curl or, and then, if you're, just tired of the curls, you can just straighten it.

And then, if i do my whole head like that, it turns out really pretty, and this was a great recommendation that i found on tick, tock wow very happy about it. I think it's like a town if it's really hot and the outsides are hard yeah. I i love this one, this one's great, but now we're going to let it cool down. So now, what we're going to be doing is a french manicure hack.

So basically, there's this thing called a nail stamper and you can like use this to like do designs and stuff, but people have been using it to do a french manicure. So it's like spongy and you just take your nail and you go like that with paint on it and it gives like so this is spongy. I would say this is squish. Okay, like squish.

It's like, i don't know what you expect. Are you gon na give me a french manicure? Yes, i'm gon na give ronnie a french manicure. We're gon na give her a little a little base, just let it dry. So what you do is you paint this little thing, some white polish on it? Okay, we got ta, go, we got ta go.

What do you mean? Okay, okay? Here we go. Oh my gosh, i'm really nervous. I think i messed up what the heck that is awful hold on. I know: that's how you do it nessa.

This is a mess. What the heck, what what just happened? I would say this is a fail. My finger is so pretty that's terrible. It looks like a mountain i feel like with practice.

This can work. I would say this is one of those products where tick-tock made you buy it because it was cool, but tick-tock didn't show how to use it. No, they did there's a lot of people using it so easily. I would consider this a fail for now.
I'm gon na get better, i'm gon na get better. The next thing i bought, which was several months ago because it was winter. I saw this ad for tights that had a fuzzy inside on them, but they had like a skin tone underneath like sheerness, to make it look like you're wearing just normal black tights that show like your skin, but in reality it's like fake there's, like 10 different Companies selling these things, so i clearly ordered from the wrong company and got scammed, because here are the tights and, as you can see, it has like the skin tone under it. But it's not fuzzy it's not actually warm.

Should i throw them on yeah, throw them on ronnie's got shorts on, let's see all right, so um here are the tights. It looks like normal tights, they're so difficult to put on. I feel like look it kind of works, but also the point was it was supposed to be warm and fluffy. I don't see, i don't know because it like it kind of is working but, like the purpose was they're supposed to be warm.

I don't know, i don't know either it's like a fail, but but not they're, not terrible. I mean i could definitely wear those in the summer. Okay, i don't know about these. I i would say five out of ten.

I think it like just is right in the middle: it's like it works, but it like was not the thing i ordered so. The next item we have is these glasses, but they're, not just any type of glasses. They're motion, sickness, glasses, oh gosh. I remember these nessa bought these a while ago.

I bought these a while ago and i really haven't tested them out. So what it is is there's like liquid and like the little frames, and it's supposed to like trick your brain into thinking. Everything is leveled and it helps you to not get motion sickness, so we're gon na go test. This out.

Ronnie has an idea for a test. Yes, i do and i think we should go test this out in the car. So let's go to the car, so i've got my car sickness, glasses on and we're getting ready to go on a very curvy road here in california. There's lots of roads.

You can take through the canyons to get to the beach, so we're gon na take one of the really really curvy ones that i always avoid, because it makes me very carsick. We have nessa sitting in the back seat. That is where she gets. So it's already started.

The kirby road's already started, show the road. Oh my gosh. We have our dad driving us because he's a safe driver and we didn't want to be driving on super kirby roads and trying to film and okay. I will say those glasses are uh very stylish nessa.

Thank you i feel like i was already getting sick before i put them on so i'm like. Oh, this is so scary. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh holy cow. Oh, my god, we're not even going that fast.

How are you feeling, i think, i'm doing good? I think these glasses might be working. You know the way to to try it out would be to like do this and then come back. The other way come back with them off and see. If you get sick, no, she would definitely use windy road.
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, oh snap, oh snap, holy cow! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Let's go no! Stop! I'm kidding. We got up to a whole 40 miles an hour. Maybe i shouldn't have eaten before this. Are you getting sick? We can go back, no, i'm not getting sick.

Yet we can come back kanan. Are we gon na turn around? Are you okay? Nessa? Yes, i'm trying to i'm looking at the view, because that's what makes me carsick is when i actually look out the window. Oh my gosh holy cow, holy cow. You can't even see where does it go straight down right left? Oh, it doesn't.

Oh my gosh slow with downing. I am i'm going under the speed limit, slow it down. It ah comment down below in the comments. If you get carsick easily too, i'm looking, i'm just looking at the view, because i never get to actually look out the window and stuff look at this yeah.

If you miss this corner, you die yeah. This is a really bad turn. Oh, my gosh, i'm on the window, that's so terrifying and you basically do a u-turn right there, oh, and how we doing nissan, i think i'm doing. Okay, i think i feel a little bit of sickness.

This is basically the last thing yeah we made it we're at the beach now all right nessa. How do you feel i kind of feel a little sick, but i don't know. I think these helped a lot. I think so because normally by now, you'd be pretty sick.

Actually i just burped and i don't feel sick anymore, oh okay, so would you recommend this product to people who get carsick yeah? The only thing i would say is it's not comfortable. I think i have a marks on my nose. It looks a little crazy, just being honest, but if it works it works. I think it works.

So the next item tic toc made me buy is this precision eyelash curler. Basically, it's like a little mini eyelash curler to get those parts of your eyelashes that didn't curl correctly. Let's go test it out. This honestly looks terrifying yeah! Oh, i think it's going to chomp off the eyelashes chop.

No, i'm going to show you guys this precise eyelash curler, my eyelashes already have mascara on them, and i know this is a big no-no, but there's like parts of my lashes that have fallen down that i would like to re-curl when i kind of re-curled these End pieces a little. Would you look at that? What if i want like this side? Okay? Well, because i have mascara on - i don't know, but oh wait! No, i totally re-curled them. Oh, i kind of only want the outsides to kind of be really curly 10 out of 10. This thing works, precise, eyelash, curler by revlon.

I have been dying to test these out. These are called 720 degree, swivel faucet aerator. So basically, you screw it on to your sink. It's the water shoots out the way you aim it so like the sink goes like this, and the water goes down right.
So you put this on it and now it can go up like a water fountain. So you screw it into the faucet like this and then water comes out. It looks like it's going to make a mess. What no yeah! What would you say? How far does it spray out? Why do you need water to come at you you're, going to wash your face like that, a bidet for your face, john, when you put it that way, it's weird-sounding when i call it what it is all right, i got my handyman here.

Do you do you want to take it off? No, you do you do it, you do it? No! He he helped me aaron, helped me, okay! Oh, we should have cleaned this a long time ago, ew. So what happens when you live in an apartment um? So we have a problem. This thing right here that goes on the faucet right here and i'm not going to show you because it's kind of gross looking it doesn't fit, and i remembered just now that when i was reading the comments, people said you had to get an extra piece for American sinks, because apparently this doesn't fit like an american sink, but we're going to see if it even works, so we're just going to hold it up there and then see if it works yeah i want to do it. Okay, john's going to do it.

This is so exciting turn on the sink, wait whoa and now you can move it around everywhere. You can even change the settings. Oh wake up, that's actually really nice. That is really cool, wow, that's more pressure than it had before.

It is. Thank you, tic toy for saving us. Thank you. Take talk all right, we're just gon na start off with a light stream.

Nothing too crazy, see it's coming out. Yeah, it's not. I mean it works and, like a straw works, there's two two holes, but it's not doing the thing you want it to do. I'm gon na have to text ronnie christmas is ruined.

I know the sink. Nozzle was a fail, so the next thing tick-tock made me buy was a sink topper. My sink is a little bit like small and kind of weird, and i just need some extra space. Sometimes, apparently, you can just unfold this and it just adds extra room to your sink.

You just place on top like here's where the water faucet is and then like. I thought this was going to be plastic, but this is a rubber like a material. Let's go test it out on my sink okay, so here it is, and we just flip it open like that and push it to. I guess right here and there you go extra counter space like can you put stuff on it? Let's say i want to put like that on it: okay, it's kind of bouncy and rubbery yeah.

I mean like, if i'm doing like my makeup and stuff. I totally can like put like brushes on here, like that. This is really nice. Look at that 10 out of 10 for the counter top room maker thing.

This thing ness is not too sure about this one. I keep getting these ads all over my tick tock. I don't know why they keep putting these ads on my for you page. For me, but it's a certain type of bra that enhances the boobies why'd.
You say it like that. Well, what am i supposed to say? So it's this. What the heck it's this, this it's a device. So what happens is if you see the tick tock, the girls are like.

Oh no, my lady, my things they're so saggy. Then they turn around and then they go look and then they turn around and then they're just like because of that because of this device. I really want to try it: how does it work, there's instructions but they're, very detailed instructions that cannot be shown on camera hi. This is my before and now the afternoon, the after all right, okay um.

I think it actually huh. Okay, i think it works for people who actually have boobs. This did not work for me, there is no oomph happening. Look you see the wire here.

It is like a really strong wire. It's trying really hard to push something. It's not working, though i tried different areas. You look like a football player with pads and hank.

I would say that this was a major fail and i'm actually pretty sad about it, because i got really excited the last things. We're going to try. Are these heatless waves and heatless curls? So basically i don't know if you guys have seen these, but you pretty much just like put your hair through it somehow how to magic, curl, your hair and so ronnie and i are going to each try them tonight. Okay, oh, i think i've got it.

Take the stick and go like this. Oh, oh there you go. I i wait overnight, so you get your hair a little damp right, yeah, just like a little jam. Put these in sleep with them in and then wake up in the morning with curly hair.

Okay! Well, i'm excited about this. This seems like i've seen this all over tick-tock yeah and i've seen some people have pretty decent results, so uh, let's give it a go. So it's time to try the heatless waves um, we found out that you don't have to sleep with them overnight. So that's a huge relief because i don't know how you could sleep with these in your hair.

Okay, i just saw a tutorial, so you put it in the stick and then you hook it on push it all up. Oh i did it. Oh i did it i'm only on the second try and it keeps getting stuck. This is really complicated.

It broke in the middle, so i have half of my hair done looks kind of insane. I think i missed a few strands, but it's okay. I had to tape my stick thing together because it kept coming apart, but i think i've got the hang of this. So, let's move on to this side now i did one set of my hair started at like 7 20.

It's been almost 30 minutes. I don't like this. This is the worst thing ever it takes so much time to put it in my hair, i have gotten the hang of it, though it keeps breaking. Let's stop! Okay, guys.

I now have all the curlers in my hair. How am i supposed to wash my face? I should have washed my face before okay now, it's time to put on my makeup. This is uncomfortable and i hate it. Okay, i'm going to get aaron's reaction, he's still asleep, which is why i was whispering: hey erin erin.
I want you to see my new hair look at my hair. It's this the thing i'm trying out to make my hair look pretty well, it looks nice. I feel like i look like a medusa ow, don't pull it taking these out whoa that looks so pretty. I'm just gon na kind of spray, each curl, so they kind of like stay and then we'll just keep going.

I guess oh, my gosh. This is kind of working, so i'm just gon na. Let them sit like that. Okay, it has officially been a full hour since i've had these in my hair.

I think it is now time to take it out and see what happens. Oh gosh, okay, it's not looking too terrible! Oh that's a good one! That's a really good one! Oh! This is fun whoa that one's still pretty wet, though i waited an hour. These are still wet yeah, look at that. It said it would dry by now.

I literally had these in for an hour. Okay, i look kind of like i belong in the mozart era, but okay, i hate how they look up here. I feel like just fixing these front pieces will help it a lot. Maybe what do you guys think? I think it worked? This looks pretty good.

I feel like this side is better because it is more dry yeah. Look this side is a lot better. That's so odd! Oh i missed another one, it's not too bad! I like it. It's not! It's not bad! I feel like uh.

They like somewhat work. It was a bit of a hassle to put them in my hair. Ah, do would i recommend to buy these, maybe if you have the time and if you're willing to put it in your hair. This took me about over an hour and a half the full process of it.

I'd say took me about like 40 minutes to put them in my hair, just because my first time putting them in not sure if i would recommend this so there you have it tick. Tock made us buy it. Your hair turned out amazing. Thank you.

It's kind of falling down and these pieces up here were kind of crazy, so i had to straighten them out, but at least yours didn't end up like mine. Look. I have like straight hair right here because it just i will i didn't do it right. I feel like the amount of time it actually took us to use those products.

I could have curled my hair done. My makeup done some reading. All in that span of an hour yeah, i agree, and then, if you guys want we're curious, this is the shirt the next day. The next day there is no stain, it was completely dry ever i don't even know where the stain was well there.

We have it comment in the comments below which product you would buy. Out of all the things we tested out, most of them worked, some of them were, some of them were okay, they like kind of worked but yeah, but not really, and thanks for watching. If you like, this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right over here, subscribe to our live channel, where we live stream every single week by clicking this button right here check out some of the other videos we've done And we'll see you guys next time bye, you.

14 thoughts on “Tiktok made me buy it – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brigitte Nagy says:

    Don't you love when you see almost half an hour of Merrell twins video? 😍

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars أميرة الرقص.dancing princess says:

    To the person who reads this even though I don't know you 🥰 I wish you the best life has to offer 🙏😊❤

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richa Pradhan says:

    RonRon loving the sink, and then there’s Nessa and John makeshift testing the thing 😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abhilasha Chauhan says:

    Nessa looks so cute with those glasses on
    "Sloweth, Downeth"
    ~Roni – 2022

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Faith Murphy says:

    The heartless curlers, roni had her way not damp. More so just got out of the shower lol. But they work regardless 😂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Syl Cervantes says:

    any video that has to do with merrell twins & tiktok trends will always be fun 😂❤️

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heather&Nora says:

    My daughter gets car sick. I always have to give her medicine if we travel more then an hour away.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Naomi Bird says:

    not gonna lie I felt car sick just watching that driving bit 😂 love you guys 🙂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marycela lopez says:

    RE: the spring merch .. will you be able to make smaller sizes like 6T?
    my daughter continues to ask for merch. she’s such a fan of you two 💛🧡

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kinza Ilyas says:

    This was so fun to watch! A great 25 minute video 😁 they always know how to make us laugh. ❤️

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Out of the Box says:

    I LOVE these type of videos but yous just make it funnier also I’ve been meaning to say this and it’s been a while but congrats on 6 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS y’all really deserve it but any 6 mil video? XD all the best to yous stay safe be urself god bless

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Naomi Bird says:

    i think we can all agree these guys never fail to make us smile they just seem so kind and genuine and they're so hilarious they really are just the best 🥰

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tantiana Anjanhi says:

    A 25 mins video??!? Yas we're living for it, I absolutely loved the stain remover I def need that in my life thank u guys so much love uu❤💙

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Varshini Bandi says:

    I’d say use those motion sickness glasses on Indian roads in andra pradesh they would help 😂

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