Today we’re doing the What’s In The Box Challenge, Couples Edition! Which couple do you think is going to do better?! The married couple, Roni and Aaron, or the dating couple Nessa and John! What other challenges do you want to see us do with John and Aaron?

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I hate this challenge. Just puts this in the toilet. I don't know it's gooey. What is this? I trusted you, oh what i didn't do anything it wasn't me.

I hate this now, this game sucks, hey guys, i'm veronica, i'm vanessa, i'm aaron, and i'm john and today we're doing what's in the box challenge couple versus couple: you guys are gon na get five things to place in the box and john and i will have To guess what it is and then we're gon na get five things for you guys and then you guys are gon na have to guess what we got and whoever can guess the most things correctly without seeing it first wins. Do we get to keep the things if we guess them quickly, i don't know: do we want to keep the things yeah really? Well, let's just okay, let's go and buy our stuff and then we're gon na come back and start the challenge make sure to subscribe. If you're new and hit the bell button to get notified, when we post a new video, let's go okay, okay, so we are at what are we we're not buying any animals? But we were thinking that maybe we could try to fake ronnie and aaron out thinking that we bought something from petsmart. Well, we are buying something from people.

Yes, we are buying from something from here, but we don't know what yet also we might buy an animal. No we're not we're not going to not doing that. No we're! Not absolutely not. Maybe, though, john, let's just see what there is.

Okay, let's go. Okay, so we're getting some very, very ripe, avocados wait, so we can't do anything alive. No, let's not do anything like no. What about like fish? No, no! Let's not do anything that was alive.

It is now currently dead. Fine. Are we trying to scare them or what are we trying to do? No, i don't know i want to freak them out. Okay, well, let's see, let's see what else we can find john, what if we get this tiny little turtle? Does it grow? Oh, no! It's just like a water conditioner.

We could, i mean i mean, do we want to get stuff, that's hard for them to get? Oh, what about these like plants over here, i feel like aaron's gon na be like their fake plants but see the thing is: you've never played this game before and your mind plays tricks on you when you don't know what you're feeling, if we buy something and Try to fake them out yeah, oh, what about like some fake moss? No, let's keep looking. Let's keep it looking. What do you think i kind of want to eat it, egg, salad? That sounds great. So how disgusting are we wanting to go with this grips like gross grows, close curves? Do we want to make them scream or maybe go ew? Okay? We could do that all right, so we ended up finding this bone.

That's wrapped with prosciutto meat, prosciutto prosciutto prosciutto. Okay, whatever we've got the bone with prosciutto this bone, it's got patchouti on it and we're gon na go to the grocery store and see what we can find there, but we think this will trip them up. I want to go to the grocery store and find like a really weird fruit: okay to the grocery store. Okay, so we found something it's horseradish, but when it's wet it feels like some weird mystical creature.
This is great. That is perfect. I think if you say you are gross, then we're on a good path. Yo.

This says chunky perfect, that's way better than regular chunky it up. Let's get two one for you and then we got the other one. Guppy helped me get the other one ready we're doing dog poop, that's okay right, they won't get mad. What's the worst, that could happen, it'll be okay.

It'll, be you can blame me, you play me. It's okay, real dog food, yeah, real dog poop. We got remember. I got it in the car guppy, we double ziplocked it.

This is salmon caviar comment below. If you think we should nobody's in the chat yet okay comment. Well, we might get this. This is salmon caviar because that would feel super weird, but then it's just gon na feel like little tiny balls and they'll be like boba, oh yeah, just kind of breathable, so no not that we want them to.

Oh, we want them to like you, want them to fail like guessing what it is right. That's what we watch toothpicks! No, no! I would say we didn't really vlog too much, because we were only supposed to get five items each. So we have too many. We can do any animals, i'm sorry.

I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that to the point animals one should have did a chinchilla no and then what would we have done with the chinchilla? Okay? We could have kept them. What about this dog we'll just take you guys? Okay! So what have we found? This is a fox tail. There's some fox ears.

Should we get it so we have it if we put it in there. We did like that so like if they're touching it and they're like over there. So like, like that's weird, if you don't know what that is, so we made a quick stop at party city. We got candy for one, but two.

We got that fox tail and then we also grabbed some play-doh and we've decided that we're going to mold the play-doh into a shape like an animal shape. Let's ask you guys comment what you think we should mold it into what the heck no one's commenting. Are. We not on instagram, live okay, anyways we're gon na mold it into like an animal and like maybe put like spikes on it or something to make it feel weird they're, not gon na guess that at all all right, okay, so we have our stuff.

Now we've got our five things. Are you guys ready? Okay, we're ready we're ready, we're more ready than you, let's decide who is going to go first with a classic black paper scissors battle? Do you guys want to yeah? You basically did we always we always do this wait. Is it rock paper scissors? Is this rock paper scissors shoot? Should we go and shoot? Is it just one out of three two out of three? If we do the same one, all right, we should we do it in the box. Yeah do it in the box, because we don't know, we won't know who won i'm a genius.
Are we keeping eye contact the whole time? Yeah? Okay, rock paper scissors shoot ty. What scissors rock paper scissors shoot? Should we just go first or you could just let them go first yeah. You want to guess, because i want to know how how severity, because we got multiple options. All right: okay, okay, we'll grab right there and i'm curious.

Don't you think, he's ready it's better to get it done now than later, all right, how bad could it be? This is the first thing we decided it's the one that we didn't vlog yeah yeah. I would take your rings off for sure. I do not like this commentary. Why are you nervous? I don't know my heart is literally beating so fast.

I am just having a great time. That's all aaron aaron come on come on you're, the brave one: wait: okay, okay, okay, okay, one, two: three: what what he's going to smoosh my hand down? I just want to hold your hand. You do not you guys are married, come on just put your hand in mine. Okay, wait hold on.

It was too easy. It was too easy. Okay, i'm not gon na i'm not that nervous anymore. Oh wait, wait! Wait, wait, wait! Wait! My thumb touched something by accident, no way no way.

No way. Oh my gosh wait. Aaron, hey it's not moving, i'm so scared, okay, okay, we'll just start on the outside and just move your way in. Like two people.

Okay, wait! Wait! Okay! We both start on the outside and then do the could do a finger, walk finger, walk, yeah, one finger walk, it was, it is grapes what kind of grape? Oh! That's your hand. These feel like dirty grapes, squish them. What is this part? These are these? Do they need like a final? No, i think they got. They got the point.

What's this, it's fake grape, it's fake grapes! Oh it's like these leaves don't feel right. Okay, oh man! That's what you don't smell like real grapes. Isn't he cool? This is great paul. So you have to make sure he doesn't move yeah.

Let us know if he moves. Okay, i'll, let you know if he moves. I like how they think they're joking, i know. Okay, john! I'm scared, i'm not be gentle, be very gentle, very gentle.

What is that be careful? My pinky is wet what it's peeing. It just means he likes you. This hasn't even touched. I know it just says.

I think i know what this is. What is it? I think i know what it is touch it should. I make a gap you have to. Can i touch it? I think it's um what i think it's some sort of kiwi concoction.

I think it's like a kiwi guy, it's kiwi man. I knew it. I mean you made it in high school. I made the same thing for a second project was because you've had it.

Since. Oh, oh he's a kiwi man, that's great, so we got that yeah! I got it even though vanessa was save the mortified all right, so we got fruit. So far we got fake grapes, great grapes and kiwis. Oh i'm nervous.

Okay, okay, go all right! Oh no! I'm going for it! I'm going for it i'm going for it, i'm not going for it. Aaron where's your hand. It never gets old by the way. Ronnie and i hate this game or hate, this challenge, don't just smell.
This is your hands? Okay! Well, it's not tall! It's not tall dog food. Animal food doesn't like your texture. What are you touching? Ah, what is that? What is that that feels weird? I don't smell this. I was like i've smelt this before.

Do you know what it is? It's a dog bone yeah, it's a dog bone guppy would love this. It's wrapped in prosciutto, it's wrapped in prosciutto, it's for guppy! Actually it's from. I was like i've smelled that before multiple times, i didn't think about you smelling it without probably not that's disgusting. I don't mind vanessa.

Why nessa what you got it though aaron's got both so what a treat okay here i go, i'm just gon na smack. It don't smack anything, don't give don't make it spill spill, okay, slowly, slowly, lower! Oh my god! That's what i said. Oh i'm, sorry, john, i'm very dramatic! I don't what my mind is is making things up of what i'm touching it. Okay, it's on a plate.

It is on a plate. Yeah, oh there's a plate. Oh i know what it is. Nessa needs to touch.

I know what it is now. Oh, what is it? It's an avocado. That's been cut open! That's what i was going to say. I was feeling just the pit for a second with the with the stuff around it, and i was imagining like the insides of an animal which obviously you're not gon na, do but like all right.

Well, that was gross okay. It's a touch yay, so we're tied all right guys. I really don't like this challenge: hello, hi. Okay, just don't look in the box! You can't look in the box.

Oh of course we can't loop in the box. Don't lick the box. I hate this challenge. Ronnie! You got to go first here here here.

Just give me your hand. Is someone eating a jar? Ah, what i didn't do anything it wasn't me it was fuzzy. I didn't touch anything. I touched something fuzzy.

I think you touched my hand. No, it was fuzzy. Look! This is my hand. Okay, there you go.

Okay, it's okay! It's it's! Okay, lenny! What are you screaming about? This? Is a marriage exercise. Okay, trust, no trust! I got ta. Do it myself? No aaron, there's something fuzzy down here! Oh my gosh. What am i touching? Oh, oh, it's fuzzy! It's fuzzy! It's fuzzy! It's a very, very fuzzy! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! It goes way back.

It's wet! Oh, it's kind of sticky just puts this in the toilet. No, what is this? Did you put something in the toilet? No, no! No! We wouldn't! Oh. What is it weird wait? Am i carrying oh wait? Oh, what is that? What is that honestly? What is that it's on my finger? What is it i stop? Why is it what? Why is it wet aaron? Why are you making it wet? I think yeah. I think they made it wet because we cut up in the avocados.

It's a stuffed animal! Oh, but why isn't it? This is a this is a headband. This part is a headband. That's a headband that goes in your head. I think they put it in a toilet.
Oh they got away. Aaron stop moving around it's a costume stop, but what costume? It's like a tail of a costume ew? Why would this be wet smell your hand, smell it? Ew, it doesn't smell like anything. It's just like we're, gon na, say cat costume, nope nope wrong. It's a fox tail.

Why is it wet to throw you off, i'm gon na just sprinkle a little bit of water on it? I was gon na sleep, but we put it like this. I was like okay, all right. Oh she's, legit doing this. Oh ronnie, i'm sorry, nessa, you're, sorry come on! It's cold! You! Okay! It's on a plane! Ah, no i'm sorry come on just put your hands in there just go for it.

I hate this now. This game sucks is, is cat food? Is it cat? Is it soft cat food? Is it dog food ew? What it is i hate my hands are all up in it now too come on. That's it. It's chunky, i'm grabbing a piece of something out of it.

Yeah, oh my god. This is just like this. It's a girl, charlie. Oh, she took her hand out.

I saw the color, i don't know what it is. Is it potato salad? Is that your final guess no feel feel around? I am oh. Is it that mayo, it's that mayo, oh he's having so much fun with it? Now, no i'm not getting this wrong. Are you like, in there grabbing, oh yeah she's got a whole handful.

I've committed this issue they're too firm to be eggs here. Give me one but they're too soft to be potatoes. She's she's. Can you give me one? Please grab my hand, it's cold, so it's! It's it's, it's not.

Is it egg, your egg or potato you can you? Can you i'm just waiting for it? You got to get in there. I think. That's my that's! I don't know what else to say: okay, i'm gon na say egg salad. I think it's egg salad, you got it.

Yes, oh no, because i didn't want to lose yeah. I think we're ready. Oh no! I am so scared all right ronnie. You guys touch it first.

No, oh! I broke it. Aaron, i'm sorry! I broke it. Why did you stop me with it? I didn't sleep, you totally slapped me. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my god, i'm not slapping.

That's my hand. Is there anything? Are you touching me? Are you touching me with it? Look at me just grab it just grab it. Please stop. What is this stomach sound? Let me touch it on my ah.

What is that? Oh, my gosh. What is this is this like slime or like? I feel like i'm cheating because of the smell. Oh, it won't be like that for long though geez you have a good nose, because i could not smell that as soon as so good, okay, okay, so we were talking and we think that aaron and ronnie should probably get the tail and ears they said it Was a cat costume same with the costume, which is like really close, so i do think they should get it give it to them, but we'll wait we'll make them sweat. No, i think they're behind for a while.
No, it's not, let's give them the point at the end. No, we should tell them. No, yes, okay, you can put it there on okay, four box. I think nessa goes first, this time yeah, i really went for it.

You did. I smell something, just just no. Don't smell, don't sniff! No! You can. I mean i've been sniffing.

Aaron's been sniffing out. I touched something: spiderman ew. What is that? Wait? It's a cream! It's it's creamy! Just a log of cream smelled this before it's cream cheese. It's the cheese that has the blueberries.

I no, i know what cheese it is. I think we know what animal is on the front. What oh you've broken it up. She sneezed because she's nervous, oh they're, both nervous.

What do you guys think it is it's creeped? No, this isn't a test, we're not going to use it. What i have my guess, okay, well, you guys have to what's your guess. Well, i don't know what that is it's what that is well how, but how can she agree with me? She doesn't know what that is. Okay, it's the ch.

We've got them stumped. Okay, i think it's cheese. I think it's baby, belle cheese. I think it's a bunch of them combined.

It's cheese, maybe there's a type of cheese, but it's it has a back story for you guys. No is it goat cheese? Oh? No, no villains! I didn't know the story. Ronnie told me. It smells like goat's butts.

Wait. How come you couldn't smell it before john ronnie felt bad before we did it she's like? Should we do something like? Are you he's never going to forget this? I'm sorry, john. I felt bad, but i thought you guys would go a little bit more a little bit more gross with yours. You know we were going to give you guys that point from earlier, but not anything i don't know.

I just told them you guys were no. No. We are not giving it to them. Are you guys? Okay, i don't know.

I have to call my mom after this calm down a little bit. Okay, you, goat herders. It still smells like cheese in here. It sure does yeah very happy all right.

Oh no. I touched it, it's cold, it's cold! It's cold! I don't know what it is. What is this they're just going for they're breathing ew? What is that? What i can't tell what that is, you're, not even touching it it's cold and wet again. Is it just something you got wet again? Oh my gosh.

What is this? I cannot tell what this is, i'm holding it up i'll hold the other end. Why am i holding it up? Don't hold that? Don't hold that end to the camera. You can't smell your spin frozen, it has to be frozen, something give it to me. They break it down.

I break it down. No, it's breaking. It smells like fish in here set break. I can't break it, it's not breaking it's, not breaking! Oh! It's! A weird crap: what is this? This is hard.

What is this literally? Is this like a a root like a sweet potato like a ginger root, or something like that? Oh cause, this part's cut off? Is this part yeah and at first i thought it was a fish me too. What do you think you're not making any yeah it's because he doesn't know i don't he couldn't use his nose. I couldn't which was cheating in the first place. Okay, it's a root, but i don't know what kind of root is it it has to be a root, we're going to say, root, we're going to say well, we did not get the point.
No nope. You did not all right. So that was our last thing. We had for you guys and technically you've missed two well, you know i don't even care if we win, i just want you guys to touch it because you're going to know exactly what it is when you feel it.

We just want you to want you guys to touch the last item. We have wait, so does that mean we've won or well? Well, okay, what happens if we give you guys your point back. Does that make us time? He said no, oh yeah! This is for their amusement park. This is for the viewers of museum and do not listen to the noise.

All right do not open the bag back. Is it dog poop? It's dog poop, you guys. It's not real dog poop, it's fake! That's candy! I can tell it's not dark enough to be dog. Poop ew, you guys were way more savage than we were obviously like hardcore.

We were like ronnie's gon na get so mad at us. If we do this, we're like oh, let's go crazy and give him a root. What snickers or is it stickers, don't smell it? It smells like horseradish. I think you guys win for creativity, even though you didn't win in points well.

Thank you. Should you guys do a sudden death she's never going to forget it? No just both of you guys put your hand in and whoever, because your your dad got something already oh come on. I think it'd be fun no, but i just thought it would be fun if you guys went whoever guessed it first, one won the whole challenge. Ooh winning takes all no.

No, we won fair enough you're right. We you guys, are just afraid of your dad. That's the problem, you're totally scared. I want to see you guys reaction.

Why don't you do it for us, then, but she moved out, and this would be sentimental. You guys can be like you did in the old days. This is not sentimental. Okay between me and ronnie, yeah, okay, wait! So can we see it so aaron and i can see it yeah, you guys can see it.

They're gon na hate, you uh-huh, no okay. First one wins good. Gentle gentle, i'm not feeling the rest of the hat. It's like jelly or something.

Is it jelly? This is the paul's. No idea are these olives yep, they're, olives, dang vanessa. It felt like jelly okay, but we still, we won you guys. We won the mini challenge.

We won the mini challenge. We won the main challenge. John, i'm sorry, you should have told me it's okay to touch. You should have said it vanessa, you're gon na be okay.

If you touch it, that's the point of the game. It's fine! Well, i don't know if that last round counts it counted for what, for my own enjoyment, enjoyment, ronnie, almost barfed, okay, okay, you guys are the winners, good job, john and nelson. You guys won the couple versus couple challenge. What's in the box, i knew we would.
I think it was a good well-deserved, win. Sorry for goat cheese. I had some childhood trauma with goats that we will not talk about here and ronnie knew evil that was what's in the box challenge comment down below what other iconic youtube challenges. You would like to see couple versus couple: do and run run we'll get them next time.

Maybe maybe not i don't know, and thanks for watching if you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right over here. Subscribe to our live channel, where we live stream every week by clicking this button right here and subscribe to erin and john's channels and check out some of the other videos, we've done and we'll see you guys next time bye, you.

16 thoughts on “Couple vs couple what s in the box challenge? – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lolyourface says:

    First , love you all, so excited to watch the new video, u guys made my day , you all can never disappoint us , have a great day

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LoveLarry&1D💚💙 says:

    Crazy how fast some commenters are. Anyways love you guys excited for this new video! ❤

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wutindaworld says:

    Ik this is off topic but why does roni keep doing the same hairstyle?? Like let her keep it down and tuck it behind her ears bruh. 💀

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glowingemmq ¸.•*' #happyvalentinesweek says:

    so early omg

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Judith Pearlyn says:

    tomorrow is my FIRST day of uni omg i was nervous and now y'all made me smile 💗

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keishania says:

    I’m not gonna lie this is such a pleasant surprise to have the two couples together 🙂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jado 0724 says:

    Hello! Cant wait to see this video. If you want to please make more couples challenge videos pleasr

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HereComesLightning says:

    John: “I TRUSTED YOU!!”
    Roni: *giggles*

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zahra Jodhun says:

    20 second agooo anyway THE BEST COUPLE IN THE WORRLLD!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Olivia Chapman says:

    im so excited for this! I love videos with the four of you!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chocoxmilk #Stopanimaltesting says:

    I clicked the video
    roni:I hate this challenge!
    Love it 😂😂😂💖

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Breanne Polzot says:

    Been looking forward to this!!! Also congrats on for marriage! 💜💜

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rithikka James Christuraja says:

    Love your vids u guys!! You make my day and always find a way to entertain us!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clara Boyajian says:

    You guys posted at the right time i didn't have anything to watch 😂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alegna says:

    Yall should go to a double date ….love you both 💖💖.their relationship is so strong ✨

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phoebe Carol says:

    Merrel twins just make our Tuesdays better and even more better

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