Here are 10 things that we use all the time that you need in the new year!
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Here are 10 things you need: I'm Vanessa Merill I'm Veronica Merill Are you tired, over stimulated, frustrated by the internet always telling you what you need? And aren't you tired of influencers telling you what to do? Well, that's what we're going to do. We're going to tell you guys what you need based off things we have experienced that have truly helped us. This video is meant to help you. So here's the first thing you need.

Number one: the Dyson air wrap. My box is dirty so please ignore it. Getting ready is a lot faster. Now with the Dyson air wrap I Really enjoy using it.

So I'm going to show you guys a sample. I Use the Dys and air wrap too I Know it's very expensive but it's really easy and it's helpful thing I use the most is this attachment. That's how I blow dry my hair most of the time and It Blow dries it really quick actually and it does this cool moving thing. Yeah! Oh also, none of this stuff in this video is sponsored.

This is just things that we actually genuinely enjoy using that we just wanted to share with you guys that have made life easier for us. It has helped fix my hair a lot faster. and you've got a lot of hair there. That's a lot of hair.

I Have a lot of hair. So first you're going to do this. Oh Blow! D We're going to blow dry. You want me to help you? You can sit down and I can blow dry? Sure? Yeah! I Do a little.

Tangled I Use this on Aaron's hair too and I help him dry his hair sometimes. Now we're going to use the other attachments I would show you this but it pulls my hair and damages it. That one's hard to use I Don't like that one as much and this one I don't know the differences between these two so I don't really use it, but these are the ones that I use. This one is for very, very tight curls and this one is for like that blowout.

look. Are you ready for this runny? Yes. Prepare to be wowed. Wow! Wow.

W it does all your hair. Wow. Very nice. Wow and you do this a lot.

Yeah. I do this one a lot since I've gotten it last year. Every time my hair is curled, it's this really yeah and your hair is nice. It works for my hair.

Yeah, it's very nice. The DIYs and air wrap is not a joke. It really does save you a bunch of time if you use it. the next thing you need I'm nervous for this one.

It's something that me and Aaron saw on our Instagram ads and we bought it. This is the dental pod e I'm scared it is a Sonic retainer cleaner. Today I brought my retainers to show you guys how it cleans them. I Feel like I'm going to if it.

Oh what your retainers are in there. My retainers are in here. They're like kind of clean. I've been keeping them pretty clean because of this.

so this one is kind of dirty. You can see how it's not as clear right. it's a little bit. It's a little bit on the the Cloudy side, but my bottom one.

This one's almost crystal clear. So it's not like the Instagram ads that you see where you just like let it do its thing and you can watch it shake out all the dirt. What you end up doing is you take like a little retainer cleansing uh, tablet like ALK or just something like that. You pop it in there, you put the lid on, you turn the button on, and then it cleans it.
Are you not doing that? I am going to do that. Okay, I got to fill up with water first. Okay, okay, all right. so her retainers are in there.

Okay, let's look at my white one right? It's just kind of like your white one. Um, my top one. How many times a week do you do this? You can do it every night. Throw that in there.

It's bobbling. You're supposed to. There's a certain way to do it, but this is how me and Aon do it. You go boom, Then it cleans.

We can. We can look at it, We can see what happening. You said we couldn't I know. Basically it's like shaking it really like.

Fast Dental Pod life changer I think I need that. It's actually a really great gift idea. Too bad Christmas is over I know next year I Feel like I'm so shook right now Why? I didn't realize it cleaned it that well I thought it was a scam. Your retainers are so clean and when you first used it was your retainer.

Like absolutely disgusting. Yeah! I've been using this one for like several years now. What? No, not this but that my retainer. Oh I've been using my old old one I have not tested it out on this one.

the one that I had in middle school. No that one's disgusting. That's like dis embarrassingly disgusting. should we look? it's all bubbly.

You think it would clean my retainer? Do you want to try it? Well isn't that gross? If you e you think clean mine ew we could try it I want to see if it really works? Don't put that away. ew since we're waiting, the reason we're doing this 10 things you need is because I am actually truly overwhelmed by what the internet tells me. I'm do never mind, never mind. Okay okay are you ready? Yes I'm ready.

Do you see how crystal clear that is? I usually just rinse it off with water cuz I don't want to be putting that solution in my mouth look that is like brand new. Go rinse it with water and then come back wao so it's like not I mean like you can? You can tell the difference between like these two. This one's obviously newer, but that's still pretty clean that is. So Crystal Clear Okay, that's the thing I need put the tablet in first and then put it in upside down like this? Yeah, that's that way.

It gets clean and then we're for sure going to cover that. Okay, so should we do the next thing and then get back to this? Yeah! so this is a really big game changer for me and Nessa with our everyday outfits and just staple pieces. We love this brand. It's called classy Network and basically you know it's just a builtin in padding top all tops.

You don't have to wear bras, no you just get to wear the top as it is and you know some of them are body suits, some of them are just normal like shirts. But here's like the built-in bra. it's so awesome. Like we said, not sponsored but classy Network We love them and we this is a classy.
Network Top This is a classy Network top that I'm wearing too. no bra line no like irritated bra like at the end of the day. Sometimes certain shirts I have to make air and like scratch my back where my bra line was because it's so uncomfortable, so tight and like leaves a red line. They have great staple pieces and you know I do think it's great quality so it definitely can get expensive.

you know, depending on how much you buy. but if you just buy simple staple pieces, it's so worth it for your closet. and just any brand that has like built-in padding and stuff too is just definitely worth the investment. But we love Classy! Network Specifically, it's a game changer.

lifechanging for sure. Different colors, different styles. You even have dresses, dresses like long sleeve shirts. they have sweatpants too just like they have so many different things and they're always having sales as well so just always check back in.

And the best part is they have sizes for everyone and I mean literally everyone. So so very inclusive. very inclusive For sure an absolute must! And if you don't have this I just it's so important. Water is so important for you and the best You must be drinking water and the best way to have water with you at all times is a water bottle.

So we both have yetis we have the Stanley Cups I Do like the Stanley Cup today I have my Yeti I like my Yeti and you know my Yeti fits in the cup holder in the car. it doesn't have the handle like the Stanley Cup It still works I enjoy drinking out of this and because I have this around, it helps me drink more water throughout the day. Same: I Know that if I at least drink two of these, I'm getting a really good amount of water I literally take this everywhere I Take this on my trips I take it with me grocery shopping cuz I Just know I Get thirsty all the time and it's really helped with my headaches. Water is just good for you in general like for skin for your health hair.

You know it doesn't matter what water bottle brand you know, just we like our yetis. Make sure it just is like aluminum because uh it can like stay colder longer or hotter if you decide to put coffee in it. which you know the point is to put water in it. So yeah, water bottles life changing.

They help. It's an absolute must and something you need. If there's anything that you take from this video, it's this. Drink your water.

You need it. So our dad's retainer is done Ronnie put it on two cycles. he's going to grab it and stuff Okay ready. I'm nervous I'm nervous nous I'm nervous too I hope it worked I don't think it did I don't think it did.

it's the material if it has like it's so warm. oh no, it did work. It did work a little bit. Let me go, let me go clear it off but the problem is it's not 100% plastic.
It's not going to clean Super yellow clenching retainers but it does get it clean. Still varied as color but it took out took out a lot. There's like a lot of Gunk down in the where your teeth molds are. ooh it's it's disgusting.

but it is cleaner. Number five, it is Face Halos So these have been a game. Cher For my skin part of my skincare routine and taking off makeup, this is a little three pack that it comes with. One is to remove makeup, one you can use to like wash your face.

I Also use it to remove makeup and this one is like an exfoliating little thingy. My bobber I actually use face Halos too. not all the time, but they do work. They're pretty amazing.

So basically what you do is you get them wet and then you just remove your makeup. go like this. um and you obviously wash it and stuff. It's a better way to remove your makeup.

You're not putting oil on your face or like chemicals to remove the makeup. it's just water and a little bit of like this little material stuff. It's also environmentally friendly. Basically, you won't be using a bunch of makeup wipes and throwing them away.

You can just reuse these and wash them all the time. Number six is an alarm clock. I Don't use one I Just use the one on my phone you. Why do I need this? Tell me why I need.

Here's why this is called a Lofty Clock and basically it has really really like soothing alarm clock sounds and stuff. It's really really nice. You can do brown noise wo Redwood distant Valley What makes this different from any other alarm clock? Well one, it's really cool and new and it has awesome sounds that are like it doesn't just wake you up like slapping you in the face. It has like very peaceful sound.

Number one reason why I hate alarm clocks is because of how bright they are I hate it. Oh well, this is not bright at all. It's a very good brightness. You can still see it in the middle of the night.

The reason why imagine waking up to this in the morning I don't know if I would oh you do you do? Oh you do get yourself an alarm clock and if you want a fun bougie one, this is a good alarm clock. The next thing that I think you need is a weighted a weighted blanket. I've had this for years and I have the exact same one now see with the weighted blanket that would make me want to snooze and keep sleeping well. So this was one of the first gifts that Aaron ever got me and I absolutely love it so much.

This weighs about 20 to 25 lb. It is so heavy If you just really like to um have like weight like lots of blankets on you when you sleep at night this is for you. If you also struggle with like anxiety especially at night this kind of just helps you stay put, helps you kind of just like not move in the middle of the night which is something that I've done before. I Had this in my life.
This is so perfect. It also like unzips so you can wash it. It's like a bean material. I Can't sleep without it.

Me too. Yeah so I have the exact same even. Lego My kitty likes to get under it too. likes that feeling of the weight on it's.

like a hug. Yeah, it's like a hug. It's a good one. It's a must.

It does feel weird sleeping without it when you get really used to it. It also is not to be thrown on people. I've seen videos of people getting like these thrown on them and then they're like they like fall because of how heavy they are. So don't throw these.

So since we're talking about sleep, obviously, sleep is very very important. Yes! so you need to prioritize your sleep. Yes, a way to prioritize your sleep is keeping track of your sleeping. Yes, so there's a lot of different sleeping tracking things out there.

But I use the aura ring. Here it is. It's the one ring that rules them all. It's a little discolored on the side, but this is this is my ring.

Wao look at the technology. has this like little technology stuff wo yeah that's really cool. I Got this ring because my Natural Cycles app recommended me getting this ring because it can help check my temperature and help keep me in the know of where I'm at in my cycle. Um so I got the ring for that and not realizing that it also had so many other benefits to it.

So you know you don't necessarily have to always wear it consistently, but it's mostly important to wear it before you go to bed because that's where it gives you most of the data and that's where it helps my sleep last night I got 82 I got good it said said Total Sleep Efficiency REM Sleep I slept for 7 hours it calculated when I woke up in the middle of the night. but I have like learned if I eat later in the day it affects my sleep. if you drink coffee it just you know you start to really find what affects your sleep that you do during the day so if like you work out like a lot it could help you sleep better but if you work out too much it could affect your sleep in a negative way and it tells you that yes it said today today my Readiness score is 73. What does that mean it's saying I need to rest today because my resting heart rate while I was sleeping is high.

I'm not actually getting rest that I need because I've been kind of sick I know there's other like what is it waterproof? Yeah it's waterproof. it's heat resistant too. You can wear it in a hot tub. You can do a lot of things with this ring, you know I know there's that like viral clip of Jason Derulo getting his finger stuck in one.

oh I don't know what happened there but I have not had that problem. This has been a game changer and for also just My Overall like health and just like my cycle and stuff keeping track of that as well. it has been a game changer and made it super super easy. Health is so important and the internet is full of information on what supplements to take, what things you should be eating to prevent something.
It is so overwhelming. Here's like a really good place to start. I don't do these all the time, but these are delicious. They're like little smoothies.

you know, like you see little kids with the applesauce packets going? That's basically what this is. They go. oh yeah and they have different flavor. These have like different benefits.

Vitamin B12 and C D and zinc. This one has organic fruit, plant, protein fiber and Omega 3s. So and there's not fish. well that's a fish oil.

There's like different flavors and stuff that these little packets have and we love taking these and it's just like an easy way to kind of get some of your your vitamins in. you know, just get a little dose of them in there. Also I didn't bring them but at night I Always take a magnesium or Vit and vitamin D together to help me sleep. That's been really helpful for my sleep.

If you're trying to take something every single day just for your immune system, this is called Wellness Formula Take four to six capsules a day to maintain state of Wellness If your immune system needs added support, unlock the power of Wellness Formula With six C capsules every 3 hours do not exceed 24 capsules a day. that's excessive. So if you're looking to just take something daily and you're just like you just want an immune system boost Wellness Formula So this was a Christmas gift for me from Aaron It's it's called the Ren Fo and this is you don't need it but but you do once you find out what what it is it is a headache relief device. It looks it's like a VR headset so what it does is it warms up on the inside.

It has like air pressure so that it like massages your temples and then it goes across the eyes. So like when you're experiencing a pretty aggressive headache your eyes are like hurting and so it kind of like goes over the eyes and it rubs the temples at the same time and it heats up and then it plays you nice music. Does it get rid of your headache? Um it definitely doesn't get rid of the headache but it definitely relieves a lot of tension which makes me feel better. Okay, so like I was having a really bad migraine the other night and I put this on I I was falling asleep with it on I took it off and I was like I could go to bed now and I did.

and I actually had a decent night but I did take stuff for it. put it on but it connects to an app. Oh yes, the Rfo Help Health app. Welcome to the Rfo Eyer! Do you see that? How it's moving? Oh it's it's so good.

So then sleepy it you put it on. Oh the vibration is happening. Oh yes, yes, that's very nice. Um I do have makeup on so I don't want to wear this very long.

I actually have a customization one just for my temples I put it on the strong pressure and it does it for 10 minutes and it's so relaxing and it helps alleviate a lot of stress, especially tension here. I just carry so much of my tension just in my face. but yeah, right now it's doing 14 minutes of air press, pressure, heat, and vibration I need one of these and you can turn off the voice if you want. This is a really cool gift.
Aon Said he did a lot of research to give this to me. It's actually been a big game changer and I just really enjoy it a lot. Reno What? I don't even know what it's called just the Reno headset headset. it's like Hightech it looks like futuristic I Know a lot of these products are expensive and these are things that we have gathered throughout like the last 2 three years of our lives and that we have found has really helped and just benefited our lives for the better and so we just wanted to share with you guys.

Maybe some new goals for you to have in the new year: Better Sleep Drinking water! I Think the best thing you can do for yourself is to take care of yourself and prioritize de-stressing Prioritize your health, prioritize sleep especially so make sure to drink water, get good sleep and take your vitamins. take your vitamins. Let us know in the comments below which one of these items you think would most benefit you and happy New Year Happy New Year It's a it's a New Year new you new US Mhm. We're ready to take on the new year.

What are some of your New Year's resolutions? Uh to sleep more I think mine would is to prioritize health and just prioritizing Health Try and be. Try and be active. Yeah I'm not an active person. Okay anyway and thanks for watching you like this video.

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