We wanted to see who knows Veronica better! Her twin sister, Vanessa Merrell or her husband, Aaron Burriss? We added a twist to this challenge to see who know her best by doing the Target gift challenge!
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This is so hard. Can i make a time pick me wrong. You're not going to hurt my feelings. I already failed as a husband.

Are you going to pick his out of pity what oh she got a nice thing. Can i go back and change it out for this? No hey guys, i'm veronica, i'm vanessa, i'm erin and today we are inside of target we're going to be doing a challenge. We're going gon na be doing the who knows me better, my husband or my sister, but it's gon na have a twist to it. We're gon na be doing the target gift challenge as well.

So you guys know what to do. Yes, okay, ready! Oh, are you stuck? No? Yes, all right, okay, we're good! Okay! So i gave nes and aaron a list of things to go find, and this is the list we'll see what they come up with yeah. Let's go start bye, aaron. What are you doing? Oh, my goodness: okay, good luck, everyone! So we did this challenge on aaron's channel with his brother alex and me, and it was super fun and aaron was like you guys should do this for your channel with me and your sister and i was like that is a really great idea.

So i'm excited to see who knows me best and i can't wait to see what they find. This should be interesting, make sure to subscribe if you have not subscribed and hit the bell button to get notified when we post a new video, i'm gon na be looking for stuff for our apartment, because we need some things. Like some storage containers, that's how you know you're adulting when you get excited for like storage containers, so something i think ronnie would really like is like a really warm hoodie or sweater or something because their apartment is so cold. Let's see what i can find.

First up is favorite snack see here, we've been married for almost a month now, and i've lived with her for almost a month. So i shouldn't i should know what her favorite snack is: hmm whoa, those are so cool man. Kids nowadays have the cooler toys dang. This is so cool what oh there's a gas pedal.

Okay, i need to stop getting distracted. What was i a favorite snack? Look at this? It is a fuzzy comfy sweater. This is gon na, be so easy. This challenge.

Okay, so i decided that this is going to be something she needs, because she needs warm clothes for the apartment, because it's way too cold in there. It does not count for what she's going to wear, because i found this super cute dress. Please try to find like a white sweater to go over it because i think that's her vibe and she has cute boots that will match that so yeah. So right now, i'm only buying clothes which isn't a big deal.

Who would be mad about clothes? I love clothes. Oh, this is my favorite part of target the furniture section. This one doesn't have a very big furniture section, but it's my favorite look at these lamps. Look at these look at these pots.

Look at that lamb! That's a beautiful limp! Oh, this looks like a comfy spot to sit in. While i wait. Oh man, i could actually go to sleep right now. This is bad snacks and where the beef jerky, where is the jerky sharky? Okay, so i found a white sweater.
I found like a very white fluffy sweater, but now something comfy i was thinking, maybe getting like a blanket. I don't like vlogging in public people walk by and then they stare and then i get insecure. Oh yeah, here we go look at all these soft blankets question is which one oh they're, so sharp a plush blanket light gray because they have like gray vibes going on in their house, can use this to sit on the couch and she watches movies and plays Video games - i like this rug, do good be good. I demand you to be good.

Ah, the best aisle the containers. Honestly, i have these under my bathroom sink they're a lifesaver. I really want to win this, so i'm gon na i've hit the hit the button to send some help, because i can't find this one thing and i'm pretty sure they have it, but i know ronnie really needs it. Vanessa, i'm sorry, but uh oh wait.

Ah, she might like that i'm literally sweating, for some reason. I have a feeling that ness is already done and chilling, and here i am only halfway done with the list you update. I have found nasa. How are you doing no how's? It going scared me because i saw you over there, but i didn't know that was you uh, don't look at me? I'm not.

I didn't. Look. I swear if you did. No, i didn't look.

I promise i don't even get rid of everything, no how's it going. I i think it's going well, i'm taking a really long time, because i actually want the stuff to not be like i wasted. I wanted to be like something good that you're going to like. So thank you.

I don't want it to be a waste. You know this is the first time i'm running into you. I keep running into aaron, so ronnie's favorite color is purple and i found this candle purple. It's passion, fruit cream and it smells like fruity passion, fruit, cream, hey um.

Can i guess no. She, when i flash checked up on her she's right over there. Oh my gosh, i'm like trying to have run away from just random people and then that guy comes and almost attacks me ronnie likes dark chocolate, so i'm obviously getting her dark chocolate. I don't know if i should count that as like her snack or candy, because i think it can be both for her, so maybe i'll count it as candy and then get like her favorite snack, which i feel like.

I know what her favorite snack is. We are definitely killing it right now, but we just need to what are you doing, i'm just doing kind of like what you were trying to do in your video, like kind of like be funny and put a chair out, and this couple walked by and they Like clearly saw me filming myself sitting in a chair for no reason do you want me to sit in a chair with you? Yes, i feel pretty confident in this challenge. Right now, yeah, you feel comfortable. Now, yeah, okay, i'm gon na go now: okay, okay, so i only need three more things.
I know that animal is supposed to be like her favorite animal and stuff, but look at this it's a little teddy bear with a s'mores kid that seems so cute to me and, like i know, a bear is not her favorite, but she loves s'mores getting so Cute, i love that i've started to get bored. I'm gon na play this game. I hope they're almost done aaron said he's almost done so nasa i'm done. I win! No! Isn't that how this goes? No! No.

I think i got ronnie an extra thing, but it's okay. I'm done i'm done i'll, be on my way now all right! Okay, here we go ending it by getting starbucks spent 300. erin. No way you guys are done.

Yes, how do you feel sweaty? I feel like i i feel like i did pretty good. Do you feel like you're gon na win the challenge? I don't know i just know you're gon na, like the things i got. I don't know if that means you i'm gon na win. What are you thinking? I feel musty? No, i do you think you're gon na win or not? Oh, yes, okay! All right! I don't know, i know you're gon na like this stuff, i don't know see that's what i'm saying like the stuff i picked.

I think she likes i've also done this challenge before for ronnie, so the last time i did it, there was things that she did not like. I completely forgot, you guys did this already. We did, but this one's a twist. I have to choose between two products and which one i like better.

This is exciting okay, so we are back from target it's now time. For the who knows me, better husband versus sister target challenge, challenge challenge. Here's the thing i think is going to happen is that we both know you very well. Yes, it's going to be more so of like which thing are you going to pick? Oh, i'm excited, i feel like we got the same thing on a couple of them.

Really so the first thing we're going to do what is my favorite snack and i have to choose between the two which one i like, better yeah, i'm good one, two: three: beef jerky and cheese. Oh my gosh quirky, i just i was gon na. I saw that, and i was like i just got her - those those are really really yummy though, but it's teriyaki, i know i love beef jerky and i love cheez-its. This is so hard.

Can i make it pick me wrong? No, do you want to try it? I feel like that's also aaron's favorite snack. No, i do love beef jerky, wait. What aaron loves beef jerky! You love beef. Jerky, though remember you know what this means.

So whatever you pick, you don't get to keep what that is yeah new to me, but i agree. If you don't pick this, i keep it. If you don't pick his, he keeps it just that ups, the whole stakes of, but you can't do that just taste. It but i'm just going to point it out: you've, never snacked on beef jerky here and i've never asked for it.

She has joe's, has a bag in her room? Well, i've never seen it because no one someone doesn't like the smell of it and she doesn't like to share it. I don't like to share it. I i'm speechless, so you have to pick. I know if you pick one, you can't you don't get the other.
That's not the rule that is the rule. You're not gon na eat those someone's gon na eat them. I will say i will go for the cheeses yay and i get to take this home and this home, no, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! This is mine, that's aaron! So nessa you get a point. What is my favorite drink? This one was really hard yeah.

I bought two things just so i could do it right now, yeah. You know what i don't even know what you guys pulled from my favorite drink, because i don't think i really have ever said what my favorite drink is. I had that one and i was like okay, three two one, water ronnie, you don't like anything else to drink. I did also get this, but i decided water, but i was like oh she might like light.

She doesn't even really drink the juices in like only apple juice, and she doesn't like, like that, all the time. The last time we did this challenge, i got her a fun little drink and she hated it. What is that? I don't know what the heck your favorite drink is. You don't have a favorite drink.

I like a nice tall glass of water ew. Sorry, okay, i'm worried about what do you mean ew? I thought this was gon na, be cute. So and then i was like. Well, what does she drink? She only drinks water at risk.

I got the best of the water fiji over. I went for quantity over quality. Are you gon na taste, both of them? No, i'm choosing fiji. You know what i get to keep this too.

This is delicious. I should have got the fiji. That's true for me, something that is my favorite color. This one is where i messed up and accidentally got two things.

What yeah i forgot. I grabbed something: okay, well, i'm ready hello, but you got you got lavender eucalyptus and i got packed. I had that one and i was like well, she likes lavender. No, she doesn't yes, she does.

She does not like lavender, you don't like lavender. I do like she does like lavender, but you know i love passion, fruit, oh and then ronnie. I also got you this, it's silly putty to play with, but it's like the kind that you do when you're like busy and anxious, but i forgot. I got the candles my name's on it too.

I should have got the passion because that's the secret, they both smell, really good. This one has a less of a sin, and this one has a very strong scent. You have to pick one or the other ronnie you're, not gon na hurt my feelings. I already failed as a husband.

Okay, i'm sorry aaron, it's not a tie. I think the passion fruit cream smells so much better than the last i should i got. I had both of those in my hand, i literally had them that's when you chased me with the noodles. That's why you chased me with the noodle to get me away from that area.

Remember the other day when i said i've changed my favorite fruit. Yes, and you said i said, passion fruit. Do you remember that? No, but i've got the next one down? Okay. 100, unless you got the same thing, my favorite candy.
This is my expertise. Okay, i'm excited three two one: oh can i look yeah oh dub, dark chocolate and reese's dark chocolate. Pinot noir remember when you got this like a couple a month ago, yeah and i love it, but i had dove in my hand again too. Why did you put it away because i wanted to do something new? I failed okay.

Well, this is my all-time favorite, but but if i had to choose between these two right now, i would choose this. This has not been in stock. It's dark chocolate, reese's, peanut, butter cups and those are really good. These are so good and they're so hard to find that was the last bag.

So really it was the only bag. It was in the wrong place. Yes, i'm sorry, i'm gon na have to go with. Mommy also bought some.

She did. She got a big bag, they're so good, but this is one of my favorites. You guys know me very well. We do.

We know you very, very well okay, so it's nessa has three and aaron has one three two one. Can i look whoa? Can i look yeah? You can look star wars puzzle. Oh what princess bride adventure, my droppings, i don't even know it was a thing. I just saw it i was like.

Oh, these are four different puzzles, panoramic and there's. Oh, can i have that one no ronnie gets to pick and if she doesn't want it, i get to keep it. So if ronnie picks that that comes home with us, that's not how this goes. Oh, i don't know it doesn't seem like a fun game.

It does seem like a fun game. If you love the movie, are you going to pick his out of pity with what just saying, whichever one you pick you're letting the world know? Is your favorite movie? Okay, we do love the star wars movies. I do quote princess bride more than star wars. Why are you shaking your head? No, he knows which one you're gon na pick but she's.

These are two of her favorite movies. He's like this is a mandalorian, i'm sorry aaron! I have to go sorry. This is mandalorian. That's a tv star wars.

That was my issue is that it's a show and not really a movie, but it's star wars. So what is that four to one? So i still have a chance to win. You have a chance. The next one is favorite animal.

Oh this one. I flopped this one was so hard look at aaron's first and then i need to explain mine, okay, ready, okay, go hello. My name is dorothy, wait! Okay! So so i didn't get you your favorite animal, but i found this. That is bribery.

That's bribing! That's straight! Brian, i love s'mores, it's a bear with the he has it on him and he has a s'mores kid and you love little bears. I know it's not your favorite animal, but bribery. That is not bribery. He comes with a bribe.

His animal comes with s'mores. If you take me, you get, if you pick me, you get more, don't fall for it. You know, you love me, how many hedgehogs do you have so many do you have any with hearts on the top? No vanessa, it was my favorite animal and i love hedgehogs, so i'm gon na have to go with hedgehog. I will say that was very clever yeah, but i will not fall for it.
Stop oh she's moving it like it has fingernails go out of my eye, something comfy or relaxing. You know what you go ahead and bring yourself and then i'll go grab mine same time, mine's heavy. What is this he's being traumatic? Okay, can i look? Yes, you can two one so weighted blanket wait a blanket for the couch when we watch, but i got you a soft blanket because sometimes weighted blankets when you watch movies are too much, but ronnie feel right here feel this little patch right. There.

Oh, is that soft and you already have a weighted blanket, but she has one for the bedroom, but when we're watching anime and stuff, okay, so why'd, you guys have to get blankets, because we know you like bling and guppy's stunk up all the ones. We have already guppy sunk up this exact one - probably we'll do it again too he'll stink up this expensive one too. No, this is a different material for some reason, this material he stinks up yeah. I just i don't know okay.

Well, i don't know this about. Guppy, i thought it was supposed to be ronnie's choice, not what guppy likes us? No, no! No! It's the full experience. No! It's like! No! No! No aaron she's! Choosing your blanket! I'm choosing this one! You don't need to show up with my stuff, so i'll. Keep this one i'm going to choose the weighted blanket.

It is a good choice. I didn't even see that this is really nice and i'm excited for this. The first christmas me and aaron spent together. He gave me my weighted blanket - and i tell him even till this day after four years, that that's the best christmas gift he's ever gotten me so and all the other ones have been fails.

No, no, that's not true. Now he has three. So it's three to four catching up catching up something to wear. I did horrible on this one.

Okay, i have horrible fashion sense, aaron! Oh, she got a nice thing. What did you get? Okay? The presentation needs to be good. Are you ready wait? I got ta fix mine too. Okay, are you ready? Yes, oh my gosh, a dress.

We like zelda, not that much, can't you, okay! I got you a cute girl and a sweater to wear over it. I love this. Thank you nessa, i'm going with this nessa. You win, you got that point you win this round.

Are you sure erin why'd, your kids sell this they've been playing legend of zelda breath of the wild for a week, so they that's. Probably why but i'll keep. These sounds all right. The next one is something i need.

Okay, i've got it something i need. Okay, all right. Can i look? Yes, you can look. Okay, hey! I do need that and warm clothes for the apartment.

It is so cold in there, but think of how many clothes you have already, and this one has an alarm on it. You can take it off, you don't have a card, i don't have a car maxed out your space. I have i'm gon na have to go with this. I'm sorry! It's okay because i already have a bunch of clothes that i can wear to keep myself warm they're, they're very comfy, but i'm gon na go with this, because i i mean okay, so the last round is something that reminds you guys of me.
Okay, i don't know how this is gon na end. I had those in my hand too. No, you did that three, two one sticker a lot of stickers from animal crossings or mystery mini toy brands. Over 800., you can get 10 mystery, mini toy brands, hundreds guessing i'm a child.

I will say most of this challenge. I was in the toy section. No, i don't think your chapel, i know we, you love mini stuff and growing up. We love little tiny things and these are legit like brands, so there's stuff in here i don't know this is so pretty and cute and definitely something right.

What are you gon na do with all those stickers ronnie, i'm just gon na put some on my laptop all of those look at those guys. That's a super rare bug. There's a coloring section. What's in here, should we open one? Yes? Actually? No, you have to pick it.

You have to pick it in order for you to get to know. What's in it, it's not fair, i'm getting bribed, not bribing. I was thinking it's literally. What the toy is decorative places really stickers made.

You think of me. You love stickers and animal crossing. You couldn't have done like what would i originally flower, something you know what i originally was gon na get and i had it. I was like this is too big.

It was a little table for your makeup thing. What's it called the girls use it vanity yeah vanity, and i was gon na put it in the corner next to the natural light, because today you were like having to go to the window and go back to the mirror and stuff should i have gotten that, Maybe can i go back and change it out for this? No, i can't believe this, oh how about i take one and you take the other. What i'm picking this? Oh i'm gon na pick up this yay. Sorry, okay, i think nessa and i are just on the same wavelength.

The mini thing in here a rubik's cube how cute? Oh, it's a rubik's snake. It's a mini door, the backpack toy toy, what it's a mini! It's a mini water gun! That's cute! Why are these so cute? It's a mini, jojo ceo, a microphone. What just what you've always wanted? An actual rubrics? Oh, it's! A mini, rubik's, cube! Okay! Oh it's a little shelf. It's a shelf to put all the things on that is so cute instructions.

It's amazing! Spongebob in his crappy patty car, it's a little coloring book. Look how cute they're all so tight they're. All so tiny! Are you excited ronnie, or do you wish you had the stickers now? I think she's just realized that whatever i get she's gon na have at the house anyways. No! No! That's not true.
Look at that! That's so funny! Hey, hey! I didn't do anything! You knocked it over. Okay, all right, aaron aaron, stop ruining the gift. I guess we found out who knows me better, my husband or nessa. My sister wait.

Wait. I i need to say this thing i think nessa did the best. I think his challenge, but but i i do think that we both know you pretty. Equally.

Yes, i agree, i just don't understand why you didn't go with your first instincts, sir. I don't know either. I thought the socks were great. I'm gon na wear the socks.

Okay, you can wear the socks well. Thank you. Nessa you're welcome. Erin did a great job and, like i said, i think pretty much i feel like probably would have been a tie.

Besides the zelda socks, the zelda socks are great zelda socks in the water break it, and then i should have got the fiji well there. You have it. Nessa is the winner of this challenge. We both did really great, and i love you guys so much.

Thank you so much for buying all this stuff. For me, you're welcome. You don't get all of it. Remember yeah! You don't get all of it! Sorry, you get all the tiny things, though i get the beef jerky, okay and thanks for watching.

I got it one more time and thanks for watching, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right over. Here, subscribe to our live channel by clicking this button right here and check out some of the other videos, we've done and we'll see you guys next time, bye.

One thought on “Who knows me better? sister vs husband! target gift swap challenge merrell twins”
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