What Would You Do? Play along with us & comment your score!
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Check out the new show The Wilds from Amazon Prime Video, available for streaming starting Friday, December 11.
The first episode of the series will be available to stream for free on Prime Video’s YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook pages from December 11-25. The first episode will also be available on Prime Video with no Prime account necessary during the same time period.
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Cheating on them you're just gon na. Let me be sad. That's what i do for like everything. Oh, okay, three, two one, hey! What the i tricked you, what food, the spider that you were like, i would catch a fish.

This is a dark. It's really scary! This is a really dark question: hey guys, i'm veronica, i'm vanessa today we're playing. What would you do? We would love if you guys played along with us and comment in the comments below your answers. Today's video is sponsored by amazon, prime video and their new show.

The wilds amazon is releasing a new show this friday december 11th. It's called the wilds and if you've had a chance to catch the trailer, it looks absolutely amazing and just so good. The first episode of the series will be available to stream for free on prime videos, youtube channel, instagram, twitter and facebook pages from december 11th to the 25th. The first episode will also be available on prime video, with no prime account necessary during the same time period.

So it looks like a group of girls crash on an island and get like stranded and that's insane and they have like drama with like their personal lives and stuff, so maybe with each other and like what's up with the parents at the end, like that's a Little like i don't know, i'm like sketched out it's kind of weird, but i'm really excited to see what the show is actually about and what really happens. I'm so excited to watch it and i still can't believe it's free make sure to subscribe and hit the bell button to get notified when we post a new video, so prime video sent us a game called what would you do the wild edition that we're going To play for this video okay, so we got some cards with some questions and this is the game, so you've been in a plane crash and wake up on a deserted island. What would you do and what would you do? The wilds edition card game? We put you and your friends in extreme situations to help learn who each of you really are and how? Well you really know each other. Oh so, basically, this is a game of how well we know each other we're each going to draw a card, and when i draw a card, i'm going to read the question or the scenario and ronnie's going to answer how she thinks i would answer it.

Then vice versa, when she reads a question, i have to guess what her answer is going to be and whoever gets the most points wins the game. So let's get started so we have two categories of questions to choose from. We have teen survival questions and then island survival questions. So do you want to go first or do you want me to go? First i'll, go first, okay, which one do you pick? I want to do island survival, your plane crashes, leaving you stranded on a deserted island.

Miraculously your cell phone survives the crash too yes trouble. Is you only have enough battery for one phone call? Oh gosh. What do you do? Call your mom she'll know what to do. That's what i do for, like everything, b call 9-1-1.

It's the best shot. We've got to get rescued or see, call your significant other. They love you they'll figure it out. What the i feel like honestly, if you're stranded on an island, i feel like no, no! Well, i don't know, okay, i know which one i would do.
I thought hard and long about this one. So, let's see three two one b yeah, i picked a b. I feel like that's like the most logical yeah. I feel like that too, like hi i'm stranded, please help me.

I learned well and i would call 9-1-1 and say hi. My name is vanessa merrill. Please help me i'm stranded on an island if you can reach out to my parents. Paul went paul merrill and wendy and tell them i'm trapped and that i love them.

I'm going to choose a card now, i'm going to choose teenage survival. Oh no! What your finsta gets hacked and your posted are made public. What would you do a move? If you need me, you can find me on mars b own it more me is more to love, see i was hacked. I swear.

Oh this one's tough, okay! I got it, i got my answer three two one b, you literally probably, would not care if your finster got hacked because your fenced it has nothing on it. It doesn't that actually doesn't. My friend was used to make a fake uh instagram account for a youtube. Video, a youtube video, the only chance of getting rescued, is getting spotted.

What would you do? A i've seen people in movies spell h-e-l-p in the sand b, climb to the highest point on the island and create a smoke signal or c i'll be right over here. But good luck with that. Okay, i'm going to put my answer down and you need to put your answer and if you guess my answer correctly, you get a point and if you don't guess it you don't get a point. Okay, so i have really bad handwriting.

What are you writing out? Oh, it's just a b and c: well: okay, ready three, two one: hey what the right house! You don't even know how to make smoke. Yes, i do! No you don't yeah! I think you would have better luck. Writing out help! That's your best chance or or you would bc you'd. Let everyone else do the work.

No, that is not true. I would try to create a smoke signal, how i would figure it out. I wonder if that's what they do in the show like what would you actually do? Like that's scary, that is scary, i i would write for help. I would do all of it.

To be honest, i would write help and then do a smoke signal. I'm gon na pick one from the teen survival okay card. I wonder what that is: okay, teenage survival. You overheard that one of your friend's significant other is cheating on them, but they have no idea.

What would you do? Oh, okay, gosh! That's juicy! Hey! Hey! Tell them asap and bring proof the truth. Isn't the proof be ugh? I cannot get caught up in this drama and who knows maybe it's just a rumor or c hit at it until they find out on their own all right. So this is what you would do uh-huh. I know exactly what you would do.
Three two one, hey yeah, you get a point: okay, okay, well, you're! Just so straightforward! You literally would be like this is what i heard you're so wait. You're saying i'm a straightforward person yeah sometimes you can be that one was juicy. I'm gon na do another teen survival, one! Okay, your sibling is going through a tough time and you notice they're upset. What would you do a tell a parent slash, another adult about it b, distract them and post a woman crush wednesday or man crush monday to hype them up, see ignore it.

They've got ta, learn it on their own to get through it all right. What would i do, what would you do? Okay, i think you would do this one one, two, three, eight, what the you wouldn't want to try you're just gon na. Let me be sad: why would you just let me be sad. I do that anyway.

What's up, i do it all the time, i'm so sad. Now, when you're like upset or mad, i just leave you alone. You don't tell anyone, no you don't say mommy. They already know.

Okay, they can hear you and see you as well, while scavenging supplies you come across a gravel snake. What do you do? Oh god, what would you do, kill or be killed a help? C, let it be. What would i do you would do this one ready? Three: two one: a hey: what the honey! Why are you getting all these right? Because i know you better than you know me: ronnie, you literally would kill the rattlesnake. You wouldn't just leave it alone.

I would leave the rattlesnake alone, but knowing you, you would go out of your way to kill it. Well, rattlesnakes are so dangerous, they can kill you. So it's like yeah, but if one of your chicks they feel threatened dude that would suck if the island those girls are trapped on are covered in rattlesnakes. You don't.

Oh my gosh that'd be so bad. Remember the time at the park when the rattlesnake was like coiling up right beside me and all of a sudden i heard it and i was like yes, yeah, not good island survival. A massive storm hits the island. What would you do a run for cover, b sing in the rain, see fml ready three, two one hey! I got it right.

I got it right. I got one i just i just feel like. I would in that one like if i sing in the rain i'll get pneumonia same island survival. Your plane is crashing.

You have 30 seconds before it dives into the ocean. What would you do? This is a dark. It's really scary! This is a really dark question. A remain calm, if it happens, it happens, b, pray and prepare for impact, see eat and drink.

Whatever is in front of you in case it's your last. Why not? What the okay, i feel like three, two one b, yeah, that's what i would do too. I just feel like yeah. Oh that's an intense question.

I wonder how this plane crashes in the show it seems like it's like um. I don't know i feel like it might be on purpose based off the trailer yeah. It might be, like a purpose. Purposely full crash purpose on purpose.
I don't know what do you guys think comment down below what you think yeah? If you've seen the trailer you got to go, watch the trailer to know what i'm talking about eyeline survival while exploring the island. You come across a native village: oh, oh, okay, a run doesn't matter which direction just far and fast b, introduce yourself to the new neighbors, see, don't enter, don't run, watch and observe. I i think i know exactly what you would do ready three two one see what the you would introduce yourself to the new neighbors. Have you seen those video drone footages of the wild tribes that like eat people, i always like try? I would like come with like an offering oh, like food and be like what food, the spider that you were like.

I would catch a fish at this point. I would have gotten a fish by now cooked it seasoned it and given it to them as a peace offering take my fish, i worked hard for come on if they don't even speak the language, that's like a huge gesture right. What, if it's offensive in their culture, but in a case i'm not making new friends? That's why? I think your answer is wrong. Island survival, if you're stuck with the same group of people for long enough, there's bound to be some disagreements.

What would you do? Oh okay, okay, a vote just because we're stranded doesn't mean we can't act like barbarians b, whoever yells the loudest is right, see. Who cares? Okay, ready? Three, two one: hey yup! I feel like that's an easy answer like yeah, exactly you can all vote and stuff and we can do it a nice, easy, calm, kind way. You know yeah, i feel no need no need to like whatever is fair when, if everyone votes everyone votes, i feel like that's the fair thing to do: team survival, you're paired up for the whole year with someone you don't know as lab partners. What would you do a ask? The teacher to swap awkward b immediately plan, your friendship, you have so many questions see, keep it business split the work, no eye contact in the halls.

Three, two one: rude, no, look! Okay, so it's not necessarily what i would actually do, but i would just keep it simple split the work, but i would say hi to them here and there in the halls. But the answer this one is not so i guess i wouldn't but, but i wouldn't imagine you got stranded on the island with your lab partner, the one that you're just strictly business, you treat them just strictly business on the island, teenage survival you're invited to the Party of the year, but your best friend forever. Isn't? What would you do? That's me a ride or die if he she isn't invited i'm not going b. It's the party of the year! Sorry, but not sorry, see i'm charming i'll.

Just ask whoever's, throwing it if they can come with three two one see what the so. If, if you get invited to a party, i'm your best friend right, you're, not gon na ask if i can go well. The question was your best friend is invited. To is not invited to oh, i thought i was hinting for you.
I got really confused. Your best friend is not invited so meaning me, i'm charming i'll. Just ask whoever's, throwing it if they can come with that's what i would do island survival. Another survivor of the plane crash has broken their ankle.

They can't walk or help gather supplies, but other than that they are totally healthy. What would you do? Oh, no, they break their ankle. Hey carry them on my own back b sounds like a personal problem, see if we get hungry, he slashes like she is the first one we eat. What the oh, my gosh! Okay, it's horrible! That's horrible! Three, two one! Hey what the personal problem yeah! You would not carry someone on your back.

You can't even carry me on your back to me. Carry some look. I would carry them on my back, but also figure out a way to fix their ankle. I would make a cast for them.

I feel like at this point on the island we're all getting cranky. I really doubt you'd be picking them up, but whatever okay, i got it wrong. Morale is running low on the island. What would you do a remind everyone that we're going to be rescued soon, b, make fun of the week c break out into song and dance that'll boost spirits? Oh my goodness, three two one see a good dancing song.

Doesn't. Oh, it always cheers someone up. No matter who it is, then some people might look at you weird, but if you go to we're on an island we'll be rescued soon, they'd all be like. I literally would be like this ronnie.

No, you wouldn't. If i had been stuck on an island for several days and we're like getting hungry and tired and cranky, and you start going, i think they would be like wait. What is this has happened to me before no way would it your significant other breaks up with you over text? What would you do? A delete text number blocked? I am a queen and have already moved on b revenge, subtweets, screenshot, fenster they're, never going to hear the end of it or see one significant other single life. For me, inter asante, three, two one, a c.

I also put c: why don't you put c it didn't sound? Like you wrote see i tricked you. I went like this, you did. I went like this. I went teenage survival.

Your significant other leaves their phone unlocked when they go to the bathroom. What would you do? Oh i'm going full sherlock holmes. Snapchat text photos, ig, they're, all mine, now, b, um, who cares if it's locked or unlocked that's their phone, see i'll, take a peek, but just a quick one? Okay. So this is what i would do ready.

Three two one see i'll take a peek for just a quick one. Yeah, that's 100. You yeah! I even do that to you. I know i know that's why i said c: no, it's in my business, i'm literally i'll, be like on my phone like this.

Oh, what did they say i'm like? Who is that and then sorry my life in the minute? I do it trying i'm like. Oh, what did they say, she's like no, you get so mad. When was the last time you did that yeah! Don't do that? That's what you did it's nothing! That's when i'm upset you guys are painting me in a bad light, but when it's when i'm just normal, you go island survival while scavenging for food. One of your fellow survivors is bit by a poisonous spider.
Oh no! What would you do a hit? The panic button b? Where's, the spider revenge. First help you second or c, don't worry, you're in good hands. I've binge watched man versus wild puncture, the wound and suck out the venom. Three two one see: yay: okay, yeah.

I had a feeling you would be that type of person. I mean like that's what i would do too. You know yeah try and help them. Yeah not go get revenge, but what, if, like the spider, is like big and like trying to buy everyone else? You find the flight recorder in the debris of the plane crash.

What would you do plane recorder? What's that b open it, we need to know how the plane crashed c, don't open it. Who cares how the plane crashed? There could be a gps or something in there, and we can't break that all right. I got my answer three. Two one b yeah, i i honestly i would do the same.

I feel like if here's the thing take it out and remember how you take it out, then just put it back in if there is a gps yeah, just refix it exactly what the big brain. What if we're not a big brain, though big brain? Well, i wan na i'm trying my best and then i just like falls apart. Okay anyway. Well at least you'll know how to plane crash yeah.

True, i would rather know how we crashed teenage survival. You find out that your bff secretly starts dating your ex. Oh no. What would you do? Oh, no hey! How could you do this to me? My world is crumbling around me.

Be oh eat on see. If you love something set it free. If it comes back it's yours, if not, it was never meant to be what i don't know what you would choose. I already wrote, i know and you're tricking me you're, not tricking me yeah, you are.

How would i trick you three two one c hey. I would not let something like that. Well, i thought that you would maybe like you, would let the friend go like one of those types of things like if, like even that, would include the friend like, like bye friend, set it free like if it was meant to be a friendship. It would like you know like that, you know, but instead your world would crumble around you.

No, i literally tell my friend: how could you, how could you do this see tiger agrees? This is the last question: island survival, you're running out of food. Someone suggests eating insects. Oh what would you do a you know, rather starve b bring on the bugs or c let the others eat? First, if they don't puke close your eyes and pretend they're potato chips. Three two one seek man: okay, nessa! You won.
Congratulations. I thought i did pretty good okay well, but apparently i know you way better than me. I'm a little bit offended that you don't know me that. Well, you are not offended, i'm just more happy.

I know you better all right, okay, whatever i tried my best, that was a fun game guys if you played along make sure to let us know in the comments below and let us know your guys's answers. I would like to read them personally and know what you guys like think all right guys make sure to check out the show the wild on prime video available for streaming starting friday december 11th. Also, the first episode is available to everyone to stream for free december 11th through the 25th on prime videos, youtube, instagram, twitter, facebook pages and also prime video, without needing a prime account get lost in the wilds by following the wild on prime on instagram and twitter And tell us what you think with the hashtag thewilds check it out. Please we love you guys, thank you again to amazon prime video for sponsoring this video and thanks for watching, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel by clicking this button right over here go show the wilds some love.

I can't wait to see the show and see what happens make sure to subscribe to our live channel where we live stream every week check out some of the other videos. We've done and we'll see you guys next time, bye.

18 thoughts on “You found out he cheated! what would you do? – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Solveig Ruud Lindvig says:

    Roni's hair looks Red/Pink/Purple in this video! 😁

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brittany Littlesalt says:

    Remember if u kill a snake u have to bury the head separate from the body

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BTS×ARMY says:

    Wait my bday is 11th dec?! Lol i for some reason stopped watching the merrell twins but hey I'm back still as a twinner

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sophia Gray says:

    Do not ever kill a snake let it be and walk away that is your best bet.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gloria says:

    For the cheating question hint on it or they will think there significant other is cheating with you

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Letso Moneedi says:

    You guys keep doing it to because I'm playing

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laiba Hussain says:

    Me: *didn't watch the video cause I'm an overthinker and would then overthink about my man even though hes the most loyal person ever "

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Regan's Life says:

    Omg that move was relessed one day befor my bday

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tatum Slizewski says:

    Veronica: A!
    Roni: what the!! You would just let me be sad!!😨
    Nessa: That's what I do anyways!!
    Lol love ya guys😆😆

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xDWhiteTiger says:

    is this a game anyone can buy? if so where could we buy it?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donutss Lover says:

    Idk what I would do cuz uuuuuuum I probs would do all of them very hard to choose from

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Grace Cummings says:

    My fish died yesterday and you made me feel so much better. Thank you 😊

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saga says:

    The “bff dating your ex” question was HEAVY 😂💀💀

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hazel Mae Ajedo says:

    please bring back the merrell twins logo at the end of the video🥺

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Edward Centeno says:

    If the plane crashed i will call mr. Beast and ask him if he owns that islands 😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sheryl Seijo says:

    Merrell twins should answer these same q's 10 yrs later. Some answers will change….

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin De La Cruz says:

    Nessa: I read a question and Roni has to guess the answer

    Roni: or visa versa Nessa reads a question and I have to answer

    Me: 😆😆😆 too funny

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marija Bosevska says:

    who else is watching this for the second time after watching the wilds

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