Answering your questions and giving a life update on everything going on in our lives!

TIKTOK: @vanessamerrell

TIKTOK: @veronicamerrell

Fans Write our Video
The Break Up
We’re identical twin sisters who have been consistently making videos since 2013. We post videos showcasing our range in both comedy and music such as original comedy sketches, original scripted series, original songs, original music videos, gaming videos, weekly live streams, weekly gaming livestreams, twin swaps, twin sister vs twin sister, popular song parodies, popular song covers, original funny songs, 24 hour challenges, popular challenges, popular trends, lifestyle, fashion, and much more!

#Q&A #life #update

I feel, like i know funny ew get this off of here. We already know that what i'm just saying the truth, my stomach wants to this is the teeth: hey guys, i'm veronica, i'm vanessa, and today we are doing an updated q and a we haven't done. A q a in quite some time, so we're just going to be answering questions about what our lives are like right now, because our answers are different from several years ago. We asked you guys on our instagram story, to ask us questions.

So if you aren't following our merrell twins, instagram make sure to go. Follow that because we do incorporate that into our youtube videos yeah, you don't want to miss out so make sure to follow subscribe, while you're at it. We post videos every single tuesday, hit the bell button to get notified. When we post a video, we also have merch.

We came out with this cute little spring collection, it's very cherry blossom, cherry blossoms and pinks and blacks and, yes, hello, hey, go buy, maryland's, merch, no, okay, all right! First question: what is your favorite thing about each other? What updated q a? What is my favorite thing about you? I got ta think about this one. I like how supportive you are of me. Oh we're going that deep, that's not deep at all. Yes, it is.

I thought we were talking about like physical attributes, oh physic, what i like, how funny you are and you're i like you, make me laugh a lot see that has not changed so that hasn't been. That was an answer that did not change. If i would have been like yeah, you are very funny. I love how fun you are you'd, be like that's my answer, yeah, so i i i thought if you are, i think you've really grown as a person over the years.

What are you saying what i'm just saying we both have grown so much since last time we even did the same height, no as people we've matured in ways, and i think we've definitely become really great. Mature young women just also there's a lot of people who are asking how old we are. We are now 24 years old, we'll be 25 in august on august, 6th yep. That is our birthday.

We are 5-2. We are identical. Twins, that's just like the general questions that most people ask. Okay do y'all ever want to actually get tattoos.

I don't know if you guys saw, but in one of our recent videos we got fake tattoos for a makeover, and so a lot of people have been asking us if we would get real tattoos. Would you guys? No? No, i'm not against it. How about that? I'm not opposed to it, but, like i don't know what i would get, i have to think really hard and long about it, because if i'm going to tattoo something for on my body for the rest of my life, it needs to be really special same how's Tiger shall we go get him? Yes, an update on tiger. Let's go get tiger, so y'all can get an update on tiger 2.

tiger the people the the fans are requesting. They wanted an update. How are you, what is the update, he's still tired? Oh you guys tiger is eight years old now, but tiger is great and fluffy as ever and is still a diva. Can i be the third question? Yes, you can? You have been the third question? Okay, when did you start learning how to play instruments? We started playing piano when we were five and then just throughout our lives, like other instruments were introduced to us.
I really want to learn how to play the drums, but i think i'll have to play the drums when i live on my own, because i think i will annoy everyone can't you see it i'd, be a great drummer best way to spend your free time. I personally think the older i've gotten the more i kind of want to use my free time to do things rather than sleep. I think back in the day ness and i would choose sleep because we were just so busy now - we've gotten kind of better control over our schedules, and we do make time for us to have down time and in that downtime i kind of like to go. Explore, obviously not during this time right now i still like to sleep.

Yeah sleep is fine, but would you guys want to invest in something other than youtube? You know what's weird is we have been talking about that? You know it's very smart to invest things that you've put your time and effort into, especially if it's made you a prophet so yeah. We've definitely been talking about that. We have something in the works for you guys that we are very excited about it's not anywhere near ready. It's not ready at all.

It's just in the talking stage it's in the talking stage, but we're we're getting ready for something really cool that we don't. We don't think any other youtubers have done this. Will you continue to live stream three times a week when covert rest restrictions are lifted? If you guys didn't know, we've been live streaming like three times a week. We definitely are going to stop that eventually, because that does take up a lot of our time.

Sorry, did you just stop having your that doesn't happen, that rarely happens. He rarely kicks the camera, but yeah. No, we have been live streaming a lot, so i think we're going to tone it down a little bit. It just depends on our schedules because i do like to live stream.

I love live streaming, but when covert restrictions are lifted, that means that not only are things going to free up, but like other work, like meetings and auditions and filming outside of youtube, it's going to open up traveling. So that might be the reason why we stream less yes, it's not because we don't want to it's just because our schedules probably won't allow it yeah. How often are y'all recognized in public we're recognized pretty much every time we go out every time we go out now and i i i would love to say, that's not a thing, because i don't like to think like oh yeah, i get recognized every time. I go out, but for the most part i think we do, but i also am not like trying to look to see if people are recognizing me, because i'm just trying to do stuff like go to the grocery store and like the mall and buy essential stuff.
We do try to go to the mall during the weekdays and not so much on the weekends, because the weekends is where we would the weekends we would get bombarded and we wouldn't be able to have a normal mall shopping experience unless we're just like yeah. Actually, i really, i really thought that masks would like hide our faces and we wouldn't get recognized as much, but i think i don't know it doesn't matter it doesn't matter. People still can tell who we are. Did we kind of answer this? What do you guys like to do for fun? What do we like to do for fun? I like to cook fun cook, sometimes i eat.

Sometimes i play video games. Sometimes i'll play the piano. I bake play. Video games.

Love lives. That's just that's just the question. Love lives, love, live streams, it's not even a question mark. It's just love, livestreams um.

Yes, we love life. Moving on, we love life. So much. What's your favorite designer brand, i'm a little bit biased, but i would have to say dior yeah.

I would agree dior. I love dior just because, if you guys didn't know, dior flew us out for paris fashion week a couple years ago, and that was the most incredible experience ever. It was so much fun. How do you choose if you will work with a sponsorship? Oh no! Okay! I mean no, i miss if it's a good brand, i guess if it correlates with the maryland's brand as well.

We definitely um like to make sure that the sponsorship is something that we do actually enjoy and that we do know about. Obviously, if it's a good price, we say yes and if it's like too low most of the time we'll say no yeah, we actually did get an offer from a brand that offered us a lot of money, but we low-key didn't like the product. So we kind of, i think we kind of said no, so our team might have been mad, but we're staying true to and you guys would have. No, you guys totally would have known.

It was like something that we have literally said in the past that we do not like for years, and we were about to like promote it. Are you guys usually busy, with work on a regular week? Yes, yes, i would say we are yeah, we're always filming we're streaming. We're taking meetings, answering emails phone calls even filming ahead of time like editing some of our own videos, we're filming we're live streaming, we're filming content for ronnie and nessa channel plugin right there are you vaccinated as of right now? No, but because we are filming this video ahead of time, maybe when the video is out we might be, we might be a fingers crossed. I really want to get it because i want to be able to travel.

I just really feel like in my heart. I need to get it so i will get vaccinated, so i can go and enjoy a nice chicken fillet sandwich chicken fillet sandwich. I don't know i mean you can do that now without the vaccine. You know like i just want to like have a peace of mind.
You know they do say the cdc does say. If everyone has the vaccine, no one has to wear masks in a room. Really are we sure they're, my yeah, that only yeah? They say that you don't have to you: don't have to wear a mask. Hmm, you had a hair, you don't have hair yeah.

Oh i'm not pulling your hair. Are you guys working on a new project? We've been wanting to work on a new project? It's just that covet has been very difficult for us to pursue that because we we need a bunch of people and there are ways to work around it. But it's just a lot of your funding goes into um covid safety first, and we just don't want to spend all that money to produce something. You know what i mean.

We don't want to spend all of our money on covered safety guidelines when we could be spending the money to make something really really good. So we're, i think, we're just waiting, because at the moment, all of our series that we do are self-funded. We do have a series idea in mind that doesn't necessarily require a huge team to make, so we might be potentially doing that yeah. It just depends.

We don't know, what's something you learned during the pandemic and lockdowns ooh, you wan na know what i learned during the pandemic and lockdowns, and this is the tea. I think i've realized who are real, true friends and who's, going to stick with you through the hard times and stuff. I think something that i learned during the pandemic was that everyone was going through hard times. Everyone was going through something little or big.

Something i learned was that i'm not alone that there are people who are feeling the same way. I feel there are people who are also struggling. It was just kind of comforting to know that there were other people feeling that way, but i think another thing that i also learned during the pandemic is that i'm not as extroverted as i thought i was you know as someone who deals with social anxiety, i've Really loved the fact that we've had to stay home a lot and i really loved the fact that i haven't had to like you know, go to meetings. I know i just get social anxiety sometimes so i i'm going to miss being able to stay home when it's all over your favorite bible quote: love is patient, love is kind, it does not.

Envy does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude. It is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects. Always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres love. Never fails. It doesn't matter.

If you are a christian or not. I think it is a very true, true statement about what love really is. That's how i view love and that's how i try to live my life. What color lightsaber would you choose and why purple? Why? Because you're that's the stupidest! That is my favorite.
I wish there was like a light pink color. I feel like a light. Pink lightsaber would look so cool and i'd have two, because i've studied the form jar kai and you know, but two light pink lightsabers. This.

I thought this was a nice question. How are you guys at the moment like really? Oh, that's a great question. I'm actually really tired today has been a very like i've been struggling today to like just be awake, yeah, i'm kind of tired too, but overall, like how i am at the moment. I'm very like content, i'm happy, i'm also tired.

Will there be a prom night season? Two, a lot of you guys asked this question. I do not think that there is going to be a prom night season 2, because we can't make the sets identical again. There's no way we can get the sets like that again and again, like i'm, not sure what would happen in season two if we did a season two, it's about prom. So what we do another prime i mean at all.

I don't know what goal do you wan na reach to hit six million subscribers i mean i would like to hit six million subscribers too. Can we get start million subscribers like 5.9 for like so long and then youtube goes in and deletes accounts and then like 30 000 people unsubscribed, because they deleted 30 000 accounts from ours? And just like all these things, you know what's happening at the end of the day we are so blessed and lucky to have any amount of subscribers, so it's kind of a low-key joke about hitting six million, because we are very happy with where we are. Yes. Thank you guys.

I love you guys and all of you guys who support us in our journey. Thank you for all subscribing, but please subscribe. How would you describe your style? Oh i got it lazy. A lot of people would be like.

Oh my gosh, so cute. These are the baggiest pants. I've got and i just threw on a hoodie right. I think i got you beat ew get this off of here.

No, i literally have stop sweatpants tucked into some socks. You talk about lazy, but honestly, no, i feel like i would describe my style as kind of like i like to wear darker clothes like browns darks. I would say that i, my style, has not been that well because of the pandemic. I've had no reason to dress up and look cute, so i think lazy actually is a very good way to describe our styles at the moment, and this is also why we have the help of our friend and stylist jasmine yeah.

She comes in clutch all the time she helps us out and gives us advice about our style and fashion. She's been a big influence on, like our whole style, too yeah our style career. If you think about it, yeah shout out to jasmine love, you guys what are five necessities: god, family food, water, besides the um, obviously for me, it's god, my family, that is an obvious one. Let's talk about like materialistic, some people don't need their families.

Okay, i need my family and i love my family and i also need god to survive. Okay, i also need krispy kreme donuts shoes. You need shoes, i don't need shoes, but they're they're saying what are five necessities. Everyone needs a pair of shoes.
I need my contacts. I need a jacket because i get freezing cold everywhere. My water bottle. I don't know, i don't know how to answer this question.

I'm gon na go deep with mine. Oh you just did god your family. You already know that you've said this. Like five times, i have three more okay, kindness, that is a necessity.

Empathy, oh integrity. Yes, i think those are five for me. Those are five good and essentially good place to get your eyebrows threaded. Are you still running your clothing business? True image we'd like to, but we had to put a pause on it because things weren't going exactly the way we wanted.

We weren't in full control of a lot of things, and so we've been trying to get that full control back and it's just kind of the hard truth of the situation and just things that happen. It was a life learning lesson for sure uh. The reality is, there's a lot of youtubers out there who try to invest in clothing lines and other things. It just turns out how they didn't think it would turn out.

So we're not the only youtubers this has happened to, and so we decided to kind of just wait out our contract, so we can get everything back into our control and we are actually going to do something different with true image. So, and that's also one of the things we kind of talked about earlier in the video, so hint hint for those who understand and are catching on something's coming with true image. The lesson here is to um surround yourself with people who are looking out for you and who want the best for you and don't sign. Crappy deals.

Okay, if it wasn't for our dad, we wouldn't have gotten trumage back. I was wondering when you get married or just get older. Are you still going to do youtube? Yes, yes, yeah. I don't think there is a no brainer, but there's also been other questions asking about what happens when we do get married like what are.

What is the channel going to look like all of that and the real question or the real answer? Is we don't really know? I don't know what we'll get to there we'll get to that we'll get there when we get there? I don't is that the saying we'll deal with it when we get there, but for the most part merrell twins like if ronnie is off married, i'm off married or whatever we will still come together to make a merrell twins. Video mary, kate and ashley olsen are the olsen twins forever and the merrell twins are marrow. Twins forever does nessa like ronnie's cooking um. Yes, i do.

Sometimes i made chocolate souffles and she told me they were sour and she was like. Did you put milk in it and they had no milk in them whatsoever? I don't even know what she was talking about. It was very sour. It was dark chocolate, i'm gon na say something i like your cooking.
That was baking. Sometimes i don't like your baking. Well, i'm just saying the truth. I was telling the truth.

Would ronnie start a cafe? Yes, you want to know, i don't think anyone's asked this. If youtube somehow doesn't work out, i might go to school and become an architect. How do you make yourself stand out with so many videos being uploaded on youtube? I love you all. We love you all too.

We love you um. How do we make ourselves stand out on youtube when there's so many people on the platform? I i personally don't think we stand out, but i would like to say that nes - and i have just stayed true to who we are - we've never really changed, as in like the core values of what we really believe in a lot of people during our careers. Have been like you guys need to mature more, you guys need a curse. You guys need to talk about like more inappropriate things and just like i'm actually just not that type of person anyway, but like yeah, i've grown up.

I've matured like i can have those type of conversations. It's just for me. Youtube isn't the place to have those like i'd rather just entertain. People make people laugh the kind of humor that i like, and the kind of humor i like is clean humor.

So i think just staying true to ourselves is what made us stand out and be successful, and at the end of the day, we are proof that you can still be yourself and have a career and not necessarily have to follow the trends or clout chase. If you could reverse time, would you still do the smoothie challenge? If, yes, why, if no, why do you regret doing the smoothie challenge and i'm gon na say my answer? No, because it is one of our most viewed videos, so why would we? Why would we change that yeah? I kind of regret doing it, because here's here's the reason. Why is because, every time i look at dang steak sauce, i think my stomach wants to. I want to throw up even the smell of it.

I can't be near it because i think of the first smoothie challenge we've ever did in when i threw up that ruined my a1 steak sauce experience, even at restaurants. They're, like would you like some a1 steak sauce, i'm like no thank you you're like no and there's like other things that have come along when we've done other smoothie challenges that have been mixed to where, like i just refuse to eat those things, because i think Of the smoothie challenge - and i think of throwing up okay, so our dad has the last question for us: what is it spill? Some tea? He wants us to physically spill tea, daddy, it's funny! It's not it's a pie. It's a pun! Here spill, some tea, all the british people are like what is that they're like they're like they're, like what kind of tea is that it's just only like powder, it's a powder daddy. That was like the biggest fail.

I feel like i've sniffed up some tea i'll, be like there's lipton tea in my lungs. Me too, is this. What doing drugs is? I feel, like, i know, funny funny leg, because i've lifted teeth, hey it's the wrong way: huh! Okay, there you go the updated q, a i'm sure we'll do another q a in the future. Thank you so much to everyone who asked the questions.
There was a ton of you guys who submitted a lot of questions, but you guys we do live stream. Every single week, and sometimes we do kind of uh, do like live q and a's, where we just kind of talk about stuff and just talk about life. And so, if you really want to uh get to know us more and just get more information about who we are, what we do in our everydays like subscribe to, merrell twins live. We also have our ronnie nessa channel, which is more personal, videos and stuff.

So you can subscribe to that channel as well. Also, we have merch click the link in the description below to get some. It is very cute. You can rep the merrell fam to twitter fan.

If you forget, that's what we call you guys, our fans are called twinners twinners our winners, twitter winners anyway, all right guys and thanks for watching, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up subscribe our channel by clicking this button right over here, subscribe to Our live channel by clicking this button right here check out some of the other videos we've done or you can check out our older q a's to see how much we've grown yes and we post every single tuesday. So just come back every tuesday and we'll see you guys next time, bye.

18 thoughts on “Q&a and life update! how we are doing, talking about the future, love and more! – merrell twins”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PureNight Sky says:

    My grandma just passed away from covid and I was really close with her😔 and IF you are vaccinated you can still get covid it’s just less likely you will die or get really really sick

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isabella Xis Vang says:

    Can you guys do more movies of romance with Vanessa and John together

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Solveig Ruud Lindvig says:

    4 months later you've got 6,3 million subscribers!

    Six zero zero zero zero zero zero…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars purple grapes says:

    Just noticed how much better they have gotten at their intros!! I remember their old videos where the intros were so goofy lol love both kindsss

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Robinson says:

    If only the masking thing actually went away like we were told….

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lissa Mac says:

    Next Tuesday I can come home from school and watch your new video! EXCITED

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vegelina Sarry says:

    Best way to spend your free time ?
    Roni : gives a speech and how they used to like sleeping on free time but not anymore..
    Nessa: I … I still like to sleep ….. . 😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jeeva1996 says:

    Love Nessa's necessity answer and that Bible quote is one of my favs along with
    "That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10 NIV

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crystal_aftonMHA says:

    If u do any other q&a’s, I have some questions!
    Who is the oldest twin?
    What’s ur favorite color(s)?
    What’s ur most favorite merch release?
    What’s ur fav video with colllins key?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alex. [teaolive] says:

    I think it would be cool to make prom knight more than just prom. At the end of prom knight, Chris says Natalie and him will go to la. Maybe season 2 can be more about the content that Chris’ makes and him changing it to being something that he enjoys without a business in it that much.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OCT Liana says:

    Never give up. you two are the best YouTubers ever.luv you guys peace

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chloe T says:

    This might be random but I memorized that Bible verse for school and when we did a journal about it I agree, I realized that it applies to anyone Christian or not

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zamantha Saba says:

    Omg my birthday is so close to your guys birthday mine is August 8th i love you so much every video you make me laugh and your all just so amazing

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mandy Calderon says:

    arent you guys Christian? and you're taking the vaccine…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raedyn Walker says:

    So… I heard the answer abt 6M and I checked how many subs they have, and I was like: WHOLY CRAP! They did it! 😂😂😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gigi Rodriguez says:

    i don’t think that people realize that, LITTLE KIDS WATCH THIS AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL CHANEL!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gigi Rodriguez says:

    CONGRATS IN 6 MIL!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gigi Rodriguez says:

    this is what i think that they are going to do soon but it’s nowhere near ready like they said:

    PROM KNIGHT 2!!!

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