Roni is officially married!!! RONRON is real! The wedding was so beautiful! Make sure to check out the videos on @Aaron Burriss channel to stay updated!
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So when it comes to the merrell twins and the future of our channel, hey guys, i'm veronica, i'm vanessa and, as you can tell by the title of the video ronnie, is married. I got married, it's not clickbait. This is a legit real thing. It's kind of crazy, but it is such an exciting time in our lives and a new chapter.

If you guys haven't seen any of the videos on aaron's channel, we go more in depth of our relationship and what's been happening in our lives with me and aaron. They actually confirm ron ron and they kind of take you guys back to when it first started and just kind of explain why they kept their relationship, private and stuff, so make sure to go to aaron's channel to check all of that out, because we don't need To talk about that here, that's something for ronnie and aaron to talk about. Yes, you can go watch it on his channel, but ron ron is real and so the reason we're making this video today is because we want to let you guys know what is going on with the marrow twins. What's going to happen, you know we don't want people to freak out so when it comes to the merrell twins and our channel in the future of our channel nothing's really going to change the only thing that's changing.

Is i'm not going to be living here anymore and i'm just going to be driving to here and just hanging out with you guys all the time yeah, so we're still going to be making videos every single tuesday we're still going to make skits um the only Difference is ronnie is married and i'm not living here and she's, not living, which is sad, yeah yeah. It's been sad, so we're filming this video the day after ronnie's gotten married. Yes, it was a beautiful wedding. We got married at a courthouse.

It was a really nice ceremony, it was very intimate all of our family. Was there very small, so great it rained. It was cold. What what yeah it was just a good day.

You know: we've been together, our whole lives and it's just it's such an exciting moment in our lives. But i'm also just sad because it's a you know a little bit of change. But it's okay, because this is just a new chapter in our lives and if we are never changing, if we're never growing as people we're not living life to the fullest and change is a good thing. Our mom, you came up with this acronym for change, called courage, hope and new growing experiences, and that's what change is and even though change can be hard and it's sad.

It's also exciting and you know yeah ronnie's not going to be living here. Not much is going to change on the merrell twins channel, but it is going to be a little different and we're not going to spend you know every single night together we're not going to wake up and see each other in the mornings. For breakfast i mean - maybe she'll spend the night here sometimes because her room is still going to be here. She still has like all her clothes here.

It's still a mess, but it's a good thing and even though it's like sad because it's like sis we're sisters and we're like kind of separating we're, not really so it's just it's a bittersweet moment, because i'm so happy for ronnie and aaron is such a good He's a good guy and he's so sweet and so kind, and i'm just so happy for ronnie and this new chapter in her life and yeah. So we can talk about the wedding now sorry, the wedding yesterday was beautiful. It never rains here in california, which i think you know it maybe seemed like. It was a bad thing that it rained, but it never rains here and ronnie's and aaron's like photos, and the wedding was so peaceful and just beautiful because there was rain.
In the background, and just like the ambiance, it was just so just so nice was it. I was so nervous. I don't even i couldn't even think straight. I know she kept getting mad at me because i had the wrong umbrella for her.

What yeah i bought specific umbrellas and i was afraid that everyone's gon na make that's my umbrella, and i was like no, i that was supposed to be mine. Anyways. It was a beautiful wedding and ronnie looked absolutely gorgeous. It was just the family and um tiger, and people were there when i was walking down the aisle with my dad.

I was like hey, don't be, don't get emotional, don't cry and then, as soon as i saw nasa holding tiger and tiger was like this, i was like yeah. I was holding tiger because he was cold because it's cold in california. Right now he was shivering but yeah. It was such a beautiful day and then after we came back to the house and we had dinner with everyone with some amazing food and then we just went back to the apartment, just yeah.

So now aaron's apartment is now ronnie's apartment yeah, it's thin both what what it's so nice, it's such a nice apartment. I went from living in this amazing house to that apartment, poor erin, poor, aaron and guppy. The neighbors are loud. It's definitely a it's.

A big change and adjustment for me for sure i miss my bed already anyways, i don't know, i think it's great, because i've worked really hard on the apartment and um so has aaron. We bought furniture together yeah way before we knew slowly, they've been decorating. The apartment and getting it ready together, just aaron's, because i knew we knew that we were going to get married and i was like, if he's going, to buy furniture for the apartment, it better be good furniture. So i was like you know what i'm just going to give my input in here and then, because if we were good, if we were going to get a house that furniture would come with us because there's no reason to get rid of the furniture.

So it just needed to look good and just a reminder you guys like if you have any questions and if you're watching this video and you're like well, why are they telling us now like what i don't get it just watch all of aaron's videos? He has those three videos that explain everything we kind of talked about it on aaron's channel about why we kept our relationship very private and just never confirmed. I think a lot of the viewers understood that me and aaron were dating. We just never confirmed it, but then there's also a lot of you guys who are watching. Who just didn't think we were, i think for us.
It was just so important to keep things private, because social media can be so damaging to relationships and we've seen a lot of relationships get damaged from it. But then we've also seen a lot of relationships, succeed and are just so wonderful and those people are so happy. But you know they also have gone through challenges with social media, and we just didn't want to take that risk and put ourselves out there, and especially knowing that sometimes videos with like your boyfriend or girlfriend do so much better than other videos. Sometimes it can get a little confusing of what are we posting for ourselves or what are we posting for the views? I hope that makes sense, and so for us, we've always been so cautious of that and just prioritizing our relationship over everything and making sure we were just genuine to ourselves, and i think every relationship is different.

I think so yeah and no some things work for other people. Some things don't work for other people. I think it was very obvious that ron ron has been real this whole time. They just never confirmed it because it was easier to not confirm it, but it really has been very real and like if you look on aaron's instagram.

If you look like, if you look on ronnie's instagram, look at his videos, you can tell that they are together and i think what happened now is that ronnie and aaron they're like married. I don't know if you guys know this, but that is a lifelong commitment. Ron ron is never going to end now and basically, it is now safe for them to post videos about their relationship to show you a little bit more of that side of their relationship, because there's going to be no, we broke up video. No, it is guaranteed that they're going to be together and forever like.

Thank god and praise the lord that they were private and didn't share their parts of their relationship, and you know to where people would comment and people's opinions would get to them like that. Never happened, they literally enjoyed their relationship like a normal relationship should be sometimes the comments would get. Yes, there were a few that were just kind of, but for the most part they avoided a lot of negativity that could have happened, and that makes me really proud. In that they were able to kind of just have a normal relationship somewhat.

I was just going to say that i just remember, ronnie specifically in the beginning, was like. I just want to protect the relationship i just want to protect it. That's that was like the number one priority was to protect it. I also wanted to protect ourselves too, like like aaron, i was really scared of him becoming a brand with me.
The thing about like youtube, sometimes in specifically like couples, is that they end up forming a brand and relying on those videos to do well for them and at the end of the day like if you're, dating and stuff. Like that's good. And if you make videos and stuff like that's fine, that's people do that. But you should also be able to like be yourself and post videos by yourself and people can watch it, but sometimes that just happens on youtube and it can just really ruin a relationship, which is why ronnie and aaron tried to like avoid that, because they're their Own people, at the end of the day or it just doesn't feel genuine yeah.

I think something that is really important, that a lot of you should hear us say, and this is our opinion, but social media should not be the place where you go for validation or self-worth or self-worth, whether that's for yourself like, if you're in a relationship or To prove you have friends like all this stuff, social media is not the place for that, and i know there's a lot of people out there who get mad if their significant other doesn't post about them and all this stuff at the end of the day, social Media can actually just be really toxic for personal relationships for yourself, and you all know that. That's why we always have to be careful, but i think that's also a reason why ronnie and aaron didn't post, because they're not trying to find validation in that. I think the same thing too, and she i couldn't figure out how to explain it. So she explained it perfectly.

I just feel like you guys, should be very cautious about be careful. What what is what controls your relationship? Is it really worth fighting over someone or your signifi with your significant other about a post if they haven't posted, you or not? I feel, like you know, to anyone watching and stuff like i know, you're watching social media right now set boundaries limit yourself. If you're in a relationship spend time with the person don't focus on. Oh, i have to post a story with them to show how cute we are and proof that we're in a happy relationship or i have to post this, and that, like you, don't need to do any of that.

If you feel like you have to do that to prove that you're in a happy relationship, both of you just need to get off and actually spend time with each other, you can also post good memories as long as it's not a controlling factor in your relationship. If you post pictures that are just you know about your life and you're, just wanting to show people like oh, this is what i've been up to then that's fine, but if it's for the wrong reasons, that's where it's bad and not good for a relationship, because There's also cute photos like there's that one cute photo of ronnie and aaron and guppy all dressed in tacos, ah, but that why? Wouldn't we post that exactly i'm not thinking like? Oh my gosh, he didn't post that picture great content. Well, i think we should bring in aaron now to interview him. My brother-in-law, oh my gosh wow, we're married.
It's real! This isn't a prank yay. Why are you acting? So i don't know because it's weird it's new okay! I just called him brother-in-law, that's well! Yours! That's father-in-law: we have a really strong relationship and, in my opinion, one of the strongest relationships i've seen over any social media yeah. We are really strong. I mean we're we're married.

So, like you said, it's been a bittersweet moment for me, because i've lived my entire life for 25 years. I've lived with my parents and nessa and then now i'm moving to the apartment. It's a nice apartment, not as nice as this house, but it's nice. I tell her this all the time i was like you have to remember when you and your family started, you guys started in like a smaller house and now you're at like the top level and with me we have to start back at the bottom and then We're gon na have a nice house eventually, but did we have to go back to the box one day? I walked into ronnie's room and she was staring out the window crying and i was like what's wrong and she was like my room.

I'm gon na miss it hey. We have a really nice view of a parking lot. Okay, it's a really nice parking lot. Yes, it's been a transition for me, especially because you know i'm mourning the life that i had with my family, but now i'm also celebrating a new life that i'm going to be creating with you and guppy and i'm his stepmom now.

But i think um. I've been really, i really appreciate your support and your understanding, because i was really sad, but i was like i don't want to. Let aaron know i'm sad because he's going to think that i'm not excited to marry him, but that wasn't the case. He was very understanding what i'm joking, i just didn't want you to think that, because i was so excited to marry, you i mean like i did.

I went through. I completely understand when i first moved away from my parents and stuff. I had the same feeling. Yeah, so you maybe when you move out eventually it may not be the same because have you seen my room? Why would i leave that room? Watch our room tour you'll see why i would never leave that room literally.

It's like peace and quiet, and i have like a gaming room. You guys have a very nice one day, we'll get one day: 2022 we're gon na get a house, a small house and it'll work out. Okay, we'll we'll see anyway. Will you guys be documenting stuff, like that? I don't know we're still gon na be as private as possible.

Yeah. Well, one of the things i told her is one of the channels that i've been watching and that i really kind of relate to is roman atwood's vlog channel. I like how he like films and blogs, but he's not too like heavy on just the family stuff. Like it's still, he still does like fun challenges and fun videos, but it includes his family here and his life along the way so you're like going along with them, without being like completely like in-depth.
You guys can expect that. I will say one thing that i didn't say in our in our video was that i am very grateful to have you guys, like your family and our family and our friends, because you guys definitely helped us along the way. During the beginning, when people were very like oh, like not understanding, a lot of people really were trying to pressure, ronnie and aaron to use their relationship to for views and stuff which is kind of crazy. That someone would even say that to them, and not just someone, multiple people, but they stuck to what their hearts were telling them and they did what was best for them.

And i think the last four years have totally paid off like what you guys decided to do, and it's very respectful. You have anything else. You would want to add. I feel like we cover all the bases.

Maybe another thing is why we never announced that we were engaged a lot of people post on social media like we're engaged. We still felt like it was in our hearts. The best move was to wait till after we get married to announce everything because even with like getting engaged it could. We could have been exploiting our relationship and i think that's when we realized that we were going to post the ron run.

Video proposal, video wedding, we're just going to post we're married, but you know what it's it's better. If we visit you guys, let you guys yeah, you guys pulled the kylie jenner. What what you know how she hid her pregnancy. You guys hate your marriage.

I didn't know she did that and then announced it. Oh yeah, you pulled a kylie jenner. Oh my gosh, we're successful we're doing what a lot of celebrities do. A lot of celebrities get married, privately yeah, and that's okay, because we're celebrities, no we're not no we're! Not i also um kept my last name too, but added aaron's last name, so i'm veronica joe merrill, burris hyphens, so weird, it's just weird to hear not weird like the hyphen or the burst part.

The bar is part also one last thing before we get off. I don't want to see any comments about pregnancies or anything like that. If that happens, they will announce it, but don't don't ever you know try to like he's pregnant with chick-fil-a yeah. Why are you doing stuff anyways? Please do not post anything like that.

That is so like rude, don't ever people, please, please stay away from that. If that ever happens, they will announce it in their own time. Just please be respectful of that side. I didn't even think about that like what, if i'm just bloated people will be like.

I should practice now: that's why i got married cause. She ate a burger, a food baby, a food baby anyways. That is the update on our lives and i'm happy for you both and the wedding was so beautiful and magical, and i just felt like it was just perfect. Not much is changing we're still.
The merrell twins. Just ronnie has the name burris in her name now and i'm married and i'm not living. Here i mean those are big churches, very big champions, you're gon na be here all the time right yeah. We will see you guys next next tuesday happy new year.

You guys here's to 20 22. yay with new beginnings and fresh starts all right. You guys make sure to check out the ron ron series. I don't know what do you guys call it? I guess the run run story on aaron's channel for more information for more information subscribe for to aaron's channel because there might be more ron wrong content and subscribe to our channel yeah subscribe to our channel and thanks for watching.

If you like, this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right over here, subscribe to erin's channel by clicking this button right here check out some of the other videos. We've done and we'll see you guys next time, bye.

15 thoughts on “My twin sister got married! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BTS 💜 ARMY says:

    Omggggg hii! 🥺🥺💖💖
    Ly alllll! Hope u have a great life!🥰❤️💖💖

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isy's World says:

    Congrats! I love your guys videos!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arishah Chaudhry says:

    Yeahhhhhhh I am so happy for you 💞😊😊💞

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paris Oglesby says:

    This is the earliest I've ever been on the Merrel Twins channel@

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LILSCHARMXOO says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aadya Gautam says:

    Yes the video I just needed after all the rollercoaster

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iya Rose says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zenha Mariyam says:

    Love u guys soo much and congratssss❤❤

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Celeste Flores says:

    Early!! Love y’all so much! God bless y’all! ❤️❤️

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hiba says:

    I love ur channel it is literally the best 😍😍. Love u guys ❤️

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yanosel says:

    I'm so happy for you roni I almost cried watching the vid I'm so happy hope you have a good life with aaron

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mismatched says:

    IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU RONIII <3 💕 I wish you and Aaron an amazing marriage and a wonderful 2021 🎉🎉🎉

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melodious Crafting says:

    Congratulations! I love your videos!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aren Ngo says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rochelle Rocamora says:


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